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Favorite bands! - Printable Version

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RE: Favorite bands! - Daegor42 - Sep. 08, 2010

(Jul. 31, 2008  1:49 AM)Roan Wrote:
Bey Brad Wrote:Just to point out, I think Roan wants you to discuss the bands, not just list them.


You guys could at least attempt to mention WHY these are your favorite bands.

Because we all know list threads are pointless.

RE: Favorite bands! - UDC - Sep. 08, 2010

SHINEE? yeah thats my favourite. They sound really good, and they look good.

RE: Favorite bands! - fr13dr1c3 - Sep. 08, 2010


RE: Favorite bands! - Serotonin - Sep. 08, 2010

(Jul. 31, 2008  1:49 AM)Roan Wrote: You guys could at least attempt to mention WHY these are your favorite bands.

Because we all know list threads are pointless.

(Jul. 31, 2008  1:49 AM)Roan Wrote: You guys could at least attempt to mention WHY these are your favorite bands.

Because we all know list threads are pointless.

(Jul. 31, 2008  1:49 AM)Roan Wrote: You guys could at least attempt to mention WHY these are your favorite bands.

Because we all know list threads are pointless.

if we're not going to follow the rules maybe we should lock this thread ...

RE: Favorite bands! - AbhorEvil - Sep. 09, 2010

I think me and MorningMess are doin a pretty good job of it so far.

RE: Favorite bands! - AiS!cK - Sep. 10, 2010

My all time favorite band is Showbread. They're a Christian heavy metal band, and have an amazingly unique style. Plus their lyrics are epic too (metaphorical lyrics are always win)!

RE: Favorite bands! - HEAVYARMS - Sep. 21, 2010

Terror - Easily the godfathers of new hardcore.

Madball - The exact same as Terror 'cept Terror is West Coast and Madball is East Coast.

Trapped Under Ice - Easily my favorite hardcore band as of lately, music just makes you want to move.

Stick To Your Guns - Amazing hardcore with a great message.

Prince - Always. Just so amazingly talented in every way.

The Glitch Mob - Just dope beats. Perfect when driving.

Devendra Banhart - This guy's voice just makes me melt. Just an amazing vocalist.

Fight Like Hell - The greatest musical group to ever come from Colorado

Bobby Darin - My favorite old school artist. Just love his voice.

David Shwartz - Not really an artist, but wrote all the songs for Arrested Development (my favorite show)

RE: Favorite bands! - MorningMess - Sep. 21, 2010

I'm sorry but even though they're a little played out now, MGMT would always be awesome. Their songs are the best to listen to when you're just chilling with some friends. It brings the mood together.


RE: Favorite bands! - xyo999 - Sep. 21, 2010

my fav band is :
1.Linkin Park



4. One Republic

RE: Favorite bands! - HEAVYARMS - Sep. 21, 2010

(Sep. 21, 2010  7:28 AM)xyo999 Wrote: my fav band is :
1.Linkin Park



4. One Republic

(Jul. 31, 2008  1:49 AM)Roan Wrote:
Bey Brad Wrote:Just to point out, I think Roan wants you to discuss the bands, not just list them.


You guys could at least attempt to mention WHY these are your favorite bands.

Because we all know list threads are pointless.

RE: Favorite bands! - maze - Sep. 21, 2010

3 Days Grase
Linkin Park
Weird Al
Depths Of Chaos

RE: Favorite bands! - HEAVYARMS - Sep. 21, 2010

(Sep. 21, 2010  7:50 AM)maze Wrote: 3 Days Grase
Linkin Park
Weird Al
Depths Of Chaos

So you not only don't read the expectations of this thread, but you also double post?


RE: Favorite bands! - maze - Sep. 21, 2010

the double post was a comp error i didnt mean to do it.

RE: Favorite bands! - HEAVYARMS - Sep. 21, 2010

(Sep. 21, 2010  9:31 AM)maze Wrote: the double post was a comp error i didnt mean to do it.

Care to enlighten us as to why they are your favorite bands?

RE: Favorite bands! - Resistance - Sep. 29, 2010

My favourite bands Linkin Park and Fall Out Boy! Hopefully get to go to LP's concert this december in Melbourne!

RE: Favorite bands! - ThePatrick - Oct. 05, 2010

Led Zeppelin - for the guitar driven sound.

RE: Favorite bands! - Brooklyn-Z - Oct. 06, 2010

hhmmm(in no order..)
Three Days Grace LETS START RIOT - well cause i like to rebel a lot ask my teachers also is awesome just the song though....

Breacking Benjamin- favorite song of theirs is "I Will Not Bow" cause well i wont bow to anyone rather die but yeah i like breaking benjamin cause some of theirsong i can make a connection with and well they sound awesome...

All American Rejects- favorite song if theirs is "Gives you hell" i like them cause they sound awesome and their songs are awesome(song lyrics,etc)

Barenaked ladies- my sound like a weird name but hey i like their music Grin its not pop or rock,etc their music is just awesome and has a littlbe bit of pop,rap and rock which i like

Smash Mouth- some of their songs arekinda of long but who cares? and All star is a awesom motivating song Grin but yeah the way they sound its basically the same as Barenaked Ladies..

