World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.
Fun Combos thread! - Printable Version

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RE: Fun Combos thread! - Jaygrazer - Aug. 08, 2011

Mine is Scythe Lacerta D125HF. Destroys my VariAres. Watch here!

RE: Fun Combos thread! - Mr. N - Aug. 08, 2011

Trust me, put an R145RF on VariAres and Lacerta will be utterly defeated.

RE: Fun Combos thread! - HollowPerseus - Aug. 08, 2011

(Aug. 08, 2011  9:15 PM)Galaxy Jay Wrote: Mine is Scythe Lacerta D125HF. Destroys my VariAres. Watch here!

Oi, hermano Dominicano. Like Mr.N said. R145, GB145, or something else, we have a dead lizard. Although the video was fun to watch. Now all you need is a BB-10.

RE: Fun Combos thread! - JumpK2 - Aug. 21, 2011

Mine is Pegasis M145F. It Bounces alot and randomly knocks out light stamina types. Its fun to watch it hop around the stadium and knock out stuff.

RE: Fun Combos thread! - Goldchain3 - Aug. 21, 2011

Mine is MF Torch Gemios M145RF becuase, even though Gemios is so light. the attack and recoil on this renders weight useless. It's funnier in outer mode because it jumps, attacks, and flys away repeatedly, until it runs out of stamina.

RE: Fun Combos thread! - Poseidon - Aug. 21, 2011

every plastic apart from survival Tongue_out
Yeah, also im loving OHKO custom at the moment so im using this
AR: Whale Crusher (Seaborg 2)
WD: 10 Heavy
SG: Neo Left SG
SG Core: Heavy Metal Core (Metal Driger)
BB: SG Metal Flat 2 (Gaia Dragoon V)
Im lovin' it

RE: Fun Combos thread! - BigBangSoda145 - Aug. 22, 2011

fury bull 230Q----stupid and stupid

RE: Fun Combos thread! - Chrisfire360 - Aug. 24, 2011

i love using scythe bull (attack mode) 100 rf. it actually lifted a beyblade over a wall, bouce out, and chip the corner of my wall.....EPIC!!!!!!!

RE: Fun Combos thread! - Lightning Kirin - Aug. 25, 2011

Scythe Khronos (Stamina Mode) M145Q: The Helicopter. XD

RE: Fun Combos thread! - BigBangSoda145 - Aug. 25, 2011

Mf-H+ l-drago CW( metal) + scythe+ BD145+ MB= MF-H Scythe L-drago bd145mb??????
i got this idea from bb18libra's video. It weighs 90 grams!!!!!!! oh teh noes!

RE: Fun Combos thread! - Gen SimpL - Aug. 25, 2011

(Aug. 25, 2011  6:40 AM)BigBangSoda145 Wrote: Mf-H+ l-drago CW( metal) + scythe+ BD145+ MB= MF-H Scythe L-drago bd145mb??????
i got this idea from bb18libra's video. It weighs 90 grams!!!!!!! oh teh noes!

its been established already
L drago = anyting but its metal wheel it came with = illegal

RE: Fun Combos thread! - .:J:. - Aug. 25, 2011

so? it says fun combo thread, doesn't have to be legal, anyway mine is:

MF-H poison serpent 105MF it's pretty good, managed to stadium out 2 beys in one match, and it's killer speed! i like to call it the striking venom tactic!

RE: Fun Combos thread! - rasenganbeast1 - Aug. 25, 2011

Inferno Leone T125WD it's not a bad stamina combo but with the inferno wheel it can make some pretty cool and powerful recoil ko's.

RE: Fun Combos thread! - BiPod - Aug. 29, 2011

I know that you are normally not meant to do this but I do Big bang escolpio 145 S. I make Big bang only with the bottom metal bit. I make it verse Fang serpent 145 MS with only the bottom metal bit.
They both have over the top smash attack good stamina and really bad defense.
In the stadium they move really slowly and then when they hit. They fly out of the stadium! Kinda.
OK that sounded childish. Oh who cares...

