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Final Fantasy XIII Games - Printable Version

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Final Fantasy XIII Games - Raiyu - Aug. 06, 2008

Square Enix is laying out a bunch of surprises from Final Fantasy XIII being ported from PS3 to 360 and Final Fantasy XIII Agito on PSP! I'm also excited for Dissidia Final Fantasy. Is anyone excited for any of the games?

RE: Final Fantasy XIII Games - Roan - Aug. 06, 2008

Honestly I was only mildly interested in FFXIII before it was announced for 360.

I've never really gotten into the series outside of FF7 and its spin-offs, but I think FFXIII looks interesting in that Squeenix is taking a more action oriented approach to the battle system. They've only shown brief trailers that feature combat, but from what is there it looks to be much more fast paced and that's encouraging because I for one am sick to death of turn based JRPGs, and if anyone can change the standard its going to be Square.

I don't know much about Versus XIII, but it does look interesting. Same goes for Agito. I'm glad they're bringing it to PSP, but from what I've read in various previews it seems to be the Crisis Core for the new series. Which is fine I guess because I really liked Crisis Core.

RE: Final Fantasy XIII Games - Raiyu - Aug. 06, 2008

I agree Roan. I never was that interested in Final Fantasy period. The hate most Turn-Based games but then I played Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII and I liked it. Then I read that Final Fantasy XIII sort of has the same battle system. And Dissidia Final Fantasy looks like a complete fighter which I love. So I'm getting a little more into the series little by long as we don't go back to the crappy turn base games. Grin

RE: Final Fantasy XIII Games - Katashi - Aug. 07, 2008

You can't help but lol at Sony. They have very few bargaining chips as big as FFXIII, and now they don't even have that to themselves. I was glad to hear it came to the 360 other than the fact that the twelve people in the United States that use the PS3 purely for gaming grieve simultaneously; it means the game is actually somewhat affordable now. Porting or not, I was still following FFXIII. The most recent Versus XIII trailer looked absolutely amazing even as far as prerendered graphics go.

RE: Final Fantasy XIII Games - Raiyu - Aug. 07, 2008

Well at least they still have Versus. Thats one of the reasons why I want a PS3.

RE: Final Fantasy XIII Games - Dranzer206 - Aug. 07, 2008

I personally hate Square Enix now because they gave up there greatest game the mircosoft and sony lost a big game on there part i will not get anymore FF games because of this whole this Square Enix will lose a lot of there FF fans on the sony. And Raiyu like you said sony still has verus but get this in japan FF is only for the PS3 still.

RE: Final Fantasy XIII Games - Roan - Aug. 07, 2008

(Aug. 07, 2008  4:30 PM)Dranzer206 Wrote: I personally hate Square Enix now because they gave up there greatest game the mircosoft and sony lost a big game on there part i will not get anymore FF games because of this whole this Square Enix will lose a lot of there FF fans on the sony. And Raiyu like you said sony still has verus but get this in japan FF is only for the PS3 still.

Its ignorance like this that upsets me.

Square Enix is known to jump ship when things on a certain console aren't lining up with their vision. They did it to Nintendo when Sony released the first Playstation, because Playstation 1 had disc based media and was a very high-tech piece of machinery that could allow them to do the sort of things they wanted to.

While the case now isn't exactly the same, there is logic behind this decision other than what Sonybots attribute it to. This isn't some great travesty against Playstation owners; Square isn't releasing FFXIII on 360 exclusively -- Its still coming out for PS3 and it will be out on PS3 first and ONLY on PS3 in Japan. The 360 and PS3 versions will launch simultaneously everywhere else in the world.

The PS3 is lead SKU, meaning that the game is built first on PS3 and then ported to 360, so chances are good that the PS3 version will run better and likely look a bit better.

The real reasoning Square has decided to release FFXIII on 360 is because of money. Whether all of the fanboys like it or not, Square Enix is a business and as we all know, businesses like money. Square has acknowledged that the 360 has a much higher install base in the USA and in some countries in Europe. The PS3 is not necessarily doing bad in these places, but the 360's year head start has definitely given them an advantage in terms of how many consumers they reach with games. While the numbers aren't exact, there are approximately 19 million 360's in homes right now, whereas PS3 is sitting at around 10 million. In other words, that's nearly twice the amount of consumers, meaning twice the amount of units of FFXIII could sell.

