World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.
Q&A with the VAs of Zeo & Toby - Printable Version

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RE: Q&A with the VAs of Zeo & Toby - Toby_Faust - Mar. 12, 2012

(Mar. 04, 2012  6:10 AM)Karl Wrote: Heh, I remember me and my sister doing an extremely small voice acting part in Seaseme street Christmas carol. In the Christmas future part I was the older brother and my little sister playing as the little sister, lol. I'm not professional va like Mac and toby/fuast so please don't think I am, me and my sister were chosen because my dad worked for magnetic dreams which dies work for sesame street. If you watch it all we say is "weeee!" and stuff. Sry, got a bit offtopic...
Question for Zeo Mac and Toby_Faust: were there any lines you didn't like? What do think about your character being fOoled/brainwashed by Dr. Ziggurat? You guys are awesome and thank you so much for taking your small free time to do this! I absolutely cannot wait for the episode "my friends name is Zeo!" comes to the air! I think toby is in that episode too so I am really stoked!

Hey, awesome! Did you have fun while doing it? I used to LOVE Sesame Street when I was growing up. My favourite character was always Mr. Snuffaluffagus

Well, there are always a few lines that actors don't like. None come screaming out to mind right now. My friends would make fun of me during my practice for the line "Aim for number 1" and how I said it over and over again.
The cool thing about Deb is that when a line doesn't really work, she changes it or lets us change it. She listens to our suggestions and if it makes sense and fits then she will sometimes roll with it. Even when not though, I don't mind most of the lines. Some of them don't make sense to me when I'm just reading the script. Then I see the action on screen and go, "Ooooh that's why… okay… cool."

I love that I was brainwashed by Dr. Ziggurat! It allowed for a huge growth in character, not to mention that Mac's character sacrificed a lot for Toby too. I also really love the fact that I had an entire saga of dealing with it. Needing them to keep trying to save my mind, to bring me back. It was great fun.

It is our absolute pleasure to be answering questions. We love you fans and are super stoked to even be here.

IF you are in Canada the episode airs THIS coming Saturday (March 17th) at 11:30 on YTV. I am in this episode too and a few more to come.

I hope you like it.

(Mar. 04, 2012  10:59 PM)Kirst-Mizuhime Wrote: Glad you are enjoying DA! And I have noticed how some are doing Toby/Faust requests and DA message muro pics for you. I saw the picture of Toby dressed as you in your sepia profile pic (Reverse Acting I believe is what it is called) it is just awesomeness! Then there is the one with a blushing Faust in pink nightwear... I see, it is understandable seeing as someone else drew the art and DA welcomes original work (though lots do fanfic/art).

Yeah the fun is endless, the Pink Nightie Faust (Never anything innocent with Faust IIRC) is an example of this. Ah that is OK then and oh god the way you enjoy to tease people it reminds me of my Dad!

Speaking of Debra, she became the director on episode 19 and I have noticed the difference in performance it sounds more serious which fits the darker turn the series is taking. Tsubasa's dark side in 22 is an example of this I mean it was terribly freaky especially when Tsubasa was lashing out at Yu and the eagle and then later insanely laughing then collapsing (that kind of reminded me of the Joker). David Reale sounded like he was channeling Carman Melville's Ryuga for Dark Tsubasa which makes sense seeing as Ryuga kind of gave Tsubasa his dark side, I even thought that maybe Carman was playing Dark Tsubasa for a moment.

Hmmm now after reading what you said I had an image that Ziggurat probably turned Toby into Faust while Toby was unconcious which would be diabolical and nightmare/paranoia fuel inducing. It also seems like it will take away Toby's emotions too and it is also unusual (in a predominantly kid's show) to see that Toby's hair has pretty much become permenantly white/grey even after being Faust, it is kinda symbolic of the "Toby will never be the same again"/"Toby has lost his innocence" nature.

Indeed it is awesome of Zeo to take that much extremes to save Toby but hey that is bromance for you!

Your friend sounds similar to me in the "excited over anything and everything" aspect. Did you tell your friend that he helped you create Toby? If so how did he react? I remember how in your demo your some commercial voices of yours sounded very keen and like what an average Beyblade character sounds like (a hyped teen male). Your real voice is defo more subdued in comparison.

I will do! I have looked on the Sky guide and Metal Masters has stopped airing in the UK for the time being with "Dark Eagle" being the last episode aired and replaced by Matt Hatter Chronicles (not too pleased about it) so I am gonna have to watch the episodes somewhere else.

Collecting information and ideas is always good and collecting scripts sound awesome. Maybe I could shed some light on collections since I myself am a collectomaniac. For me I collect stuff that mean something to me somehow (sentimental value) and in some cases want to keep them to share with the next generation. It is sometimes like "If I like something very much I get stuff that is relevant to it".

I am notorious for collecting Sonic the Hedgehog merch as I love almost anything with Sonic on it, for example at Xmas my parents for example got me a Sonic money bank they found while shopping, my sister got me Sonic pyjamas and Sonic shorts, my Grandparents gave me Sonic wrapping paper and my companion got me 3 figures of Sonic, Tails and Classic!Amy. Basically collecting is an optional part of being a fan but not everyone does it...I might take a pic of my Sonic collection sometime.

I also have quite a few other collections TY cat beanies, plushies, crystals, Canadian related stuff, retro games, Beyblades (from the old series I do mean to get a newer Beyblade sometime) and some Happy Meal toys that I had as a kid and found them again years later...

Thanks, I am more of a platformer game fan but have played RPGs too.

"THE VOICE OF GOD!" indeed listening to Earl's voice it has a very interesting and rich booming texture to it and it is nice to listen to. What is your fave accent from him? It does sound like a blast, I watched the blog after listening to Earl you guys really look as if you are chilling/hanging out as friends same with the vid of you and Mac.

Understandable as like you say about voice actors, it is the same about fans some are pretty awesome and others are terrible even downright rotten (for a good example of this look no further than the Sonic fanbase) it is pretty sweet that some think it is awesome.

Whatever happens in 5 years the fact that you and Mac are doing this all now is tbh very brave and very kind I mean you both must have made the day of many a Beyblade fan by answering questions/talking/posting vids/commenting on fanart.

It is also refreshing you see fans as incredible and also that you seem to enjoy mixing with the fans and being a part of our side of the fence as it were. You don't see that in some VAs so thank you.

That makes sense it just makes me think why did Nelvana change Dora to Lera in the first place, ah well.

You are welcome and thank you too, I am looking forward to seeing Toby/Faust and Zeo so I can re-read the posts with both your voices in my head!

They are hosting a World Championship? I don't think it would be a problem if you guys crashed the party as at least two VAs (Daniel DeSanto being one of them which he did for a Beyblade TV special) attended the Championships when they were hosted back in 2004. It would be awesome if you two battled with each other! Character voices and all! Grin

I truly love the fan art that has been sent to me. It's fantastic. The "Reverse Acting" one is actually my Facebook profile picture right now. Heh.

I don't mind the pink nightie faust picture, it amuses me quite a bit… and OF COURSE I LOVE TO TEASE PEOPLE! IT IS AWESOME! (Tell your dad I approve of his style… heh)

I'm glad you approve of Deb's change in direction.
Unfortunately I don't know too much about the show, although I am really starting to read about it and follow what you guys are saying. It's quite enjoyable.

I'm glad that you had that image because that's how I see it happening. I don't think Toby had ANY say in what happened to him. It is very dark, especially for a kid's show. Honestly, I really like the fact that his hair is permanently different. My voice is also MUCH darker and more gritty after becoming a good guy again. It was originally suggested to me that he just return to the early Keener voice and I suggested against it. I said, "Changes like that don't just go away. He's healthy now, he's a good guy again, but vocal chords don't just flip back, plus he looks older and his hair is still white." That was received with a, "Hey, good point".

I love the bromance between Zeo and Toby… (Especially how much I get to tease over it.)

It's good to be excited over anything and everything. *Thumbs up*
I did tell my friend, and amusingly he was NOT overly excited.
It's funny that some of my commercials and Toby are so "Woo and hyped" and my real voices are more subdued. In real life I can be a crazy hyperactive nut job. Although, I do really like just kicking back.

I'm sure the episodes will be "put" somewhere. I hope you find them. As I said above, this coming Saturday our first episode airs on YTV in Canada.

It's good to collect things if you enjoy it. I LOVE Sonic, always did. I remember when Sega Genesis came out with the first Sonic game. My sister got it for her birthday and I was ALL over it!
I loved BOTH of the shows in the 90s, yes even the super goofy one.
I guess for a short period I was into collecting Star Wars stuff… but I never really got into it. I got a few toys, some autographs… I just got bored. I guess it's what happens when you have ADH… HEY let's see what else you wrote….

Ooh, what platformer games are your favourites?

My favourite accent that Earl does is his Yiddish accent. It's… just… so…. Earl. Heh. You'd have to know him. He's a very old friend of my family, so I just… yeah. Heh.
Mac and I have become friends, all thanks to this forum. We are just chilling and hanging out during that video.

All people can be nice or rotten. It's all a roll of the dice.

If I have made the day of ANY fan, then that is just AWESOME!
I love to make people smile!

The fans ARE incredible. I'm SUPER looking forward to Anime North where I'll hopefully be immersed deeper into the fan base. I especially enjoy talking to you guys and gals on THIS forum. This is my introduction to the anime world and to the anime fan base. You guys have all been SUPER awesome.

So Thank YOU guys!

Looking forward to your commentary on our voices. Heh.

Also, so that championship, we are NOT to crash it. Which is okay, there are lots of security issues and we suggested it so last minute. Completely understandable. We might have to just get a Twisted Tempo and a Flame Byxis and borrow some kid's arena and have a battle on Youtube for you guys. Heheh.
(I should probably mention that to Mac when I see him on Tuesday.)

Thanks for all the questions and comments as always. You rock!

(Mar. 09, 2012  4:35 AM)Clonetos Wrote: To Zeo and mac a bit of a non beyblade question Do you enjoy movies if so have you ever seen a Godzilla movie (98 dont cout Xp) also how do you feel about Voice acting in general?

