World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.
Q&A with the VAs of Zeo & Toby - Printable Version

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RE: Q&A with the VAs of Zeo & Toby - akio314 - Apr. 21, 2012

Hey, could you guys help me with a school project? My counselor is having us ask people who we think have a cool job, and it just so happens that I know not one, but two voice actors for a popular show. So, once I get the questions would you help me?

RE: Q&A with the VAs of Zeo & Toby - ~Mana~ - Apr. 22, 2012

Might as well say it, regardless of whether he sees it...

Happy Birthday Zeo Mac! Grin

RE: Q&A with the VAs of Zeo & Toby - Killer-Kirsty - Apr. 22, 2012

Happy 24th Birthday Mac, hope you have a great day today!

RE: Q&A with the VAs of Zeo & Toby - beybladetiggy - Apr. 22, 2012

Happy Birthday Mac!! Have a awesome birthday and hope you enjoy.

RE: Q&A with the VAs of Zeo & Toby - Thunder Dome - Apr. 22, 2012

Happy birthday.

RE: Q&A with the VAs of Zeo & Toby - UGottaCetus - Apr. 23, 2012

I just saw the episode "The Compass of Fate: Byxis"(My fav episode so far) yesterday and I gotta say I loved Zeo's voice! The mosulation and the creepy edge to it when he's agitated, it's so awesome! Shout out to Toby-Faust as well, though I haven't seen Faust yet. I definitely look forward to.

RE: Q&A with the VAs of Zeo & Toby - Duck - Apr. 26, 2012

I think the other person compatible with Dr. Ziggurat's arrangement system was Ryuga. That's why he wanted him to join so badly. I love Toby's voice! It makes him sound so cute, and totally fits his character!

Do you think that Zeo's Flame Byxis is an unfair bey because of its height?

RE: Q&A with the VAs of Zeo & Toby - Flameos - Apr. 26, 2012

I have two questions and the second one I wouldn't blame if you didn't answer.

Q: how did you get the language from foreign to English

Q: Can you get me a role O.O

RE: Q&A with the VAs of Zeo & Toby - Toby_Faust - Apr. 26, 2012

(Apr. 08, 2012  3:49 AM)Karl Wrote: Come to think of it, Zeo and Masamune did say "uknown illness." maybe it's so little ones don't say, "What the plum is that?" when they say the name, just to make it simpler to understand!
Here are the some of the things i've noticed so far:
Shivering (when he first collapsed)
Slight moaning (first collapsed)
Being put in wheel chair
Hair turned grey (when he was turned into Faust)

And that's all i've noticed so far!

I'm pretty sure it's a disease made up for the show. Also, a lot of the changes in his physicality (including the hair) are most likely because of the way he took to the arrangement system and the "healing" process.

I'd be interested to see what you think it just might be.

(Apr. 12, 2012  6:59 PM)Kirst-Mizuhime Wrote: More fodder for the tease machine?XD! Oh dear poor guys really are like brothers. Hehehe yes pretty much but then it did teach me about behind the scenes of my fave stuff so it is not all bad. Do you tease Cameron as well?

I wouldn't think that you would search for 34 stuff don't think anyone would really (unless they were into it).

That sounds brilliant! I think that appreciating and critiquing your performances as a group has helped you be more comfortable listening to yourself because well you are all doing it and it is not just one person being put on the spot. I am sure after a few sessions you will get fully used to it.

Well there is Pokemon with the various Officer Jennys who do IIRC make arrests but most shonen anime seem to dodge the whole legal thing.

I am very much liking the Zeo/Toby/Masamune dynamic and sorry to say this but the recent episodes sort of reminds me of a love triangle with poor Toby in the middle, I get the feeling of the two (I would say more on Zeo's part) somewhat competing for Toby and can see Zeo's feelings (amplified by the Arrange system) of envy, anger and betrayal towards Masamune. If Toby knew of the events of episode 37 I think it would break his heart and possibly worsen his illness, he would not have wanted Zeo to get mad at Masamune like that. Whoa they actually modified his back? Well I guess that was part of the Arrange's "bring out the Blader's potential and fixing up whatever may hinder the Blader", yeesh I am surprised now that Toby actually gets better after all that and it is no wonder he would remember being Faust since it all sounds so painful judging by what you have said (as well as the scars) and how Zeo reacted to being "Arranged". It is good to know that afterwards Masamune and Zeo put things aside to help take care of Post-Faust!Toby without going OTT about it.

Here are some Arrange-related questions for you both to answer from your respective POVs Dr. Ziggurat mentioned that only so many people are compatable with the Arrange system, if so which of the main characters would be compatible? Would Masamune be one of them? Also what makes a person be compatible and incompatible for the Arrange system?

Somehow I think you'd have a field day with the characters from EastEnders (a UK soap in which the characters seem to have the worst luck around). What you have said about Toby could also be a form of Toby wanting to be able to take care of himself, he just gets on with life no matter what it throws at him and is pleasant despite the tragic circumstances that surround him. Defo understand the older sister's POV we all would do anything if our family/loved ones were severely ill to save them and make them better. Also for the purpose in her case of not wanting to lose another member of her family I just wonder how she would react to Faust and Post-Faust!Toby, she would still love him no doubt.

Oh sorry about that, I didn't realize you meant other commericals you did, now you have said that I understand as I remember hearing very Toby-ish voices in your demo. What is the difference between being directed in commercials to say animation?

I never had the Dreamcast, so I played SA2 through Gamecube same with Sonic Adventure but it was fun all the same loads of memories from when I was 13/14.

Oh while on Sonic I went to get a Sonic lunchbag at our local ASDA while helping with the food shop (well it was either a lunchbag or my first MM Beyblade but I needed the lunchbag more...) and I looked through the available Beys, after looking I saw a Flame Byxis near the front and a Twisted Tempo to the left also at the front and I put them nearer each other I know it is random but I had to share it.

I do agree (being mugged isn't a real danger? Lots will beg to differ) and also muggers may carry deadly weapons of their own so really it does count, I mean in Tails' case they were just robots and he had Sonic to save him, muggings are much more frightening irl and we do not have a blue hedgehog with super speed to save us.

It is the balance of the world it seems.

I thought they made it in NA though, might be wrong but yes legal issues are weird but then again it happens alot really. All I have for the SNES is DKC and Street Fighter 2 however I do remember playing a Mario compilation on it at my Nan's but then I also see how awesome the graphics look on DKC. I am not sure if I can decide which system is the best without it sounding biased.

You have really really done well for yourself, I have never been on meds for my ADHD as my folks weren't too keen on them. I just have to be careful with cola and coloured sweets and try to learn to be able to tone myself down in situations as well as focusing when needed. Thanks I will get where I want to, it is just gonna take alot of time.

It is and thanks you three will always be on my mind when saying it! You guys have to be really...

We will thanks, only one level then we go to Ripto!

