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Favorite bands! - Printable Version

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RE: Favorite bands! - brazman - Mar. 03, 2011

slipknot cose there just plain awsome, bullet for my valentine cose of there screamo and daft punk just cose there plain beast!

RE: Favorite bands! - eddic - Mar. 03, 2011

I like the sons of admirals, because all the four of the members are awesome, and because their songs are so cool

RE: Favorite bands! - Vongola-Hibari - Mar. 03, 2011

I only have one favorite band. I like 30 Seconds To Mars. They are great because all of their songs sound epic and their song was on the game trailer Dragon Age. I usually beyblade to most of them.

RE: Favorite bands! - ripletter - Mar. 04, 2011

hey heard new songzz from linkin park ezpecially the catalyst?

RE: Favorite bands! - Hatcher- - Mar. 04, 2011

My Favorite band is A Day to Remember. They have a unique sounding that not many others can achieve. They mix punk, emo, metal core together.

2nd: Escape the Fate (Ronnie): I like the old ETF because of the vocals and the lyrics. All Written and sung by Ronnie Radke. Secondly they had a nice metalcore sounding for most of their songs. They had a nice tone and very relaxing in my opinion. Then they booted him and got Craig.

RE: Favorite bands! - DranzerBorg93 - Mar. 27, 2011

Okay here, we go:
Megadeth (Most favourite)
Judas Priest
Marty Friedman (Solo Musician)
Cacophony (Also includes Marty Friedman)
Jason Becker
Iron Maiden
Machine Head
Van Halen
Yngwie Malmsteen
Kreator (Old stuff)
Def Leppard
Black Sabbath
Jimi Hendrix
Led Zeppelin
Living Colour
Alice 'N' Chains
Black Label Society
Dream Theater
Mr Big
Racer X
Pearl Jam
2 Pac
The Beatles
Pink Floyd
Red Hot Chili Peppers
Foo Fighters
White Zombie
X - Japan
Sonic Youth
Frank Sinatra
Michael Jackson
Muddy Waters
BB King
King Curtis

That's as much as I can come up with at the moment. I own most of that in CD's

RE: Favorite bands! - Idek - Mar. 29, 2011

Hmm I have tons of favorite bands well here they are in order from best to worst
Cannible Corpse
White Chaple
Guns n Roses
Coheed and Cambria
Maryiln Manson
Butthole Surfers
Dead or Alive
Red Hot Chillie Peppers
Pearl Jam
Uhhh brainfart I can't think of the others but they got out of order around A7X and Slipknot.

RE: Favorite bands! - Superstar♪ - Mar. 29, 2011

My favourites are
1.Big Time Rush
2. Maroon 5
uhh thats it lol.

These songs are sooo catchy=) and fun

RE: Favorite bands! - 6Skittles9 - Mar. 29, 2011

My favorite bands are:
Meshuggah favorite song: Sane and Chaosphere
ParagonX9: Airbass and Infiltration

RE: Favorite bands! - Nano - Mar. 29, 2011

Maybe we could elaborate on why we like those bands. If you haven't quite noticed yet, but the mods are strict about that...

RE: Favorite bands! - prakhar - Mar. 29, 2011

my favw bands r linkin park and metallica

RE: Favorite bands! - X1 - Mar. 29, 2011

The Most Favorite Band Is Super Juniors. They Have Such Good Tunes.

RE: Favorite bands! - MetalFusion12 - Mar. 29, 2011

I kind of like Megadeth. I don't really am into bands as such.

RE: Favorite bands! - maroyasha - Mar. 30, 2011

mine are

1- Linkin Park- they are my favorite because i like their combination of rap and rock. i think it makes a cool beat to the fave song by them is Numb

2- Green Day- i love these guys with the black eye liner and billie joe mooning people. my favorite song by them is Walking Contradiction.

so those are top 2 faorit bands

RE: Favorite bands! - ArmorD00taku - Mar. 31, 2011

My favorite bands are: Avenged Sevendfold - a great band, I'm still fairly wrecked that "The Rev" died, RIP.
Silpknot - A beast 9. Errr 8 member band because their member died too. T^T
Back-On - Awesome Linkin Park-esque band, also Japanese
Girls Dead Monster - Best All Girl anime band. Screw Hokago Tea Time
Rise Against - Awesome band, Favorite Song: Behind Closed Doors
Pendulum - An Australian Drum'n'Bass band, Favorite Song: Ransom
P.O.D. - A Christian Music band, but it's rap mixed with rock
Manafest - Another Christian Music Band, but more Rap oriented
GranRodeo - Another Awesome Japanese Band
32 Leaves - Awesome beat to all their songs
A Perfect Circle - A nightmarishly awesome band, definitely not Christian Music
Atreyu - A Metal band who screams alot
PowerGlove - A Metal Band that converts old Video Game Themes into metal
UverWorld - A Japanese Band that does alot of Anime Openings for My Fave Animes.
There's alot more, but It'll take too much space. Tongue_out_wink

RE: Favorite bands! - fragbait - Mar. 31, 2011

(Mar. 31, 2011  3:20 AM)ArmorD-00taku Wrote: Back-On - Awesome Linkin Park-esque band, also Japanese

Rise Against - Awesome band, Favorite Song: Behind Closed Doors

PowerGlove - A Metal Band that converts old Video Game Themes into metal
UverWorld - A Japanese Band that does alot of Anime Openings for My Fave Animes.