I'm going to assume that you didn't mean to mention Mac twice and wanted to include me.
Is that egotistical of me? Heheheh.

I LOVE movies. I watch a LOT of films. I have amassed over 3000 films digitally and on DVD and VHS. My favourites are those made in the 30s to the 50s. Gangsters, Coppers, Musicals, etc.
Some Like It Hot is my very favourite.

I HAVE seen a few Godzilla movies, I enjoy them quite a bit. I never did see the new one… I've been meaning to see it… not worth it?

Voice Acting in general? Well, I love it. I had a predilection towards it ever since I was told it was a real career. People often ask if I'll move to on camera acting… and to be honest, I don't know if I will. Voice acting is a lot of fun, a TON of hard work, and physically exhausting. As Scott McNeil once said, "It's indoor work with no heavy lifting."

(Mar. 11, 2012  11:30 PM)Pices314 Wrote: Thanks for answering me! At the moment I'm giddy I am going to run in circles now! But one question : Do you plan to watch a few of the episodes your in and are you going to try and meet ZeoMac in real life?

Always a pleasure to answer, if you have any questions please ask them. Especially glad that you're giddy and running in circles. Heh.

Well, Mac and I have become friends over the last few months. We sit in on each other's Beyblade recording sessions and hang out every so often.

As I mentioned above, I guess I'll try convince Mac to have a battle against me videotaped for Youtube.

Also, Mac made me PROMISE him that I'd watch our Beyblade episodes… so yes, I will watch them.

Thank you everyone for the questions. Keep them coming, as always.
If you're in Canada don't forget to watch us on YTV on March 17th at 11:30 for our first episode.

RE: Q&A with the VAs of Zeo & Toby - Samurai Changer - Mar. 12, 2012

Q for Toby_Faust: How many of the other VA's have you met and which character do they play?

RE: Q&A with the VAs of Zeo & Toby - Clonetos - Mar. 15, 2012

To Toby
actually there have been many films in the 2000s

you got
2000-Godzilla 2000 and Godzilla Vs Megaguirus
2001- GMK (Godzilla, mothra,and king ghidorah All monsters out attack)
2002- Godzilla Against Mechagodzilla
2003- Godzilla,mechagodzilla Tokyo S.O.S
And the lst current film
2004-Godzilla final wars

so Zeo if you wanna watch a good current film i would Reccomend GMK, and Final wars, GMK for a more indepth plot and a throwback to the 54 film and Final wars if your into action/scifi films and Thanks for answering my question!

RE: Q&A with the VAs of Zeo & Toby - Karl - Mar. 16, 2012

(Mar. 12, 2012  4:45 AM)Toby_Faust Wrote:
(Mar. 04, 2012  6:10 AM)Karl Wrote: Heh, I remember me and my sister doing an extremely small voice acting part in Seaseme street Christmas carol. In the Christmas future part I was the older brother and my little sister playing as the little sister, lol. I'm not professional va like Mac and toby/fuast so please don't think I am, me and my sister were chosen because my dad worked for magnetic dreams which dies work for sesame street. If you watch it all we say is "weeee!" and stuff. Sry, got a bit offtopic...
Question for Zeo Mac and Toby_Faust: were there any lines you didn't like? What do think about your character being fOoled/brainwashed by Dr. Ziggurat? You guys are awesome and thank you so much for taking your small free time to do this! I absolutely cannot wait for the episode "my friends name is Zeo!" comes to the air! I think toby is in that episode too so I am really stoked!

Hey, awesome! Did you have fun while doing it? I used to LOVE Sesame Street when I was growing up. My favourite character was always Mr. Snuffaluffagus

Well, there are always a few lines that actors don't like. None come screaming out to mind right now. My friends would make fun of me during my practice for the line "Aim for number 1" and how I said it over and over again.
The cool thing about Deb is that when a line doesn't really work, she changes it or lets us change it. She listens to our suggestions and if it makes sense and fits then she will sometimes roll with it. Even when not though, I don't mind most of the lines. Some of them don't make sense to me when I'm just reading the script. Then I see the action on screen and go, "Ooooh that's why… okay… cool."

I love that I was brainwashed by Dr. Ziggurat! It allowed for a huge growth in character, not to mention that Mac's character sacrificed a lot for Toby too. I also really love the fact that I had an entire saga of dealing with it. Needing them to keep trying to save my mind, to bring me back. It was great fun.

It is our absolute pleasure to be answering questions. We love you fans and are super stoked to even be here.

IF you are in Canada the episode airs THIS coming Saturday (March 17th) at 11:30 on YTV. I am in this episode too and a few more to come.

I hope you like it.
Grrrrrr. them canadians are sooooooo lucky! Maybe i can convince one to record it XD just kidding(or not XD).
I had tons of fun doing it! I also got my first paycheck for $500. Of course, being a little 5(maybe 6) year old I spent it ALL on a bunch of lego sets, now i'm wishing i hadn't done that... here's the video of it if anyone wants to watch it! I play as the orange boy (older brother) and my sister as the girl (little sister). Man! My voice has changed so much since then!!! http://

I'm quite surprised that you enjoyed being brainwashed!!!


RE: Q&A with the VAs of Zeo & Toby - Zeo Mac - Mar. 16, 2012

Very sorry I keep falling behind, all! I've there's anything I missed that wasn't already answered by Toby, don't hesitate to ask it again.

(Jan. 18, 2012  4:30 AM)bigbanglinx1 Wrote: Zeo Mac.
Which beyblade is better, screw fox, or flame byxis?
take your time,

I reeeally miss my Byxis. A lot. Controlling people's Beys with a giant compass and shooting electromagnetic waves all over the place? What's not to love?

I haven't seen much of what Spiral Fox can do, although I really like the idea of Zeo having a Fox-themed Bey. Fitting, with his whole fox tail-styled hair look he's got going. My favorite game of all time is also Star Fox 64, and I main Fox in all the Super Smash Bros games.

(Dec. 30, 2011  9:56 AM)Universe² Wrote: I have two question for both of you,
If you could pick a different character's beyblade to be your character's beyblade, which would you choose?
Have you ever quit or gotten "fired" from a VA role? If so, why?

Hahaha. I want Doji's Dark Wolf, because a good friend of mine has used that as his online username for years, and was totally creeped out to learn that it's a Beyblade.

Early on, I actually reeeeally felt like quitting my very first role -- Lab Rat in Grossology. I was 17 at the time. I expected my co-stars to be even younger, but it turned out that everyone else in the cast was at least 10 years OLDER than me. I was terrified, I felt out of place, and just didn't think I could do it. After a few episodes, I was even outright told by someone on staff that I *needed* to do better, which hurt even more.

I'm really glad I stuck with in the end. I was so blessed to have a lot of support, and Jessie Thomson is nothing short of a phenomenal voice director. I learned so much about acting, and about myself through that role, and let that be a lesson to everyone, to never easily give up on your dreams.

(Jan. 15, 2012  5:25 AM)Cookies^^ Wrote: If you guys didn't get the role of Zeo and Toby, what would your "Plan B" be?

I probably would have moved to the Los Angeles area to pursue voicework there. Things here were rather slow for me for a couple of years. A number of actors I'm friends with and have coached currently live in that area. I do still plan to move there eventually.

(Jan. 18, 2012  4:30 AM)bigbanglinx1 Wrote: Zeo Mac.
Which beyblade is better, screw fox, or flame byxis?
take your time,

I do kinda prefer Byxis, for it's unique look and awesome special move, but I really reeeeally like yelling "FOOOOX!"

(Feb. 06, 2012  4:38 PM)Kirst-Mizuhime Wrote: Another question (for both) would be what do your fellow VAs think of you guys talking to us here?

That a good question, though I can't say I've ever had the chance to talk to any of the other cast members enough to bring up the subject. I'm not sure if any of them even know we're on here.

(Feb. 17, 2012  10:46 PM)Pices314 Wrote: Do you think you could beat another VA at beyblade with temPo or byxis?

Just from the videos I've seen, I'd... probably need a miracle to ever defeat Twisted Tempo. I thiiink I could hold my own against others, though.

(Mar. 04, 2012  6:10 AM)Karl Wrote: Heh, I remember me and my sister doing an extremely small voice acting part in Seaseme street Christmas carol. In the Christmas future part I was the older brother and my little sister playing as the little sister, lol. I'm not professional va like Mac and toby/fuast so please don't think I am, me and my sister were chosen because my dad worked for magnetic dreams which dies work for sesame street. If you watch it all we say is "weeee!" and stuff. Sry, got a bit offtopic...

I still think that's really cool! Sesame Street is a world-famous production, and just being in that kind of recording studio environment is a great, and very valuable experience.

(Mar. 04, 2012  6:10 AM)Karl Wrote: Question for Zeo Mac and Toby_Faust: were there any lines you didn't like? What do think about your character being fOoled/brainwashed by Dr. Ziggurat? You guys are awesome and thank you so much for taking your small free time to do this! I absolutely cannot wait for the episode "my friends name is Zeo!" comes to the air! I think toby is in that episode too so I am really stoked!

Because pacing is so important, it's very, very difficult to write for anime, and I have a lot of respect for those involved in that side of production. At the same time, I was fortunate to be given a lot of freedom with how my lines were worded, so every how and then I make little changes to certain lines so I can deliver them with a flow that's more natural to me.

I love everything about Zeo's story with Dr. Ziggurat. He's such a calculating, heartless villain, and the little bits I've heard of his audio have been fantastically performed. I really can't wait to watch it all unfold on TV, and am very glad you're every bit as excited as I am!

(Mar. 09, 2012  4:35 AM)Clonetos Wrote: To Zeo and mac a bit of a non beyblade question Do you enjoy movies if so have you ever seen a Godzilla movie (98 dont cout Xp) also how do you feel about Voice acting in general?

Though, I don't watch a ton of movies, most of what I do watch is action-heavy. I haven't seen a full Godzilla movie yet, but I'll definitely consider seeing the ones you've recommended! I've heard a lot of good things about All-Out Attack!

Voice acting in general, I think is one the greatest jobs in the world, and an industry I'm very grateful to be a part of. I really enjoy not being held back by how old I am, or what I look like.