His Yiddish accent is quite a contrast to his usual speaking voice, I can picture someone like Tarpit with the deep and foreboding voice. That is good as sometimes while you may need a mentor it is also important to have a friend have a hand whether directly or not help you in the biz, Earl does come across warm on the demo.

Yeah the pacing is because I like what you two write and thinking of how I am gonna reply to them. I also pace when speaking with my companion on the phone and well just pace when I am thinking alot really.

You used to work there? I suppose that was where you met Scott McNeil and then ended up on the road of voice overs. Since you are there on the other side you will defo have more fun, might be crowded though. Hehehe that would be awesome! Only thing is well Beybattles irl don't last as long as they do on TV.

I would say you and Mac have gotten something awesome from voicing Toby and Zeo and it is great that you love what you have had so far! Hope you new projects bring you both more in the future.

It would be nice but if not YTV this here is sort of like an interview, only that you two are getting interviewed by multiple people rather than one or two hosts.

Not surprsing as there were so many emotions on display. Zeo has loads on his mind as episode 37 showed, kind of scary really. It is going to be very interesting when Faust comes along...

It really does shine through and it has been great to hear how you both prepared and approached the roles.

Hmmm Toby's Syndrome? Usually they name the condition after the person who discovers it rather than the person who suffers it. I can see the Muscular Dystrophy symptoms (the fact that he cannot walk), yikes you think Toby has some sort of flesh-eating disease (some sort of necrotizing fasciitis)? Naturally it would be interesting to hear more details if that is ok please. Oh I noticed Toby got a nasty cough on the last episode so another symptom seems to be asthma/COPD/bronchitis/some other nasty chest infection or it is a lack of immunity caused by Toby's Syndrome actually it does sound like a motor neurone disease or something.

It is some kind of as they say Soap Opera Disease, probably so it A) won't scare the kids and B) sounds serious at the same time.

Thanks for answering the questions and thanks hope you and everyone else here has enjoyed Passover/Easter.

EDIT: Well seeing most of ep 45 I have to say those tentacles that go into Faust's back is just all sorts of wrong, it doesn't seem to bother Faust though, blimey Tempo is literally earth-shattering powerful and great voice for Faust!

The tease machine has arrived! *EVIL LAUGHTER*
It's fun teasing him. I like Mac, he's a great guy and I'm happy to call him a friend.
No, I don't tease Cameron because we have yet to hang out for an extended period of time. I'll invite him out eventually.

Well, I've seen my fair share of Rule34… you know… existing on the internet and all… and having friends who like to send me things… just to try to creep me out.

The group is actually an amazing thing to have and I feel blessed that I have them. The discussions are beyond helpful, and I do expect that I will EVENTUALLY get used to hearing my own performances.

Well, there are animes where the police are a prominent force, but it seems to be severely lacking on this one.

It's amusing that you mention the love triangle, because that has been a topic of conversation of late, especially with my teasing ways. I would have to agree that Toby is stuck in the middle, which is kind of cute. I agree, if Toby had known what was happening in 37 it would have broken his heart. Although, speaking as myself watching the episode I really appreciate what Zeo did, and can completely understand the rage he feels.

Well, I say they modified his back because we see these mechanical tentacle things fire into his back at Faust's first appearance. The fact that he returns to Toby just shows the power that friendship has. Masamune and Zeo are fantastic friends to Toby and the fact that they realize what they must do for him and Zeo becomes good again, is fantastic.

Well, I don't know which characters would be compatible. It seems that the main requirement is desperation. The more broken and desperate the character is the more compatible they seem to be.
Just a theory.

I'll have to check out EastEnders, I've been told before that I'd like it.
I think of the older sister as completely understanding and willing to do anything for her brother. Again, she is a creation of my own imagination, so it's easy to play with her personality. She definitely stands by Toby, and appreciates Zeo.

The differences in Animation and Commercials are like night and day. The entire procedure is very different. In animation, I find that there's more room to play. Words can be changed here and there. A line can be read so differently from take to take and can have such different meanings. In commercials it tends to be more direct, one way, etc. The words are often exact (legal reasons) and there is less room to play. It also depends what commercial is being recorded. I just did one last week, it took forever to lay down. I was in the studio for over 2 hours.

The Dreamcast was my favourite system. I just loved it.

Hahah, oh to have Twisted Tempo near Byxis… that's fun. Thanks. Heheh.

The mugging thing is EXACTLY my point. I understand that they mean, "If Sonic is there, you don't have to call the cops." but it was SO muddled. People are weird… oh well.

I won't go over why I think the SNES is the best… I just love it.

ADHD is interesting, I'm glad you're getting along without the medications. You'll get it, it takes time and energy, but you can do it.

All I have to say about Earl is that he's just amazing. That's it, he's amazing.

Pacing is fine, just don't wear out the carpets.

Anime North is indeed where I started. I have fond memories of that convention and am very happy to be going there as a guest.
Whether or not the battles are that long, I'm certainly excited to battle. If Cameron shows up we'll have to get him a Bey too.

Thank you for the well wishes, I certainly enjoy working with Mac, and working in general.

We'll be interviewed by someone or a few people at the convention. I'll link them when I find out about them. Though, I'm certain you guys have a lot of the information here.

Faust is coming in about a month or so, I'm excited to see him.

Thanks again for the compliments, I'm glad you like the voice acting.

I think the interesting thing about the disease is that there isn't a lot of information about it. I always figured it was hereditary. Not contagious at all. I also figure that it drains the energy. He seems so sombre and less energetic. Even when he sees Masamune for the first time in ages, he's super excited, but still, I played him kind of mellow.
Asthma mixed in works too, since I have it in real life.

It generally is just a Soap Opera Disease, but it works well. Just don't call him a "sod".

Thanks for asking the questions, always a fan of those!
Hope your holidays were fantastic too.

… you saw 45!? Awesome!
Yeah, those tentacles are EXACTLY what I meant. When I was in the studio I said, "PLEASE let me make him react somehow." They wouldn't let me. I just wanted a grunt.. something… Those things just go RIGHT INTO HIS BACK!
Yeah, I think I killed a few people with that blast… isn't there a boat that gets destroyed? Wouldn't that mean people are near?
Thanks, I hope the voice for Faust is good! Smile

Thanks again for your questions and comments, always excited to read them and answer them.

(Apr. 15, 2012  4:53 PM)Nuzumaki90 Wrote: Just finished watching Miraculous Spiral Force and now I remember why it was my favorite episode in MFB.

I absolutely love the voice of Faust, just hate how they pronouced his name. You guys are just awesome at voice acting, Faust sounds like a total badass, I don't care what anyone says. I also love the voice of Damian, he sounds really cool.

Can't wait to hear more of Faust =P

Thanks, I'm glad you like the voice. What do you mean by the name pronunciation?
I hope you keep liking our voice acting!
I loved playing Faust, and I hope you enjoy listening to him as more comes out.

(Apr. 17, 2012  11:38 AM)Mac.. Wrote: i have a question for both of you. did you get freebies? did you ever see your characters beys in person?

