World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.
I'm back! - Printable Version

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I'm back! - Gandkaidos - Jun. 28, 2010

now I've alrady joined but that was when data crashing earlier this month was happenning and I went on a trip and finally found the time to re-register. So I'll be very brief. I've played beyblades for about as long as they've been out, even when everyone stopped, then I eventually found this site so I'm looking to get updated maybe compete at some tournaments. One other thing, and I hesitate to mention this but since it is such an important part of who I am I figure I should warn you. I am a follower of Jesus Christ, A.K.A a person who loves Jesus. I don't like the name "Christian" because it wasn't only in the bible as a derogative term and so many people claim credit as "christians" when the really aren't, but you can call me one if you wish.

RE: I'm back! - Arcadia - Jun. 28, 2010

Welcome to the WBO have fun Wink

RE: I'm back! - Sin-hunter - Jun. 28, 2010

Welcome, welcome to WBO!

RE: I'm back! - milkincereal - Jun. 28, 2010


RE: I'm back! - Galaxxy - Jun. 28, 2010

Welcome to the WBO! I'm Christian too, have you heard of MFB/BMF?

RE: I'm back! - Diamond - Jun. 29, 2010

Welcome to the WBO!

RE: I'm back! - Kai-V - Jun. 29, 2010

(Jun. 28, 2010  5:26 PM)Gandkaidos Wrote: One other thing, and I hesitate to mention this but since it is such an important part of who I am I figure I should warn you. I am a follower of Jesus Christ, A.K.A a person who loves Jesus. I don't like the name "Christian" because it wasn't only in the bible as a derogative term and so many people claim credit as "christians" when the really aren't, but you can call me one if you wish.
I just want to warn you that religious discussion is not allowed here. It always brings pointless arguments, so try to simply not mention it from now on, like everybody else does.

RE: I'm back! - MaxL - Jun. 29, 2010

Yup. This forum is free of religion talking, it just keeps us from starting drama.

All that aside, Welcome to the WBO!

RE: I'm back! - RエスコルピオT125JB - Jun. 29, 2010

Welcome to the WBO

RE: I'm back! - Gandkaidos - Jun. 29, 2010

Thanks y'all for the warm welcome!
"Galaxxy" Thanks, yes I've heard of MFB, and I'm glad to hear we're not alone!
"Kai-V" I agree, this website is about beyblades, not religions/cults/ or relationships w/Jesus, thank you for the warning. My intention was not to talk about religion, but to introduce myself properly, so I apologize if I've overstepped a rule by accident. Thank you so much for running this awesome website! I look forward to competing sometime!