World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.
Q&A with the VAs of Zeo & Toby - Printable Version

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RE: Q&A with the VAs of Zeo & Toby - LeonTempest - Dec. 19, 2011

I am also reading the Great Gatsby, but for school. =) And its good to see you have humil,ity, I have talked to some VAs before and some just seem to be full of themselves. Promise me you wont ever let that happen to you ok? Even if one day Funimation knocks on your door and hands you a huge paycheck, never lose yourself. You are way to good and have way to much potential to waste on over confidence. Keep up the good work =)

New question for the both of you: If any, what are some past jobs in your carrears as VAs or just actors?

RE: Q&A with the VAs of Zeo & Toby - Jay Harkins - Dec. 20, 2011

Even though Metal Fury hasn't had you dub yet, have any Metal Fury episodes been dubbed?

RE: Q&A with the VAs of Zeo & Toby - Ice-Leopard - Dec. 20, 2011

I know it's often said, but it's awesome how you two talk so relaxed with us Fans. That's rare to see.

Anyway, I have two questions to both of you:

Have you ever watched 'your Characters' in an other language? (aside from the Original of course)
If so, did they appear different to you?

RE: Q&A with the VAs of Zeo & Toby - Killer-Kirsty - Dec. 20, 2011

(Dec. 19, 2011  12:02 PM)Toby_Faust Wrote: I saw the yaoi fluff picture on DeviantArt and then posted it to Facebook… I tagged Mac in it too. Heh.
I hope you've read a few of the sonnets and are enjoying them.
You're right, many of them are ignored, however, a few of them are EXTREMELY well known. (18 - Shall I compare thee to a summer's day, 130 - My mistress' eyes are nothing like the sun,)

The movie does sound intriguing… and if you throw in a Shakespearean aspect, well, you've hooked me! Call the teacher and find out if you can get it. "PLEASE GIMME MY MOVIEEEEEEEEE"

The book is The Long Dark Tea Time of the Soul from Douglas Adams' Dirk Gently series. An amusing story to go with that quote is that he had mentioned it specifically. His editor had asked why it was there. Douglas smiled his big smile and said, "You'll see". At the end of the book his editor said, "So… what about the banana?" At that point Douglas had gone on so many tangents in the book that he clean forgot why he put in the banana. He left it in the book in case he remembered one day.

I'm currently reading A Tale of Two Cities, The Great Gatsby, and Great Expectations. I removed the other F. Scott book because the Dickens ones are very heavy and require more attention.
The Great Gatsby is a book I loved when I was younger and I haven't read it in a while. I'm reading it AND listening to it via audiobook whenever I'm driving for a while with one of my friends; he has never read it.

Always closer to seeing Deadpan, one day we hope!

It's good being in your 20s going through nostalgia. My best friend sometimes likes me to feel old. For example, I remember being in the theatres in 1989 watching Batman. He'll randomly come up to me and say, "Batman was in theatres OVER 20 years ago." Sometimes he'll say, "The 80s (90s) were 30 (20) years ago."

Good to have a wide taste in music. What are BGMs? I presume video game music. Which to be honest, those play in my car quite a bit.
I like some Christmas music. John Lennon and Paul McCartney have my favourite (Happy X-Mas [War is over] and Wonderful Christmastime).

I love Queen, I've been singing some of their songs on my way to auditions lately. Specifically, Don't Stop Me Now.

(I took about a 45 minute break in writing this listening to different Queen songs on my computer and watching some videos on YouTube)

Luckily, I have never had to record over the holiday season. Not that I'd be particularly opposed to it. As long as it doesn't conflict with my family time, I wouldn't mind it.

Hurray for the holidays. Most of my family will be out of town this year, so I'll be rocking it solo style.

How about you?

Keep asking them and I'll keep answering them. Tangents are always welcome.

Happy holidays everyone!
All the best and be well!
Woah you are on the ball, and wha? You posted the pic to FB and tagged Mac in it, I gotta say A) you do indeed have a twisted mind and B) it's amusing XD!

Well before composing my reply I did check some of the Sonnets out as I have been kinda busy with Xmas shopping and wrapping (my present wrapping was surprisingly decent this year) as well as other stuff but reading them is like looking at the world in a very descriptive way through someone else's eyes kinda like seeing the beauty in what could be the most simplest of things and yeah they are enjoyable to read. Might read some more in the future hehe.

I am...very carp at doing phone stuff, you see I have poor volume control on my voice (tends to happen when I am either nervous or excited) and I get flustered XD The only person I ring on a regular basis is my companion and even then everyone else in the house can hear what I am saying. Which leaves me with 2 options 1) I ask my companion (who is still at college atm) to see if he can find her and ask or 2) I bump into her, give her my best puppy dog eyes and say either "Can please I have the mini-movie we made five years ago that you pretty much promised we'd all get a copy of?" or "I am in contact with someone who would very much like to see the mini-movie may I have the copy that you promised me please?" though your suggestion would be a good thing to say too and I did try to find her on FB but no such luck I wonder if she remembers it?...I think I asked her a few times while I was still at college, maybe I can find her email. Mind you the Shakespearean aspect was pretty loose...

Goodness! So many tangents he forgot why he put the banana there? Maybe it was an experiment of some sort, but now I wanna know why he put the banana there. It makes me think of the Dr. Who episode (I know the title I just don't want to name it as it is potentially offensive) where River Song is trying to assassinate the Doctor and he swapped her hidden gun in a fruit bowl for a banana at one point.

Well now I have an image of you with a huge heavy book on your lap the way you said the Dickens' books are more heavy (yay for literal-mindness...). You got hit by nostalgia again I see Grin is it like you read from the book then when you use the audiobook in your car you start from where you finshed reading and then start reading from where you finished the audio?

Good to hear though I do wonder when we are gonna get closer to seeing Zeo and Toby/Faust.

It is good I guess but maybe not when it makes you feel old, sounds like your best friend likes to tease you about getting older you should tease him back as I presume he is in your age group. Sometimes I'll say something like "God I feel old now.." naturally I hope to get my year old niece (the next generation) into stuff I was into as a kid when she is older (including Beyblade of course!).

Yup video game music especially from Sonic the Hedgehog, Donkey Kong Country series, and Spyro 2 and 3. Used to have quite a few of them on my mp3 and later iPod before my iPod malfunctioned, you play video game music in your car? Awesome!

I am also a fan of Bob Rivers' 12 Pains of Christmas, I like both of those songs you mentioned and funny you mention "Wonderful Christmastime" I heard it on the radio yesterday. Getting your single to Xmas number one in the charts here in the UK used to be serious business at least until it was the X Factor winners every year...

Don't Stop Me Now sounds very apt on the way to auditions as it psyches you up and funny enough that was also on the radio yesterday XD I sung a little "I'm Going Slightly Mad" to myself the other day.

Ooops did I put you on a Queen high? This year I was brainstorming for a DA contest for the Max fanclub while on a Queen high and the end result was Max Tate (a previous Beyblade character) meets Radio Gaga XD

That sounds pretty generous as spending time with family is very important over the holidays, seeing family you don't see every week that is sweet!

You are gonna be solo? Sounds lonely, I hope you get some friends and some family over sometime and not spend it all on your own.

Well I am gonna try my best to help Mum do our first Christmas dinner (previous years we have had it out of our house) I am very much a food lover, and then a buffet in the evening. Seeing loved ones is on the cards too for this season as well as stuffing my face and hoping we get snow. This is one of my most favourite times of the year, the atmosphere is just sweet. I just hope I can get some sleep the night before oh and that I don't get the flu like I did 2003 I mean how can you be festive when you feel like carp? XD

Thanks again and a question would be...

So you are hooked on anything with a Shakespeare element, have you ever found any such element while working on Beyblade or any of your other works for that matter?

And to everyone here Season's Greetings!

*proceeds to hug everyone*

RE: Q&A with the VAs of Zeo & Toby - Thor Odinson - Dec. 28, 2011

For both Have you seen the VA for damien? Also can you upload you doing some lines on your channels?

RE: Q&A with the VAs of Zeo & Toby - Byerg - Dec. 30, 2011

So awesome having two VAs here!!!

I have two question for both of you,
If you could pick a different character's beyblade to be your character's beyblade, which would you choose?
Have you ever quit or gotten "fired" from a VA role? If so, why?

<----And as you can see I'm a fan of your's Mac :3

RE: Q&A with the VAs of Zeo & Toby - Dude - Jan. 03, 2012

I don't have any questions but I'd just like to thank you guys for answering questions from the fans in a very polite and cordial manner when you totally don't have to.

Really, I don't think I'd be able to endure this myriad of questions from us for too long. Certainly not nearly as long as you have XD

RE: Q&A with the VAs of Zeo & Toby - Toby_Faust - Jan. 11, 2012

(Dec. 19, 2011  12:39 PM)LeonTempestXIII Wrote: I am also reading the Great Gatsby, but for school. =) And its good to see you have humil,ity, I have talked to some VAs before and some just seem to be full of themselves. Promise me you wont ever let that happen to you ok? Even if one day Funimation knocks on your door and hands you a huge paycheck, never lose yourself. You are way to good and have way to much potential to waste on over confidence. Keep up the good work =)

New question for the both of you: If any, what are some past jobs in your carrears as VAs or just actors?

How are you enjoying The Great Gatsby? Where are you in it?

Thank you very much for the compliment. I shall do my best to remain myself as my career continues. I've even told a few of my friends to slap me if I ever become rude and cantankerous (which they will do with pleasure, hehe).

My past in acting is speckled with performances. Only a few cartoons here and there. Mostly pilots that went nowhere. I did an episode of Arthur, that kid's show. I've done a plethora of commercials. I used to do stage acting. My favourite stage role was as Nathan Detroit in Guys and Dolls in a semi-professional production.

I'm always looking for new projects and even making my own. Hopefully, I will be able to continue this career as long as possible.

Thank you for your comment and question.

(Dec. 20, 2011  2:00 AM)Harkins Wrote: Even though Metal Fury hasn't had you dub yet, have any Metal Fury episodes been dubbed?

Yes, in fact, this Thursday Mac and I will be recording our first episode of the new season. There may be even be a little surprise something from us to you all.

Thanks for the question.

(Dec. 20, 2011  2:27 AM)Felina Wrote: I know it's often said, but it's awesome how you two talk so relaxed with us Fans. That's rare to see.