(Mar. 11, 2012  11:30 PM)Pices314 Wrote: Thanks for answering me! At the moment I'm giddy I am going to run in circles now! But one question : Do you plan to watch a few of the episodes your in and are you going to try and meet ZeoMac in real life?

We hang out at least a couple times a month, which started out with us deciding to go see Scott McCord (Tetsuya) perform with his very very awesome band, Scott McCord and the Bonafide Truth.



Heh. It actually would've been harder for me to play a Canadian character. Canadian speech pattens always felt a bit odd to me, and I'm frequently asked if I'm from New York. I kinda consider myself more American, because I go there so often, most of my friends live there, and I plan to move to California eventually.

RE: Q&A with the VAs of Zeo & Toby - Karl - Mar. 16, 2012

(Mar. 16, 2012  6:09 AM)Zeo Mac Wrote:

Heh. It actually would've been harder for me to play a Canadian character. Canadian speech pattens always felt a bit odd to me, and I'm frequently asked if I'm from New York. I kinda consider myself more American, because I go there so often, most of my friends live there, and I plan to move to California eventually.
[Image: 16407575.jpg]
Heh. Just kidding! It would so funny if Zeo came from california! You'd be living in the state of your "alter ego" (or character, depends what you consider him lol). But, would you still be able to do voice acting for beyblade? Considering that the va-ing is in canada i hope you'll still be able voice act, if your character gets role in zero g, if it's called zero g when it's released here... QUESTION! FOR ZEO MAC AND TOBY_FAUST!!!
Have you purchased any beyblades as of recent? If so, which ones?

RE: Q&A with the VAs of Zeo & Toby - Jaygrazer - Mar. 18, 2012

Okay, so I just heard some of your dubs from ep 34, and OMG you guys are some of the BEST I've heard for Beyblade. The tone is medium, which is good, you actually don't make the random noises that I hear a lot of the actors make. All in all, good work guys Grin

RE: Q&A with the VAs of Zeo & Toby - Nuzumaki90 - Mar. 18, 2012


You guys are some of the best VAs Beyblade has ever had. Toby doesn't sound like some wimp like in MFB Explosion and I'm so glad you guys gave Zeo the voice of a regular teenager and not some bad "HUGH I WILL DEFEAT U WITH MY CLOCK - BYXIS!". Really impressed, can't wait to hear how Faust sounds Gasp

RE: Q&A with the VAs of Zeo & Toby - Karl - Mar. 18, 2012

I saw the new episode too, YOU GUYS SOUND AMAZING!!! AMAZING, Huh? lol
Question: Did you see the episode? What did you think about it? did you like it?

RE: Q&A with the VAs of Zeo & Toby - Killer-Kirsty - Mar. 18, 2012

(Mar. 12, 2012  4:45 AM)Toby_Faust Wrote: I truly love the fan art that has been sent to me. It's fantastic. The "Reverse Acting" one is actually my Facebook profile picture right now. Heh.

I don't mind the pink nightie faust picture, it amuses me quite a bit… and OF COURSE I LOVE TO TEASE PEOPLE! IT IS AWESOME! (Tell your dad I approve of his style… heh)

I'm glad you approve of Deb's change in direction.
Unfortunately I don't know too much about the show, although I am really starting to read about it and follow what you guys are saying. It's quite enjoyable.

I'm glad that you had that image because that's how I see it happening. I don't think Toby had ANY say in what happened to him. It is very dark, especially for a kid's show. Honestly, I really like the fact that his hair is permanently different. My voice is also MUCH darker and more gritty after becoming a good guy again. It was originally suggested to me that he just return to the early Keener voice and I suggested against it. I said, "Changes like that don't just go away. He's healthy now, he's a good guy again, but vocal chords don't just flip back, plus he looks older and his hair is still white." That was received with a, "Hey, good point".

I love the bromance between Zeo and Toby… (Especially how much I get to tease over it.)

It's good to be excited over anything and everything. *Thumbs up*
I did tell my friend, and amusingly he was NOT overly excited.
It's funny that some of my commercials and Toby are so "Woo and hyped" and my real voices are more subdued. In real life I can be a crazy hyperactive nut job. Although, I do really like just kicking back.

I'm sure the episodes will be "put" somewhere. I hope you find them. As I said above, this coming Saturday our first episode airs on YTV in Canada.

It's good to collect things if you enjoy it. I LOVE Sonic, always did. I remember when Sega Genesis came out with the first Sonic game. My sister got it for her birthday and I was ALL over it!
I loved BOTH of the shows in the 90s, yes even the super goofy one.
I guess for a short period I was into collecting Star Wars stuff… but I never really got into it. I got a few toys, some autographs… I just got bored. I guess it's what happens when you have ADH… HEY let's see what else you wrote….

Ooh, what platformer games are your favourites?

My favourite accent that Earl does is his Yiddish accent. It's… just… so…. Earl. Heh. You'd have to know him. He's a very old friend of my family, so I just… yeah. Heh.
Mac and I have become friends, all thanks to this forum. We are just chilling and hanging out during that video.

All people can be nice or rotten. It's all a roll of the dice.

If I have made the day of ANY fan, then that is just AWESOME!
I love to make people smile!

The fans ARE incredible. I'm SUPER looking forward to Anime North where I'll hopefully be immersed deeper into the fan base. I especially enjoy talking to you guys and gals on THIS forum. This is my introduction to the anime world and to the anime fan base. You guys have all been SUPER awesome.

So Thank YOU guys!

Looking forward to your commentary on our voices. Heh.

Also, so that championship, we are NOT to crash it. Which is okay, there are lots of security issues and we suggested it so last minute. Completely understandable. We might have to just get a Twisted Tempo and a Flame Byxis and borrow some kid's arena and have a battle on Youtube for you guys. Heheh.
(I should probably mention that to Mac when I see him on Tuesday.)

Thanks for all the questions and comments as always. You rock!

Pretty sweet since the art in question was based on your profile picture, it is also nice to see that you and Mac have FB fan like pages now. I hope there will be more art/fic of Zeo and Toby/Faust to see in the future. (I told Dad and he gave a thumbs up in response)

Great to hear that pic amuses you though Faust doesn't look too amused himself!

If you and Mac ever have any Beyblade questions just ask us since we all have been asking you both questions it is only fair really, but reading the forum and following what we are saying works too for learning about Beyblade. Beyblade is quite enjoyable and as my friend Poppy from DA says "Beyblade brings people together" it just seems to have that quality about it that makes it stand out.

Since my last reply I did view the scene (in Japanese) where Toby is in the Arrange system and I was almost right it seems he was put in there while unconcious. He looked rather frightened too when he woke up in there, to be honest we all would be if we woke up in a strange place about to be turned into goodness knows what without our consent. It seems that the Arrange system forces the subject to sorta grow up quickly (I do keep thinking "Is that legal?") and as we all know once someone grows up they cannot go back. I also wonder how much of the process does poor Toby remember after becoming good and whether it causes nightmares. In a way the hair colour, growth and vocal changes are somewhat like permanent scars for Toby but ones that show that he is a survivor. It is awesome to hear that the actors get a bit of a say in how to portray their characters in Metal Masters.

Thanks I guess it is. Well that was one thing he didn't get excited about, he probably saw the commercials and thought "Am I really like that?". Maybe different when he sees the episodes that is if he sees the episodes. What was done first commercials or episodes? It is curious that Commercial!Toby was done more hyper than in the series. I don't think anyone can be hyper all the time as it is nice to kick back and be lazy sometimes also to be quiet and reflect on things.

I used to watch my family play Sonic then started playing it starting with the Special Stages and two-player on the second game, the music and sounds along with the colourful world drew me in. I watched the four Sonic shows and the goofier one was one of my faves (the other being Sonic X) as it was somewhat closer to the game. So you kind of claimed your sister's birthday present in a way, not sure. Sonic has been and will always be a part of my life.

So you had one collection for some time, some people like collecting others don't. It can run in the family I think. You have ADHD? Respect to you as you are a good example for others out there with ADHD.

Spyro 2 and 3, Crash Bandicoot series on PS1, Donkey Kong Country 1 and 2 and the short-lived Croc series, games with a colourful world/fantasy setting and lovely music to go with it is what I tend to like. Since about October my companion and I have been working together to beat Spyro 2 (I introduced him to it and Crash as well, Sonic is next...) currently we are in the last homeworld. I completed it almost myself years ago my bro smashed one of the metal gem boxes though so didn't quite complete it.

I am also a fan of beat-em-up games particularly Tekken and I like some racing games too (Super Hang On and Sega Monaco for the Mega Drive/Genesis for example)

So you have known Earl for most of your life, I do think I must have heard his voice somewhere before but can't remember what. I tried to look for his Yiddish accent on his site but I couldn't find it. Did Earl play a part in your career at some point? Like advising you or or inspiring you.

The best thing about this Q and A is the fact that you and Mac are now friends like your characters, you can see it in the vid how cool you are with each other... some may say you are more like brothers (sorta quoted from ep 34).

You two made someone run around in circles all giddy what does that say to you?

Thanks! You are welcome and well I am pleased that you are enjoying the Beyblade/anime fandom experience as well as talking to us all so far. Great to hear you are attending Anime North this year and hope it too is enjoyable for you.

Commentary is at the bottom.

Or you guys could get Fox and Lyra maybe...whichever you both prefer really (I know for you Benji it is Tempo).

You are welcome and thanks! You rock as well!

(Mar. 16, 2012  6:09 AM)Zeo Mac Wrote: Very sorry I keep falling behind, all! I've there's anything I missed that wasn't already answered by Toby, don't hesitate to ask it again.

Early on, I actually reeeeally felt like quitting my very first role -- Lab Rat in Grossology. I was 17 at the time. I expected my co-stars to be even younger, but it turned out that everyone else in the cast was at least 10 years OLDER than me. I was terrified, I felt out of place, and just didn't think I could do it. After a few episodes, I was even outright told by someone on staff that I *needed* to do better, which hurt even more.

I'm really glad I stuck with in the end. I was so blessed to have a lot of support, and Jessie Thomson is nothing short of a phenomenal voice director. I learned so much about acting, and about myself through that role, and let that be a lesson to everyone, to never easily give up on your dreams.