Nope, no freebies. Rarely do we ever get products.
Yes, I have a Twisted Tempo, someone sent me one from my Amazon Wish List. I still have NO idea who it was!

(Apr. 21, 2012  12:45 PM)Akio314 Wrote: Hey, could you guys help me with a school project? My counselor is having us ask people who we think have a cool job, and it just so happens that I know not one, but two voice actors for a popular show. So, once I get the questions would you help me?

Well, sure, I could try to answer questions for your school work. I just don't post here very often, so I hope I'd be able to answer in time.

Glad you think the job is cool… heh, I enjoy it.

(Apr. 23, 2012  1:29 AM)UGottaCetus Wrote: Shout out to Toby-Faust as well, though I haven't seen Faust yet. I definitely look forward to.

I hope you do like the voice. It should be fun!

(Apr. 26, 2012  7:12 AM)Fakirs Duck Wrote: I think the other person compatible with Dr. Ziggurat's arrangement system was Ryuga. That's why he wanted him to join so badly. I love Toby's voice! It makes him sound so cute, and totally fits his character!

Thanks, I'm glad you love it. Especially glad that you think it's cute.

(Apr. 26, 2012  7:38 AM)Flameos Wrote: I have two questions and the second one I wouldn't blame if you didn't answer.

Q: how did you get the language from foreign to English

Q: Can you get me a role O.O

We have nothing to do with the creation or translation of the show. We're only the voice actors.
The process is that they give us an English script that someone has written and it has been measured to fit the open and closed mouths of the anime. We practice and record in a certain time frame and try to match the words with the mouths as closely as we can. The audio engineer then moves it around and works his magic, hopefully in the end it fits and makes sense.

Unfortunately, no, we have nothing to do with casting either.

Thanks everyone for the questions. Keep them coming.
Hope you're all well.

RE: Q&A with the VAs of Zeo & Toby - Duck - Apr. 26, 2012

Honestly though, Toby's voice is so perfect! When he was in the wheelchair and Masamune approached him, saying, “Number one!” and then Toby smiled and replied, “Number one...” my heart melted. That scene is one of my favorites! It was so touching to me! Also, I have another question for Zeo: Do you like jellybeans? If so, what kind?

RE: Q&A with the VAs of Zeo & Toby - SouPudeliK - May. 05, 2012

I'm not much of a fan of the English dub but I really like you two as Zeo and Faust ^-^ (I think Ziggurat's and some other voice actors fit quite well, too. I like how the English dub has developed. :3)

<<I absolutely love the voice of Faust, just hate how they pronouced his name. You guys are just awesome at voice acting, Faust sounds like a total badass, I don't care what anyone says. I also love the voice of Damian, he sounds really cool.>> (sorry, I'm not able to quote right now >.>)

Ah... I am a huge fan of Goethe's Faust (and I'm German which might be more important when it comes to pronounciation) and in the scenes I've seen the name has been pronounced correctly.

RE: Q&A with the VAs of Zeo & Toby - Killer-Kirsty - May. 05, 2012

(Apr. 26, 2012  8:15 AM)Toby_Faust Wrote: The tease machine has arrived! *EVIL LAUGHTER*
It's fun teasing him. I like Mac, he's a great guy and I'm happy to call him a friend.
No, I don't tease Cameron because we have yet to hang out for an extended period of time. I'll invite him out eventually.

Well, I've seen my fair share of Rule34… you know… existing on the internet and all… and having friends who like to send me things… just to try to creep me out.

The group is actually an amazing thing to have and I feel blessed that I have them. The discussions are beyond helpful, and I do expect that I will EVENTUALLY get used to hearing my own performances.

Well, there are animes where the police are a prominent force, but it seems to be severely lacking on this one.

It's amusing that you mention the love triangle, because that has been a topic of conversation of late, especially with my teasing ways. I would have to agree that Toby is stuck in the middle, which is kind of cute. I agree, if Toby had known what was happening in 37 it would have broken his heart. Although, speaking as myself watching the episode I really appreciate what Zeo did, and can completely understand the rage he feels.

Well, I say they modified his back because we see these mechanical tentacle things fire into his back at Faust's first appearance. The fact that he returns to Toby just shows the power that friendship has. Masamune and Zeo are fantastic friends to Toby and the fact that they realize what they must do for him and Zeo becomes good again, is fantastic.

Well, I don't know which characters would be compatible. It seems that the main requirement is desperation. The more broken and desperate the character is the more compatible they seem to be.
Just a theory.

I'll have to check out EastEnders, I've been told before that I'd like it.
I think of the older sister as completely understanding and willing to do anything for her brother. Again, she is a creation of my own imagination, so it's easy to play with her personality. She definitely stands by Toby, and appreciates Zeo.

The differences in Animation and Commercials are like night and day. The entire procedure is very different. In animation, I find that there's more room to play. Words can be changed here and there. A line can be read so differently from take to take and can have such different meanings. In commercials it tends to be more direct, one way, etc. The words are often exact (legal reasons) and there is less room to play. It also depends what commercial is being recorded. I just did one last week, it took forever to lay down. I was in the studio for over 2 hours.

The Dreamcast was my favourite system. I just loved it.

Hahah, oh to have Twisted Tempo near Byxis… that's fun. Thanks. Heheh.

The mugging thing is EXACTLY my point. I understand that they mean, "If Sonic is there, you don't have to call the cops." but it was SO muddled. People are weird… oh well.

I won't go over why I think the SNES is the best… I just love it.

ADHD is interesting, I'm glad you're getting along without the medications. You'll get it, it takes time and energy, but you can do it.

All I have to say about Earl is that he's just amazing. That's it, he's amazing.

Pacing is fine, just don't wear out the carpets.

Anime North is indeed where I started. I have fond memories of that convention and am very happy to be going there as a guest.
Whether or not the battles are that long, I'm certainly excited to battle. If Cameron shows up we'll have to get him a Bey too.

Thank you for the well wishes, I certainly enjoy working with Mac, and working in general.

We'll be interviewed by someone or a few people at the convention. I'll link them when I find out about them. Though, I'm certain you guys have a lot of the information here.

Faust is coming in about a month or so, I'm excited to see him.

Thanks again for the compliments, I'm glad you like the voice acting.

I think the interesting thing about the disease is that there isn't a lot of information about it. I always figured it was hereditary. Not contagious at all. I also figure that it drains the energy. He seems so sombre and less energetic. Even when he sees Masamune for the first time in ages, he's super excited, but still, I played him kind of mellow.
Asthma mixed in works too, since I have it in real life.

It generally is just a Soap Opera Disease, but it works well. Just don't call him a "sod".

Thanks for asking the questions, always a fan of those!
Hope your holidays were fantastic too.

