World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.
I hate Hasbro - Printable Version

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RE: I hate Hasbro - LeonTempest - Sep. 21, 2010

The Ldrago stadium is the 1st stadium they have done right so far.

I do agree with everything on that list, however one last beef is the ripcords. THEY BREAK TO EASILY AND THEY ARE TOO SHORT! ONLY 45 TEETH!

RE: I hate Hasbro - Ultra - Sep. 21, 2010

(Sep. 21, 2010  10:15 AM)blah Wrote: Uhm, not sure if this was mentioned but Storm Pegasis got changed into Storm Pegasus. >< Not that it really matters but thought it could be pointed out. Tongue_out

That wasn't from hasbro. That was around from takara.

RE: I hate Hasbro - blah - Sep. 21, 2010

Serious ? Chocked_2 It's just that I've been Hasbro releases them as Storm Pegasus while from Takara it's Pegasis. ><

RE: I hate Hasbro - Kai-V - Sep. 21, 2010

(Sep. 21, 2010  11:45 AM)megablader2 Wrote: That wasn't from hasbro. That was around from takara.
Hm, every of Ginga's Beyblades are named "Pegasis", not "Pegasus", so Hasbro definitely changed it, although it is insignificant.

RE: I hate Hasbro - Ultra - Sep. 21, 2010

Haven't some people on here always called them one or the other though? Swear they have...

RE: I hate Hasbro - Kai-V - Sep. 21, 2010

(Sep. 21, 2010  3:33 PM)megablader2 Wrote: Haven't some people on here always called them one or the other though? Swear they have...
Well, I always go with the original names unless there is something considerably different in both or depending on the context (for instance, "I bought an Earth Eagle at my local store"). If in the past, before we even knew that Hasbro was going to distribute Metal Fight Beyblade, some people called it "Pegasus", then they were wrong.

RE: I hate Hasbro - Amaterasu - Sep. 21, 2010

(Sep. 21, 2010  5:00 AM)Stratus G. Wrote:
(Sep. 20, 2010  10:02 PM)Red_Eyes_Zombie Wrote: yea i wonder why hasbro isnt releasing beylauncher l? how are people using lightning ldrago supposed to get strong launches? its stupid

Maybe they thought it would be an "Even" playing field if L-Drago came with a bey-launcher like all the other Hasbro Beys

l drago doesnt come with a beylauncher it comes with a rip cord launcher

RE: I hate Hasbro - Ultra - Sep. 21, 2010

He probably meant to say light launcher.

RE: I hate Hasbro - LeonTempest - Sep. 21, 2010

all hasbro beys come with the standard launcjer and ripcord, however like I said before, all of Hasbro's ripcords thus far have the 45 teeth, not the 68. However, I cannot conform the ripcords included with other misc products or the Dragoon Ripcord.

The following is in terms if length only, not mold quality or type

Standard Hasbro MFB ripcord=Old Standard TT/Hasbro Ripcord
Standard TT MFB Ripcord=Old TT/Hasbro Dragoon Ripcord
Dragoon TT MFB Riocord= Standard TT MFB Ripcord
Dragoon Hasbro MFB Ripcord=? (someone find out please)

for the whole Pegasus vs Pegasis thing, both spellings are coreect and are used interchangably/inconsistantly

RE: I hate Hasbro - Gearfried97 - Sep. 21, 2010

(Sep. 21, 2010  5:00 AM)Stratus G. Wrote:
(Sep. 20, 2010  10:02 PM)Red_Eyes_Zombie Wrote: yea i wonder why hasbro isnt releasing beylauncher l? how are people using lightning ldrago supposed to get strong launches? its stupid

Maybe they thought it would be an "Even" playing field if L-Drago came with a bey-launcher like all the other Hasbro Beys

no what i meant is that they are not releasing a beylauncher L seperatly not packaged with ldrago

RE: I hate Hasbro - LeonTempest - Sep. 21, 2010

forgot to add: Hasbro did release the String Launcher- a semi better equivent to the Bey Launcher (only minor mold changes) However no Suspension system or L version has been released as of yet. However, if we know that Hasbro does at least 1 thing right, it is that they generaly improve the mold quality of thier products compared to thier Japanese counterparts over a period of time

RE: I hate Hasbro - NerfMASTER! - Sep. 21, 2010

We COULD send these complaints to Hasbro and MABYE they MIGHT change them.If someone has not already dont that.

RE: I hate Hasbro - Moss-Da-Boss - Sep. 21, 2010

Hasbro Doesn't take outside input from anyone how hard we cry.

RE: I hate Hasbro - souless1234 - Sep. 21, 2010

I recall one of our members saying that they can't take suggestions from outside sources. I think it was a long those lines.