Anyway, I have two questions to both of you:

Have you ever watched 'your Characters' in an other language? (aside from the Original of course)
If so, did they appear different to you?

I know I speak on behalf of Mac as well when I say thanks and that we love talking to you guys.

Maybe it's that we're younger than a lot of the other voice actors. Maybe it's that this is online. Maybe it's that you guys are epically AWESOME.
Whatever the reason is, I'm super happy to be able to answer your questions and even more thrilled that people are interested in asking me things that I can answer. I'll try to always be this laid back, that I guarantee (not accounting for bad mood days, of course…heh)

I've yet to see my characters in any language. I've caught glimpses of Toby/Faust in Japanese. Nothing really major. Voice acting in Japanese is HUGELY different from how it is here. In some cases Toby seems to be WAY more subtle in Japanese and then suddenly he is WAY more over the top. I'd be interested to see Toby portrayed in any language. I really am fond of the character.
Just not looking forward to watching MY portrayal of him… though I did promise Mac I would watch it.

Thanks for your comments and questions.

(Dec. 20, 2011  5:36 PM)Kirst-Mizuhime Wrote: Woah you are on the ball, and wha? You posted the pic to FB and tagged Mac in it, I gotta say A) you do indeed have a twisted mind and B) it's amusing XD!

Well before composing my reply I did check some of the Sonnets out as I have been kinda busy with Xmas shopping and wrapping (my present wrapping was surprisingly decent this year) as well as other stuff but reading them is like looking at the world in a very descriptive way through someone else's eyes kinda like seeing the beauty in what could be the most simplest of things and yeah they are enjoyable to read. Might read some more in the future hehe.

I am...very carp at doing phone stuff, you see I have poor volume control on my voice (tends to happen when I am either nervous or excited) and I get flustered XD The only person I ring on a regular basis is my companion and even then everyone else in the house can hear what I am saying. Which leaves me with 2 options 1) I ask my companion (who is still at college atm) to see if he can find her and ask or 2) I bump into her, give her my best puppy dog eyes and say either "Can please I have the mini-movie we made five years ago that you pretty much promised we'd all get a copy of?" or "I am in contact with someone who would very much like to see the mini-movie may I have the copy that you promised me please?" though your suggestion would be a good thing to say too and I did try to find her on FB but no such luck I wonder if she remembers it?...I think I asked her a few times while I was still at college, maybe I can find her email. Mind you the Shakespearean aspect was pretty loose...

Goodness! So many tangents he forgot why he put the banana there? Maybe it was an experiment of some sort, but now I wanna know why he put the banana there. It makes me think of the Dr. Who episode (I know the title I just don't want to name it as it is potentially offensive) where River Song is trying to assassinate the Doctor and he swapped her hidden gun in a fruit bowl for a banana at one point.

Well now I have an image of you with a huge heavy book on your lap the way you said the Dickens' books are more heavy (yay for literal-mindness...). You got hit by nostalgia again I see Grin is it like you read from the book then when you use the audiobook in your car you start from where you finshed reading and then start reading from where you finished the audio?

Good to hear though I do wonder when we are gonna get closer to seeing Zeo and Toby/Faust.

It is good I guess but maybe not when it makes you feel old, sounds like your best friend likes to tease you about getting older you should tease him back as I presume he is in your age group. Sometimes I'll say something like "God I feel old now.." naturally I hope to get my year old niece (the next generation) into stuff I was into as a kid when she is older (including Beyblade of course!).

Yup video game music especially from Sonic the Hedgehog, Donkey Kong Country series, and Spyro 2 and 3. Used to have quite a few of them on my mp3 and later iPod before my iPod malfunctioned, you play video game music in your car? Awesome!

I am also a fan of Bob Rivers' 12 Pains of Christmas, I like both of those songs you mentioned and funny you mention "Wonderful Christmastime" I heard it on the radio yesterday. Getting your single to Xmas number one in the charts here in the UK used to be serious business at least until it was the X Factor winners every year...

Don't Stop Me Now sounds very apt on the way to auditions as it psyches you up and funny enough that was also on the radio yesterday XD I sung a little "I'm Going Slightly Mad" to myself the other day.

Ooops did I put you on a Queen high? This year I was brainstorming for a DA contest for the Max fanclub while on a Queen high and the end result was Max Tate (a previous Beyblade character) meets Radio Gaga XD

That sounds pretty generous as spending time with family is very important over the holidays, seeing family you don't see every week that is sweet!

You are gonna be solo? Sounds lonely, I hope you get some friends and some family over sometime and not spend it all on your own.

Well I am gonna try my best to help Mum do our first Christmas dinner (previous years we have had it out of our house) I am very much a food lover, and then a buffet in the evening. Seeing loved ones is on the cards too for this season as well as stuffing my face and hoping we get snow. This is one of my most favourite times of the year, the atmosphere is just sweet. I just hope I can get some sleep the night before oh and that I don't get the flu like I did 2003 I mean how can you be festive when you feel like carp? XD

Thanks again and a question would be...

So you are hooked on anything with a Shakespeare element, have you ever found any such element while working on Beyblade or any of your other works for that matter?

And to everyone here Season's Greetings!

*proceeds to hug everyone*

First, yes, I am a little twisted and I am amused by it.
I bug Mac quite often with the underlying erotic nature of our characters.
Well, I would say bug, more like tease.
All in good fun of course.

I'm glad you checked out some of the Sonnets. They are really remarkable, Shakespeare doesn't believe in restricting himself. He discusses every topic that just pops into his head. From his homosexual relationships and his heterosexual ones. From loving immensely to loathing with a burning fiery passion. From the pleasures of drink to the wastefulness of "having traffic with thyself alone". There's even one about being frustrated that his partner had pleasure while he did not.
(I've written articles on some of the Sonnets)

Well, good luck on getting a hold of that movie. I'll be glad to see it when you can.
Also, if you want control of your voice, just practice… a lot. Heheh, pretend you're a voice actor.
I'm this crazy animated person in life, but when I read scripts I sometimes just lose my vigour. It happens to everyone.

Everyone who knows Douglas wants to know why the Banana is there!
Also, great episode of Doctor Who. (Even though they didn't kill the person in question in the title.)

I DO enjoy a big heavy book on my lap… though for comfort and manoeuvrability I tend to use my Kindle these days, especially since I read while on the move… and carrying a 10 pound tome might be a little frustrating.
That's exactly right, I read then listen then continue on in the book then fast forward and find my place in the book.

It seems that the first episode with us will be played March 30th. I hope you guys are NEARLY as impressed with it as you think you'll be.

I can't make my friend feel old because I'll forever be a year older than he. I don't mind so much.
Good to get your niece into the fun stuff. My goddaughter LOVES Doctor Who, so I'm always excited to talk about it with my little six year old cutie.

Sonic the Hedgehog music is AWESOME. I play music in my car from Sonic Adventure 2 and a lot of orchestra music from Nintendo.

I'm listening to Don't Stop Me Now as I type this. Audition later today.
I'm amused that the songs I mentioned were on the radio.
Nothing wrong with a Queen high.

I enjoyed the holidays but they really were solo. I saw a few friends here and there but most of them were with family. Christmas day I had a short lunch with my brother and sister so that was nice.

How was your dinner? Fun with Mum? Hope you didn't catch the flu again!

I'm not hooked on ANYTHING Shakespeare, though it's always fun to find and see.
If I really looked for it I'm sure I could find aspects of Shakespeare anywhere. I don't try to find it.
However, if you're talking about my other "works"… well I have a short film I'm making called William's Ease and it's partially about Shakespeare… heh… does that count?

As usual, thanks for the questions, comments, interest, and conversation!

Keep it going!

(Dec. 28, 2011  7:37 PM)TheInGreek Wrote: For both Have you seen the VA for damien? Also can you upload you doing some lines on your channels?

Unfortunately, I don't really get to meet the other actors unless something happens for us to try to meet each other. Mac and I never met until we started talking on here. Had we not I'm sure we'd not even really meet each other (even tomorrow when he records RIGHT before I do).
As per your request… you might be pleasantly surprised over the next few days.

Thanks for the question.

(Dec. 30, 2011  9:56 AM)Platinum Wrote: So awesome having two VAs here!!!

I have two question for both of you,
If you could pick a different character's beyblade to be your character's beyblade, which would you choose?
Have you ever quit or gotten "fired" from a VA role? If so, why?

<----And as you can see I'm a fan of your's Mac :3

I'm not very familiar with the other Beyblades or characters… THAT being said… does it count if I want to replace Lyra with Twisted Tempo? Tempo was AWESOME!

Thankfully, I've not yet been fired from a voice acting role. I hope that it NEVER happens. I'll leave it at that… not to jinx myself.

Thanks for your questions.

(Jan. 03, 2012  11:32 PM)Dude Wrote: I don't have any questions but I'd just like to thank you guys for answering questions from the fans in a very polite and cordial manner when you totally don't have to.

Really, I don't think I'd be able to endure this myriad of questions from us for too long. Certainly not nearly as long as you have XD

Well, then I don't have any answers. Heh.

It is absolutely my pleasure to do so. I hope I'll be able to keep posting for a long time to come. It's interesting for me to read the questions and to be able to answer them. I welcome the questions and the comments.
So keep them coming!

Well everyone, thank you for the questions and I hope you all had a WONDERFUL holiday season. Hopefully I'll have something to post for you all within the next few days.
All the best and be well.

Keep those questions and comments coming!

RE: Q&A with the VAs of Zeo & Toby - Jay Harkins - Jan. 12, 2012

Does Hasbro change the names of the Beyblades, or does Nelvana change them?

RE: Q&A with the VAs of Zeo & Toby - Mickey - Jan. 15, 2012

If you guys didn't get the role of Zeo and Toby, what would your "Plan B" be?

RE: Q&A with the VAs of Zeo & Toby - Killer-Kirsty - Jan. 16, 2012

(Jan. 11, 2012  5:19 PM)Toby_Faust Wrote: First, yes, I am a little twisted and I am amused by it.
I bug Mac quite often with the underlying erotic nature of our characters.
Well, I would say bug, more like tease.
All in good fun of course.