… you saw 45!? Awesome!
Yeah, those tentacles are EXACTLY what I meant. When I was in the studio I said, "PLEASE let me make him react somehow." They wouldn't let me. I just wanted a grunt.. something… Those things just go RIGHT INTO HIS BACK!
Yeah, I think I killed a few people with that blast… isn't there a boat that gets destroyed? Wouldn't that mean people are near?
Thanks, I hope the voice for Faust is good! Smile

Thanks again for your questions and comments, always excited to read them and answer them.

Thanks everyone for the questions. Keep them coming.
Hope you're all well.

OMG it's the Tease Machine run away! That is just sweet I just love hearing about yours and Mac's friendship, it is very heart-warming.

Hey if you three hang out together sometime then Team Dungeon will have truly come to life!

Looks like the Tease Machine is infectious, nice though how your friends are supportive in their own way of what you do. Maybe one of your friends got you Tempo and won't say? Do they succeed in creeping you out?

Fantastic to see this group is a regular thing now, even more awesome that you are getting a lot out of it.

It has always been that way in Beyblade, everything is solved with spinning tops though there were police in one of the older series but they didn't do all that much.

I think quite a few fans have picked up on the “love triangle” ever since the episodes came out especially with the way Zeo has come across. Toby bears little to no ill will to Masamune for leaving him for a while whereas Zeo is rather carped off and in a way doesn't understand why Toby doesn't feel the same way. Zeo will do anything and I mean anything for Toby at all costs even if it means becoming an unwilling guinea pig. Masamune is well-intentioned but maybe he got a bit carried away in wanting to keep his promise to Toby, we didn't know straight away why he wanted to become Number One so it did seem as if he did forget about Zeo and Toby. I think both Zeo and Masamune could have gone about helping Toby a better way (for instance working together which they end up doing). When I think about it I do understand why Zeo is so mad at Masamune.

I can just imagine the fun you are having teasing with the love triangle comments.

I have to apologize as sometimes I don't understand what you mean straight away. It truly is a miracle that Toby was able to return in the end with all that happened. Friendship is truly a wonderful thing. But what would have happened if Zeo and Masamune remained enemies?

That definitely explains Zeo and Damian but Jack and Toby not quite so much. I mean maybe Jack is a struggling artist and deep down although he puts on a brave face Toby probably was desperate to have things the way they were before his illness.
That is fine I really like to hear both yours and Mac's theories concerning your characters.

It is watched often at my house I watch it sometimes but then I have to not watch it otherwise I'd be shouting at the TV all the time. With what you have said I would say about 90 per cent of the EastEnders cast would be compatible with the Arrange system XD!

I have a theory about Toby's sister hope you don't mind it. She would also be holding one or two jobs down I expect (I can see her being a waitress) and since you said the illness is hereditary I can imagine her to fall to the same illness brought on by stress upon finding out what has happened to Toby (recognizing him as Faust). She would also be a bit cross with Masamune but not as angry as Zeo is.

2 hours for a 30 second ad? Blimey that is a long time. Because ads/commercials are about selling things they would have to be direct and exact. Animation sounds a lot more flexible and fun with the line changes and how takes can have more than one meaning. Do you have a fave commercial that you did? And have you ever done an annoying commercial?

You are welcome thought you might want to hear it though now I think I should have a put a Striker with them too. Well I did get my first MM Bey (it was a Thermal Lacerta) and I'm getting Byxis and Tempo for my birthday, I plan on getting a few MM Beys.

It wouldn't be the first kid's programme to muddle up the lessons they preach, some programmes try so hard to be educational (which was required in the 80s/90s apparently) that they are too preachy and get the whole lesson they were trying to teach wrong.

I guess it is in the “How am I be hyper a lot of the time?” kind of way as well as going from one subject to another quick, I am pretty sure others wonder where I get the energy from. Thanks I think you sound like Toby there.

Luckily there is not a lot of carpets in my house.

It is almost like coming full-circle. Do you have any of your fond memories you would like to share? To have all of Team Dungeon there battling would be amazing! Maybe they'll sell beys at the con maybe even a Striker for Cameron.

You are welcome and that is great to hear!

Maybe you and Mac will get your own panel or something and hey if Cameron joins you could officially call it the Team Dungeon Panel. It would be great to see or read any interviews you guys have.

I think we all are excited to see Faust properly, he'll be here sooner than we know it. (This year is flying!)

No probs I am glad you guys enjoy the roles.

The less information about the disease makes it both severe sounding but at the same time can pass the censors without watering down how severe it is. I did think maybe Toby and his sister lost their parents to the disease maybe or one of them at least. You can tell that Toby is happy but drained at the same time, you really do well with Toby and his many turns whether they are keen, angry or ill and tired and it comes across well. It also sounds like you draw a little from your own experiences.

I would never dream of calling Toby a “sod”.

You are welcome thanks for answering!
Easter was good thanks, I took part with the Boccia club I am part of in a Boccia pairs tournament with other teams and did a “Number One” pose on one of the pics that were taken as well as saying Aim for Number One a few times.

Yeah someone recorded some of the episodes on TV using a camera and then other users have took the sound and combined them with what I presume to be RAW footage of the matching episode and put it to YT. I was shocked to hear Zeo actually say if he loses Toby would die. Shocking as Beyblade Metal Masters has averted the Never Say Die trope, though really it started with Jack's attack Beautiful Dead.

I can understand why the studio may have not let you react is probably a part of the fact that Faust is in auto-pilot mode, a reaction would however have made the audience see that Toby was still in there and add more of the “OMG what have they done to Toby?” effect.

Well seeing how dark and edgy Metal Masters has become the Spiral Force has probably at the least killed some animals, and the land was left barren after the test blast and yes there was a boat in the lake destroyed so Faust may have very well killed a few people...unless they were conveniently evacuated beforehand.
You are welcome. Faust's voice is good, it does give off that Faust is a different character to Toby but knowing that inside Toby is still there.

You are welcome and thank you very much for the answers, theories and comments.

And that is a good point Fakir's Duck as Ryuga was when we first saw him in a stasis bed like the Arrange system so Ryuga might have been compatible in the past. Also IIRC the Arrange based on Ryuga's and L-Drago's data.

RE: Q&A with the VAs of Zeo & Toby - Karl - May. 07, 2012

Just a little joke for Mac and Toby_Faust! XD
Dear Toby,
I am zeo's mentor, and because Zeo is doing as I say you have been given the upmost medical care. Because Zeo has full filled his main objective, I, as promised to Zeo, will cure you. THE MAIN SIDE EFFECT IS OLD MAN SYNDROME, BUT ALL IT DOES IS MAKE YOUR HAIR GREY.
Dr. Ziggurat

Lol, this letter takes place right before you see sick toby in the hospital with dr. Ziggurat and dr. Ziggurat asks Toby if he's ready and he says yes. So, what do you think?!
Q: if you could change three things you didn't like in the storyline what would they be? What would you change them to?