Senator& The New Republic- i really have only listen to 2 of their songs my favoite though would have to be intermission its kinda of funny but sorta of gets a point across need to listen to more of their songs to be sure though

3doors down- i have only listend to 1 song of theirs Kryptonite its awesome only way i can only describe it but with that one song i know their gonna make it into one of my all time favs

Sickest Kids Forever- they sound awesome their a lot better then the back sreet boys their like pop and rock mixed to from something awesome and well their songs have some nice meanings and sometimes they don but heck it just sounds awesome

(lol i like a lot of bands..)

NickelBack- these guys are one of my top 5 favorite bands their songs not only sound awesome but have some really good meanings my favorite song though would have to be Thise Afternoon but a close tie would have to be If today was your last day(Makes you think when listening to it eh?)

"A"- weird name i know but an awesome band they dont hold back on guitar their liud and awesome their songs are cool(espically old folks that one makes me laugh..) but yeah i mostly like their awesome guitar so-lows

Greenday- okay d i need to say why? their awesome they are against the U.S. goverment and war but heck would it be bad if i said i was to? and truth be told they sound awesome

Bowling For Soup- YET again a weird name but an awesome band, some of their songs are funny and sme of their songs are about break ups or apolgizing but they also have other awesome songs you really just have to listen to them(ps: i was shocked when i found out they do most of the songs on Phines and pherb)

that good?

RE: Favorite bands! - Moss-Da-Boss - Oct. 06, 2010

Taperoot= carp awesome ever since I heard the single they did for some wrestling PPV Ive been hooked ever since.

Enter Shikari = Mate of mine kept banging on about them so I listened to a couple songs and I found out they're pretty darn banana awesome.

Megan Plox = My mate's brothers band. He took me to a couple of their pretty carp placed gigs and as an up and coming band they are pretty good couple songs are pretty catchy.

RE: Favorite bands! - G-Hagane - Oct. 10, 2010

Linkin Park to this day is my favorite band because they were the first actual rock band I ever got an album of.
Been a fan since september 2007.

RE: Favorite bands! - Neeek - Oct. 10, 2010

Enter Shikari - You can easily tell I obsess over theses guys from my other WBO posts. I've been to see them numerous times and met them, they never get old. Both albums are fantastic! They aren't your generic scene/emo kid Hardcore band mixing electronics in with metal/rock (e.g. Attack! Attack!, Asking Alexandra), they do it cleverly and blend it in well. They offer a range of genres and don't just stick to one. They have Dub step, Jungle, Spoken word, Acoustic, trance etc. in there. This means you don't easily get bored. Not only that but their music isn't mindless carp, they make their music about political and environmental issues. The gigs are mental, I would advise anyone to go see them (even if you don't enjoy them). Enter Shikari fans are always really friendly at gigs and are renowned for it. Go listen!

Mumford and Sons - These guys have basically brought Folk mainstream. They are getting pretty popular these days and I don't think anyone in the UK doesn't know about them. Very talented, and good to listen to in bed and to just melt away.

16 Bit - A great Dub step artist who samples things like Chainsaws and incorporates them into their music. Dub Step is getting pretty old and over listened to, but this artist is serious talent! Put this on when you are really drunk and at a party and it'll blow you away, haha!

Tyler Mae - These guys only have 2 songs out and are relatively new. I saw them at a gig supporting Enter Shiikari and they are a Rapping / Indie / Dub step group. They are really unique and reckon they are gonna get big. I persuaded them to play in my town over Twitter, haha. Go check these guys out!

Henry Homesweet - An amazing Chip artist that's bringing something new to the genre of 'Chiptune'. I know most Chiptune is just BBYCKS wannabe's who think having a Gameboy is so so cool, but he is stupidly talented with making music on Gameboys! You can't tell half his music is even made with a Gameboy (with most artist's you can). Proper trippy, go have listen to his newest stuff.

This is basically my favorites at the moment, but it tends to change. The only thing that stays the same is Enter Shikari at the top, haha.

RE: Favorite bands! - Glad Hatter - Oct. 10, 2010

30 seconds to Mars because their songs are just plain epic and so are their music videos.

My Mechanical romance for Welcome to the Black parade which I like because it is a sort of inspiring song.

RE: Favorite bands! - Arcadia - Oct. 11, 2010

I seriously love Linkin Park as a band:Because I am a serious fan,and I got their hybrid Theory album when it first came out. along with 30 seconds to mars:as I feel that This Is War is one of the best songs I've ever heard

RE: Favorite bands! - ThePatrick - Oct. 24, 2010

Led Zeppelin-for their guitar driven sound,a huge vocal range and tasty bass lines.

The Rolling Stones - No questions.Just a great band.They even named a magazine after them.

Black Sabbath- The band that got me into heavy metal and hard rock.

The Beatles- for Paul McCartney's vocal range.

RE: Favorite bands! - ali12345456 - Oct. 24, 2010

papa roach
the beatles
billy talent
three days grace
rise against
oh i like these bands cuz they actully play real music
yes i know im leaving out bands like linkin park and pink floyd and deep purple
but i havint really listned to themso yeah =P

RE: Favorite bands! - Typhlosionwolf - Oct. 24, 2010

(Oct. 10, 2010  3:15 PM)Jacksonian Wrote: 30 seconds to Mars because their songs are just plain epic and so are their music videos.

My Mechanical romance for Welcome to the Black parade which I like because it is a sort of inspiring song.

lol. It's My Checmical Romance. Not Mechanical. xD And yeah. MCR's my fav band too since all their songs are awesome. Can't wait for their new album to come out! Joyful_3
Avenged Sevenfold is awesome too.