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I hate Hasbro - Printable Version

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RE: I hate Hasbro - Mc Frown - Sep. 22, 2010

Cancer is THE most hated/campaigned against/money raising/sympathy garnering affliction in the U.S.
Naming it Cancer would just totally tank sales.

RE: I hate Hasbro - Kai-V - Sep. 22, 2010

I also have experiences with cancer in my family, but I am a cancer too, and everybody should be able to see the distinction.

RE: I hate Hasbro - Mc Frown - Sep. 22, 2010

Only idiots would find it offensive, but it's still marketing suicide.

RE: I hate Hasbro - Dirge - Sep. 22, 2010

tbh i find some of the name changes such as aqulia to eagle, cancer to gash to be an insult to the intelligence of children these days, there parents and even older people who play. Esspically if the reasons for the name changes are as speculated like people wouldnt know what aqulia is or that cancer is reffering to the dieses.

I mean come on, the face has a bird on it for aquila and it also isnt hard for kids to look it up and find out what aquila means. The same thing with cancer it shows crab claws if you look in a newspaper, tv guide or magaizne you will see in the horoscope section cancer and there will be a crab there.

RE: I hate Hasbro - Mc Frown - Sep. 22, 2010

You over-estimate the intelligence of the average human.

RE: I hate Hasbro - Dirge - Sep. 22, 2010

well with the internet you can find stuff out easy. Also ive never meet a human that did not know that cancer is a constellation of a crab Uncertain

RE: I hate Hasbro - Mc Frown - Sep. 22, 2010

Go to a middle school.
You'll be shocked.

RE: I hate Hasbro - Dirge - Sep. 22, 2010

im asuming ignorance to this sorta stuff must be alot higher then what it was when i was younger, since we learnt about constellations in primary/elementry school when i was still a kid Confused

RE: I hate Hasbro - LeonTempest - Sep. 22, 2010

I agree with everyone. If you put a product on the US market titled "Cancer" everyone would freak out. See, only an idiot would complain about this. Thing is, in America, there is always that one overconcerned about everything parent that finds everything offensive. And then if we asked this person why he or she whined about this, the person would respond "Beceause Cancer is bad" My point exaxtly. In America, the media can takes anything and strech it to dynamic propirtions. All it takes is one complaint about a product in the US tittled "Dark Cancer" then the media would take that and make it sound like Hasbro was the most evil company in the world and thus, getting more people on this one or 2 peoples side, and so on and so forth.

I will say this though. When you add the Mad or Dark part to cancer's name, it just makes the whole situation worse
and just for the recird, I learned this Cancer vs Cancer thing in like 5th grade. Forget middle school. If you dont know the difference, well that is just sad on many levels

RE: I hate Hasbro - Dirge - Sep. 22, 2010

i guess ignorance is probley the main reason for the name changes then, if parents would complain and make a big fuss it with no knowlege on the product or constellations its quite stupid.
Why not rage over the name "dark bull" aswell? Since there have been cults that practice caniblism who woreship bulls Uncertain

Also with the Aquila name change its stupid if they changed just because they think people wont know what an Aquila is, a simple search on google and anyone can find out or if theyre just changing it because its a latin word is equaly as stupid imo

RE: I hate Hasbro - Stratus G. - Sep. 22, 2010

(Sep. 21, 2010  8:47 PM)Red_Eyes_Zombie Wrote:
(Sep. 21, 2010  5:00 AM)Stratus G. Wrote:
(Sep. 20, 2010  10:02 PM)Red_Eyes_Zombie Wrote: yea i wonder why hasbro isnt releasing beylauncher l? how are people using lightning ldrago supposed to get strong launches? its stupid

Maybe they thought it would be an "Even" playing field if L-Drago came with a bey-launcher like all the other Hasbro Beys

no what i meant is that they are not releasing a beylauncher L seperatly not packaged with ldrago

We've already pointed out I mean't to say Light-Launcher

RE: I hate Hasbro - Mc Frown - Sep. 22, 2010

(Sep. 22, 2010  12:08 PM)Dirge Wrote: i guess ignorance is probley the main reason for the name changes then, if parents would complain and make a big fuss it with no knowlege on the product or constellations its quite stupid.
Why not rage over the name "dark bull" aswell? Since there have been cults that practice caniblism who woreship bulls Uncertain

Also with the Aquila name change its stupid if they changed just because they think people wont know what an Aquila is, a simple search on google and anyone can find out or if theyre just changing it because its a latin word is equaly as stupid imo

I don't think you realize the extent of the 1st World Western Hemisphere's hatred of Cancer.