If you like Back-On, try Girugamesh.

Rise Against is also a fav of mine, it's music that gets me pumped and is somewhat encouraging too.

Powerglove.... \m/ <3 Powerglove. New album is awesome, no?

UverWorld is alright, not the greatest. I can't really put my finger on it, but something about them, I don't like, but at the same time, I want their music. So weird.

RE: Favorite bands! - Clonetos - Mar. 31, 2011

Slipknot: Good music very melodically and its a shame theres only 8 members left poor Paul R.I.P
Gorillaz: been with me since i was a kid. Songs are catchy and get in your ears well most of them but gotta give them credit for being the most successful virtual band.
Daft Punk: The duo that got me into music if it wasnt for them i be a JB fan D: Like Gorillaz I was young when i saw them on toonami late night run.
Pink Floyd: Two words The Wall and two more words The trial. very creepy yes catchy as heck OH YEAH
Flow: Flow is a good band because like gorillaz their songs are catchy that and colors is awesome !
Genesis: Phil collins band rocks especially land of confusion
Disturbed: Disturbed is tied with slipknot but hey whatcha gonna do

RE: Favorite bands! - Otsu - Mar. 31, 2011

I <3 Paramore

<3 the lyrics
<3 vocals (even though she doesnt have the greatest voice, it's still good for a female lead vocalist of a rock band.)
<3 Hayley Williams, she's funny.
<3 the drummer, dont know his name but, as a person that loves listening to good drumlines, i always pay the most attention to this instrument in their songs.

Loved their first couple of records. The newest is o-kay. But it has one of the best songs.

RE: Favorite bands! - th!nk - Jun. 21, 2011

Okay yeah, seeing as I'm a huge muso, I SHOULD do this thang.

1. Queens of the Stone Age: Mr. Homme's guitar work and writing are sublime, and his tone is ALWAYS impeccable, and always piques my interest. The drumming is great, the bass is great, the songs are sexy, sweaty, dirty rock, and I like that. They grind, and move, and yeah. Plus, Homme is ginger. A lot of my playing is kinda reminiscent of them of late, because of the influence. They do spooky so well, too, a great use of Homme's disconnected, floating vocals.
Also, great live band.

2. Muse: As Roan said, it's Muse. Okay, their last album wasn't amazing (had a fair few good tracks on it), and the live experience has suffered now that the crowd is full of women with kids and teenage girls who only know one or two songs, instead of thousands of passionate fans who can sing the guitar lines and know EVERY song. Even when they pull out a Japan-exclusive track for the first time in a few years. That was my first gig, and it was MINDBLOWING. Basically, Matt Bellamy inspired me to learn guitar, and is a huge influence on my style (though I'm not as creative or skilled). The distortion and tone is amazing, their songs, Bellamy's vocals.... They were my favourite band for years for a reason, and they're the first band I truly loved, the reason I got into music as a whole. Pretty much, they changed my life hugely.
The last gig I went to being a bit off, Muse were great, but the crowd sucked bottoms. Seriously, I went mad jumping during Bliss (my favourite song, which I'd never seen live), and some guy stared at me like "WTF". I jumped harder into his shoulder... There were CHILDREN in the area where there should have been MOSHING. GET YOUR CHILDREN OUT OF MY SHOES.
Because of that, and the fact I'm kinda tired of the music for now, they've slipped.
Still, great live band.

3. The Manic Street Preachers: Three Very Angry Welshmen make Music, Insult other musicians, or anyone who raises their ire. Most of this insulting is done by the 6 foot tall, cross dressing, stationary and housework loving (and married) bassist. The other two are pygmies and cousins. James Dean Bradfield is probably the most underrated guitarist ever, not counting some really obscure examples. He can riff with the best, and his solo’s are hair raisingly good. The passion in their music is always incredible, they have an amazing sense of melody, and the lyrics are arguably the best of any band, ever. Honestly, Nicky Wire (the bassist, whose towel I have from a gig here) is a wizard with words, and Richey James Edwards was bloody good before he disappeared.
Honestly, for pure RAWK, you can’t do better than these boys. The political side is always nice, too. They’re my dad’s favourite band, and now one of my own.
Also, great live band.

4. The Dandy Warhols: Psychedelia, Rock, and Sweet, simple tunes.
The Dandy Warhol method of Music Making
1. Get High
2. Enter Studio
3. Get Higher
4. Hit Record, Record some chilled-out rock tracks that are amazing
5. Get even higher
6. Write 16 minute long groovy, psychedelic journey.
7. Get higher
8. Record some really weird stuff, tack it onto end of album.
9.Get higher.
10. Wonder why record company won’t publish it.