That a good question, though I can't say I've ever had the chance to talk to any of the other cast members enough to bring up the subject. I'm not sure if any of them even know we're on here.

Hiya Mac! No worries hope Xmas and 2012 so far has been good for you!

Wow quite a story Mac but great that you stuck it out, I can understand how out of place you felt it is not a nice feeling and is always harder to stick at it. When you felt like that who made you stick it out? What was the best words of advide did you recieve?

I do feel inspired and the whole "never give up on dreams easily" is pretty much re-iterated in my brain I hope the staff member who said you needed to better gets to read what I have to say (and what the other fans have to say for that matter) about your acting as Zeo below...

Thanks! Understandable as I presume when you see some of the other VAs they (or you) are about to go in the booth.

Thanks for answering and you rock also!

May I ask you both 2 questions please?
1.What are your thoughts on the new Beyblade series (Zero-G) and the mini-series BeyWheels?

2. I heard you both were on YTV how did it go?

Riiiight onto commentary now! After braving through the Team Garcias episodes without destroying anything I watched the episode and I am very impressed by your acting chops guys, usually anime dialogue from first timers (and even from some experienced VAs) can sound awkwardly delivered but you two first timers in anime sound natural in your roles. Remember when I said Masamune is one of the better performances in Metal Masters? Well pretty much the Team Dungeon trio are probably the some of the best perfomances in Metal Masters! Your voices fit the characters nicely too, so as us English peeps say give yourselves a pat on the back!

Oh and Karl was that an Enzo impression I see there?

RE: Q&A with the VAs of Zeo & Toby - Kai-V - Mar. 19, 2012

Zeo Mac, Toby_Faust, I might have very strong opinions towards specific voice actors, such as David Reale, but I can at least also acknowledge good acting when I hear some, and let me tell both of you that what I have heard so far of your performance as Zeo Abyss and Toby respectively is really believable, so good job.

RE: Q&A with the VAs of Zeo & Toby - Toby_Faust - Mar. 19, 2012

(Mar. 12, 2012  5:07 AM)Samurai Changer Wrote: Q for Toby_Faust: How many of the other VA's have you met and which character do they play?

Hi there,
I've met a few of the actors but I couldn't tell you who it is that they play. Sorry about that.
It's difficult to say because we don't record together. Mac and I actually met ON this forum. We typically record one after the other and still we never ran into each other until we arranged to meet up. Anime recording is weird like that. The other actors that I do know on the show are either because Mac has told me they are on the show or they are represented by my agency and I've spoken to them about it.

Thanks for the question, and I'm sorry I couldn't get into more detail.

(Mar. 15, 2012  8:46 PM)Clonetos Wrote: To Toby
actually there have been many films in the 2000s

you got
2000-Godzilla 2000 and Godzilla Vs Megaguirus
2001- GMK (Godzilla, mothra,and king ghidorah All monsters out attack)
2002- Godzilla Against Mechagodzilla
2003- Godzilla,mechagodzilla Tokyo S.O.S
And the lst current film
2004-Godzilla final wars

so Zeo if you wanna watch a good current film i would Reccomend GMK, and Final wars, GMK for a more indepth plot and a throwback to the 54 film and Final wars if your into action/scifi films and Thanks for answering my question!

Sounds good. I'll have to catch one of those. I'm a big fan of older films so if GMK is a throwback to the '54 film, that's most likely the one I'd enjoy most.

You are welcome, and please ask anything else you'd like.

(Mar. 16, 2012  2:07 AM)Karl Wrote: Grrrrrr. them canadians are sooooooo lucky! Maybe i can convince one to record it XD just kidding(or not XD).
I had tons of fun doing it! I also got my first paycheck for $500. Of course, being a little 5(maybe 6) year old I spent it ALL on a bunch of lego sets, now i'm wishing i hadn't done that... here's the video of it if anyone wants to watch it! I play as the orange boy (older brother) and my sister as the girl (little sister). Man! My voice has changed so much since then!!! http://

I'm quite surprised that you enjoyed being brainwashed!!!


I'm sure you can find it online. (Is it listed on the forum yet? Also… so I don't get in trouble… Stealing is bad, m'kay? You shouldn't download… downloading is bad, m'kay?)
I hope you get to see it soon.

I watched it and enjoyed it immensely. Christmas in the FUTURE!!!! *GASP* Sounds a little creepy, and SO much less fun… especially if everything is PRE-decorated.
Psh, money comes and goes, LEGO IS AWESOME!

Well, I love what RESULTED from the brainwashing for my acting and character development… not if I was brainwashed in real life… that would suck.

As for your new question about being a US Representative. It's not that much of a stretch. My accent is mostly neutral. Though there ARE some words I say in a VERY Canadian fashion. For example, in my first episode I say "sorry" and I sound EXTREMELY Canadian there.

I too may end up in the US, but my plans aren't as definite as Mac's.

I loved the character and getting to represent Canada or Japan or whatever is all awesome.

(Mar. 16, 2012  6:09 AM)Zeo Mac Wrote: Very sorry I keep falling behind, all! I've there's anything I missed that wasn't already answered by Toby, don't hesitate to ask it again.

I have a question!
How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood!?

(Mar. 16, 2012  4:55 PM)Karl Wrote: QUESTION! FOR ZEO MAC AND TOBY_FAUST!!!
Have you purchased any beyblades as of recent? If so, which ones?

I have not purchased a Beyblade, although Tempo (Basalt Horogium) was purchased for me off of my Amazon wish list. No idea who bought it for me. If it was one of you guys, thanks!

(Mar. 18, 2012  1:50 PM)WabbitStore Wrote: Okay, so I just heard some of your dubs from ep 34, and OMG you guys are some of the BEST I've heard for Beyblade. The tone is medium, which is good, you actually don't make the random noises that I hear a lot of the actors make. All in all, good work guys Grin

Thank you VERY much. I really appreciate your comments. I hope that my acting continues to match exactly what you're expecting for the rest of the time I'm on the series.
I hope you like the next episode, I'm in it quite a bit and the recording of it was… eventful to say the least.

(Mar. 18, 2012  2:51 PM)Nuzumaki90 Wrote: SWEET JESUS!

You guys are some of the best VAs Beyblade has ever had. Toby doesn't sound like some wimp like in MFB Explosion and I'm so glad you guys gave Zeo the voice of a regular teenager and not some bad "HUGH I WILL DEFEAT U WITH MY CLOCK - BYXIS!". Really impressed, can't wait to hear how Faust sounds Gasp

HAHA! Thank you! I'm glad I could impress.
I never thought Toby should sound like a wimp. I purposely added a bit extra gravel to his voice.
I hope you keep enjoying the rest of my performances.
You'll hear Faust soon, hopefully you think I do just as well there as I did here with Toby.

(Mar. 18, 2012  3:31 PM)Karl Wrote: I saw the new episode too, YOU GUYS SOUND AMAZING!!! AMAZING, Huh? lol
Question: Did you see the episode? What did you think about it? did you like it?

Sheesh, amazing? Thank you very much.
I DID see the episode. I promised Mac that I would. My friend Adam DID end up making me watch it. (Although, he didn't want to watch any part of it that didn't include me or Mac.)
I enjoyed it quite a bit. I can see why people love it so much. Some of the characters are a bit much for me, but that happens in all animes.

I hope you continue to enjoy my voice acting in the episodes to come.

(Mar. 18, 2012  10:39 PM)Kirst-Mizuhime Wrote: Pretty sweet since the art in question was based on your profile picture, it is also nice to see that you and Mac have FB fan like pages now. I hope there will be more art/fic of Zeo and Toby/Faust to see in the future. (I told Dad and he gave a thumbs up in response)

Great to hear that pic amuses you though Faust doesn't look too amused himself!

If you and Mac ever have any Beyblade questions just ask us since we all have been asking you both questions it is only fair really, but reading the forum and following what we are saying works too for learning about Beyblade. Beyblade is quite enjoyable and as my friend Poppy from DA says "Beyblade brings people together" it just seems to have that quality about it that makes it stand out.

Since my last reply I did view the scene (in Japanese) where Toby is in the Arrange system and I was almost right it seems he was put in there while unconcious. He looked rather frightened too when he woke up in there, to be honest we all would be if we woke up in a strange place about to be turned into goodness knows what without our consent. It seems that the Arrange system forces the subject to sorta grow up quickly (I do keep thinking "Is that legal?") and as we all know once someone grows up they cannot go back. I also wonder how much of the process does poor Toby remember after becoming good and whether it causes nightmares. In a way the hair colour, growth and vocal changes are somewhat like permanent scars for Toby but ones that show that he is a survivor. It is awesome to hear that the actors get a bit of a say in how to portray their characters in Metal Masters.

Thanks I guess it is. Well that was one thing he didn't get excited about, he probably saw the commercials and thought "Am I really like that?". Maybe different when he sees the episodes that is if he sees the episodes. What was done first commercials or episodes? It is curious that Commercial!Toby was done more hyper than in the series. I don't think anyone can be hyper all the time as it is nice to kick back and be lazy sometimes also to be quiet and reflect on things.

I used to watch my family play Sonic then started playing it starting with the Special Stages and two-player on the second game, the music and sounds along with the colourful world drew me in. I watched the four Sonic shows and the goofier one was one of my faves (the other being Sonic X) as it was somewhat closer to the game. So you kind of claimed your sister's birthday present in a way, not sure. Sonic has been and will always be a part of my life.

So you had one collection for some time, some people like collecting others don't. It can run in the family I think. You have ADHD? Respect to you as you are a good example for others out there with ADHD.

Spyro 2 and 3, Crash Bandicoot series on PS1, Donkey Kong Country 1 and 2 and the short-lived Croc series, games with a colourful world/fantasy setting and lovely music to go with it is what I tend to like. Since about October my companion and I have been working together to beat Spyro 2 (I introduced him to it and Crash as well, Sonic is next...) currently we are in the last homeworld. I completed it almost myself years ago my bro smashed one of the metal gem boxes though so didn't quite complete it.