RE: I hate Hasbro - Extic - Sep. 22, 2010

Gasher keeps the crab theme just as well as Cancer would, it's just not the same name. And it doesn't offend anyone. Personally, other than the fact that they didn't put the letters on the face, I prefer it. It sounds more Crab-y. And all in all, I think the colors they added ultimately make the face "cooler" than the original one.

All in all, it was a smart, and very reasonable, decision on their part.

I can't see the sense behind the Aquila -> Eagle change, but can't say that that one is bothersome either.
Griping about the names is just griping to gripe. :\

RE: I hate Hasbro - Kai-V - Sep. 22, 2010

(Sep. 22, 2010  10:37 PM)Extic Wrote: Gasher keeps the crab theme just as well as Cancer would, it's just not the same name. And it doesn't offend anyone. Personally, other than the fact that they didn't put the letters on the face, I prefer it. It sounds more Crab-y. And all in all, I think the colors they added ultimately make the face "cooler" than the original one.
Except that it does not follow the horoscope series that Metal Fight Beyblade obviously has.

RE: I hate Hasbro - Extic - Sep. 23, 2010

(Sep. 22, 2010  11:59 PM)Kai-V Wrote: Except that it does not follow the horoscope series that Metal Fight Beyblade obviously has.


But yeah, I don't think it really matters. Just because some are named after the horoscope signs doesn't mean they all have to be. It's still a name related to the constellation, which is basically the only thing tying every Metal Fight beyblade together [except like Sol Blaze].

Which reminds me of Burn Fireblaze. That's a stupid name change. If you want a name to gripe about, gripe about that one. Fireblaze doesn't even come close to relating to the Phoenix constellation.

RE: I hate Hasbro - Serotonin - Sep. 23, 2010

(Sep. 23, 2010  12:05 AM)Extic Wrote:
(Sep. 22, 2010  11:59 PM)Kai-V Wrote: Except that it does not follow the horoscope series that Metal Fight Beyblade obviously has.


Uh, what?

It's not uncommon for Takara Tomy to stylise names.

Edit : Oh wait, you're referring to the fact it's not part of the horoscope. Like, many of the other Beyblades released? Takara Tomy can't possibly only release 12 Beyblades.

RE: I hate Hasbro - Kai-V - Sep. 23, 2010

(Sep. 23, 2010  12:05 AM)Extic Wrote: Unicorno.

But yeah, I don't think it really matters. Just because some are named after the horoscope signs doesn't mean they all have to be. It's still a name related to the constellation, which is basically the only thing tying every Metal Fight beyblade together [except like Sol Blaze].

Which reminds me of Burn Fireblaze. That's a stupid name change. If you want a name to gripe about, gripe about that one. Fireblaze doesn't even come close to relating to the Phoenix constellation.
Yes, constellations, but at the beginning of Metal Fight Beyblade, there is the horoscope series : Aries, Bull, Sagittario, etc. Pegasis was the main character's Beyblade, so it was normal for it to be more special than those. I just think even calling it "Crab" would have been better than finding a typical kid-favoured, specific name like "Gasher".

RE: I hate Hasbro - Dirge - Sep. 23, 2010

(Sep. 22, 2010  10:31 PM)Mc Frown Wrote: I don't think you realize the extent of the 1st World Western Hemisphere's hatred of Cancer.

Cancer the disease yes, the word no. I cant understand the ignorance of amusing a word with multiple meanings can only refer to one thing. Do they change the word Cancer in horoscopes there as well or something? Since the word Cancer referred to the constellation long before the disease was even known of i cant get why people will just think its referring to the diseaseUncertain

RE: I hate Hasbro - Extic - Sep. 23, 2010

(Sep. 23, 2010  12:12 AM)Kai-V Wrote: Yes, constellations, but at the beginning of Metal Fight Beyblade, there is the horoscope series : Aries, Bull, Sagittario, etc. Pegasis was the main character's Beyblade, so it was normal for it to be more special than those. I just think even calling it "Crab" would have been better than finding a typical kid-favoured, specific name like "Gasher".

I'm not saying it was the best name, but there's really nothing wrong with it. It saves Hasbro trouble, and potentially sales as well. It was the right decision [changing the name, that is].

(Sep. 23, 2010  12:10 AM)♥ Wrote: Edit : Oh wait, you're referring to the fact it's not part of the horoscope. Like, many of the other Beyblades released? Takara Tomy can't possibly only release 12 Beyblades.