I'm glad you checked out some of the Sonnets. They are really remarkable, Shakespeare doesn't believe in restricting himself. He discusses every topic that just pops into his head. From his carp relationships and his heterosexual ones. From loving immensely to loathing with a burning fiery passion. From the pleasures of drink to the wastefulness of "having traffic with thyself alone". There's even one about being frustrated that his partner had pleasure while he did not.
(I've written articles on some of the Sonnets)

Well, good luck on getting a hold of that movie. I'll be glad to see it when you can.
Also, if you want control of your voice, just practice… a lot. Heheh, pretend you're a voice actor.
I'm this crazy animated person in life, but when I read scripts I sometimes just lose my vigour. It happens to everyone.

Everyone who knows Douglas wants to know why the Banana is there!
Also, great episode of Doctor Who. (Even though they didn't kill the person in question in the title.)

I DO enjoy a big heavy book on my lap… though for comfort and manoeuvrability I tend to use my Kindle these days, especially since I read while on the move… and carrying a 10 pound tome might be a little frustrating.
That's exactly right, I read then listen then continue on in the book then fast forward and find my place in the book.

It seems that the first episode with us will be played March 30th. I hope you guys are NEARLY as impressed with it as you think you'll be.

I can't make my friend feel old because I'll forever be a year older than he. I don't mind so much.
Good to get your niece into the fun stuff. My goddaughter LOVES Doctor Who, so I'm always excited to talk about it with my little six year old cutie.

Sonic the Hedgehog music is AWESOME. I play music in my car from Sonic Adventure 2 and a lot of orchestra music from Nintendo.

I'm listening to Don't Stop Me Now as I type this. Audition later today.
I'm amused that the songs I mentioned were on the radio.
Nothing wrong with a Queen high.

I enjoyed the holidays but they really were solo. I saw a few friends here and there but most of them were with family. Christmas day I had a short lunch with my brother and sister so that was nice.

How was your dinner? Fun with Mum? Hope you didn't catch the flu again!

I'm not hooked on ANYTHING Shakespeare, though it's always fun to find and see.
If I really looked for it I'm sure I could find aspects of Shakespeare anywhere. I don't try to find it.
However, if you're talking about my other "works"… well I have a short film I'm making called William's Ease and it's partially about Shakespeare… heh… does that count?

As usual, thanks for the questions, comments, interest, and conversation!

Keep it going!

Well everyone, thank you for the questions and I hope you all had a WONDERFUL holiday season. Hopefully I'll have something to post for you all within the next few days.
All the best and be well.

Keep those questions and comments coming!

There is nothing like an amusing banter between friends, nice to tease in good fun. Zeo/Toby-Faust stuff is starting to pop up more on DA for example I saw Toby in a maid's outfit with a shocked reaction from Masumune and a nosebleed/heart arrow in the head reaction from Zeo and a support stamp for the Zeo/Toby pairing. Nothing on yet though...

I read some others since, Shakespeare sounds as if he had experienced lots of kinds of love or at least was aware of them in his lifetime. I am not sure today's PC society would have liked Shakespeare had he existed in this time, he is rather clever with his words and how he uses them. Pretty awesome he was a free spirit as well, you know not being what society thinks he should be and just being himself. (You have? Nice Grin)

I'll try my best, and thanks for the tip on voice control. I got to be honest I never thought of practicing to control my voice, most of the time I don't realize when my voice volume goes up, but everyone else does.

That was a good Dr. Who episode (nah he wasn't killed but he was put in a cupboard by Rory).

I can imagine that carrying a 10 pound tome would be quite a strain on one's arms, the Kindle really does sound handy for reading on the move kinda like what MP3 and iPod has done for music basically. Technology is both awesome and scary. Now to get through a story using both reading and sound sounds pretty interesting and also good if either your eyes are tired or you want some quiet.

The episode plays in the US on that date but Metal Masters has only just (since 9th Jan) started here in the UK 4 episodes per week it is annoying that the Nicktoons (the channel it airs on here) announcer calls Gingka "Jenga". The animation looks pretty sweet on TV, I might have a peek at the episode if it gets to YT though as i really want to hear you guys (and come here and re-read the posts with your character's voices)...

Hahaha I am the teaser in the "old" aspect when it comes to me and my companion (he is only four months older than me), but it's all good natured teasing as he teases me about other stuff like I am sure you tease your friend about different stuff.

It is my Dad who got me into Dr. Who we talk about it sometimes as well as watch it together, Ten and Eleven are my fave Doctors while Rory and Donna are my fave companions. I have mainly seen the newer ones but have watched some of the old ones too. It must be awesome to have something to share with your goddaughter, I am pretty sure my niece will into some sort of anime as her parents as well as myself are anime fans but I am hoping to get her into Sonic and Beyblade (both series) especially to the point where I said she could pick from one of my beyblade collection (need to add some new beys before then...) for her to keep when she is old enough that and make treats for her and spoil her rotten.

Live and Learn is epicness! I loved the music of SA2 as it brings back memories of being 13/14. I do have to ask what Nintendo orchestral music do you listen to?

Awesome hope the audition went well for you, I sang Bohemian Rhapsody on karaoke on New Year's Eve and Mum filmed it XD I tried Don't stop me now but could not quite do it XD

It happens, we all think or talk about something then it is on the radio or TV must be the psychic in everyone. Tis amusing when it happens though. Nothing wrong with a Queen high especially as I was quite proud of the finished picture and having watched a few eps of Metal Masters I think We Are The Champions would suit Gingka and Masamune (as well as the Tyson for that matter...)

At least you enjoyed yourself and was not completely alone, especially seeing your friends and having lunch with your brother and sister on Christmas day.

It was great!! A neighbour helped Mum flavour the meat which made it taste fantastic, in the end all I really made was the bread but the dinner was awesome and it was the first Christmas day that was actually relaxing for me and my family and it felt like it lasted rather than flew past. And hurrah no flu! But I had trouble sleeping on Christmas Eve though XD

What I meant was do you find any of the characters you played similar to Shakespearean characters, and yes I'd think William's Ease would most likely count, is it going to be on TV or is it a web show/movie?

I have to ask though what episode of Arthur were you in and who did you play? (EDIT: forget this question as I found out on IMDB) You wouldn't be the first Beyblade VA to do work in Arthur for example Masamune's dub VA Cameron Ansell was Arthur himself at some point.

You are welcome and thanks very much so again. I hope the first session for Metal Fury went well for you guys!

RE: Q&A with the VAs of Zeo & Toby - bigbanglinx1 - Jan. 18, 2012

Zeo Mac.
Which beyblade is better, screw fox, or flame byxis?
take your time,

RE: Q&A with the VAs of Zeo & Toby - Toby_Faust - Jan. 25, 2012

(Jan. 12, 2012  2:26 AM)Harkins Wrote: Does Hasbro change the names of the Beyblades, or does Nelvana change them?

Sorry, I'm not involved with that stuff. I'd presume Nelvana though.

(Jan. 15, 2012  5:25 AM)Cookies^^ Wrote: If you guys didn't get the role of Zeo and Toby, what would your "Plan B" be?

The same as it is when we audition for anything and don't get it… nothing.
I audition a lot. Sometimes I get it, sometimes I don't. I never let the times I don't get the part linger. This is the life of an actor. Keep pushing onward.

I do have another few jobs, so I guess that would be my backup plan, but not really.

(Jan. 16, 2012  10:08 AM)Kirst-Mizuhime Wrote: There is nothing like an amusing banter between friends, nice to tease in good fun. Zeo/Toby-Faust stuff is starting to pop up more on DA for example I saw Toby in a maid's outfit with a shocked reaction from Masumune and a nosebleed/heart arrow in the head reaction from Zeo and a support stamp for the Zeo/Toby pairing. Nothing on yet though...

I read some others since, Shakespeare sounds as if he had experienced lots of kinds of love or at least was aware of them in his lifetime. I am not sure today's PC society would have liked Shakespeare had he existed in this time, he is rather clever with his words and how he uses them. Pretty awesome he was a free spirit as well, you know not being what society thinks he should be and just being himself. (You have? Nice Grin)

I'll try my best, and thanks for the tip on voice control. I got to be honest I never thought of practicing to control my voice, most of the time I don't realize when my voice volume goes up, but everyone else does.

That was a good Dr. Who episode (nah he wasn't killed but he was put in a cupboard by Rory).

I can imagine that carrying a 10 pound tome would be quite a strain on one's arms, the Kindle really does sound handy for reading on the move kinda like what MP3 and iPod has done for music basically. Technology is both awesome and scary. Now to get through a story using both reading and sound sounds pretty interesting and also good if either your eyes are tired or you want some quiet.

The episode plays in the US on that date but Metal Masters has only just (since 9th Jan) started here in the UK 4 episodes per week it is annoying that the Nicktoons (the channel it airs on here) announcer calls Gingka "Jenga". The animation looks pretty sweet on TV, I might have a peek at the episode if it gets to YT though as i really want to hear you guys (and come here and re-read the posts with your character's voices)...

Hahaha I am the teaser in the "old" aspect when it comes to me and my companion (he is only four months older than me), but it's all good natured teasing as he teases me about other stuff like I am sure you tease your friend about different stuff.

It is my Dad who got me into Dr. Who we talk about it sometimes as well as watch it together, Ten and Eleven are my fave Doctors while Rory and Donna are my fave companions. I have mainly seen the newer ones but have watched some of the old ones too. It must be awesome to have something to share with your goddaughter, I am pretty sure my niece will into some sort of anime as her parents as well as myself are anime fans but I am hoping to get her into Sonic and Beyblade (both series) especially to the point where I said she could pick from one of my beyblade collection (need to add some new beys before then...) for her to keep when she is old enough that and make treats for her and spoil her rotten.

Live and Learn is epicness! I loved the music of SA2 as it brings back memories of being 13/14. I do have to ask what Nintendo orchestral music do you listen to?

Awesome hope the audition went well for you, I sang Bohemian Rhapsody on karaoke on New Year's Eve and Mum filmed it XD I tried Don't stop me now but could not quite do it XD

It happens, we all think or talk about something then it is on the radio or TV must be the psychic in everyone. Tis amusing when it happens though. Nothing wrong with a Queen high especially as I was quite proud of the finished picture and having watched a few eps of Metal Masters I think We Are The Champions would suit Gingka and Masamune (as well as the Tyson for that matter...)

At least you enjoyed yourself and was not completely alone, especially seeing your friends and having lunch with your brother and sister on Christmas day.