RE: Q&A with the VAs of Zeo & Toby - Thunder Dome - May. 07, 2012

Toby: Do you like being the bad guy
Zeo: Is it hard to do some of your lines when you are shouting really loud

RE: Q&A with the VAs of Zeo & Toby - ~Mana~ - May. 07, 2012

Have you guys finished all the Voice Acting for Metal Fury yet? You have lines in the final episode Grin

RE: Q&A with the VAs of Zeo & Toby - Toby_Faust - May. 18, 2012

(Apr. 26, 2012  8:39 AM)Fakirs Duck Wrote: Honestly though, Toby's voice is so perfect! When he was in the wheelchair and Masamune approached him, saying, “Number one!” and then Toby smiled and replied, “Number one...” my heart melted. That scene is one of my favorites! It was so touching to me! Also, I have another question for Zeo: Do you like jellybeans? If so, what kind?

Thank you very much. I'm glad your heart melted, that was the point of my performance. :-)
I hope you continue to enjoy my recordings.

(May. 05, 2012  2:10 AM)SouPudeliK Wrote: I'm not much of a fan of the English dub but I really like you two as Zeo and Faust ^-^ (I think Ziggurat's and some other voice actors fit quite well, too. I like how the English dub has developed. :3)

<<I absolutely love the voice of Faust, just hate how they pronouced his name. You guys are just awesome at voice acting, Faust sounds like a total badass, I don't care what anyone says. I also love the voice of Damian, he sounds really cool.>> (sorry, I'm not able to quote right now >.>)

Ah... I am a huge fan of Goethe's Faust (and I'm German which might be more important when it comes to pronounciation) and in the scenes I've seen the name has been pronounced correctly.

Well, I'm glad you like us at least. The voice actor for Ziggurat is fantastic. You're right some people fit the characters better than others, but all in all everyone does a pretty good job.

I know the name because of Christopher Marlowe's play about Faustus. Of course, that is based on the same legend as Goethe's Faust. (Goethe wrote his version in the 1800s and Marlowe did his in the 1600s though the legend is even older.)

Every version I've heard we're pronouncing it correctly, so I too don't know what this person means by the pronunciation.
Though I do still appreciate that I "Sound like a total badass".

(May. 05, 2012  11:23 PM)Kirst-Mizuhime Wrote: OMG it's the Tease Machine run away! That is just sweet I just love hearing about yours and Mac's friendship, it is very heart-warming.

Hey if you three hang out together sometime then Team Dungeon will have truly come to life!

Looks like the Tease Machine is infectious, nice though how your friends are supportive in their own way of what you do. Maybe one of your friends got you Tempo and won't say? Do they succeed in creeping you out?

Fantastic to see this group is a regular thing now, even more awesome that you are getting a lot out of it.

It has always been that way in Beyblade, everything is solved with spinning tops though there were police in one of the older series but they didn't do all that much.

I think quite a few fans have picked up on the “love triangle” ever since the episodes came out especially with the way Zeo has come across. Toby bears little to no ill will to Masamune for leaving him for a while whereas Zeo is rather carped off and in a way doesn't understand why Toby doesn't feel the same way. Zeo will do anything and I mean anything for Toby at all costs even if it means becoming an unwilling guinea pig. Masamune is well-intentioned but maybe he got a bit carried away in wanting to keep his promise to Toby, we didn't know straight away why he wanted to become Number One so it did seem as if he did forget about Zeo and Toby. I think both Zeo and Masamune could have gone about helping Toby a better way (for instance working together which they end up doing). When I think about it I do understand why Zeo is so mad at Masamune.

I can just imagine the fun you are having teasing with the love triangle comments.

I have to apologize as sometimes I don't understand what you mean straight away. It truly is a miracle that Toby was able to return in the end with all that happened. Friendship is truly a wonderful thing. But what would have happened if Zeo and Masamune remained enemies?

That definitely explains Zeo and Damian but Jack and Toby not quite so much. I mean maybe Jack is a struggling artist and deep down although he puts on a brave face Toby probably was desperate to have things the way they were before his illness.
That is fine I really like to hear both yours and Mac's theories concerning your characters.

It is watched often at my house I watch it sometimes but then I have to not watch it otherwise I'd be shouting at the TV all the time. With what you have said I would say about 90 per cent of the EastEnders cast would be compatible with the Arrange system XD!

I have a theory about Toby's sister hope you don't mind it. She would also be holding one or two jobs down I expect (I can see her being a waitress) and since you said the illness is hereditary I can imagine her to fall to the same illness brought on by stress upon finding out what has happened to Toby (recognizing him as Faust). She would also be a bit cross with Masamune but not as angry as Zeo is.

2 hours for a 30 second ad? Blimey that is a long time. Because ads/commercials are about selling things they would have to be direct and exact. Animation sounds a lot more flexible and fun with the line changes and how takes can have more than one meaning. Do you have a fave commercial that you did? And have you ever done an annoying commercial?

You are welcome thought you might want to hear it though now I think I should have a put a Striker with them too. Well I did get my first MM Bey (it was a Thermal Lacerta) and I'm getting Byxis and Tempo for my birthday, I plan on getting a few MM Beys.

It wouldn't be the first kid's programme to muddle up the lessons they preach, some programmes try so hard to be educational (which was required in the 80s/90s apparently) that they are too preachy and get the whole lesson they were trying to teach wrong.

I guess it is in the “How am I be hyper a lot of the time?” kind of way as well as going from one subject to another quick, I am pretty sure others wonder where I get the energy from. Thanks I think you sound like Toby there.

Luckily there is not a lot of carpets in my house.

It is almost like coming full-circle. Do you have any of your fond memories you would like to share? To have all of Team Dungeon there battling would be amazing! Maybe they'll sell beys at the con maybe even a Striker for Cameron.

You are welcome and that is great to hear!

Maybe you and Mac will get your own panel or something and hey if Cameron joins you could officially call it the Team Dungeon Panel. It would be great to see or read any interviews you guys have.

I think we all are excited to see Faust properly, he'll be here sooner than we know it. (This year is flying!)

No probs I am glad you guys enjoy the roles.

The less information about the disease makes it both severe sounding but at the same time can pass the censors without watering down how severe it is. I did think maybe Toby and his sister lost their parents to the disease maybe or one of them at least. You can tell that Toby is happy but drained at the same time, you really do well with Toby and his many turns whether they are keen, angry or ill and tired and it comes across well. It also sounds like you draw a little from your own experiences.

I would never dream of calling Toby a “sod”.

You are welcome thanks for answering!
Easter was good thanks, I took part with the Boccia club I am part of in a Boccia pairs tournament with other teams and did a “Number One” pose on one of the pics that were taken as well as saying Aim for Number One a few times.

Yeah someone recorded some of the episodes on TV using a camera and then other users have took the sound and combined them with what I presume to be RAW footage of the matching episode and put it to YT. I was shocked to hear Zeo actually say if he loses Toby would die. Shocking as Beyblade Metal Masters has averted the Never Say Die trope, though really it started with Jack's attack Beautiful Dead.