RE: Fun Combos thread! - Whatzzer - Aug. 29, 2011

My favourite fun combo is.
Blah's combo:-Dark Wolf M145Q
Another one is:-MF-H Basalt Kerbecs M145Q(Destroooyer)(Yes,I does destroy things such as stadiums,beyblades and sometimes,life.So beware when I use this!)

RE: Fun Combos thread! - METEOR DRAGO - Aug. 29, 2011

My favorite combo is Earth Bull 100SD, Surprisingly it beat Hell Kerbecks BD145DS by 3-1

RE: Fun Combos thread! - Whatzzer - Aug. 29, 2011

This is not a favourite combos thread.This is FUN Combos Thread.

RE: Fun Combos thread! - Benjohadi - Aug. 29, 2011

haha..i like anything heavy attach to bd145 plus XF..spin like hell for a second before it die..hahahahhaah..i like the sound of the scraped stadium floor..

RE: Fun Combos thread! - METEOR DRAGO - Aug. 29, 2011

(Aug. 29, 2011  2:11 PM)Whatzzer Wrote: This is not a favourite combos thread.This is FUN Combos Thread.

it's also fun cause when i slide shoot it, it spins the stadium for 1 circle after that it just self destructs by going out of the stadium by it self(it's fun to watch beys self destruct)

RE: Fun Combos thread! - pegasusmaster - Aug. 29, 2011

i love the combo midnight virgo 125sd. i like how it looks really balanced and awesome. but it isint very strongUnhappy. i also like rock bull 125b it can beat alot of beys even though its only a stupid hasbro bey.Wink

RE: Fun Combos thread! - Dr. Peace - Aug. 29, 2011

nice thread...combo that i've fun watching is that Fang Kerbecs 130 XF..this is beacuse i love the way it goes crazy in the stadium. banging here and there like a wild animal, precisely, also usually help himself out of the stadium and bite me with his fang and leave the mark of love at my leg...XD

RE: Fun Combos thread! - Shabalabadoo - Aug. 29, 2011

(Aug. 29, 2011  3:24 PM)peace Wrote: nice thread...combo that i've fun watching is that Fang Kerbecs 130 XF..this is beacuse i love the way it goes crazy in the stadium. banging here and there like a wild animal, precisely, also usually help himself out of the stadium and bite me with his fang and leave the mark of love at my leg...XD

Oh no, not another one...


For fun (and also kinda for practice when I think about it), I like to get really bad attack combos with RF, and put them against Hell Kerbecs uncustomized. Yeah, if I put a defense bottom on hell kerbecs, poison 'ain't ever going to win.

RE: Fun Combos thread! - Sniper - Aug. 29, 2011

MF-H Basalt Bull WA145 LF is loads of fun

RE: Fun Combos thread! - OnePiece - Aug. 29, 2011

AriesR145RS I love the way it looks and the slightly worn RS sometimes goes mentally fast on the tornado ridged absolutely Killing everything even basalt combos, but this hardly ever happens Unhappy I also like using light wheels and watching them go flying, oh oh and AriesR145SD looks so nice and of course PoisonGilM145MS the most useless bey ever created by humans, and finnaly MF-fMadEscolpio85JB Vs MF-h BasaltBullBD145MB the lightest bey vs the heaviest bey is pretty fun to see

RE: Fun Combos thread! - LeonTempest - Aug. 30, 2011

"Falling Tower Combo"

Quote:Standard procedures

'Evil' Gemios 230S vs Earth Bull GB145WD (MF-H)
Evil: 0 wins
Earth: 10 wins (6 KO, 4 OS)

Ok so that sucked. But that was SO much fun actually. Earth kept flicking evil up so much it was hilarious.

'Evil' Gemios 230HF/S (S Mode) vs Earth Bull GB145WD (MF-H)
Evil: 1 win (1 OS)
Earth: 9 wins (9 OS)

This one was hilarious to watch as well. Even though this sucked, if anyone has parts for these two combos, try this out for a couple of battles, it's really funny.

Thanks to Shabalabadoo for helping me test thsi little idea of mine. There are tons of possibilities I would love to try with this concept, if only I had an attack stadium...

If this becomes useful one day, rememebr that LeontempestXIII and Shabalabadoo thought of it 1st. Grin