It was great!! A neighbour helped Mum flavour the meat which made it taste fantastic, in the end all I really made was the bread but the dinner was awesome and it was the first Christmas day that was actually relaxing for me and my family and it felt like it lasted rather than flew past. And hurrah no flu! But I had trouble sleeping on Christmas Eve though XD

What I meant was do you find any of the characters you played similar to Shakespearean characters, and yes I'd think William's Ease would most likely count, is it going to be on TV or is it a web show/movie?

I have to ask though what episode of Arthur were you in and who did you play? (EDIT: forget this question as I found out on IMDB) You wouldn't be the first Beyblade VA to do work in Arthur for example Masamune's dub VA Cameron Ansell was Arthur himself at some point.

You are welcome and thanks very much so again. I hope the first session for Metal Fury went well for you guys!

Okay, I want to see me in a maid's outfit! Link it!
*Clears throat* I mean Toby in a maid's outfit… there will be no pictures on the internet of ME in a maid's outfit.

Shakespeare was certainly a visionary. He wrote sonnets of love to males and females (I mentioned that last time but I didn't realize that the forum changed the word to "carp"). His playfulness and double meanings with words are never more prevalent than in Hamelt's "Get thee to a nunnery". This could either mean, "Go to a convent to be safe." or it could mean, "You're a carp so go to a brothel."

Practicing your vocal control is a good thing to do, especially if you don't notice it. Now that you're aware of it you can work on it. As G.I. Joe said, "Knowing is half the battle".

Technology IS amazing. I'm reminded of this fact every day. The fact that I'm writing to you all from Toronto to all around the world is a perfect example of just that.
The switching back and forth between audio and reading is mostly because I spent a HUGE chunk of my day in my car.

Well, I hope you do enjoy watching it when it comes out. I'm pretty sure I am recording next week. If I remember I'll sneak a little recording for you guys from my phone. If Mac and I are booked one after the other I'll try to "forget" my phone in the studio with him.
Is it going to be our voices on your TV? Do you know?

You keep teasing him! Always good to tease the loved ones. I learned that from my Grandfather. I'm a big teaser, it means I love.

It is good to share Doctor Who with people. My favourite is David Tennant followed by William Hartnell. William could be a little boring at times, but I loved his performance (he was the first Doctor). My favourite companion would have to be Sarah Jane Smith. While I enjoyed Donna, I found her to be annoying at times. I hope your niece will enjoy things with you, that's always nice… good plan to spoil her rotten. MWAHAHAHAHA! That's what siblings SHOULD do.

I listen to an orchestral Smash Bros. CD that my buddy Adam gave to me. Also, a bunch of other people playing music that I've grabbed over the years. Though one of my very favourite songs (if not my very favourite) ever is Chrono Trigger's 600 A.D. Piano version.

I'm glad your holidays were so good. Especially the karaoke singing. Half the fun is NOT being able to hit the notes.
Good to have a relaxed holiday season. Especially good that you weren't sick… heh.

Well, the great thing about Shakespeare is that we can apply his characters to a lot of things.
Though I suppose my character of Faust would be most similar to Christopher Marlowe's Dr. Faustus. (Though it is a germanic tale older than Marlowe). Though not really.
I've played a few insane characters that remind me of Macbeth and Hamlet. I have played a character that was wronged in a deal and I immediately thought of Shylock. I guess it really depends on what you bring to the character on your own.

Do you have a favourite Shakespearian play / character?

William's Ease will be a short film that I am hopefully filming this summer it will most likely be under
10 minutes long.

I'm amused that you found the episode. I just recorded another episode of Arthur last week and will be doing another one later this season. I recently met Cameron at his Beyblade session, he was recording just before me last week. He's a nice kid.

We keep thanking each other back and forth. Makes me smile.
Thanks again… and Metal Fury was fine and will remain fine as long as Mac doesn't make me watch it with him… which he will… ugh.
Keep the inquiries coming!

Thanks for the questions as always and keep them coming.

Also, the thing I said I'd post LAST time… WILL be posted soon!

RE: Q&A with the VAs of Zeo & Toby - LeonTempest - Jan. 25, 2012

(Jan. 11, 2012  5:19 PM)Toby_Faust Wrote:
(Dec. 19, 2011  12:39 PM)LeonTempestXIII Wrote: I am also reading the Great Gatsby, but for school. =) And its good to see you have humility. I have talked to some VAs before and some just seem to be full of themselves. Promise me you wont ever let that happen to you ok? Even if one day Funimation knocks on your door and hands you a huge paycheck, never lose yourself. You are way to good and have way to much potential to waste on over confidence. Keep up the good work =)

New question for the both of you: If any, what are some past jobs in your carrears as VAs or just actors?

How are you enjoying The Great Gatsby? Where are you in it?

Thank you very much for the compliment. I shall do my best to remain myself as my career continues. I've even told a few of my friends to slap me if I ever become rude and cantankerous (which they will do with pleasure, hehe).

My past in acting is speckled with performances. Only a few cartoons here and there. Mostly pilots that went nowhere. I did an episode of Arthur, that kid's show. I've done a plethora of commercials. I used to do stage acting. My favourite stage role was as Nathan Detroit in Guys and Dolls in a semi-professional production.

I'm always looking for new projects and even making my own. Hopefully, I will be able to continue this career as long as possible.

Thank you for your comment and question.

I finished The Great Gatsby about 2 weeks ago. I have mixed feelings for the novel, but overall, I did enjoy it. I would have enjoyed it more if it wasnt a school assignment though, as with all the books I read.

I watched Arthur as a young kid for a time. I wonder if I ever watched the episode you were in? Do you remember what the epsidoe was about/what character you played? If not that is ok, haha I certaintly don't rememeber much about that show anymore.

RE: Q&A with the VAs of Zeo & Toby - Killer-Kirsty - Jan. 30, 2012

(Jan. 25, 2012  10:58 PM)Toby_Faust Wrote: Okay, I want to see me in a maid's outfit! Link it!
*Clears throat* I mean Toby in a maid's outfit… there will be no pictures on the internet of ME in a maid's outfit.

Shakespeare was certainly a visionary. He wrote sonnets of love to males and females (I mentioned that last time but I didn't realize that the forum changed the word to "carp"). His playfulness and double meanings with words are never more prevalent than in Hamelt's "Get thee to a nunnery". This could either mean, "Go to a convent to be safe." or it could mean, "You're a carp so go to a brothel."

Practicing your vocal control is a good thing to do, especially if you don't notice it. Now that you're aware of it you can work on it. As G.I. Joe said, "Knowing is half the battle".

Technology IS amazing. I'm reminded of this fact every day. The fact that I'm writing to you all from Toronto to all around the world is a perfect example of just that.
The switching back and forth between audio and reading is mostly because I spent a HUGE chunk of my day in my car.

Well, I hope you do enjoy watching it when it comes out. I'm pretty sure I am recording next week. If I remember I'll sneak a little recording for you guys from my phone. If Mac and I are booked one after the other I'll try to "forget" my phone in the studio with him.
Is it going to be our voices on your TV? Do you know?

You keep teasing him! Always good to tease the loved ones. I learned that from my Grandfather. I'm a big teaser, it means I love.

It is good to share Doctor Who with people. My favourite is David Tennant followed by William Hartnell. William could be a little boring at times, but I loved his performance (he was the first Doctor). My favourite companion would have to be Sarah Jane Smith. While I enjoyed Donna, I found her to be annoying at times. I hope your niece will enjoy things with you, that's always nice… good plan to spoil her rotten. MWAHAHAHAHA! That's what siblings SHOULD do.

I listen to an orchestral Smash Bros. CD that my buddy Adam gave to me. Also, a bunch of other people playing music that I've grabbed over the years. Though one of my very favourite songs (if not my very favourite) ever is Chrono Trigger's 600 A.D. Piano version.

I'm glad your holidays were so good. Especially the karaoke singing. Half the fun is NOT being able to hit the notes.
Good to have a relaxed holiday season. Especially good that you weren't sick… heh.

Well, the great thing about Shakespeare is that we can apply his characters to a lot of things.
Though I suppose my character of Faust would be most similar to Christopher Marlowe's Dr. Faustus. (Though it is a germanic tale older than Marlowe). Though not really.
I've played a few insane characters that remind me of Macbeth and Hamlet. I have played a character that was wronged in a deal and I immediately thought of Shylock. I guess it really depends on what you bring to the character on your own.

Do you have a favourite Shakespearian play / character?

William's Ease will be a short film that I am hopefully filming this summer it will most likely be under
10 minutes long.

I'm amused that you found the episode. I just recorded another episode of Arthur last week and will be doing another one later this season. I recently met Cameron at his Beyblade session, he was recording just before me last week. He's a nice kid.

We keep thanking each other back and forth. Makes me smile.
Thanks again… and Metal Fury was fine and will remain fine as long as Mac doesn't make me watch it with him… which he will… ugh.
Keep the inquiries coming!

Thanks for the questions as always and keep them coming.

Also, the thing I said I'd post LAST time… WILL be posted soon!

I think your inner-Toby was trying to break free there XD anyway here is the link to the pic in question the artist has also drawn a few Zeo/Toby sketches in her gallery as well as few other Beyblade/other fandom pairings here and there.

No worries I figured what carp meant eventually, I don't really see why the word in question has to be censored (I'd type the word but it would probably become carp upon posting) and it was also pretty brave of Shakespeare to be openly in love with males and females alike in his day. Shakespeare certainly knew how to use words with all the double meanings when it comes to his relationships and possibly insults, it is like what my Dad says "Say it in a way that the person can take it either way".

That is true and the same goes with the story tropes he uses.

Hmmm Faust, could be to do with the "Deal with the devil" and "Sell your soul" (I haven't read the book mind) but I am not sure if Toby willingly submitted himself for the Arrange system I know Zeo was all ready to though. The tale was older than the author who wrote it? So Marlowe used an old tale for Dr. Faustus, interesting.

Yes actors portray their characters depending on their own influences pretty neat to hear that you brought some Shakespeare to your characters. I just had a thought that pre-Faust Toby could sorta be like Tiny Tim from A Christmas Carol (a very sickly but hopeful boy).

Twelfth Night is my fave I am more of a comedy fan than a tragedy one. Not sure if I have a favourite character though.