They’re the best band to chill out to. They’re a whole lot of fun, even if sometimes they tend to drag things out a bit.
Also, great live band (when they’re not too stoned.

5. Midnight Oil. A band I greatly regret not having the chance to see live. Such an energetic band, and IMO the best Australian band (until I get mine going, anyway). The Exxon stunt was amazing, and I want to do something like that myself one day. A huge, bald, towering skeleton man who couldn’t dance to save his life (instead, he danced like a stick insect) as a frontman, with vocals reflecting the harshness of the Australian landscape. Impeccable guitar work, great musicianship all around. Brilliant songs, brilliant politics. Shame to see what Pete’s become, but oh well.
Probably the best live band Australia ever produced, but I never got to see them Uncertain

6. Amon Amarth: Viking Melodic Death metal: What’s not to love? Honestly, these guys are so much fun live. One of my favourite gigs, for sure.
Great live band.

7. Rammstein: You have a *****, I have a ****-a.
It’s Rammstein, what’s not to love?
Also, great live band.

Yeah, I think that’ll do for now. I’ve got a though:

RE: Favorite bands! - LionheartSM - Jun. 21, 2011

My Favourites are:

Trivium - Just an insane band, what more can i say?
Avenged Sevenfold - the REV was an awesome drummer and he was what got me into Avenged Sevenfold.
Skiillet - One of the bands that got me into Rock/Metal.
Shinedown - The other band that got me into Rock/Metal and I love the vocals!

RE: Favorite bands! - Cyber Kerberous - Jun. 21, 2011

^^ Well I can't exactly compare with that but...

I literally love Avenged Sevenfold. Like, it's all I've listened to for the last 2 months :L
Synyster Gates is easily comparible with Slash, and the guitarmonies they put in their songs are beast as well >Smile
M.Shadows has a sick voice (though not as good as The Rev's imo, just a lot stronger though ), and obviously the Rev is the only drummer worth mentioning Tongue_out
Their last 3 individual albums are great (City of Evil, Avenged Sevenfold, Nightmare), bought all of them, as well as them doing a COD: Black Ops exclusive song: Not Ready to Die, which is amazing too + the solo.
Favourite song of theirs is probably Critical Acclaim, due to the Rev's vocals, followed by Afterlife and Save Me and God Hates Us. I'm an evil child, hehe (not the name of a song btw).

I like Pendulum, still think they're beasts, so s'all good. Immersion (last album) had a few good songs, but In Silico was all out stunning. I like Granite, Propane Nightmares and The Island Part I- Dawn.

Others include: Radiohead, Guns n' Roses, The Beatles, Rolling Stones, Oasis, Blur, Pulp, Muse...

RE: Favorite bands! - th!nk - Jun. 21, 2011

Gotta be honest man, being comparable to Slash isn't really all it's made out to be, though it's probably fair enough to say he is, Slash is overrated. He's great, but there are better players, both technically, and especially feel-wise. As a guitarist, I tend to pay more attention to feel. I don't really know if Synyster is up to par with him there, but I don't listen to enough A7X to say either way. Seen Slash live though, he's okay, but meh, there are far more impressive guitarists out that.

BTW, all rage it'll cause aside, losing the Rev and getting the greatest drummer in the world (technique-wise), isn't too bad tbh. I mean, yeah, he was a huge part of the band, but still, Mike bloody Portnoy is pretty much able to do anything that is possible (and plenty of things that shouldn't be possible) with a drum set.

Actually, I saw this Aboriginal guitarist on TV the other week, on an indigenous channel. He was as good as Satriani, Vai, Petrucci, anyone. And man, could he rock. All the other bands were playing reggae or rap, he played every style under the sun, and was also amazing on bass and keyboards. Couldn't sing to save his life, but yeah, he was an amazing musician, and I can't find out who he is... Crying

I'd best not get into music I hate here, I'm a harsh critic, and I either love stuff or hate it, usually. It'd start a flamewar... But being the kind of guy I am about music, it's hard to avoid.

So yeah, try not to take offence at what I say, it's all just opinionated sludge anyway.

RE: Favorite bands! - drakio - Jun. 29, 2011



RE: Favorite bands! - CyberBlader27 - Jun. 29, 2011

CashCash- I don't usually like techno, but I loved 'Reach For The Stars' and 'Speak With Your Heart' from Sonic Colors. A good game has to have a good soundtrack, right? I've looked into their other songs, too. Not as great though.

RE: Favorite bands! - hmf_master - Jun. 29, 2011

- My Favorite Bands List -
. Hey Monday
. Green Day
. Fall Out Boy
. Flyleaf
. Sum 41
. Foo Fighter
. All Time Low
. The All - American Reject
. We the Kings
. 30 Second to Mars
. Paramore
. The Academy Is...
. The Rolling Stone
. blink - 182
. Bullet For My Valentine
. The Cab
. Escape the Fate
. Evanescence