I can understand why the studio may have not let you react is probably a part of the fact that Faust is in auto-pilot mode, a reaction would however have made the audience see that Toby was still in there and add more of the “OMG what have they done to Toby?” effect.

Well seeing how dark and edgy Metal Masters has become the Spiral Force has probably at the least killed some animals, and the land was left barren after the test blast and yes there was a boat in the lake destroyed so Faust may have very well killed a few people...unless they were conveniently evacuated beforehand.
You are welcome. Faust's voice is good, it does give off that Faust is a different character to Toby but knowing that inside Toby is still there.

You are welcome and thank you very much for the answers, theories and comments.

And that is a good point Fakir's Duck as Ryuga was when we first saw him in a stasis bed like the Arrange system so Ryuga might have been compatible in the past. Also IIRC the Arrange based on Ryuga's and L-Drago's data.


We'll all hang out eventually I'm sure. Hopefully at Anime North.

The support is good. I don't know who got me the Tempo, it doesn't matter anymore, it's all good. No, I don't really get creeped out. They can try, but they have yet to succeed.

I am enjoying the love triangle, I think it's sweet and cute, and it drives Mac crazy.
I think your analysis of the situation is spot on.
I think your analysis of the fun I'm having WITH said love triangle is even MORE spot on.

I don't think Masamune and Zeo could have remained enemies. They needed to become friends again. They needed to work together to help Toby. Friendship endures, eventually people understand each other.
If we are speaking hypothetically, Toby would have never come back around. I'd still be going around blowing up stuff.

I think the desperation comes from all sorts of aspects. Jack could have been a struggling artist, or maybe he has other issues. Toby wasn't desperate just for things to go back to how they were, but when people are sick, they are desperate to survive. Even if he was unconscious, his primal urge for survival makes him desperate.
I'm glad you like to hear the theories. I like being asked the questions that make me think about it too.

Well, I'll be a little honest, I based my idea of the illness on something personal. Something in my family. I don't see the sister getting ill, but I do agree that she would be upset with Masamune, but not at the same level as Zeo. Two jobs is definitely a possibility though. I think she would bury herself in her work.

Yes, it was crazy long. Good work though.
A favourite commercial that I've done? Well, I have a favourite recording session, I once went in to record a commercial for Ikea, and did it in one take. The actress who went in before me wasn't even finished signing her contract when I came back out of the studio.
My most annoying commercial? Well, I don't want to make any possible readers upset, but I had one commercial for some company, I won't say who, where the director and producer were so annoying that the client actually left the room during my recording because he couldn't listen to them argue with each other anymore about how my read should sound. It took nearly 4 hours to record the commercial.

Enjoy your beys, glad you're getting Tempo for your birthday. That's a good present! Smile

Well, if people wonder about your ADHD, have some fun with them. Purposely switch conversations and get a little extra hyper around them. Heheheh come join the tease machine! IT IS FUN!

Lots of STRANGE stories about Anime North. Too many from which to choose.
Mac and I will be getting our own Beyblade panel, and I do hope Cameron can attend.
It would be lots of fun.
I'm going to see if anyone can film them for us.

I'm very excited to see Faust too, I'm really hoping everyone likes him.

I never really decided on how the parents were lost, I have been thinking a car accident of late, but that's a little cliché. Maybe it was the disease.
Thanks for the complements on my reads, I really enjoyed playing such a dynamic character. Sick yet happy and tired was a fun emotion to play.

Glad Easter was good, (I guess it's been a while since I've responded to the forum, sorry).
Oh, Boccia is cool, I've only seen it played once before. Did you have fun?
And AWESOME for the "Number One" poses. Heh.

Well, that's an interesting way of watching the episode, the audio quality couldn't be that good, so I hope you enjoy the REAL version of the episode even MORE!
Yeah, it seems that the series let itself get a little darker with us around.

Your observation of why I wanted to add the reaction is SPOT on. I wanted the audience to freak out. I wanted them to say, "HOLY! WHAT HAVE THEY DONE TO TOBY!?" As much of a machine as he becomes, he's still in there, if only just a little bit. I think it worked out nicely either way. This way it's more of a struggle and surprise when the boys bring him back.

I definitely like thinking, in a little bit of a sick manner, that Faust DID kill a bunch of people. It allows for the character to have sunk to a completely different level. One that does not even care for human life. It just pumps it to the next extreme.
I'm glad he sounds like a new character, because he is.
The recording for adult Toby is the hard part, because the voice has to be nice and good now, but I made the voice so dark for Faust… and vocal chords don't change back to being higher. Heh, so the evil gritty voice has to sound good. You'll hear that next year.

Always a pleasure to provide answers, theories, and comments. :-)
Always a pleasure to read your questions, I look forward to the next ones.

(May. 07, 2012  1:47 AM)Karl Wrote: Just a little joke for Mac and Toby_Faust! XD
Dear Toby,
I am zeo's mentor, and because Zeo is doing as I say you have been given the upmost medical care. Because Zeo has full filled his main objective, I, as promised to Zeo, will cure you. THE MAIN SIDE EFFECT IS OLD MAN SYNDROME, BUT ALL IT DOES IS MAKE YOUR HAIR GREY.
Dr. Ziggurat

Lol, this letter takes place right before you see sick toby in the hospital with dr. Ziggurat and dr. Ziggurat asks Toby if he's ready and he says yes. So, what do you think?!
Q: if you could change three things you didn't like in the storyline what would they be? What would you change them to?

Heheheh, well, what makes it even FUNNIER is that you make that joke about Toby now having silver hair, but in the first episode with Masamune trying to find Toby he goes to a hospital room and sees an old man and freaks out thinking that Toby has become an old man. Well, the old man's name is BENJAMIN! That's my real name, so your joke letter works on TWO levels.

The three things I'd change… are selfish because they just make me SUPER AWESOME!
1) I'd let post Faust Toby remain super strong with Twisted Tempo, or if not, a bey of similar strength… I'm not a fan of Spiral Lyra.
2) I'd let Toby and Zeo go on different adventures and maybe be separate from each other in the new season.
3) In the season that's airing right now I'd like to have seen Faust win a few more battles. He's super powerful and blows up an island, but he can't seem to actually WIN a few battles.

Those are only things pertaining to Toby / Faust and Zeo, but that's where the focus is for my part.

THAT all being said, I really ENJOY the show, where it is and where it's going and how it's written. I just love my character and would love him to be seen by the audience the way I see him in my head.

(May. 07, 2012  11:35 AM)Thunder Dome Wrote: Toby: Do you like being the bad guy
Zeo: Is it hard to do some of your lines when you are shouting really loud

I absolutely LOVE being the bad guy. I enjoy the voice acting more, I enjoy my performance more, and I enjoy the voice more.

(May. 07, 2012  5:28 PM)Manaphy12342 Wrote: Have you guys finished all the Voice Acting for Metal Fury yet? You have lines in the final episode Grin

Not quite done yet, I think we just have a few more episodes to record (possibly just the final episode for us). Hope you're enjoying it so far.