I have an idea or two of how to go about it, hahahaha "And now I know" anyway fingers crossed!

Yeah this whole forum is proof of that, here there are fans talking from all over the world and it is awesomeness! Not to mention we are a mixed aged group pretty much.

When you say a HUGE chunk how many hours are we talking? You must be pleased that audiobooks were invented in that case as journeys are not always fun.

I am enjoying it so far, Masamune is just an awesome combination of epic and hilarious as well as "The Immortal Phoenix" (more commonly known as Ryo). Unfortunately yours and Mac's voices are not going to be on my TV for quite some time (the Chinese leg of the Championships ended this week though) but I do wonder if they are gonna keep the scene where Toby clutches his heart before collapsing as I took a look at the first episodes you and Mac are in (in a different language).

I have already told my companion who watches it with me sonetimes that we are gonna support "Team Star Breakers" even though they are bad. I am also gonna try and see if he has any questions for you two as I told him briefly about this Q and A.

You are right about teasing, I have learnt from my Dad though who teases me alot, I am more trying to get the hang of teasing.

I stand by when I say "Everyone loves David Tennant, no exceptions" nice to hear you are a fan of the First Doctor as well but how did you manage to watch all of his episodes? I read somewhere that they were only available in audio form or something. Ah Sarah Jane Smith I only saw one or two episodes with her as the full time companion but I did watch The Sarah Jane Adventures which was quite a good show. I was shocked when I found out Elisabeth Sladen died last year.

Well so far she enjoys food with me as whenever I eat lunch she keeps coming to me wanting some off my plate (which of course I oblige) I tried to get her into Beyblade while watching it myself and she took a bit of interest in it I guess as she likes holding Beys and me spinning them for her. I look foward to making cakes with and for her as well as taking her to our Town Park and Wonderland!

That sounds awesome the music from Smash Bros. series is very good I can imagine it is very drivable music, I grabbed some game music for me to play when I need to calm myself. Piano versions of game music works beautifully for me it was a medley of Sonic music by piano and it was awesome. I have heard of Chrono Trigger but not played it. I cannot decide which game music is my favourite but I do have a handful of faves.

Thanks and yes that is true especially with Bo Rhap as that has loads of impossible high notes!

I finally learnt what a relaxing holiday is XD even better not being ill for it. Hope we have another such Holiday season later this year.

So where will William's Ease be released when it is finished? Hope it goes well when you film it in the Summer good luck!

It amuses you why? Funnily enough the cause in the A plot of the episode The Long Road Home is actually something that is very close to home for me. I love to find and compare different roles of voice actors (live action or animation) and have been doing so since I was 14/15. You play Arthur's neighbour Alberto and in the episode Alberto got his ball back (IIRC the ball was called "El Boomerang").

Cameron Ansell does a good job at Masamune, I found that Masamune is one of the best performances in Metal Masters so far. Did you tell him that you are Toby/Faust? Unless he knows already, I do wonder how you react seeing your co-stars for the first time after voicing characters in the same age group (for example you are 26, Mac is 23 and Cameron has not long turned 19) not to mention the lack of anime hair/eyes.

I hope your recordings all go well and looks like you have no choice with Mac when it comes to watching Metal Masters/Fury. He might be giving you a VA tip there to look over your performance.

Hehe I noticed, I cannot help it though as my parents brought me up to use my basic manners so I will always be thankful for anything. Seeing "Thank yous" being used in this day and age when manners are thought to be almost forgotten makes me smile.

Thanks again!

Look whether you post something or not, us guys here are just happy that you and Mac are answering whatever questions we have on mind.

RE: Q&A with the VAs of Zeo & Toby - bigbanglinx1 - Jan. 31, 2012

Hey guys big fans i wanted to know, are you guys actually friends with the VA of masamune? If so what is he like?

RE: Q&A with the VAs of Zeo & Toby - Toby_Faust - Feb. 02, 2012

(Jan. 25, 2012  11:05 PM)LeonTempestXIII Wrote: I finished The Great Gatsby about 2 weeks ago. I have mixed feelings for the novel, but overall, I did enjoy it. I would have enjoyed it more if it wasnt a school assignment though, as with all the books I read.

I watched Arthur as a young kid for a time. I wonder if I ever watched the episode you were in? Do you remember what the epsidoe was about/what character you played? If not that is ok, haha I certaintly don't rememeber much about that show anymore.

I agree, whenever I had to read something for school I usually hated it. Years later I'd read it again and enjoy it much more. One year, in high school, my teacher let us do The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy for a novel study… my FAVOURITE book… I didn't like it NEARLY as much as the other dozen times I'd read it before and since.

I play Alberto Molina on Arthur. Arthur's spanish 13 year old neighbour. My first episode was called The Long Road Home or something. I just recorded another episode a week or two ago that is very much focussed on my character, and I've been told that I'll be recording another one soon.

The character was played by someone else until 2 years ago when I took it over.

Do you read anything that's not for school?

Thanks for the questions and comments.

(Jan. 30, 2012  9:38 AM)Kirst-Mizuhime Wrote: I think your inner-Toby was trying to break free there XD anyway here is the link to the pic in question the artist has also drawn a few Zeo/Toby sketches in her gallery as well as few other Beyblade/other fandom pairings here and there.

No worries I figured what carp meant eventually, I don't really see why the word in question has to be censored (I'd type the word but it would probably become carp upon posting) and it was also pretty brave of Shakespeare to be openly in love with males and females alike in his day. Shakespeare certainly knew how to use words with all the double meanings when it comes to his relationships and possibly insults, it is like what my Dad says "Say it in a way that the person can take it either way".

That is true and the same goes with the story tropes he uses.

Hmmm Faust, could be to do with the "Deal with the devil" and "Sell your soul" (I haven't read the book mind) but I am not sure if Toby willingly submitted himself for the Arrange system I know Zeo was all ready to though. The tale was older than the author who wrote it? So Marlowe used an old tale for Dr. Faustus, interesting.

Yes actors portray their characters depending on their own influences pretty neat to hear that you brought some Shakespeare to your characters. I just had a thought that pre-Faust Toby could sorta be like Tiny Tim from A Christmas Carol (a very sickly but hopeful boy).

Twelfth Night is my fave I am more of a comedy fan than a tragedy one. Not sure if I have a favourite character though.

I have an idea or two of how to go about it, hahahaha "And now I know" anyway fingers crossed!

Yeah this whole forum is proof of that, here there are fans talking from all over the world and it is awesomeness! Not to mention we are a mixed aged group pretty much.

When you say a HUGE chunk how many hours are we talking? You must be pleased that audiobooks were invented in that case as journeys are not always fun.

I am enjoying it so far, Masamune is just an awesome combination of epic and hilarious as well as "The Immortal Phoenix" (more commonly known as Ryo). Unfortunately yours and Mac's voices are not going to be on my TV for quite some time (the Chinese leg of the Championships ended this week though) but I do wonder if they are gonna keep the scene where Toby clutches his heart before collapsing as I took a look at the first episodes you and Mac are in (in a different language).

I have already told my companion who watches it with me sonetimes that we are gonna support "Team Star Breakers" even though they are bad. I am also gonna try and see if he has any questions for you two as I told him briefly about this Q and A.

You are right about teasing, I have learnt from my Dad though who teases me alot, I am more trying to get the hang of teasing.

I stand by when I say "Everyone loves David Tennant, no exceptions" nice to hear you are a fan of the First Doctor as well but how did you manage to watch all of his episodes? I read somewhere that they were only available in audio form or something. Ah Sarah Jane Smith I only saw one or two episodes with her as the full time companion but I did watch The Sarah Jane Adventures which was quite a good show. I was shocked when I found out Elisabeth Sladen died last year.

Well so far she enjoys food with me as whenever I eat lunch she keeps coming to me wanting some off my plate (which of course I oblige) I tried to get her into Beyblade while watching it myself and she took a bit of interest in it I guess as she likes holding Beys and me spinning them for her. I look foward to making cakes with and for her as well as taking her to our Town Park and Wonderland!

That sounds awesome the music from Smash Bros. series is very good I can imagine it is very drivable music, I grabbed some game music for me to play when I need to calm myself. Piano versions of game music works beautifully for me it was a medley of Sonic music by piano and it was awesome. I have heard of Chrono Trigger but not played it. I cannot decide which game music is my favourite but I do have a handful of faves.

Thanks and yes that is true especially with Bo Rhap as that has loads of impossible high notes!

I finally learnt what a relaxing holiday is XD even better not being ill for it. Hope we have another such Holiday season later this year.

So where will William's Ease be released when it is finished? Hope it goes well when you film it in the Summer good luck!

It amuses you why? Funnily enough the cause in the A plot of the episode The Long Road Home is actually something that is very close to home for me. I love to find and compare different roles of voice actors (live action or animation) and have been doing so since I was 14/15. You play Arthur's neighbour Alberto and in the episode Alberto got his ball back (IIRC the ball was called "El Boomerang").

Cameron Ansell does a good job at Masamune, I found that Masamune is one of the best performances in Metal Masters so far. Did you tell him that you are Toby/Faust? Unless he knows already, I do wonder how you react seeing your co-stars for the first time after voicing characters in the same age group (for example you are 26, Mac is 23 and Cameron has not long turned 19) not to mention the lack of anime hair/eyes.

I hope your recordings all go well and looks like you have no choice with Mac when it comes to watching Metal Masters/Fury. He might be giving you a VA tip there to look over your performance.

Hehe I noticed, I cannot help it though as my parents brought me up to use my basic manners so I will always be thankful for anything. Seeing "Thank yous" being used in this day and age when manners are thought to be almost forgotten makes me smile.

Thanks again!

Look whether you post something or not, us guys here are just happy that you and Mac are answering whatever questions we have on mind.

Not only do I think that picture is AWESOME, I made an account on Deviantart and commented on it a couple of days ago (and commented on a few of them). I showed some of them to Mac and he was NOT impressed… then 2 days ago I showed them to our director and producer… heheheh… WHILE Mac was in the studio recording. Right when he was waiting to record his next line, Deb said, "So I see you two are a couple on the internet." and he just glared at me through the glass…. heheheh.

I like your dad's quote.