I am also a fan of beat-em-up games particularly Tekken and I like some racing games too (Super Hang On and Sega Monaco for the Mega Drive/Genesis for example)

So you have known Earl for most of your life, I do think I must have heard his voice somewhere before but can't remember what. I tried to look for his Yiddish accent on his site but I couldn't find it. Did Earl play a part in your career at some point? Like advising you or or inspiring you.

The best thing about this Q and A is the fact that you and Mac are now friends like your characters, you can see it in the vid how cool you are with each other... some may say you are more like brothers (sorta quoted from ep 34).

You two made someone run around in circles all giddy what does that say to you?

Thanks! You are welcome and well I am pleased that you are enjoying the Beyblade/anime fandom experience as well as talking to us all so far. Great to hear you are attending Anime North this year and hope it too is enjoyable for you.

Commentary is at the bottom.

Or you guys could get Fox and Lyra maybe...whichever you both prefer really (I know for you Benji it is Tempo).

You are welcome and thanks! You rock as well!


May I ask you both 2 questions please?
1.What are your thoughts on the new Beyblade series (Zero-G) and the mini-series BeyWheels?

2. I heard you both were on YTV how did it go?

Riiiight onto commentary now! After braving through the Team Garcias episodes without destroying anything I watched the episode and I am very impressed by your acting chops guys, usually anime dialogue from first timers (and even from some experienced VAs) can sound awkwardly delivered but you two first timers in anime sound natural in your roles. Remember when I said Masamune is one of the better performances in Metal Masters? Well pretty much the Team Dungeon trio are probably the some of the best perfomances in Metal Masters! Your voices fit the characters nicely too, so as us English peeps say give yourselves a pat on the back!

Oh and Karl was that an Enzo impression I see there?

The fan art is awesome! Also, I'll happily read some fan fiction… I hope I'm not setting myself up to read something lascivious... though not necessarily opposed. (Hurray for thumbs up)

I've been learning a lot about Beyblade just from the questions and comments on here. If I have anything super pressing, I'll be sure to inquire here. I, apparently, will be watching every episode I am in, so I should learn quite a bit more.
I can see that Beyblade could bring people together. It's a pretty good show.

I too would be TERRIFIED if I regained consciousness in a place like that. Also, I agree, it's probably not very legal… especially the scientific experiments.
I'm pretty sure Toby remembers EVERYTHING about being Faust. Probably not a lot about the in between stuff, considering he was unconscious for a chunk of it, but the stuff while he was awake and on autopilot, definitely. I'm certain he has nightmares… and I think it's what fuels some of his character now. It's nice that he has moved on… but if we talk about reading deeper into the character, I imagine he wakes up screaming every so often.
The hair, voice, and physical changes definitely are scars that will never heal, but I like your take that it shows that he is a survivor.
It's a little dark, but I love my characters that way.
I love that I did get to have a little say in my vocal development.

The commercial voice was made a few years back. On commercials I tend to be asked to be more hyper and insane… after all, they're often only 30 seconds long. Toby of course has to have a full range of emotions.
I'm not often quiet, but even I have to kick back sometimes.

Glad you enjoy Sonic so much. It's a great series and the games kick butt.
I used to LOVE "Sonic Sez/says" at the end. I figured out at a young age that people were DOING these things… and that's why Sonic had to warn people. For example, climbing into a washing machine / dryer. I remember being a kid and saying, "Are lots of people climbing into those? Woooow".
I didn't really clam her present because she played it a lot too. Though I did love it. Oh Genesis, what an awesome system.

Oh I definitely have ADHD. Over time I learned how to focus more readily. Sometimes I still need a kick in the butt to remember what I'm doing, and my stories and conversations can often go on MANY different tangents. Oftentimes I find myself deleting things that I was going to post on the forum just because I was going off on a tangent and telling a story that has NOTHING to do with anything here.

Ah, I like colourful fantasy games too. Makes perfect sense. Of course as I write this now I'm hearing the Donkey Kong theme in my head.
Oooh, have fun playing Spyro 2! Which Sonic game is next!?

I never really got into fighting games or driving games… heh, but I'm glad you enjoy them. Tekken is pretty fun though.

Earl does do his yiddish accent for a few seconds on the Tarpit demo on the Dark Comedy site, if I'm not mistaken. Earl has had a part in my career, in that he does inspire me. I was already into it by the time he and I spoke about it, but he definitely supported me, which was much needed as I was starting out.

Heh, I truly enjoy the fact that Mac and I are friends now. He's a really awesome guy. (Nice line drop from our episode ;-) )

*Runs around in circles giddy too* That's what it says to me. Heh.

I hope Anime North kicks BUTT this year. Mac and I are going to be doing a lot of it together so it should be AWESOME.

I hope I get to pick up a Lyra eventually. We'll have a battle one day. One day… MUAHAHAHAHA!


ALWAYS allowed to ask more questions!
1. I don't know much about them. If I get a chance to audition, AWESOME! If not, then I wish them all the best. I don't know how involved I could be in them if I'm not on the show. Not because I wouldn't be interested, but more because I barely have time to get to know the show in which I already perform.

2. We were on YTV for Beyblade, not for interviews or anything… when that does EVENTUALLY happen, we'll be sure to tell you all about those.

Thank you VERY much for the comments and commentary.
I really appreciate that you think my lines were delivered well.
I hope the next episode is as good. I have quite a bit more lines, and there is a story behind it. I'm a little worried it won't sound as good, but I'm hoping you enjoy them just as much.

Thank you kindly for the words of encouragement and as always for the questions!
Keep on asking and talking. It's always a pleasure!

(Mar. 19, 2012  1:36 AM)Kai-V Wrote: Zeo Mac, Toby_Faust, I might have very strong opinions towards specific voice actors, such as David Reale, but I can at least also acknowledge good acting when I hear some, and let me tell both of you that what I have heard so far of your performance as Zeo Abyss and Toby respectively is really believable, so good job.

Thank you very much! It means a lot. I hope our performances continue to be believable and enjoyable for you. Much more to come.
Always open for constructive criticism too.

Thank you everyone for your questions and especially the encouraging words and comments on our performance. I really appreciate it. I hope we continue to impress you guys.

Keep the questions coming. All the best to you guys out there. Talk to you soon

RE: Q&A with the VAs of Zeo & Toby - Karl - Mar. 24, 2012

I feel so sry for toby and his illness Crying
at the end of the the first episode that you guys appear Zeo said something that made me very confused! After Zeo and Masamune had a very friendly battle and seemed to be having a good time Zeo said to himself, "i'll never forgive you masamune." Didn't they just have a ton of fun?! Talk about a sudden plot twist! wow!
I was kidding about the episode thing, it just aired here, but they skipped an episode Crying

RE: Q&A with the VAs of Zeo & Toby - Nuzumaki90 - Mar. 25, 2012

They skipped Charge! Ray Gill and The Friend's Name is Zeo

I wonder why they would skip Zeo's anime debut, it introduced the Dungeon Gym and one of the most epicly voiced characters in the series.

RE: Q&A with the VAs of Zeo & Toby - Karl - Mar. 25, 2012

I know, right?! At least you can watch it on youtube! But it does strike my curiosity!

RE: Q&A with the VAs of Zeo & Toby - Killer-Kirsty - Mar. 25, 2012

(Mar. 19, 2012  5:08 PM)Toby_Faust Wrote: The fan art is awesome! Also, I'll happily read some fan fiction… I hope I'm not setting myself up to read something lascivious... though not necessarily opposed. (Hurray for thumbs up)

I've been learning a lot about Beyblade just from the questions and comments on here. If I have anything super pressing, I'll be sure to inquire here. I, apparently, will be watching every episode I am in, so I should learn quite a bit more.
I can see that Beyblade could bring people together. It's a pretty good show.

I too would be TERRIFIED if I regained consciousness in a place like that. Also, I agree, it's probably not very legal… especially the scientific experiments.
I'm pretty sure Toby remembers EVERYTHING about being Faust. Probably not a lot about the in between stuff, considering he was unconscious for a chunk of it, but the stuff while he was awake and on autopilot, definitely. I'm certain he has nightmares… and I think it's what fuels some of his character now. It's nice that he has moved on… but if we talk about reading deeper into the character, I imagine he wakes up screaming every so often.
The hair, voice, and physical changes definitely are scars that will never heal, but I like your take that it shows that he is a survivor.
It's a little dark, but I love my characters that way.
I love that I did get to have a little say in my vocal development.

The commercial voice was made a few years back. On commercials I tend to be asked to be more hyper and insane… after all, they're often only 30 seconds long. Toby of course has to have a full range of emotions.
I'm not often quiet, but even I have to kick back sometimes.

Glad you enjoy Sonic so much. It's a great series and the games kick butt.
I used to LOVE "Sonic Sez/says" at the end. I figured out at a young age that people were DOING these things… and that's why Sonic had to warn people. For example, climbing into a washing machine / dryer. I remember being a kid and saying, "Are lots of people climbing into those? Woooow".
I didn't really clam her present because she played it a lot too. Though I did love it. Oh Genesis, what an awesome system.

Oh I definitely have ADHD. Over time I learned how to focus more readily. Sometimes I still need a kick in the butt to remember what I'm doing, and my stories and conversations can often go on MANY different tangents. Oftentimes I find myself deleting things that I was going to post on the forum just because I was going off on a tangent and telling a story that has NOTHING to do with anything here.

Ah, I like colourful fantasy games too. Makes perfect sense. Of course as I write this now I'm hearing the Donkey Kong theme in my head.
Oooh, have fun playing Spyro 2! Which Sonic game is next!?

I never really got into fighting games or driving games… heh, but I'm glad you enjoy them. Tekken is pretty fun though.

Earl does do his yiddish accent for a few seconds on the Tarpit demo on the Dark Comedy site, if I'm not mistaken. Earl has had a part in my career, in that he does inspire me. I was already into it by the time he and I spoke about it, but he definitely supported me, which was much needed as I was starting out.

Heh, I truly enjoy the fact that Mac and I are friends now. He's a really awesome guy. (Nice line drop from our episode ;-) )

*Runs around in circles giddy too* That's what it says to me. Heh.