Thanks for all the questions everyone. Keep them coming. Talk to you soon
P.S. Anime North is next weekend, if any of you are in Toronto I hope you guys come out to see Mac and me at our panels / autograph sessions, etc.

RE: Q&A with the VAs of Zeo & Toby - Killer-Kirsty - May. 20, 2012

(May. 18, 2012  3:08 PM)Toby_Faust Wrote: MWAHAHAHA, TEASE MACHINE OF DOOOOOOOM!

We'll all hang out eventually I'm sure. Hopefully at Anime North.

The support is good. I don't know who got me the Tempo, it doesn't matter anymore, it's all good. No, I don't really get creeped out. They can try, but they have yet to succeed.

I am enjoying the love triangle, I think it's sweet and cute, and it drives Mac crazy.
I think your analysis of the situation is spot on.
I think your analysis of the fun I'm having WITH said love triangle is even MORE spot on.

I don't think Masamune and Zeo could have remained enemies. They needed to become friends again. They needed to work together to help Toby. Friendship endures, eventually people understand each other.
If we are speaking hypothetically, Toby would have never come back around. I'd still be going around blowing up stuff.

I think the desperation comes from all sorts of aspects. Jack could have been a struggling artist, or maybe he has other issues. Toby wasn't desperate just for things to go back to how they were, but when people are sick, they are desperate to survive. Even if he was unconscious, his primal urge for survival makes him desperate.
I'm glad you like to hear the theories. I like being asked the questions that make me think about it too.

Well, I'll be a little honest, I based my idea of the illness on something personal. Something in my family. I don't see the sister getting ill, but I do agree that she would be upset with Masamune, but not at the same level as Zeo. Two jobs is definitely a possibility though. I think she would bury herself in her work.

Yes, it was crazy long. Good work though.
A favourite commercial that I've done? Well, I have a favourite recording session, I once went in to record a commercial for Ikea, and did it in one take. The actress who went in before me wasn't even finished signing her contract when I came back out of the studio.
My most annoying commercial? Well, I don't want to make any possible readers upset, but I had one commercial for some company, I won't say who, where the director and producer were so annoying that the client actually left the room during my recording because he couldn't listen to them argue with each other anymore about how my read should sound. It took nearly 4 hours to record the commercial.

Enjoy your beys, glad you're getting Tempo for your birthday. That's a good present! Smile

Well, if people wonder about your ADHD, have some fun with them. Purposely switch conversations and get a little extra hyper around them. Heheheh come join the tease machine! IT IS FUN!

Lots of STRANGE stories about Anime North. Too many from which to choose.
Mac and I will be getting our own Beyblade panel, and I do hope Cameron can attend.
It would be lots of fun.
I'm going to see if anyone can film them for us.

I'm very excited to see Faust too, I'm really hoping everyone likes him.

I never really decided on how the parents were lost, I have been thinking a car accident of late, but that's a little cliché. Maybe it was the disease.
Thanks for the complements on my reads, I really enjoyed playing such a dynamic character. Sick yet happy and tired was a fun emotion to play.

Glad Easter was good, (I guess it's been a while since I've responded to the forum, sorry).
Oh, Boccia is cool, I've only seen it played once before. Did you have fun?
And AWESOME for the "Number One" poses. Heh.

Well, that's an interesting way of watching the episode, the audio quality couldn't be that good, so I hope you enjoy the REAL version of the episode even MORE!
Yeah, it seems that the series let itself get a little darker with us around.

Your observation of why I wanted to add the reaction is SPOT on. I wanted the audience to freak out. I wanted them to say, "HOLY! WHAT HAVE THEY DONE TO TOBY!?" As much of a machine as he becomes, he's still in there, if only just a little bit. I think it worked out nicely either way. This way it's more of a struggle and surprise when the boys bring him back.

I definitely like thinking, in a little bit of a sick manner, that Faust DID kill a bunch of people. It allows for the character to have sunk to a completely different level. One that does not even care for human life. It just pumps it to the next extreme.
I'm glad he sounds like a new character, because he is.
The recording for adult Toby is the hard part, because the voice has to be nice and good now, but I made the voice so dark for Faust… and vocal chords don't change back to being higher. Heh, so the evil gritty voice has to sound good. You'll hear that next year.

Always a pleasure to provide answers, theories, and comments. :-)
Always a pleasure to read your questions, I look forward to the next ones.

Thanks for all the questions everyone. Keep them coming. Talk to you soon
P.S. Anime North is next weekend, if any of you are in Toronto I hope you guys come out to see Mac and me at our panels / autograph sessions, etc.

*screams then runs* Must warn everyone before it is too late!

I hope so! Not long now until AN!

Anyway what have you done with your Tempo so far? Hopefully not turned forests into barren wilderness taking lives in the have some really good friends behind you there, to have support and a good laugh with.

Crazy in a good way or a bad way? But yes their love triangle is sweet and enjoyable to watch.
Thanks I say things as I see them.

And in doing so they in the end finally helped Toby the better way not to mention that forgiveness goes a long way. Power of Friendship and Love conquers all!

So it was also basic human primal survival instinct that created Faust in a way, uncomfortable as it would be for Toby but it seems that maybe Faust was a part of him maybe kinda like Mr. Hyde.

This also makes me think that part of Toby's desperation was maybe caused by the rift between his two best friends and him wanting the three of them to just reunite. Basically if Zeo and Toby didn't become friends again the world would have pretty much been screwed. I'd say Jack definitely has some issues as well as being a struggling artist.

I understand, it really is quite interesting that you have drawn from personal experience. I guess not but I don't think she wouldn't take her brother being turned into Faust very well and maybe the stress would get on top of her. She'd also use her jobs as some sort of escape from reality maybe.

Wow the Ikea commercial sounded like the quickest you have ever recorded. I can understand why the client got annoyed (time-wasting) and sounded like it annoyed you also keeping you there for 4 hours while the director and producer bickered (in front of the client and yourself no less), not exactly professional of them. It is always a better experience if the higher-ups know what they are doing I guess.

I will! One of the workers at the shop where it was from said Tempo was one of the best Beys just hope it is not as destructive as it is in real life...but anyway Tempo is the only Bey without fiddly stickers to put on it apparently.

Thanks for the tip! I tend to switch subjects very quickly normally when having a long convo and then going back and forth and am extra hyper when excited. Though more often then not people tend to ask about my autism when I am explaining about my quirks.

Why am I being reminded of a “join us join us” kind of situation here? Then again I know some more who are in a way part of the tease machine of doom...

Well I hope you, Mac and everyone else who attends your panel have a brilliant time next weekend, great to hear you and Mac got your own Beyblade Panel and really hope that Cameron gets to join you. It would be great if someone filmed it for those of us who won't be able to go.

I think he has fans already, by the time of his début he may well get more.

It would be really rotten luck if both parents carried the disease and were both taken by it, maybe one died from the disease and maybe the other from a broken heart. You are welcome the roles of both Toby and Faust sounded like quite the challenge. I remember in Digimon one of the main character's parents were killed by a car accident.