Zeo definitely does a deal with the devil, this is true. I guess Faust doesn't really… I don't know… I kind of think of him that way. To save his life, he deals… as does Zeo

Lots of playwrights use older stories. Many of Shakespeare's plays are based on older tales or legends. It's the writing that makes it good, and Marlowe is amazing.

A sickly Tiny Tim, I like that. He was a keener… my voice acting for keeners always has to draw from somewhere because I am not THAT gung-ho ready to go WEEEEEEE type of person. I am a little… but you know… not that much.

Twelfth Night is great. Amusingly, I love the character Sir Toby, with his drunken singing and shouting. Of course, then with his pretty much saying, "Don't yell at me… now I have to be mad at you and trick you into believing falsities… with amusing yet very mean results"

When I say HUGE chunk… I sometimes drive for about 6 hours in one day. Often far less… and sometimes more. I like music and audiobooks while I drive… keeps me nice and insane.

They should be keeping the scene with the clutching of my heart and falling over. I only know this because I recorded a groan and a painful moan as it happened. (Can I get into trouble for saying that?… I hope not.)

I welcome his questions! He's more than welcome to ask anything. I was at a dinner party over this past weekend and a young guest there was told by someone there that I was a voice on Beyblade. The after dinner conversation was filled by a plethora of questions and awkward comments. This forum is certainly preparing me for all of that.

You should see Einstein and Eddington. It's a lovely film that stars David Tennant as Sir Arthur Stanley Eddington and he performs brilliantly.

Yes, some of the original series is just audio with the script shown, or picture stills. I have all of those as well as the ones with video.
I never saw the Sarah Jane adventures, I really should. Very sad about Elisabeth, she was amazing.

Enjoy every second with that precious little girl. I hope she keeps coming by and stealing food from your plate. Heheh.

You should play Chrono Trigger and Tales of Phantasia, those are my two favourite games.
What ones would you consider your favourite? To which ones do you listen most regularly?

William's Ease will be released online somewhere. My website will link to it, I'm sure.

It amuses me because it's like you're a fan before you even knew how I sounded. Yes, you got my character right. I hope I sounded okay… heh.

Yeah, Cameron and I spoke briefly. We talked about being in the industry. Mac was with me and we all said, "GO TEAM DUNGEON"… can we be more lame?
I am rarely surprised by voice actors playing certain characters or ages. Scott McNeil played Duo Maxwell in 2000, he was 38 and the character was 15. I find different connections to the voice actors closer to my age and to the old timers, but I'm equally comfortable with them. I enjoy hanging out with Mac and the other guys on Thursdays, but there's just something about seeing someone who has been in the industry for years. For example, I love running into Earl Mann, I think he has one of the best voices I've ever heard and we schmooze whenever we see each other. Voice actors are just voice actors to me… same ilk.

I'm slowly starting to listen to myself. I doubt I'll ever like it though.

Hurray for thank yous.

You are welcome. And thanks again for the questions!

The video posting is AT the bottom of this.

(Jan. 31, 2012  1:09 AM)bigbanglinx1 Wrote: Hey guys big fans i wanted to know, are you guys actually friends with the VA of masamune? If so what is he like?

No, I'm not close friends with Cameron, but I like him. He's a nice guy, talented, and full of potential. I'm sure I'll run into him a bunch more times.

Okay, so time for the post. I promised I would put up something of us and here it is.
This is Mac and I doing our initial read at a friend's house. I'm sure we sound insane.
Without further ado about nothing… here we are.
PLEASE keep in mind… it is an INITIAL vocal read. We did a quick read through together before and made some notes but this is the first time we've said the words. (Also… turns out my Bey is pronounced Leerah not Lierah… whoops) But yeah enough excuses… HERE!

RE: Q&A with the VAs of Zeo & Toby - Killer-Kirsty - Feb. 06, 2012

(Feb. 02, 2012  11:45 PM)Toby_Faust Wrote: Not only do I think that picture is AWESOME, I made an account on Deviantart and commented on it a couple of days ago (and commented on a few of them). I showed some of them to Mac and he was NOT impressed… then 2 days ago I showed them to our director and producer… heheheh… WHILE Mac was in the studio recording. Right when he was waiting to record his next line, Deb said, "So I see you two are a couple on the internet." and he just glared at me through the glass…. heheheh.

I like your dad's quote.

Zeo definitely does a deal with the devil, this is true. I guess Faust doesn't really… I don't know… I kind of think of him that way. To save his life, he deals… as does Zeo

Lots of playwrights use older stories. Many of Shakespeare's plays are based on older tales or legends. It's the writing that makes it good, and Marlowe is amazing.

A sickly Tiny Tim, I like that. He was a keener… my voice acting for keeners always has to draw from somewhere because I am not THAT gung-ho ready to go WEEEEEEE type of person. I am a little… but you know… not that much.

Twelfth Night is great. Amusingly, I love the character Sir Toby, with his drunken singing and shouting. Of course, then with his pretty much saying, "Don't yell at me… now I have to be mad at you and trick you into believing falsities… with amusing yet very mean results"

When I say HUGE chunk… I sometimes drive for about 6 hours in one day. Often far less… and sometimes more. I like music and audiobooks while I drive… keeps me nice and insane.

They should be keeping the scene with the clutching of my heart and falling over. I only know this because I recorded a groan and a painful moan as it happened. (Can I get into trouble for saying that?… I hope not.)

I welcome his questions! He's more than welcome to ask anything. I was at a dinner party over this past weekend and a young guest there was told by someone there that I was a voice on Beyblade. The after dinner conversation was filled by a plethora of questions and awkward comments. This forum is certainly preparing me for all of that.

You should see Einstein and Eddington. It's a lovely film that stars David Tennant as Sir Arthur Stanley Eddington and he performs brilliantly.

Yes, some of the original series is just audio with the script shown, or picture stills. I have all of those as well as the ones with video.
I never saw the Sarah Jane adventures, I really should. Very sad about Elisabeth, she was amazing.

Enjoy every second with that precious little girl. I hope she keeps coming by and stealing food from your plate. Heheh.

You should play Chrono Trigger and Tales of Phantasia, those are my two favourite games.
What ones would you consider your favourite? To which ones do you listen most regularly?

William's Ease will be released online somewhere. My website will link to it, I'm sure.

It amuses me because it's like you're a fan before you even knew how I sounded. Yes, you got my character right. I hope I sounded okay… heh.

Yeah, Cameron and I spoke briefly. We talked about being in the industry. Mac was with me and we all said, "GO TEAM DUNGEON"… can we be more lame?
I am rarely surprised by voice actors playing certain characters or ages. Scott McNeil played Duo Maxwell in 2000, he was 38 and the character was 15. I find different connections to the voice actors closer to my age and to the old timers, but I'm equally comfortable with them. I enjoy hanging out with Mac and the other guys on Thursdays, but there's just something about seeing someone who has been in the industry for years. For example, I love running into Earl Mann, I think he has one of the best voices I've ever heard and we schmooze whenever we see each other. Voice actors are just voice actors to me… same ilk.

I'm slowly starting to listen to myself. I doubt I'll ever like it though.

Hurray for thank yous.

You are welcome. And thanks again for the questions!

The video posting is AT the bottom of this.

Okay, so time for the post. I promised I would put up something of us and here it is.
This is Mac and I doing our initial read at a friend's house. I'm sure we sound insane.
Without further ado about nothing… here we are.
PLEASE keep in mind… it is an INITIAL vocal read. We did a quick read through together before and made some notes but this is the first time we've said the words. (Also… turns out my Bey is pronounced Leerah not Lierah… whoops) But yeah enough excuses… HERE!

You made a DA account? Wow pretty neat that you have faved and commented quite a few Toby stuff I do also wonder are you gonna submit some art as I went on your site and found out stuff about Deadpan's show (The Dark Comedy). The picture I linked you to really took advantage of Toby's feminine looks, I do apologize if they have annoyed Mac though. You really are a huge tease and Debra has a wicked sense of humour it seems as she took the whole thing in her stride.

I am thinking poor Toby is taken advantage of since he is vulnerable, but we'll see as the episodes come along I can't really see Toby becoming Fasut willingly unless Faust is a manifestation of the negative feelings Toby may have. Zeo wants to save Toby no matter what the cost, which is really sweet.

Yes the writing does make a difference, it is kind of like fanfiction when you think about it.

I look up to my parents, they are both awesome!

Well that is the impression I have of pre-Faust!Toby so far so where do you draw your "keener voice" from when you played pre-Faust!Toby? You seem more of a trickster/teaser kind of person.

Quite amusing your favourite character is also called Toby, I can see why though he does sound erm spirited.

Wow that is a long time not to mention the petrol price for doing those miles I can imagine that the driving makes you inasane while the music makes you nice.

If they are keeping the scene it looks as though Metal Masters is heading for a darker turn with Toby's illness, if you recorded it does mean they are keeping the scene as I heard that if anime episodes are edited they are done before recorded. (I am not sure but people on this forum know about future episodes as they discuss when the Japanese ones air that and the fact that the newer Beyblade episodes are co-produced by Nelvana themselves which means less cuts).

I discussed with my companion about this again and he said he wants to see your characters before asking something. We watched Metal Masters together when I went to see him last week and had a few Beybattles. Awwww I hope the Q and A wasn't too awkward, I get the feeling you are going to get more younger ones at these dinner parties approaching you I am glad we are helping you prepare for it though.

How much stuff have you got on your favourite stuff? You sound like quite the collector of all these stuff. And yes SJA is really worth a look sometime.

Haha I will and she will keep stealing from my plate I am sure, it goes both ways though as she gave me one of biscuits for a nibble the other day.

Well there is Jungle Japes, Life in the Mines and Aquatic Ambience from Donkey Kong Country, Stickerbush Symphony from DKC 2, Summer Forest and Autumn Plains from Spyro 2, Brinstar theme from SSBM and so so so many from the Sonic series (mainly the Mega Drive/Genesis era). Those two games you mentioned they are RPG types right?

Guess we'll have to keep checking your website in that case Grin

I wanted to know/get an idea of your voice on TV I guess you know as I have already heard a sample of Mac's voices, you sounded good though especially with the accent.

That is not lame, that is awesome! You have good points there the fact that 38 year olds can play 15 year olds is just one of the most interesting things about voice acting, it is nice to hear how it is from your perspective meeting your fellow voice actors, again it is like having a close circle of friends who go through the same stuff as yourself. The thing about seeing someone who has been in the biz for years is that possibly you could be where they are in years to come you know, it is funny to picture you and Earl Mann (I haven't heard much of him) schmoozing I do wonder if you swap voices when you schmooze.