I don't understand why so many Sony fans are so upset by this. Its not as if FFXIII is 360 exclusive or anything. Its still coming out on PS3, and it will more than likely be better on PS3. The way I see it, the more people that get to experience the franchise/game the better, right?

RE: Final Fantasy XIII Games - To - Aug. 07, 2008

Actually recent numbers show the PS3 over 14 Million and the 360 at 20 Million and both are worldwide numbers, not US numbers. It's the US that's hurting Sony here, Microsoft has sold 12 Million in the US, Sony has sold 6 Million in the US.

RE: Final Fantasy XIII Games - Roan - Aug. 07, 2008

(Aug. 07, 2008  5:36 PM)Takao Wrote: Actually recent numbers show the PS3 over 14 Million and the 360 at 20 Million and both are worldwide numbers, not US numbers. It's the US that's hurting Sony here, Microsoft has sold 12 Million in the US, Sony has sold 6 Million in the US.

I typoed with the numbers, didn't mean to put US there.

Yeah, you're right its primarily the US that's hurting Sony. They have a pretty small install base whereas 360 has about twice that. Financially this is a smart move for Square.

I just don't see what all of the fuss is about. Third party exclusives are going to be a thing of the past pretty soon, especially since the already ridiculous cost of development on triple-A titles like FFXIII keeps rising.

You might as well get used to seeing this now guys. :\

RE: Final Fantasy XIII Games - To - Aug. 07, 2008

The funniest thing is, that it won't be on 360 in the market that sold more then half of FFXII's total sales.

RE: Final Fantasy XIII Games - Roan - Aug. 07, 2008

(Aug. 07, 2008  5:44 PM)Takao Wrote: The funniest thing is, that it won't be on 360 in the market that sold more then half of FFXII's total sales.

Yes well, 360 may as well not even exist in Japan for all its sold there. lol

It doesn't make sense financially for Square to release FFXIII 360 in Japan. Not at all.

RE: Final Fantasy XIII Games - To - Aug. 07, 2008

Well the 360 did have almost a 100 people waiting outside a store for the launch of [most likely timed] exclusive, Tales Of Vesperia. It seems to be catching a smidge of wind, what we don't know is if the 360 will fall back to normal numbers after Tales is done.

RE: Final Fantasy XIII Games - Caron - Aug. 07, 2008

I'm looking forward to all the games even though i haven't got a 360 or PS3 yet. It'll be great to finally see and play a Final Fantasy game in next-gen graphics. Plus the gameplay from XIII looks interesting.

RE: Final Fantasy XIII Games - Raiyu - Aug. 07, 2008

Hopefully PS3 comes cheaper by the end of the year..

RE: Final Fantasy XIII Games - Roan - Aug. 07, 2008

(Aug. 07, 2008  6:13 PM)Raiyu Wrote: Hopefully PS3 comes cheaper by the end of the year..

It more than likely will. 360 is supposedly getting a price cut in September across all models, so I imagine Sony will do their best to follow suit and stay competitive price-wise.

RE: Final Fantasy XIII Games - Dranzer206 - Aug. 08, 2008

Roan the PS3 and 360 FF games will not be different the will be the same and the PS3 is becomeing cheaper you just have to read up on it give or take 6 months that the PS3 80 gig will be like 400 and the 40 gig 300 thats my opinion on how the prices would be but wat my older brother did is that he got a 40 gig ps3 and bought a 160 gig harddrive for it and replaced the 40gig hardrive thats wat you can do fot the ps3 but really the main reason why the ps3 is not selling a lot in the US is because people dont think they have any good games coming out.