RE: I hate Hasbro - LeonTempest - Sep. 21, 2010

1 person wont cut it...alot of people would need to send emails...if only we could find a community of bladers from the US to send emails to...oh wait! we just so happen to be a beyblade community! *sarcastic grin*

hehe. give me some time. there is an idea formulating on my head right now

I will say this. Be warned- I have emialed Hasbro before about Beyblade when I asked if any classic beyblades would be comming back in some way, and all they told me was some pre-written message with obvious fill in the blanks that said that they dont except the ideas of individuals to avoid lawsuits. First off, not recomendong, I was asking, and second, how does that cause a lawsuit? wtf Hasbro?
edit: You guys got that carp from them too? man you posted before i did lol. anyway, I think it is a ton of bs but to hell with it, I still got an idea that i will share with you all very soon.

RE: I hate Hasbro - Moss-Da-Boss - Sep. 21, 2010

It may cause a lawsuit because if hasbro takes ideas from our contest for example and didn't give any royalties to the original designer you could sue hasbro.

RE: I hate Hasbro - Gearfried97 - Sep. 21, 2010

(Sep. 21, 2010  9:12 PM)Moss Wrote: It may cause a lawsuit because if hasbro takes ideas from our contest for example and didn't give any royalties to the original designer you could sue hasbro.

well then why dont they just say that "so-and-so came up with idea"?

RE: I hate Hasbro - LeonTempest - Sep. 21, 2010

0_o easy Hasbro should just give ypu credit, then no one would have problems.though, i guess it isnt a simple as that i guess

Oh Hasbro...tsk tsk tsk
Edit: Once agian! beaten to the punch! lol

RE: I hate Hasbro - Moss-Da-Boss - Sep. 21, 2010

But they can't say its a Hasbro product then Im not going into the mechanics of the law system so I'll just leave it at that.

RE: I hate Hasbro - Kai-V - Sep. 21, 2010

(Sep. 21, 2010  8:45 PM)Leonwind Wrote: for the whole Pegasus vs Pegasis thing, both spellings are coreect and are used interchangably/inconsistantly
This is not that interesting, but actually someone would be wrong to call the Metal System Pegasis Wheel "Pegasus", because that is really not the name that is written on the box, that TAKARA-TOMY gave it.

RE: I hate Hasbro - LeonTempest - Sep. 21, 2010

when i said that they are used interchangably, I ment the dictionary spellings. Sorry I did not specify

RE: I hate Hasbro - Moneymaker23 - Sep. 21, 2010

(Sep. 21, 2010  9:22 PM)Moss Wrote: But they can't say its a Hasbro product then Im not going into the mechanics of the law system so I'll just leave it at that.
Couldnt so and so sell their idea to Hasbro really cheap and make it Hasbro's.
Then again, if its hasbro theyll probably screw everything up >_<

RE: I hate Hasbro - To - Sep. 21, 2010

(Sep. 21, 2010  9:07 PM)Moss Wrote: Hasbro Doesn't take outside input from anyone how hard we cry.

They do take input from fandom for some of their other franchises. Those franchises tend to have an older audience backing them, who can write coherent messages that don't come off as elitist, or sound like the crys of a five year old.
The Beyblade fandom is young, and tends to do the latter. Heck, just look at this thread title (which is sensational trash that has little to do with the actual contents of the message that could've been useful for other members), you think any company in the world would take the wants of an audience like that into consideration?

RE: I hate Hasbro - Serotonin - Sep. 21, 2010

Pretty sick of people calling Mc Frown out on "complaining". It seems the heavy sarcasm in the thread title is completely lost on most of you; it's not a very hard concept to understand, especially given that most of the users who have posted here are not particularly young, anyway.

The opening post is a list of the changes Hasbro has made since releasing Beyblade: Metal Fusion in the west. Mc Frown's post is the most accurate reflection of the community's attitude towards Hasbro; for the most part, we are incredibly satisfied with what they have done, and the majority of their changes they have made are nondescript and of little significance to the enjoyment of the hobby.

I don't know about you, but the Hasbro's Beyblade toyline is going really well, tbh. Everything has been handled superbly.


To, I've seen you make that point on several occasions. As a genuine remark and without being condescending towards the general community, I don't think you can ever expect the Beyblade fandom to ever be the same, or even similar, to one of Transformers or something related.

Still, we can continue towards building relationships with Hasbro.

RE: I hate Hasbro - Ralo - Sep. 22, 2010

and here i was confused lke who is Mad "Gasher" lol but if they were doing zodiacs and constelations shud they hav kept it Cancer