Some people don't like listening to themsleves, you are one of them nothing wrong with that.

Once again thanks for the answers and talk. You are welcome.

Another question (for both) would be what do your fellow VAs think of you guys talking to us here?

You and Mac are really funny in the video thanks so much for taking time to make it and post it up. If the voices you used there are the ones for your characters they sounds good and very Beyblade characteresque, also you two make quite the double act. And they are pronoucing Lyra the same/similar way they pronounce Lera from Team Lovushka? Confusing...

RE: Q&A with the VAs of Zeo & Toby - blackdragons - Feb. 17, 2012

My tread was deleted soo I thought this is the place for my question.
I would need some help from a expert.I thought of making a beyblade town,the one where tyson lives.I was wondering about it name.The second thing that I would like to know is how does that river fits with city.If someone could trow some sketch.I drawn one part that is visible in the anime.
I know that there is a bridge for train across the river but I think that it isnt that big.A little further there is some waterfall(puppy scene).Also what is it in the back oposite of the waterfall and part I can see.
I did the park where first beyblade fight happened and Tyson wiped that dude
I am not sure of the overial shape of the ground,I have toys from it but not sure if park is circular,square or some other shape.
Also wondering where is it acording to Tyson house,shore and first appearance of Carlos at the roof of that building.Besides that also interested in location of championship stadium and Max part shop runned by his father.
Sketched some stuff but here is better image of shore
Thanks for your time
If I posted in wrong tread,direct me where should I post my question Grin

RE: Q&A with the VAs of Zeo & Toby - akio314 - Feb. 17, 2012

Do you think you could beat another VA at beyblade with temPo or byxis?

RE: Q&A with the VAs of Zeo & Toby - Toby_Faust - Mar. 03, 2012

(Feb. 06, 2012  4:38 PM)Kirst-Mizuhime Wrote: You made a DA account? Wow pretty neat that you have faved and commented quite a few Toby stuff I do also wonder are you gonna submit some art as I went on your site and found out stuff about Deadpan's show (The Dark Comedy). The picture I linked you to really took advantage of Toby's feminine looks, I do apologize if they have annoyed Mac though. You really are a huge tease and Debra has a wicked sense of humour it seems as she took the whole thing in her stride.

I am thinking poor Toby is taken advantage of since he is vulnerable, but we'll see as the episodes come along I can't really see Toby becoming Fasut willingly unless Faust is a manifestation of the negative feelings Toby may have. Zeo wants to save Toby no matter what the cost, which is really sweet.

Yes the writing does make a difference, it is kind of like fanfiction when you think about it.

I look up to my parents, they are both awesome!

Well that is the impression I have of pre-Faust!Toby so far so where do you draw your "keener voice" from when you played pre-Faust!Toby? You seem more of a trickster/teaser kind of person.

Quite amusing your favourite character is also called Toby, I can see why though he does sound erm spirited.

Wow that is a long time not to mention the petrol price for doing those miles I can imagine that the driving makes you inasane while the music makes you nice.

If they are keeping the scene it looks as though Metal Masters is heading for a darker turn with Toby's illness, if you recorded it does mean they are keeping the scene as I heard that if anime episodes are edited they are done before recorded. (I am not sure but people on this forum know about future episodes as they discuss when the Japanese ones air that and the fact that the newer Beyblade episodes are co-produced by Nelvana themselves which means less cuts).

I discussed with my companion about this again and he said he wants to see your characters before asking something. We watched Metal Masters together when I went to see him last week and had a few Beybattles. Awwww I hope the Q and A wasn't too awkward, I get the feeling you are going to get more younger ones at these dinner parties approaching you I am glad we are helping you prepare for it though.

How much stuff have you got on your favourite stuff? You sound like quite the collector of all these stuff. And yes SJA is really worth a look sometime.

Haha I will and she will keep stealing from my plate I am sure, it goes both ways though as she gave me one of biscuits for a nibble the other day.

Well there is Jungle Japes, Life in the Mines and Aquatic Ambience from Donkey Kong Country, Stickerbush Symphony from DKC 2, Summer Forest and Autumn Plains from Spyro 2, Brinstar theme from SSBM and so so so many from the Sonic series (mainly the Mega Drive/Genesis era). Those two games you mentioned they are RPG types right?

Guess we'll have to keep checking your website in that case Grin

I wanted to know/get an idea of your voice on TV I guess you know as I have already heard a sample of Mac's voices, you sounded good though especially with the accent.

That is not lame, that is awesome! You have good points there the fact that 38 year olds can play 15 year olds is just one of the most interesting things about voice acting, it is nice to hear how it is from your perspective meeting your fellow voice actors, again it is like having a close circle of friends who go through the same stuff as yourself. The thing about seeing someone who has been in the biz for years is that possibly you could be where they are in years to come you know, it is funny to picture you and Earl Mann (I haven't heard much of him) schmoozing I do wonder if you swap voices when you schmooze.

Some people don't like listening to themsleves, you are one of them nothing wrong with that.

Once again thanks for the answers and talk. You are welcome.

Another question (for both) would be what do your fellow VAs think of you guys talking to us here?

You and Mac are really funny in the video thanks so much for taking time to make it and post it up. If the voices you used there are the ones for your characters they sounds good and very Beyblade characteresque, also you two make quite the double act. And they are pronoucing Lyra the same/similar way they pronounce Lera from Team Lovushka? Confusing...

I'm enjoying my DA account. People are submitting lots of fun things for me. I love it.
Someone drew a picture of Toby dressed like me. I think it's awesome.
I will not be submitting the Dark Comedy art since I didn't draw it. I miiiiight submit some scripts that I've written. We'll see. If I do it will be on another account linked to that one.
Taking advantage of Toby's feminine looks is all part of the fun. It doesn't bug Mac too much, it's just fun to tease him. Deb is hilarious and awesome.

You are correct that they take advantage of Toby. Faust is almost robotic in some ways. I don't think Toby would become Faust willingly. Especially if he was completely healthy and aware.
Zeo becoming… well Zeo out of his care for Toby is an awesome thing. I agree… very sweet.

It's good that you look up to your parents. They have lots to teach.

To be quite honest, my "keener voice" is an imitation of a friend of mine. He's always SUPER excited for things.
"Hey, wanna go see a movie today?"
"… why are you so excited?"
It also goes back about a decade to when I met another voice actor and listened to his "keener" voice. Combining the two pretty much created a voice I did for a few commercials and then a little tweaking created Toby.
My natural voice is… well… much deeper. As can be heard on the video posted above.

Oh spirited is definitely the word for Toby. Heheh. What a nut bar.

To my knowledge not much is cut. Every so often my script will say, "Line deleted" or "Scene deleted, which would be an indication of exactly to what you are referring. It doesn't happen too often though.

Tell him that after he sees a few of our episodes I welcome his questions absolutely. Just a few more days until they air. According to Wikipedia the first will air in the USA on March 31st. Though Mac and I were talking and looking through YTV's schedule and it might possibly air in Canada on March 17th.
Always welcome the questions. It puts a lot of things into perspective for me too. I don't mind the kids, it's all good.

I am not a huge collector of Doctor Who things, I just like the show. In fact… I don't really collect anything. I collect information and ideas. Maybe scripts. If I like something I get it. I never really understood collections. I have every episode of Doctor Who, but I don't call that a collection. I don't have any toys or memorabilia lying around.

Heheh, I like your video game musical taste. Yes, both are RPGs, amazing ones at that.

Well, glad that you like my voices. There are examples of it all over the place, and since I never shut up I'm sure there will always be recordings of me somewhere.

Whenever voice actors hang out the voices invariably come out. Earl has what we call "THE VOICE OF GOD!". His voice is just… amazing. He tosses on an accent whenever we speak. It's a lot of fun to hang out with each other. Voice actors can be pretty awesome. (They can be pretty terrible too, but that's all people.)
There is a recording of Earl on The Dark Comedy's website.

Well, some of the voice actors with whom I speak don't really understand why I post on here. They think I'm getting a little too involved / too close to the fans. Others think it's awesome.
I don't know if 5 years down the road I'll still be able to log into a forum or comment on things on DA or make personal videos for you guys but for now I can; I'll keep doing it as long as I can keep doing it.
I think fans are incredible. Fans of anything really. To be involved in a world that HAS fans is just amazing, and the more I do, the more I hope I get exposed to it.

I'm glad you liked the video, I'm sure we'll post another at some point.

The Bey is named after "Lyrical" because it's a harp… or something. Leeeraaaaah! (I've screamed that a few times now)

As always, thank you for the questions and the chat. I love it and am looking forward to any further questions / comments (especially after the episodes start airing)

(Feb. 17, 2012  10:44 AM)blackdragons Wrote: Hello
My tread was deleted soo I thought this is the place for my question.
I would need some help from a expert.I thought of making a beyblade town,the one where tyson lives.I was wondering about it name.The second thing that I would like to know is how does that river fits with city.If someone could trow some sketch.I drawn one part that is visible in the anime.
I know that there is a bridge for train across the river but I think that it isnt that big.A little further there is some waterfall(puppy scene).Also what is it in the back oposite of the waterfall and part I can see.
I did the park where first beyblade fight happened and Tyson wiped that dude
I am not sure of the overial shape of the ground,I have toys from it but not sure if park is circular,square or some other shape.
Also wondering where is it acording to Tyson house,shore and first appearance of Carlos at the roof of that building.Besides that also interested in location of championship stadium and Max part shop runned by his father.
Sketched some stuff but here is better image of shore
Thanks for your time
If I posted in wrong tread,direct me where should I post my question Grin

Hey pal, welcome to the thread.
Unfortunately I can't answer your question. This is a thread for Mac and me to answer questions about voicing the characters Zeo and Toby/Faust.

You are more than welcome to ask us any questions about that. Sorry, I don't know where to direct you either, I've never really been anywhere else on this forum.
Good luck finding the information that you need.
I hope to see you back here with some fun questions for us.

(Feb. 17, 2012  10:46 PM)Pices314 Wrote: Do you think you could beat another VA at beyblade with temPo or byxis?