Truth be told the PSP is selling way more than the ps3 and ps2 also the 360 as well thats another reason why the ps3 sales are weak in the US if you really want some solid info on the ps3 there updates and games then go on

RE: Final Fantasy XIII Games - Roan - Aug. 08, 2008

(Aug. 08, 2008  4:32 PM)Dranzer206 Wrote: Roan the PS3 and 360 FF games will not be different the will be the same

I don't think the two versions will be vastly different, but like any multiplatform release there are going to be small differences between the two versions. It is likely that FFXIII on PS3 will look a little better because Square has more room to work with on the Blu-ray, so they can include higher resolution textures and such, whereas on 360 everything will need to be super compressed so that they can fit the game on as few discs as possible, since it is costly to have more discs in a package.

Dranzer206 Wrote:and the PS3 is becomeing cheaper you just have to read up on it give or take 6 months that the PS3 80 gig will be like 400 and the 40 gig 300 thats my opinion on how the prices would be

Also, Sony announced at E3 that they are cancelling the 40 GB model in the US, which will be replaced by the 80 GB for the same price ($399).

RE: Final Fantasy XIII Games - To - Aug. 08, 2008

An 80GB that is pretty much the 40GB swapped with a larger hard-drive, it has no BC, and it has the same amount of ports as the current 40GBs.

RE: Final Fantasy XIII Games - Roan - Aug. 08, 2008

(Aug. 08, 2008  6:41 PM)Takao Wrote: An 80GB that is pretty much the 40GB swapped with a larger hard-drive, it has no BC, and it has the same amount of ports as the current 40GBs.

In other words: Why bother? Its pointless for Sony to keep releasing SKUs with different HDD sizes, especially since the PS3's is replaceable by users anyway.

RE: Final Fantasy XIII Games - To - Aug. 08, 2008

(Aug. 08, 2008  6:42 PM)Roan Wrote:
(Aug. 08, 2008  6:41 PM)Takao Wrote: An 80GB that is pretty much the 40GB swapped with a larger hard-drive, it has no BC, and it has the same amount of ports as the current 40GBs.

In other words: Why bother?

This. In Canadaland stores were clearing out the old Spiderman 3 Bundle for 299, which is the expected clearance price for the regular 40GBs in Canadaland come later this month/early next month.

RE: Final Fantasy XIII Games - Dranzer206 - Aug. 08, 2008

The problem is that yes it will better but the arent even going to use the full compacity of the blu-ray cd. And another thing i would like to point out is that Roan you said that you don't know whats the big deal on why sony fans are pissed the reason why we are pissed is that FF been part of the sony family for so long then they just up and leave i know what you mean but thats how business goes but if you are not a Straight up sony fan then you kind of dont understand where we are coming from we understand its a business but truth be told its the fans that made FF what it was and not that they jump ship they are losing a ton of hardcore FF fans.

RE: Final Fantasy XIII Games - Bey Brad - Aug. 08, 2008

(Aug. 08, 2008  7:55 PM)Dranzer206 Wrote: The problem is that yes it will better but the arent even going to use the full compacity of the blu-ray cd. And another thing i would like to point out is that Roan you said that you don't know whats the big deal on why sony fans are pissed the reason why we are pissed is that FF been part of the sony family for so long then they just up and leave i know what you mean but thats how business goes but if you are not a Straight up sony fan then you kind of dont understand where we are coming from we understand its a business but truth be told its the fans that made FF what it was and not that they jump ship they are losing a ton of hardcore FF fans.

companies aren't your friends, get over it

this does not affect anyone who wants to play FFXIII on their ps3

RE: Final Fantasy XIII Games - Dranzer206 - Aug. 08, 2008

I understand that brad, I do but what I trying to say is the a lot of people dont think that FFXIII is goning to be supported by sony fans all like that i know that there are people who will still play FFXIII on the ps3 BUT in mine and in a lot of others opinion FFXIII will not sell a lot on the ps3.

RE: Final Fantasy XIII Games - SK - Aug. 08, 2008

regarding this final fantasy on xbox thing; who the carp cares? i mean really? you bought the console to enjoy yourself, not to be at war with 360/ps3 owners? I personally could care less if even mgs4 got ported to 360

RE: Final Fantasy XIII Games - Dranzer206 - Aug. 08, 2008

All the counstels have been at war even since they came out, I hope im not rude but saying this but where have you been really 360,ps3, even the wii owners we all know these systems are at war to see who will sell the most.