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DmC - The Devil May Cry Reboot - Printable Version

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DmC - The Devil May Cry Reboot - Reaper - Sep. 22, 2010

Well, what do y'all reckon? Does Devil May Cry NEED rebooting yet? Do you like the LOOK of the new Dante? As a Devil May Cry fan myself, i'm kinda torn in 2. I'm excited to get a new Devil May Cry game, but it's not what i know and love. Only time will tell on this one

RE: DmC - The Devil May Cry Reboot - BlankShot - Sep. 23, 2010

Even the original creater of DmC says this is a mistake :o

RE: DmC - The Devil May Cry Reboot - To - Sep. 23, 2010

Dante always had a terrible design. Nothing new here.

RE: DmC - The Devil May Cry Reboot - Roan - Sep. 23, 2010

I enjoyed a few of the Devil May Cry games but I never thought they were anything particularly spectacular.

The fact that this game seems to be going down the "I'm a failed experiment gone horribly wrong" trope just makes me that much less interested in it. Not to mention it's being developed by Ninja Theory, who are quite honestly still no-name developers with only Heavenly Sword to their "credit". The only thing Heavenly Sword had going for it were the amazing visuals, but DmC doesn't even seem to have that.

RE: DmC - The Devil May Cry Reboot - theflightyellz - Sep. 24, 2010

(Sep. 23, 2010  6:18 AM)BlankShot Wrote: Even the original creater of DmC says this is a mistake :o

the quotes you'll have seen on most blogs were cherry picked to make it sound like his view was a lot worse than it actually was, you'd be best off reading the full set of tweets :\

I think i'm going to have to play the unpopular card of saying I'm actually looking forward to this.
For too long we've seen Dante as naught but this unstoppable force, and quite frankly, it's boring.
He's a massively undeveloped character in many aspects, and seeing what made him that unstoppable force is something that's more appealing to me than just more of the same.

The character redesign is controversial, but it's intended to be that way, if people weren't opinionated on this point then the designers have failed, and quite frankly, people change.
I'm not wearing the same thing now as I was wearing 5 years ago, and I seriously doubt anyone within the realms of reality under the age of 40 still is.

I'm withholding judgement until we see some gameplay.

RE: DmC - The Devil May Cry Reboot - Reaper - Sep. 24, 2010

^^ Agreed Grin

Although i love Devil May Cry the way it is, and feeling Devil May Cry 4 added a new twist with Nero, i was hoping for a Devil May Cry 5 trailer featuring Nero with more of a Vergil style of play, maybe this time with Dante actually BEING the bad guy, making way for a "Refresh" rather than a "Reboot"

BUT, that being said, it's early days yet, and DmC may prove to be the right decision. I just hope key events remain such as Dante being Sparda's son and, as mentioned, we see more development of Dante instead of his "Show up, kill everyone, go home" story (Even though that IS awesome Grin )