Interesting that you ask that. I've never actually battled (is that the word?) with Beyblades. From what I hear though Tempo is a pretty powerful one in real life.
The reason that is interesting is because on March 25th in Toronto they are hosting the World Beyblade Championship (I think that's what it is called) at the Corus building downtown. Mac and I are going to ask if it's okay for us to crash the party and possibly battle each other for fun. I hope someone there has a Tempo and someone else has a Byxis so that we can tell you the result.
I'm pretty sure I'm gonna kick his BUTT!

Thank you for the questions, keep 'em coming

RE: Q&A with the VAs of Zeo & Toby - Karl - Mar. 04, 2012

Heh, I remember me and my sister doing an extremely small voice acting part in Seaseme street Christmas carol. In the Christmas future part I was the older brother and my little sister playing as the little sister, lol. I'm not professional va like Mac and toby/fuast so please don't think I am, me and my sister were chosen because my dad worked for magnetic dreams which dies work for sesame street. If you watch it all we say is "weeee!" and stuff. Sry, got a bit offtopic...
Question for Zeo Mac and Toby_Faust: were there any lines you didn't like? What do think about your character being fOoled/brainwashed by Dr. Ziggurat? You guys are awesome and thank you so much for taking your small free time to do this! I absolutely cannot wait for the episode "my friends name is Zeo!" comes to the air! I think toby is in that episode too so I am really stoked!

RE: Q&A with the VAs of Zeo & Toby - Killer-Kirsty - Mar. 04, 2012

(Mar. 03, 2012  6:04 PM)Toby_Faust Wrote: I'm enjoying my DA account. People are submitting lots of fun things for me. I love it.
Someone drew a picture of Toby dressed like me. I think it's awesome.
I will not be submitting the Dark Comedy art since I didn't draw it. I miiiiight submit some scripts that I've written. We'll see. If I do it will be on another account linked to that one.
Taking advantage of Toby's feminine looks is all part of the fun. It doesn't bug Mac too much, it's just fun to tease him. Deb is hilarious and awesome.

You are correct that they take advantage of Toby. Faust is almost robotic in some ways. I don't think Toby would become Faust willingly. Especially if he was completely healthy and aware.
Zeo becoming… well Zeo out of his care for Toby is an awesome thing. I agree… very sweet.

It's good that you look up to your parents. They have lots to teach.

To be quite honest, my "keener voice" is an imitation of a friend of mine. He's always SUPER excited for things.
"Hey, wanna go see a movie today?"
"… why are you so excited?"
It also goes back about a decade to when I met another voice actor and listened to his "keener" voice. Combining the two pretty much created a voice I did for a few commercials and then a little tweaking created Toby.
My natural voice is… well… much deeper. As can be heard on the video posted above.

Oh spirited is definitely the word for Toby. Heheh. What a nut bar.

To my knowledge not much is cut. Every so often my script will say, "Line deleted" or "Scene deleted, which would be an indication of exactly to what you are referring. It doesn't happen too often though.

Tell him that after he sees a few of our episodes I welcome his questions absolutely. Just a few more days until they air. According to Wikipedia the first will air in the USA on March 31st. Though Mac and I were talking and looking through YTV's schedule and it might possibly air in Canada on March 17th.
Always welcome the questions. It puts a lot of things into perspective for me too. I don't mind the kids, it's all good.

I am not a huge collector of Doctor Who things, I just like the show. In fact… I don't really collect anything. I collect information and ideas. Maybe scripts. If I like something I get it. I never really understood collections. I have every episode of Doctor Who, but I don't call that a collection. I don't have any toys or memorabilia lying around.

Heheh, I like your video game musical taste. Yes, both are RPGs, amazing ones at that.

Well, glad that you like my voices. There are examples of it all over the place, and since I never shut up I'm sure there will always be recordings of me somewhere.

Whenever voice actors hang out the voices invariably come out. Earl has what we call "THE VOICE OF GOD!". His voice is just… amazing. He tosses on an accent whenever we speak. It's a lot of fun to hang out with each other. Voice actors can be pretty awesome. (They can be pretty terrible too, but that's all people.)
There is a recording of Earl on The Dark Comedy's website.

Well, some of the voice actors with whom I speak don't really understand why I post on here. They think I'm getting a little too involved / too close to the fans. Others think it's awesome.
I don't know if 5 years down the road I'll still be able to log into a forum or comment on things on DA or make personal videos for you guys but for now I can; I'll keep doing it as long as I can keep doing it.
I think fans are incredible. Fans of anything really. To be involved in a world that HAS fans is just amazing, and the more I do, the more I hope I get exposed to it.

I'm glad you liked the video, I'm sure we'll post another at some point.

The Bey is named after "Lyrical" because it's a harp… or something. Leeeraaaaah! (I've screamed that a few times now)

As always, thank you for the questions and the chat. I love it and am looking forward to any further questions / comments (especially after the episodes start airing)

Glad you are enjoying DA! And I have noticed how some are doing Toby/Faust requests and DA message muro pics for you. I saw the picture of Toby dressed as you in your sepia profile pic (Reverse Acting I believe is what it is called) it is just awesomeness! Then there is the one with a blushing Faust in pink nightwear... I see, it is understandable seeing as someone else drew the art and DA welcomes original work (though lots do fanfic/art).

Yeah the fun is endless, the Pink Nightie Faust (Never anything innocent with Faust IIRC) is an example of this. Ah that is OK then and oh god the way you enjoy to tease people it reminds me of my Dad!

Speaking of Debra, she became the director on episode 19 and I have noticed the difference in performance it sounds more serious which fits the darker turn the series is taking. Tsubasa's dark side in 22 is an example of this I mean it was terribly freaky especially when Tsubasa was lashing out at Yu and the eagle and then later insanely laughing then collapsing (that kind of reminded me of the Joker). David Reale sounded like he was channeling Carman Melville's Ryuga for Dark Tsubasa which makes sense seeing as Ryuga kind of gave Tsubasa his dark side, I even thought that maybe Carman was playing Dark Tsubasa for a moment.

Hmmm now after reading what you said I had an image that Ziggurat probably turned Toby into Faust while Toby was unconcious which would be diabolical and nightmare/paranoia fuel inducing. It also seems like it will take away Toby's emotions too and it is also unusual (in a predominantly kid's show) to see that Toby's hair has pretty much become permenantly white/grey even after being Faust, it is kinda symbolic of the "Toby will never be the same again"/"Toby has lost his innocence" nature.

Indeed it is awesome of Zeo to take that much extremes to save Toby but hey that is bromance for you!

Your friend sounds similar to me in the "excited over anything and everything" aspect. Did you tell your friend that he helped you create Toby? If so how did he react? I remember how in your demo your some commercial voices of yours sounded very keen and like what an average Beyblade character sounds like (a hyped teen male). Your real voice is defo more subdued in comparison.

I will do! I have looked on the Sky guide and Metal Masters has stopped airing in the UK for the time being with "Dark Eagle" being the last episode aired and replaced by Matt Hatter Chronicles (not too pleased about it) so I am gonna have to watch the episodes somewhere else.

Collecting information and ideas is always good and collecting scripts sound awesome. Maybe I could shed some light on collections since I myself am a collectomaniac. For me I collect stuff that mean something to me somehow (sentimental value) and in some cases want to keep them to share with the next generation. It is sometimes like "If I like something very much I get stuff that is relevant to it".

I am notorious for collecting Sonic the Hedgehog merch as I love almost anything with Sonic on it, for example at Xmas my parents for example got me a Sonic money bank they found while shopping, my sister got me Sonic pyjamas and Sonic shorts, my Grandparents gave me Sonic wrapping paper and my companion got me 3 figures of Sonic, Tails and Classic!Amy. Basically collecting is an optional part of being a fan but not everyone does it...I might take a pic of my Sonic collection sometime.

I also have quite a few other collections TY cat beanies, plushies, crystals, Canadian related stuff, retro games, Beyblades (from the old series I do mean to get a newer Beyblade sometime) and some Happy Meal toys that I had as a kid and found them again years later...

Thanks, I am more of a platformer game fan but have played RPGs too.

"THE VOICE OF GOD!" indeed listening to Earl's voice it has a very interesting and rich booming texture to it and it is nice to listen to. What is your fave accent from him? It does sound like a blast, I watched the blog after listening to Earl you guys really look as if you are chilling/hanging out as friends same with the vid of you and Mac.

Understandable as like you say about voice actors, it is the same about fans some are pretty awesome and others are terrible even downright rotten (for a good example of this look no further than the Sonic fanbase) it is pretty sweet that some think it is awesome.

Whatever happens in 5 years the fact that you and Mac are doing this all now is tbh very brave and very kind I mean you both must have made the day of many a Beyblade fan by answering questions/talking/posting vids/commenting on fanart.

It is also refreshing you see fans as incredible and also that you seem to enjoy mixing with the fans and being a part of our side of the fence as it were. You don't see that in some VAs so thank you.

That makes sense it just makes me think why did Nelvana change Dora to Lera in the first place, ah well.

You are welcome and thank you too, I am looking forward to seeing Toby/Faust and Zeo so I can re-read the posts with both your voices in my head!

(Mar. 03, 2012  6:04 PM)Toby_Faust Wrote: The reason that is interesting is because on March 25th in Toronto they are hosting the World Beyblade Championship (I think that's what it is called) at the Corus building downtown. Mac and I are going to ask if it's okay for us to crash the party and possibly battle each other for fun. I hope someone there has a Tempo and someone else has a Byxis so that we can tell you the result.

I'm pretty sure I'm gonna kick his BUTT!

They are hosting a World Championship? I don't think it would be a problem if you guys crashed the party as at least two VAs (Daniel DeSanto being one of them which he did for a Beyblade TV special) attended the Championships when they were hosted back in 2004. It would be awesome if you two battled with each other! Character voices and all! Grin

RE: Q&A with the VAs of Zeo & Toby - Clonetos - Mar. 09, 2012

To Zeo and mac a bit of a non beyblade question Do you enjoy movies if so have you ever seen a Godzilla movie (98 dont cout Xp) also how do you feel about Voice acting in general?

RE: Q&A with the VAs of Zeo & Toby - akio314 - Mar. 11, 2012

Thanks for answering me! At the moment I'm giddy I am going to run in circles now! But one question : Do you plan to watch a few of the episodes your in and are you going to try and meet ZeoMac in real life?