World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.
Family Issues - Printable Version

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Family Issues - Ryuuga BB Ruler - Jun. 02, 2008

Ok I want to know how people get over this without running away or killing yourself

1. My Mom and my sister always fighting

2. I got to deal with no money coming in because my dad only care about hisself

3. People laught at me at school all the time so that is more stressful on my life

how can a 15 year old boy like myself deal with this stuff

RE: Family Issues - AnnieDuck - Jun. 02, 2008

Talk to a professional and your teachers. Random people on the internet don't always have the best advice.

RE: Family Issues - Bey Brad - Jun. 02, 2008

Annie's right, we're not really well equipped here to handle this. Talk to your school's counsellor.

RE: Family Issues - Ryuuga BB Ruler - Jun. 02, 2008

this is why I can't get beyblades but I really want to play the game and that is why I ask for free blades because I really don't have the money to buy one

RE: Family Issues - Synesthesia - Jun. 02, 2008

Blader: Kenny Wrote:Ok I want to know how people get over this without running away or killing yourself(I get the feeling you are told to do this alot)

1. Ask them to stop in a reasonable manner, or leave the room and completely ignore it.

2. Get a job when you turn 16 (there's no way you can't be American, so I'm sure that you can do this). In the mean time find carp that a 15 year can do like collecting aluminum cans.

3. Ignore it.

4. If these are indeed your only problems, then you aren't dealing with anything out of the norm, so "suicide" and "running away" would be stupid.

Like said earlier in the thread talk to counselors at your school. Internet forums are the last place you want help.

Blader: Kenny Wrote:this is why I can't get beyblades but I really want to play the game and that is why I ask for free blades because I really don't have the money to buy one

Are you sure that you're 15?

RE: Family Issues - Ryuuga BB Ruler - Jun. 02, 2008

yes I am 15

RE: Family Issues - Bey Brad - Jun. 02, 2008

Blader: Kenny Wrote:this is why I can't get beyblades but I really want to play the game and that is why I ask for free blades because I really don't have the money to buy one

Make some money ... I bought all of my Beyblades with my own money.

RE: Family Issues - Ryuuga BB Ruler - Jun. 02, 2008

Dude everything here u got to be 18 to work

RE: Family Issues - Synesthesia - Jun. 02, 2008

Collecting Aluminum cans doesn't require you to be 18. Do extra chores around the house. Talk to teachers around the school about odd jobs. My sister did this and has gotten some decent money.

Sell crack.

RE: Family Issues - Bey Brad - Jun. 02, 2008

Blader: Kenny Wrote:Dude everything here u got to be 18 to work

Be creative. I never had a "real" job but I found ways to make money. It's not impossible.

RE: Family Issues - bugturtles - Jun. 02, 2008

Synesthesia Wrote:Sell crack.


In the case of 3: If people mess with you and you don't like it, just stand up and do something about it. Make sure you let people know that you would not accept people walking all over you.

RE: Family Issues - To - Jun. 02, 2008

Bey Brad Wrote:
Blader: Kenny Wrote:Dude everything here u got to be 18 to work

Be creative. I never had a "real" job but I found ways to make money. It's not impossible.

It's nice to know you don't consider selling yourself as a job XD I'm just kidding...I hope I am atleast XD

DISCLAIMER: I am not a trained physche, nor am I a concillour. Therefore my words should not be taken to action without consulting a trained professional first.

Alright Kenny, when I was going through though times, I often had this mentality, the whole "Whatever doesn't kill me, makes me stronger", thing is being like that kills a part of you. You're not letting other people know what you think or feel. Speak your mind at the right times.

Aswell, if I had any really bad days, I'd always think "There is always gonna be some one in a worse situation than me, I can get through this". Notice how I said think, and not say, I once accidently thought out loud, and passerbys thought I was a nutjob.

Hope what I posted could help you first. But I'd have to agree with everyone else, see a trained professional to deal with this. The interwebs isn't your safest bet.

RE: Family Issues - Ryuuga BB Ruler - Jun. 03, 2008

Bey Brad Wrote:
Blader: Kenny Wrote:Dude everything here u got to be 18 to work

Be creative. I never had a "real" job but I found ways to make money. It's not impossible.

Well I still have my bakugan to sell and also I have 70 dollor

RE: Family Issues - Synesthesia - Jun. 03, 2008

Takao Wrote:It's nice to know you don't consider selling yourself as a job XD I'm just kidding...I hope I am atleast XD

DISCLAIMER: I am not a trained physche, nor am I a concillour. Therefore my words should not be taken to action without consulting a trained professional first.

Alright Kenny, when I was going through though times, I often had this mentality, the whole "Whatever doesn't kill me, makes me stronger", thing is being like that kills a part of you. You're not letting other people know what you think or feel. Speak your mind at the right times.

Aswell, if I had any really bad days, I'd always think "There is always gonna be some one in a worse situation than me, I can get through this". Notice how I said think, and not say, I once accidently thought out loud, and passerbys thought I was a nutjob.

Hope what I posted could help you first. But I'd have to agree with everyone else, see a trained professional to deal with this. The interwebs isn't your safest bet.

You offered some really good advice, and probably some of the best. Unfortunately, I think it will fall on deaf-ears: A mature solution usually requires a mature person to implement it.

RE: Family Issues - FFX - Jun. 03, 2008

Where is Toto...I liked his advice when I had problems.

Please feel free to vent anything in here as long as your identity is safe here. It sometimes help.

RE: Family Issues - Spinster - Jun. 03, 2008

What got me through my teenage years was the knowledge that the only REAL thing in the world that could have any TRUE effect on my mental well-being was my own mind. Nothing anyone says or does around you forces you to think in any way. It takes effort, but you can train yourself to not have the impulse emotional response to things, but rather consider the outcomes of events and remain in control of your emotions.

Regarding the money, get a freakin' paper-route. I had one from 13-17, and the money was GREAT for my age.

RE: Family Issues - jasonresno - Jun. 04, 2008

You can make money if that is what you're really worried about. Sell old videogames. Recycle cans. At 15 years old you should be right on the bridge of being able to even get a real job. Here (I live in Illinois) you can get a work permit at 16 and then get into the fray. I worked at a grocery store part time when I was that young and I managed to pull in 300 a paycheck outside of school. So it's not impossible at all.

Hell, it's summer. Mow lawns for people. Easy cash and someone always needs it done.

Regarding the kids at school who make fun of you: screw them. Just ignore them. When they stop getting a reaction out of you, then they'll stop TRYING to get a reaction out of you.

RE: Family Issues - Neko-Jin Rei - Jul. 26, 2008

You have 70 dollars? I'm pretty sure that's about enough to buy a plastic spinning top.

RE: Family Issues - Bey Brad - Jul. 26, 2008

Neko-Jin Rei Wrote:You have 70 dollars? I'm pretty sure that's about enough to buy a plastic spinning top.

stop posting in topics that are no longer relevant jesus christ

RE: Family Issues - AnnieDuck - Jul. 26, 2008