World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.
Sonic Or Mario? - Printable Version

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Sonic Or Mario? - eclipse162 - Jul. 30, 2010

Who do you like better? Mario or Sonic? I like them both.

RE: Sonic Or Mario? - skyforce - Jul. 30, 2010

sonic mario sucks hard

RE: Sonic Or Mario? - MuchWow - Jul. 30, 2010

Weird thread.
Mario as videogames and sonic as a character.

RE: Sonic Or Mario? - pegasis105rf - Jul. 30, 2010

mine is mario

RE: Sonic Or Mario? - To - Jul. 31, 2010

One has an "edgy" design and hasn't been in a great game in nearly 20 years. The other looks like a stereotype and is routinely in great games.


RE: Sonic Or Mario? - Priscient - Jul. 31, 2010

Hmm... Sonic has a way better character, but his recent games really do suck Example: Sonic and the black Knight. It was my very misfortune to decide to play that game. Smithicide

But like T.O said Mario however has no character basically what-so-ever but produces really good games.

I'd have to go for mario for games yet sonic for character.

RE: Sonic Or Mario? - OkiBlaze - Jul. 31, 2010


Out of the two, however, I'm not really sure.
I'm not that much into Mario games, except for Mario Party, because they mostly base themselves on one player games. Sonic does as well, but their games are....average at best. The only game that I've ever liked was Adventure 2 Battle, because of the Chaos. Hopefully I'll like their new game coming out...

Oh yea, and Sonic has a comic book series as well. Hmmm....
It's SEGA vs Nintendo. Gah.

RE: Sonic Or Mario? - Toonpenguin - Jul. 31, 2010

Mario is my man I've played all 4 of his NES games (1,2,3 and the lost levels)
Sonic is fun to but i grew up on Mario so i adore him and his games

RE: Sonic Or Mario? - Akel - Aug. 01, 2010

If Nintendo didn't put sonic on brawl, Sonic would be dead. Plus, all of sonics games are all becomin too similar and thats nothing really but just running... Accept sonic Unleashed that one was ok. Mario's game has more varietys of gameplay.....So the winner is....KIRBY!!! I love squeak squad. And Epic Yarn looks cool. But anyways the winner by default is Mario. This is in my OPINION. Not fact.

RE: Sonic Or Mario? - defensiveblader - Aug. 01, 2010


RE: Sonic Or Mario? - eclipse162 - Aug. 02, 2010

I agree with Akel. kirby would just suck them both and turn into.....Super Maric?

RE: Sonic Or Mario? - BladerAce17 - Aug. 04, 2010

Going with Sonic. Sure, his RECENT games haven't been that great, but the originals are the best. Besides, at least the Sonic games are more original. It isn't going with it well, but hey; the creativity is there. Sonic FTW!

RE: Sonic Or Mario? - stormaries8862 - Aug. 04, 2010

i like both sonic and mario

RE: Sonic Or Mario? - Meriadie - Aug. 04, 2010

sonic because it has a lots of cool characters like shadow and knuckles

RE: Sonic Or Mario? - Cyanide - Aug. 04, 2010

got to go fast! sonic cause
1. he gots cool theme sngs
2. songs in his video games are awesome
3. he can run faster then the speed of light
4. he gots awesome moves
5.hes strong
6. cause h just looks so cool ^-^
7. he gots his own beyblade(isnt realy but it was made its an MFB they shoudl release it for like a mcdonalds thing like the big mac beyblade

RE: Sonic Or Mario? - BladerDj13 - Aug. 04, 2010

sonic is a beast and mario a plummer
mario couldn't even touch sonic any way

RE: Sonic Or Mario? - Minion - Aug. 05, 2010

sonic 4 life

RE: Sonic Or Mario? - JamesKKcameron - Aug. 06, 2010

I am with Mario, Actually this game is really awesome and I love to play that because I have all the cheats of the game, So that can be very easy for me and basically if the task become little easy then we definitely like that. I think this is reasonable argument to play the game from me.

RE: Sonic Or Mario? - Combusto Dragon - Aug. 06, 2010

Sonic all the way! Grin

RE: Sonic Or Mario? - Kai-V - Aug. 06, 2010

This thread is not exempt from the common forum ethiquette "elaborate, do not only post 'mario'".

RE: Sonic Or Mario? - stormblader16 - Aug. 08, 2010

mario almost everyone in the world probably know about mario and unlike sonic all of marios games (except for cameo titles like mario party) are great and even though it sucked mario had its own live action movie not sonic but as a character neither of them can touch link or snake

RE: Sonic Or Mario? - BladerAce17 - Aug. 08, 2010

Sonic had a movie; it may not have been live-action, but it was a movie regardless. And it was great.

RE: Sonic Or Mario? - Meruda - Aug. 08, 2010

(Aug. 08, 2010  12:38 AM)BladerAce17 Wrote: Sonic had a movie; it may not have been live-action, but it was a movie regardless. And it was great.

But Mario had a movie too! And it was live-action! :p
But it wasn't very good, haha.

RE: Sonic Or Mario? - Mc Frown - Aug. 08, 2010

(Aug. 08, 2010  12:36 AM)stormblader16 Wrote: mario almost everyone in the world probably know about mario

Not at all.
And Mario Party isn'a a Mario "cameo", it's a spin-off.

Anyways, Mario.
Sonic has been sucking for a while now [/obligatory]

RE: Sonic Or Mario? - Brooklyn-Z - Aug. 08, 2010

sonic ^-^ sure some of his video games have not been as good as orginals but they have awesome music and he had his own TV series all around the world and cause most of his games have mostly running in them is cause hes know for running faster then the speed of light :\ his character in SSBB is awesome ^-^ he gots awesome songs he can go super sonic hes kick butt basically ^-^ mario would be like go fire ball sonic would just run past it and axel kick mario into the sky ^-^ in my opion