I'm not sure what you mean by this. They started off with constellations as the true tie between all of them. Pegasus wasn't even a horoscope-bey, and it was the first.
And Bull =//= Taurus, so it's not as if they were true to the horoscope thing from the beginning.
(Sep. 23, 2010  12:30 AM)Dirge Wrote: Cancer the disease yes, the word no. I cant understand the ignorance of amusing a word with multiple meanings can only refer to one thing. Do they change the word Cancer in horoscopes there as well or something? Since the word Cancer referred to the constellation long before the disease was even known of i cant get why people will just think its referring to the diseaseUncertain

Horoscopes are generally aimed at older/potentially more mature people.

Toys advertised as "Dark Cancer"....... aimed at kids........ well, different things.
And really....... "Dark Cancer" being interpreted as the disease is actually not much of a leap in logic or a sign of ignorance at all. >_<

I agree it's stupid...... but yeah.

RE: I hate Hasbro - Mc Frown - Sep. 23, 2010

(Sep. 23, 2010  12:30 AM)Dirge Wrote: Cancer the disease yes, the word no. I cant understand the ignorance of amusing a word with multiple meanings can only refer to one thing. Do they change the word Cancer in horoscopes there as well or something? Since the word Cancer referred to the constellation long before the disease was even known of i cant get why people will just think its referring to the diseaseUncertain

Most people aren't to entralled by/familiar with astrological signs and horoscopes (in the U.S. at least).

RE: I hate Hasbro - Serotonin - Sep. 23, 2010

(Sep. 23, 2010  12:32 AM)Extic Wrote:
(Sep. 23, 2010  12:10 AM)♥ Wrote: Edit : Oh wait, you're referring to the fact it's not part of the horoscope. Like, many of the other Beyblades released? Takara Tomy can't possibly only release 12 Beyblades.

I'm not sure what you mean by this. They started off with constellations as the true tie between all of them. Pegasus wasn't even a horoscope-bey, and it was the first.
And Bull =//= Taurus, so it's not as if they were true to the horoscope thing from the beginning.

I mean that you used Unicorno as an example of Takara Tomy not sticking to the horoscope series, and I pointed out that there are a whole host of other Bey which do not belong to the series. It's not of particular surprise; as in, it is very natural for them to extend to other constellations, since it is not possible to only release 12 Beyblades. Kai-V has also mentioned that Pegasis is exceptional, since it is the protagonist's Beyblade.

I did say that Takara Tomy stylised the names; Bull is an obvious representation of Taurus.

RE: I hate Hasbro - Extic - Sep. 23, 2010

(Sep. 23, 2010  12:37 AM)Mc Frown Wrote: Most people aren't to entralled by/familiar with astrological signs and horoscopes (in the U.S. at least).

I don't think that's quite true.... most magazines aimed at adult women seem to have horoscope sections in the backs.
And I believe some people pay to get their horoscopes done, and since there are people around to have with the ability to do a horoscope, there must be a sufficient demand.
(Sep. 23, 2010  12:43 AM)♥ Wrote: I did say that Takara Tomy stylised the names; Bull is an obvious representation of Taurus.

And Gasher an obvious representation of Cancer. I don't see the difference.
But I was saying that a whole lot of beys didn't belong to the horoscope series right from the very beginning. The horoscope series was never what they intended to base all of the beys around, from the beginning. So treating them like a series when they're just constellations like the rest of them doesn't really make sense [more so when a bey is still clearly related to a constellation even though it's one of the horoscope ones]. >_<

RE: I hate Hasbro - Mc Frown - Sep. 23, 2010

It's in newspapers too, doesn't mean a ton of people read it.
If you seriously can't understand why Hasbro might choose not to name a beyblade cancer then you're braindead.

RE: I hate Hasbro - Dirge - Sep. 23, 2010

(Sep. 23, 2010  12:47 AM)Mc Frown Wrote: It's in newspapers too, doesn't mean a ton of people read it.
If you seriously can't understand why Hasbro might choose not to name a beyblade cancer then you're braindead.

No i can understand why people are so stupid and wouldn't understand that cancer is referring to the crab theres even crab claws on the face. I found the name change to be insulting to the intelligence of children and parents, but if the masses are really that retarded then i guess changing the name is appropriate. Sort of makes what my English teacher used to say true that people are getting dumber and dumber and more and more ignorant, which is kind of depressing Uncertain

RE: I hate Hasbro - Train - Sep. 23, 2010

(Sep. 23, 2010  12:47 AM)Mc Frown Wrote: It's in newspapers too, doesn't mean a ton of people read it.
If you seriously can't understand why Hasbro might choose not to name a beyblade cancer then you're braindead.

Good lord would someone ban you already!?! This is disgusting. You're such a prick about everything and you talk down to pretty much everyone. I'm sick of reading this!

I know this is off topic, but honestly screw it this entire topic is a pointless sarcastic mess. So much so that when I first read it I thought you had flip flopped on your position.