I hope Anime North kicks BUTT this year. Mac and I are going to be doing a lot of it together so it should be AWESOME.

I hope I get to pick up a Lyra eventually. We'll have a battle one day. One day… MUAHAHAHAHA!


ALWAYS allowed to ask more questions!
1. I don't know much about them. If I get a chance to audition, AWESOME! If not, then I wish them all the best. I don't know how involved I could be in them if I'm not on the show. Not because I wouldn't be interested, but more because I barely have time to get to know the show in which I already perform.

2. We were on YTV for Beyblade, not for interviews or anything… when that does EVENTUALLY happen, we'll be sure to tell you all about those.

Thank you VERY much for the comments and commentary.
I really appreciate that you think my lines were delivered well.
I hope the next episode is as good. I have quite a bit more lines, and there is a story behind it. I'm a little worried it won't sound as good, but I'm hoping you enjoy them just as much.

Thank you kindly for the words of encouragement and as always for the questions!
Keep on asking and talking. It's always a pleasure!

Well...Rule 34 is all I can say on the matter of what you could find. Reminds me of when I *aged 14-nearly-15 and very naive and innocent for that age* found a lemon on Digimon Tamers involving Takato's parents, coming across characters talking dirty in fanfic as well as quite a few yaoi fanfic (with the original Beyblade characters) and googling Hentai wondering what the heck it meant after seeing the words "Hentai-free" on various fansites clicking one of the results and IIRC screamed in school no less.
Seriously I hope you find all decent (maybe some weird) fanwork and no Rule 34 stuff, it is great to hear you think the fanart is awesome and hope you get see some decent fanfic too.

I don't think you had much of a choice with your friends Adam and Mac pretty much making you watch the episodes and from what you have said about yourself, Mac and Cameron it does indeed prove the getting people together power that Beyblade has. Funny since there is heavy emphasis on friendship in the Beyblade series.

The only thing is in Beyblade you never really see any villain get arrested per se well at least not yet. It is also very disturbing that the Arrange system kinda induces growing up on someone. Yowzers poor Toby but if it what fuels his character in Metal Fury and that he has moved on then he is a very strong young man coz he went through some carp from the look of things. The thing is while he is probably haunted by memories of Faust and wakes up screaming every so often he also has two best friends (Masamune and Zeo) who think the world of him and will help support him through his night terrors so he'll move on nicely (the first sign that he has moved on is probably the fact he got his hair cut short), I also would think Masmune, Zeo and Coach Steel are maybe a little protective of Toby post-Faust. I asked as usually brainwashed characters have little to no recollection of what they did, so it seems Toby could be an exception (though he forgot himself as Faust). It is interesting to look deeper into things.

Another thing is where are Zeo's and Toby's parents in all of this? Are they aware of what happened to their sons? It seems Coach Steel as tough as he is he is also a father figure to the trio.

A few years back? They did the commercials a few years back? Wow have to say that is crazy prepared. So I am guessing you maybe had a different director for the commercials?
The older games were better I tend to find, however the Adventure series and Unleashed were very fun also. What Sonic warned you about were very very present dangers and even what to do when someone does something to you they shouldn't (the infamous Sonic Sez) though I don't think I paid attention to Sonic Sez when I saw the show as a kid. It surprises everyone what people do tbh.

It was called the Mega Drive here (it's original name in Japan) and was changed for legal reasons to Genesis in North America which didn't make sense to me as Genesis is the name of a band. But yes it is a classic with some awesome games and loads of childhood memories.

I have ADHD which goes hand in hand with my ASD. I get distracted easy, am rather hyper most of the time, will talk all day quickly going from one subject to another if allowed and can be a fidget. I hope to get better at focusing someday among other things, knowing what you have done for yourself despite the ADHD does show I can get to where I want to eventually.

Well despite saying Sonic was next I ended up introducing him to Donkey Kong Country when I saw him on Tuesday and he seemed to get the knack of it we got upto Milestone Mayhem so far. We also spent much of Tuesday stealing the catchphrase of "Aim for number one!" in unison...sorry Benji, Mac and Cameron ^^;

Thanks we both love playing Spyro 2 (beautiful and relaxing game), I have to remember not to take over though like I did in Skelos Badlands. He intruduces me to some games he plays too.

We have played two player on Sonic games but not quite a working together one player Sonic game. When we do it will start with Sonic 1 on the Mega Drive of course!
When I was younger I would most of the time play as Nina, but over the years I used other characters.

That would be when Earl was talking about Tarpit's issues right? Does he play Tarpit with the accent? Good to hear he supported you when you started out, I imagine he is like a mentor.

That is just Real Life Imitates Art at it's awesome. (Thanks I could not resist especially with the ep on my mind)

When I am taking in what you and Mac write here sometimes I put the laptop down and pace up and down for a bit.

Anime North is going to be in about a month I believe (well over a month since it is May). I'd say from what I read from other's con reports that Anime North tends to be awesome.
Well you do have Tempo now so you have at least one of your character's Beys, and when you guys do battle it will be epic!

The new series (Zero-G) is set years after Metal Fury and still takes place in Gingka's universe and Kenta has appeared in the manga so there may be a chance we may see the Dungeon trio (nickname for Zeo, Toby and Masamune collectively) again. Understandable as you are very busy.

I hope you two do get to be interviewed on YTV, that would be sweet!

You are very welcome and thanks very much also for answering and commenting.

Episode 35 was very good and shed some light onto the Dungeon trio and why Masamune is as determined as he is to be number one.

It was interesting to hear a range of emotions coming from Toby from his tired but still smiling to his excitement to his anger to his calm and collected side as the in-betweener of Zeo and Masamune.

We also got to see where the tougher and confident Zeo started out, as an enthusiastic and friendly but not a very confident blader and it makes me wonder my goodness what happened to Zeo to make him the Zeo that we were introduced to?

You both have a very good range of emotions and characteristics with Zeo and Toby and I do feel they are not one dimensional characters but that there are layers to them both.

A question would be Toby's illness is unknown within the show, but from your perspective do you know what his illness is?

RE: Q&A with the VAs of Zeo & Toby - Karl - Apr. 06, 2012

Ditto with the last question on the post above me, WHAT IS TOBY'S ILLNESS OR WHAT DO YOU THINK IT IS?

RE: Q&A with the VAs of Zeo & Toby - Toby_Faust - Apr. 06, 2012

(Mar. 24, 2012  10:48 PM)Karl Wrote: I feel so sry for toby and his illness Crying
at the end of the the first episode that you guys appear Zeo said something that made me very confused! After Zeo and Masamune had a very friendly battle and seemed to be having a good time Zeo said to himself, "i'll never forgive you masamune." Didn't they just have a ton of fun?! Talk about a sudden plot twist! wow!
I was kidding about the episode thing, it just aired here, but they skipped an episode Crying

Yes, Toby is very sick. Dun dun duuuuuuuun!
The Zeo thing... is more for Mac to discuss, but personally, I think it makes perfect sense. After Masamune left Zeo alone to take care of Toby.

They skipped an episode? So you guys missed our first appearances?
Oh well, silly Cartoon Network.
Maybe they aired a bunch at once? They did that here. 4 episodes on one day and suddenly the next week was our first episode.

(Mar. 25, 2012  12:07 AM)Nuzumaki90 Wrote: They skipped Charge! Ray Gill and The Friend's Name is Zeo

I wonder why they would skip Zeo's anime debut, it introduced the Dungeon Gym and one of the most epicly voiced characters in the series.

I find that to be really strange.
Mac did a REALLY good job in it too.

(Mar. 25, 2012  4:01 PM)Kirst-Mizuhime Wrote: Well...Rule 34 is all I can say on the matter of what you could find. Reminds me of when I *aged 14-nearly-15 and very naive and innocent for that age* found a lemon on Digimon Tamers involving Takato's parents, coming across characters talking dirty in fanfic as well as quite a few yaoi fanfic (with the original Beyblade characters) and googling Hentai wondering what the heck it meant after seeing the words "Hentai-free" on various fansites clicking one of the results and IIRC screamed in school no less.
Seriously I hope you find all decent (maybe some weird) fanwork and no Rule 34 stuff, it is great to hear you think the fanart is awesome and hope you get see some decent fanfic too.

I don't think you had much of a choice with your friends Adam and Mac pretty much making you watch the episodes and from what you have said about yourself, Mac and Cameron it does indeed prove the getting people together power that Beyblade has. Funny since there is heavy emphasis on friendship in the Beyblade series.

The only thing is in Beyblade you never really see any villain get arrested per se well at least not yet. It is also very disturbing that the Arrange system kinda induces growing up on someone. Yowzers poor Toby but if it what fuels his character in Metal Fury and that he has moved on then he is a very strong young man coz he went through some carp from the look of things. The thing is while he is probably haunted by memories of Faust and wakes up screaming every so often he also has two best friends (Masamune and Zeo) who think the world of him and will help support him through his night terrors so he'll move on nicely (the first sign that he has moved on is probably the fact he got his hair cut short), I also would think Masmune, Zeo and Coach Steel are maybe a little protective of Toby post-Faust. I asked as usually brainwashed characters have little to no recollection of what they did, so it seems Toby could be an exception (though he forgot himself as Faust). It is interesting to look deeper into things.

Another thing is where are Zeo's and Toby's parents in all of this? Are they aware of what happened to their sons? It seems Coach Steel as tough as he is he is also a father figure to the trio.

A few years back? They did the commercials a few years back? Wow have to say that is crazy prepared. So I am guessing you maybe had a different director for the commercials?
The older games were better I tend to find, however the Adventure series and Unleashed were very fun also. What Sonic warned you about were very very present dangers and even what to do when someone does something to you they shouldn't (the infamous Sonic Sez) though I don't think I paid attention to Sonic Sez when I saw the show as a kid. It surprises everyone what people do tbh.

It was called the Mega Drive here (it's original name in Japan) and was changed for legal reasons to Genesis in North America which didn't make sense to me as Genesis is the name of a band. But yes it is a classic with some awesome games and loads of childhood memories.