Don't worry you must have been busy.

Yes it was good fun but a little disorganized as there some long waits between games. Despite aiming and posing for Number One my companion and I (we were in a doubles pair for the tourney) came in third in our division.

It was interesting and the sound quality wasn't good but I was curious to see and hear Faust so my curiosity got the better of me. I cannot wait for the real version to come out.

The series coincidentally got more darker around the episodes Debra Toffan took over as voice director.

Yeah it is more of a surprise that Toby comes back after his lack of a reaction as Faust but I think it would have been more heart-wrenching to have some sort of reaction from Faust when the Spiral Force was first unleashed. But yes this is a case of either no reaction or reaction fit nicely story and character wise.

So if Faust did kill a bunch of people then who would get charged for manslaughter? I mean these people must have families that will grieve and want to know what happened, I am guessing that maybe Dr. Ziggurat and his workers would be held most responsible as they unlike Faust are not (as far as we know) brainwashed.

From your POV does Toby realize that he may have unintentionally killed others? And for that matter do Zeo and Masamune know too? If so how do they deal with this?

The Toby-turning-into-Faust and then killing people thing is sorta comparable to say a character-turned-werewolf or vampire eating people. The thing that they become don't really care for human life although their human alter egos do which makes it terribly tragic and yet sympathetic. It in a way allows the “monstrous new character” to sink without the character they once were (and in some cases can be brought back to) to sink.

So when you refer to Post-Faust!Toby's voice as adult Toby, does this mean that Toby is physically an adult now or just his voice? We heard some of Adult!Toby's voice in the vid you and Mac did and it does sound good.

Hmmm Karl, you were not far off when you joked about Dr. Ziggurat's letter to Toby...I remember when Masamune freaked and thought Toby had turned into an old man and the old man was not Toby but named Benjamin I kinda thought it may have been done on purpose as an in-production joke (more a part of the tease machine?).

Thanks for your answers, theories and comments and please let us know how Anime North goes. I won't be there as I don't live in either Toronto or Canada but I hope all of you members on the forums here who are going have a brill time!

RE: Q&A with the VAs of Zeo & Toby - ForeverNura123 - May. 21, 2012

I don't know what to ask..
Do you get confused with your name,as you and Zeo Zagart has the same first name "Zeo"?

RE: Q&A with the VAs of Zeo & Toby - Duck - May. 21, 2012

(May. 21, 2012  12:43 PM)ForeverNura123 Wrote: I don't know what to ask..
Do you get confused with your name,as you and Zeo Zagart has the same first name "Zeo"?

By 'Zeo Zagart' do you mean Dr. Ziggurat? Zeo and Ziggurat are not the same names...

RE: Q&A with the VAs of Zeo & Toby - SouPudeliK - May. 21, 2012

(May. 21, 2012  10:09 PM)Fakirs Duck Wrote:
(May. 21, 2012  12:43 PM)ForeverNura123 Wrote: I don't know what to ask..
Do you get confused with your name,as you and Zeo Zagart has the same first name "Zeo"?

By 'Zeo Zagart' do you mean Dr. Ziggurat? Zeo and Ziggurat are not the same names...

There is a boy called Zeo Zagart in the old Beyblade.
But I doubt Mac will get confused by it because he actually has nothing to do with that series.

RE: Q&A with the VAs of Zeo & Toby - Duck - May. 25, 2012

(May. 21, 2012  10:18 PM)SouPudeliK Wrote:
(May. 21, 2012  10:09 PM)Fakirs Duck Wrote:
(May. 21, 2012  12:43 PM)ForeverNura123 Wrote: I don't know what to ask..
Do you get confused with your name,as you and Zeo Zagart has the same first name "Zeo"?

By 'Zeo Zagart' do you mean Dr. Ziggurat? Zeo and Ziggurat are not the same names...

There is a boy called Zeo Zagart in the old Beyblade.
But I doubt Mac will get confused by it because he actually has nothing to do with that series.

Oops! Sorry for being such a noob! I haven't seen anything but MFB (and I love it)!

RE: Q&A with the VAs of Zeo & Toby - Kai-V - May. 27, 2012

We were busy with the Beyblade tournament in the Sheraton, but I really hope that you two had a great time at Anime North and that a lot of people came to see you.

RE: Q&A with the VAs of Zeo & Toby - LeonTempest - May. 27, 2012

I am not just saying this because you 2 are here on the WBO publicly, but...

You are both by far, 2 of the best Beyblade Metal Saga voice actors to date. Don't let it go to your head, keep working hard, and keep that good head on your shoulders. =D

I know I have said this all before, but I am also exceptionally proud of nt just you guys, but the rest of the cast as well; the voice acting has really improved since Season One for almost all of the characters.

Now to get on with specifics

zeo Mac: Your are good at emotional voice acting, something I think alot of Beyblade lacks. The parts where you are mad at Masamune, or upset about your friend Toby, or both, are your best. Your character is portrayed as a once kind, innocent friend who took the wrong path and is now angry at the world and especially at his former friend, and I got to say man, those moments of emotional outburts and change in your tone from quiet to crazy to insane are just phenomenal =D.

toby Faust: I have a very similar type of compliment. You go from the quiet, innocent, frail, sick Toby to Mr. bad-carp Faust. Everything about your tone of voice change is perfect. Now please don't feel as if I am not complementing you as much as I did Zeo Mac, as you are both excellent, but I don't feel the need to repeat the same type of compliment. With that said, please know that you are both equally talented at what you do, and I hope that you both continue to pursue voice acting for as long as possible., and seek out more shows for us to enjoy =D

RE: Q&A with the VAs of Zeo & Toby - Karl - May. 27, 2012

ditto with LeonTempestXIII, you guys are a WHOLE lot better than the other voice actors! They make those random weird noises like they do. DO NOT GET ME STARTED ON GINGKA'S VA!!! But you guys actually put emotion and drama into your acting, and that's what acting's all about! Because of your amazing voice acting, and the amazing story of them, Zeo and Toby/Faust have become my favorite characters!!! I wish you the best of luck throughout your career!

RE: Q&A with the VAs of Zeo & Toby - TheNo.1Blader - May. 28, 2012

Awesome!!! It's so cool to be talking with real voice actors! I haven't yet heard Faust's voice yet in the anime, but I'm really looking forward to it! And Zeo's VA is one of my absolute favorites in Beyblade Metal Masters! Keep up the good work, Benjamin and Mac!
Now for my questions. Benjamin and Mac, have you two head Toby/Faust's and Zeo's japanese voices in the original version of the Beyblade Metal Masters anime? If so, what do you think of them?
Also, I know this does not have anything to do with you two, but do you know what Cameron Ansell thinks of his role as Masamune? (Masamune is one of my favorite characters!)
And last but not least, hears a picture I drew of Zeo, Masamune, and Toby and their forever enduring friendship! Hope you like it!