I have ADHD which goes hand in hand with my ASD. I get distracted easy, am rather hyper most of the time, will talk all day quickly going from one subject to another if allowed and can be a fidget. I hope to get better at focusing someday among other things, knowing what you have done for yourself despite the ADHD does show I can get to where I want to eventually.

Well despite saying Sonic was next I ended up introducing him to Donkey Kong Country when I saw him on Tuesday and he seemed to get the knack of it we got upto Milestone Mayhem so far. We also spent much of Tuesday stealing the catchphrase of "Aim for number one!" in unison...sorry Benji, Mac and Cameron ^^;

Thanks we both love playing Spyro 2 (beautiful and relaxing game), I have to remember not to take over though like I did in Skelos Badlands. He intruduces me to some games he plays too.

We have played two player on Sonic games but not quite a working together one player Sonic game. When we do it will start with Sonic 1 on the Mega Drive of course!
When I was younger I would most of the time play as Nina, but over the years I used other characters.

That would be when Earl was talking about Tarpit's issues right? Does he play Tarpit with the accent? Good to hear he supported you when you started out, I imagine he is like a mentor.

That is just Real Life Imitates Art at it's awesome. (Thanks I could not resist especially with the ep on my mind)

When I am taking in what you and Mac write here sometimes I put the laptop down and pace up and down for a bit.

Anime North is going to be in about a month I believe (well over a month since it is May). I'd say from what I read from other's con reports that Anime North tends to be awesome.
Well you do have Tempo now so you have at least one of your character's Beys, and when you guys do battle it will be epic!

The new series (Zero-G) is set years after Metal Fury and still takes place in Gingka's universe and Kenta has appeared in the manga so there may be a chance we may see the Dungeon trio (nickname for Zeo, Toby and Masamune collectively) again. Understandable as you are very busy.

I hope you two do get to be interviewed on YTV, that would be sweet!

You are very welcome and thanks very much also for answering and commenting.

Episode 35 was very good and shed some light onto the Dungeon trio and why Masamune is as determined as he is to be number one.

It was interesting to hear a range of emotions coming from Toby from his tired but still smiling to his excitement to his anger to his calm and collected side as the in-betweener of Zeo and Masamune.

We also got to see where the tougher and confident Zeo started out, as an enthusiastic and friendly but not a very confident blader and it makes me wonder my goodness what happened to Zeo to make him the Zeo that we were introduced to?

You both have a very good range of emotions and characteristics with Zeo and Toby and I do feel they are not one dimensional characters but that there are layers to them both.

A question would be Toby's illness is unknown within the show, but from your perspective do you know what his illness is?

I know Rule 34 quite well, and that was the thing to which I was referring.
To be quite honest, I don't think it will bug me much. More fodder for the tease machine. Heheh.
Awww…. you were so innocent and naive… and the internet ruined it. *Shakes fist at internet*
I'm happy to see all fan art / fan fic. I'm not going to SEARCH for it, but if it's presented I'll shrug it off of me. These things can't shock me.

I actually have begun to learn to appreciate listening to myself. Mac and I had a chat with a group of our voice actor friends, and we all watched the latest episode together. We discussed what went on in the studio, where my voice needed work and where I did well. It's good to get constructive feedback. I'll get used to it fully… eventually.

It's strange that there are no arrests, but I guess that's par for the course on some anime's.
Also, you're right, the friendship with Masamune and Zeo is definitely what keeps Toby going. One of the reasons I strongly believe that Toby remembers being faust is that… well… you know… his back was physically modified so that he could control the whole machine setup thing. Those tentacles jam right into his back. BEST case scenario where they've repaired his back and removed the computer interface, he would STILL have massive scars there for life. I don't believe a day goes by where Toby doesn't think about being Faust, and I think you're right that the boys are very protective of him now… but not too much that they don't still challenge him and let him do his own thing.

Coach Steel is definitely a father figure. When I picture Toby's home life I picture him living with an older sibling after his parents disappeared / died.
I think of it that way because I read into tragic characters, it makes things more interesting. It explains some things with him. His raw determination, why even at the age of 10 he is so headstrong and ready to go. As much as I love Zeo's "Make them run home to their mommies" line… Toby would never say that.
I also think his older sister WAS there. Just… not on screen. She would be desperate to keep her brother alive, so she'd agree to anything, not knowing the evil undertones of it all.
"We have a secret super special treatment that will not only save your brother, but he'll be able to walk again."
Done deal.

The commercials I mean were the ones where I invented the voice, not commercials for Beyblade. I've had many different directors for commercials.

I love the oooold Sonic games, but I REALLY love Sonic Adventure 2 for Dreamcast. (NOT FOR GAMECUBE! )
The Sonic Sez/Says thing was amazing. There was one when he's being attacked by a slew of bad guys and Tails asks if he should call 911 and Sonic said not to call, because you should only call when you're REALLY in danger.
I have one issue with that…. If I'm being mugged by 10 people… never mind if they were crazy evil robots… I'm calling 911. Someone could take away from that little short that if you are being attacked, it's not worth it to call 911.
People do stupid things… it's… just… no comment.

Yes, but Genesis is a band from the UK. Legal issues are straaaaaange.
I love the older systems. I still sand by my opinion the SNES was and is the greatest system of all time.

Well, I'm glad that I can inspire a fellow ADHDer. It took years and lots of trial and error to figure out what I should / could do for… well… life. I was never put on any medication and just had to figure it out for myself. You definitely CAN do it. I have faith.

Well, DK is ALSO awesome, and you can have "Aim for Number one" as long as you remember us when you say it. Heh.

Enjoy all the games you play together! Heheh, and play nicely!

Yes, that would be it a little bit. He doesn't play Tarpit with an accent, just his deep foreboding voice. He's a wonderful man, not exactly a mentor, but definitely had a hand in crafting my attitude to the business.

Well, I'm glad you like what we write, (I hope that's what the pacing is. When I'm taking stuff in, especially on the phone, I tend to pace too)

Anime North is great and I'm really looking forward to it. I used to work there so it'll be interesting to be on the other side.
I'm going to see if I can grab a Flame Byxis for Mac… for an EPIC BATTLE (that we'll film).

No idea if we'll appear in the new series. It'll be nice if we do, but I doubt it. Doesn't matter much, I love what we've had so far and I'm excited for the next projects that will come along.

A YTV interview would be amazing, I'm not expecting it any time soon… but we never know! Heheh.

I like episode 35 a lot. I'm not going to share TOO much about it, but it was a difficult one to record. I'm pleased you enjoyed it.

I presume that Zeo has a ton of stuff going on, and of course that's for Mac to answer.

Happy to hear you think we have layers to our characters. I put in a lot of thought to them, and I'm glad it shines through.

Thanks for all the questions as per usual!

(Apr. 06, 2012  3:16 PM)Karl Wrote: Ditto with the last question on the post above me, WHAT IS TOBY'S ILLNESS OR WHAT DO YOU THINK IT IS?

Okay, to both of you (and anyone else wondering). I actually thought about it for a VERY long time. My friend Adam insists that it's… well, something ridiculous.

I think it's probably something that has muscular dystrophy as a side symptom or maybe some sort of necrotizing fasciitis. I think in the long run it's something that doctors have never seen before and thus would be named after Toby. Whatever it is, I've imagined out all of his symptoms and what's going through his head on a regular basis. (I can go into more detail if you want)
I hope that satisfies your curiosity.

Thanks for the questions everyone, keep them coming as always.
I hope you guys are still enjoying our performances and the show in general.
Be well, and happy holidays today / tomorrow / Sunday for those of you who celebrate Passover or Easter.

All the best!

RE: Q&A with the VAs of Zeo & Toby - Karl - Apr. 08, 2012

Come to think of it, Zeo and Masamune did say "uknown illness." maybe it's so little ones don't say, "What the plum is that?" when they say the name, just to make it simpler to understand!
Here are the some of the things i've noticed so far:
Shivering (when he first collapsed)
Slight moaning (first collapsed)
Being put in wheel chair
Hair turned grey (when he was turned into Faust)

And that's all i've noticed so far!

RE: Q&A with the VAs of Zeo & Toby - Killer-Kirsty - Apr. 12, 2012

(Apr. 06, 2012  6:32 PM)Toby_Faust Wrote: I know Rule 34 quite well, and that was the thing to which I was referring.
To be quite honest, I don't think it will bug me much. More fodder for the tease machine. Heheh.
Awww…. you were so innocent and naive… and the internet ruined it. *Shakes fist at internet*
I'm happy to see all fan art / fan fic. I'm not going to SEARCH for it, but if it's presented I'll shrug it off of me. These things can't shock me.

I actually have begun to learn to appreciate listening to myself. Mac and I had a chat with a group of our voice actor friends, and we all watched the latest episode together. We discussed what went on in the studio, where my voice needed work and where I did well. It's good to get constructive feedback. I'll get used to it fully… eventually.

It's strange that there are no arrests, but I guess that's par for the course on some anime's.
Also, you're right, the friendship with Masamune and Zeo is definitely what keeps Toby going. One of the reasons I strongly believe that Toby remembers being faust is that… well… you know… his back was physically modified so that he could control the whole machine setup thing. Those tentacles jam right into his back. BEST case scenario where they've repaired his back and removed the computer interface, he would STILL have massive scars there for life. I don't believe a day goes by where Toby doesn't think about being Faust, and I think you're right that the boys are very protective of him now… but not too much that they don't still challenge him and let him do his own thing.

Coach Steel is definitely a father figure. When I picture Toby's home life I picture him living with an older sibling after his parents disappeared / died.
I think of it that way because I read into tragic characters, it makes things more interesting. It explains some things with him. His raw determination, why even at the age of 10 he is so headstrong and ready to go. As much as I love Zeo's "Make them run home to their mommies" line… Toby would never say that.
I also think his older sister WAS there. Just… not on screen. She would be desperate to keep her brother alive, so she'd agree to anything, not knowing the evil undertones of it all.
"We have a secret super special treatment that will not only save your brother, but he'll be able to walk again."
Done deal.

The commercials I mean were the ones where I invented the voice, not commercials for Beyblade. I've had many different directors for commercials.

I love the oooold Sonic games, but I REALLY love Sonic Adventure 2 for Dreamcast. (NOT FOR GAMECUBE! )
The Sonic Sez/Says thing was amazing. There was one when he's being attacked by a slew of bad guys and Tails asks if he should call 911 and Sonic said not to call, because you should only call when you're REALLY in danger.
I have one issue with that…. If I'm being mugged by 10 people… never mind if they were crazy evil robots… I'm calling 911. Someone could take away from that little short that if you are being attacked, it's not worth it to call 911.
People do stupid things… it's… just… no comment.

Yes, but Genesis is a band from the UK. Legal issues are straaaaaange.
I love the older systems. I still sand by my opinion the SNES was and is the greatest system of all time.

Well, I'm glad that I can inspire a fellow ADHDer. It took years and lots of trial and error to figure out what I should / could do for… well… life. I was never put on any medication and just had to figure it out for myself. You definitely CAN do it. I have faith.

Well, DK is ALSO awesome, and you can have "Aim for Number one" as long as you remember us when you say it. Heh.

Enjoy all the games you play together! Heheh, and play nicely!

Yes, that would be it a little bit. He doesn't play Tarpit with an accent, just his deep foreboding voice. He's a wonderful man, not exactly a mentor, but definitely had a hand in crafting my attitude to the business.

Well, I'm glad you like what we write, (I hope that's what the pacing is. When I'm taking stuff in, especially on the phone, I tend to pace too)

Anime North is great and I'm really looking forward to it. I used to work there so it'll be interesting to be on the other side.
I'm going to see if I can grab a Flame Byxis for Mac… for an EPIC BATTLE (that we'll film).

No idea if we'll appear in the new series. It'll be nice if we do, but I doubt it. Doesn't matter much, I love what we've had so far and I'm excited for the next projects that will come along.

A YTV interview would be amazing, I'm not expecting it any time soon… but we never know! Heheh.

I like episode 35 a lot. I'm not going to share TOO much about it, but it was a difficult one to record. I'm pleased you enjoyed it.

I presume that Zeo has a ton of stuff going on, and of course that's for Mac to answer.

Happy to hear you think we have layers to our characters. I put in a lot of thought to them, and I'm glad it shines through.

Thanks for all the questions as per usual!

Okay, to both of you (and anyone else wondering). I actually thought about it for a VERY long time. My friend Adam insists that it's… well, something ridiculous.

I think it's probably something that has muscular dystrophy as a side symptom or maybe some sort of necrotizing fasciitis. I think in the long run it's something that doctors have never seen before and thus would be named after Toby. Whatever it is, I've imagined out all of his symptoms and what's going through his head on a regular basis. (I can go into more detail if you want)
I hope that satisfies your curiosity.

Thanks for the questions everyone, keep them coming as always.
I hope you guys are still enjoying our performances and the show in general.
Be well, and happy holidays today / tomorrow / Sunday for those of you who celebrate Passover or Easter.

All the best!

More fodder for the tease machine?XD! Oh dear poor guys really are like brothers. Hehehe yes pretty much but then it did teach me about behind the scenes of my fave stuff so it is not all bad. Do you tease Cameron as well?

I wouldn't think that you would search for 34 stuff don't think anyone would really (unless they were into it).

That sounds brilliant! I think that appreciating and critiquing your performances as a group has helped you be more comfortable listening to yourself because well you are all doing it and it is not just one person being put on the spot. I am sure after a few sessions you will get fully used to it.

Well there is Pokemon with the various Officer Jennys who do IIRC make arrests but most shonen anime seem to dodge the whole legal thing.

I am very much liking the Zeo/Toby/Masamune dynamic and sorry to say this but the recent episodes sort of reminds me of a love triangle with poor Toby in the middle, I get the feeling of the two (I would say more on Zeo's part) somewhat competing for Toby and can see Zeo's feelings (amplified by the Arrange system) of envy, anger and betrayal towards Masamune. If Toby knew of the events of episode 37 I think it would break his heart and possibly worsen his illness, he would not have wanted Zeo to get mad at Masamune like that. Whoa they actually modified his back? Well I guess that was part of the Arrange's "bring out the Blader's potential and fixing up whatever may hinder the Blader", yeesh I am surprised now that Toby actually gets better after all that and it is no wonder he would remember being Faust since it all sounds so painful judging by what you have said (as well as the scars) and how Zeo reacted to being "Arranged". It is good to know that afterwards Masamune and Zeo put things aside to help take care of Post-Faust!Toby without going OTT about it.

Here are some Arrange-related questions for you both to answer from your respective POVs Dr. Ziggurat mentioned that only so many people are compatable with the Arrange system, if so which of the main characters would be compatible? Would Masamune be one of them? Also what makes a person be compatible and incompatible for the Arrange system?

Somehow I think you'd have a field day with the characters from EastEnders (a UK soap in which the characters seem to have the worst luck around). What you have said about Toby could also be a form of Toby wanting to be able to take care of himself, he just gets on with life no matter what it throws at him and is pleasant despite the tragic circumstances that surround him. Defo understand the older sister's POV we all would do anything if our family/loved ones were severely ill to save them and make them better. Also for the purpose in her case of not wanting to lose another member of her family I just wonder how she would react to Faust and Post-Faust!Toby, she would still love him no doubt.

Oh sorry about that, I didn't realize you meant other commericals you did, now you have said that I understand as I remember hearing very Toby-ish voices in your demo. What is the difference between being directed in commercials to say animation?

I never had the Dreamcast, so I played SA2 through Gamecube same with Sonic Adventure but it was fun all the same loads of memories from when I was 13/14.

Oh while on Sonic I went to get a Sonic lunchbag at our local ASDA while helping with the food shop (well it was either a lunchbag or my first MM Beyblade but I needed the lunchbag more...) and I looked through the available Beys, after looking I saw a Flame Byxis near the front and a Twisted Tempo to the left also at the front and I put them nearer each other I know it is random but I had to share it.

I do agree (being mugged isn't a real danger? Lots will beg to differ) and also muggers may carry deadly weapons of their own so really it does count, I mean in Tails' case they were just robots and he had Sonic to save him, muggings are much more frightening irl and we do not have a blue hedgehog with super speed to save us.

It is the balance of the world it seems.

I thought they made it in NA though, might be wrong but yes legal issues are weird but then again it happens alot really. All I have for the SNES is DKC and Street Fighter 2 however I do remember playing a Mario compilation on it at my Nan's but then I also see how awesome the graphics look on DKC. I am not sure if I can decide which system is the best without it sounding biased.

You have really really done well for yourself, I have never been on meds for my ADHD as my folks weren't too keen on them. I just have to be careful with cola and coloured sweets and try to learn to be able to tone myself down in situations as well as focusing when needed. Thanks I will get where I want to, it is just gonna take alot of time.

It is and thanks you three will always be on my mind when saying it! You guys have to be really...

We will thanks, only one level then we go to Ripto!

His Yiddish accent is quite a contrast to his usual speaking voice, I can picture someone like Tarpit with the deep and foreboding voice. That is good as sometimes while you may need a mentor it is also important to have a friend have a hand whether directly or not help you in the biz, Earl does come across warm on the demo.

Yeah the pacing is because I like what you two write and thinking of how I am gonna reply to them. I also pace when speaking with my companion on the phone and well just pace when I am thinking alot really.

You used to work there? I suppose that was where you met Scott McNeil and then ended up on the road of voice overs. Since you are there on the other side you will defo have more fun, might be crowded though. Hehehe that would be awesome! Only thing is well Beybattles irl don't last as long as they do on TV.

I would say you and Mac have gotten something awesome from voicing Toby and Zeo and it is great that you love what you have had so far! Hope you new projects bring you both more in the future.

It would be nice but if not YTV this here is sort of like an interview, only that you two are getting interviewed by multiple people rather than one or two hosts.

Not surprsing as there were so many emotions on display. Zeo has loads on his mind as episode 37 showed, kind of scary really. It is going to be very interesting when Faust comes along...

It really does shine through and it has been great to hear how you both prepared and approached the roles.

Hmmm Toby's Syndrome? Usually they name the condition after the person who discovers it rather than the person who suffers it. I can see the Muscular Dystrophy symptoms (the fact that he cannot walk), yikes you think Toby has some sort of flesh-eating disease (some sort of necrotizing fasciitis)? Naturally it would be interesting to hear more details if that is ok please. Oh I noticed Toby got a nasty cough on the last episode so another symptom seems to be asthma/COPD/bronchitis/some other nasty chest infection or it is a lack of immunity caused by Toby's Syndrome actually it does sound like a motor neurone disease or something.

It is some kind of as they say Soap Opera Disease, probably so it A) won't scare the kids and B) sounds serious at the same time.

Thanks for answering the questions and thanks hope you and everyone else here has enjoyed Passover/Easter.

EDIT: Well seeing most of ep 45 I have to say those tentacles that go into Faust's back is just all sorts of wrong, it doesn't seem to bother Faust though, blimey Tempo is literally earth-shattering powerful and great voice for Faust!

RE: Q&A with the VAs of Zeo & Toby - driger2012 - Apr. 13, 2012

How strong is Zeo?

RE: Q&A with the VAs of Zeo & Toby - Nuzumaki90 - Apr. 15, 2012

Just finished watching Miraculous Spiral Force and now I remember why it was my favorite episode in MFB.

I absolutely love the voice of Faust, just hate how they pronouced his name. You guys are just awesome at voice acting, Faust sounds like a total badass, I don't care what anyone says. I also love the voice of Damian, he sounds really cool.

Can't wait to hear more of Faust =P

RE: Q&A with the VAs of Zeo & Toby - Mac.. - Apr. 17, 2012

i have a question for both of you. did you get freebies? did you ever see your characters beys in person?

RE: Q&A with the VAs of Zeo & Toby - driger2012 - Apr. 19, 2012

How did Toby get in a wheelchair after Masamune left for Japan?

RE: Q&A with the VAs of Zeo & Toby - Kai-V - Apr. 19, 2012

(Apr. 19, 2012  2:11 PM)gingkafan20 Wrote: Zeo,
How did Toby get in a wheelchair after Masamune left for Japan?

He got very sick one day, his state kept degrading, and now he is very weak and cannot even stand his weight to walk.