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Sonic the Hedgehog - Printable Version

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RE: Sonic the Hedgehog - Bey Brad - Feb. 06, 2010

(Feb. 06, 2010  4:58 AM)firelord767 Wrote: I'm sure you beat the genesis games much earlier than SA2.

wrongo, i've not actually completed any of the genesis games, just played through chunks of all of them

also if "carp" is against the rules that's cool, i don't think it is though (considering i'm the one who designed the word filter and made that rule in the first place)

Quote:And that last sentence is dumb. He's not evil. Many people would like to think that, but in truth he's misguided from the moment he opens out of that capsule.

You missed the point entirely, and even made my point better. He's not "evil", just "misunderstood". Dude, he's an anime cliche and nothing more. Dark, brooding, evil/misunderstood/whatever.

RE: Sonic the Hedgehog - firelord767 - Feb. 06, 2010

That cliche was very important to the Sonic franchise, though, allowing for more in depth story than that of SA. It's an anime cliche in a video game. And not a game based on an anime either. It threw things around.

And you've mistaken misunderstood for misguided. Everyone jumps the gun and says he's some trigger happy violent demon, but he was really just trying to make things right. Between having his mind tampered with and being unleashed by none other than Ivo, of course he'd think his actions were right.

And just double checking with that word.

RE: Sonic the Hedgehog - Giga - Feb. 06, 2010

Sonic Heroes and Unleashed are the best 3d sonics. Shadow the Hedgehog was the lowpoint for Sonic ever.

If you seriously believe Sonic Adventure is better than the first three games, you need help man D:
Not nostalgia, because they are good. Anything old can't be good, it must be nostalgia

Does it matter anyway about Shadow? Who cares about the story in Sonic games? Games don't need story - they need to be fun. Shadow is a black sonic who can use guns and drive cars.

RE: Sonic the Hedgehog - bey tempest - Feb. 06, 2010

shadow the hedgehog was far better than sonic unleashed, the werehog gimmick was rubbish, i mean stretchy arms come on! and how is a genocidal hedgehog driving cars and shooting aliens not a great idea.

RE: Sonic the Hedgehog - Benkei - Feb. 06, 2010

I can't decide whether I prefer Sonic 3 or Sonic CD. I have high hopes for the latest installment though.

RE: Sonic the Hedgehog - Blading BenX - Feb. 06, 2010

Wait witch came first Sonic CD or Sonic 3?

RE: Sonic the Hedgehog - Benkei - Feb. 06, 2010

Sonic 3 was released in 1994, Sonic CD was released in 1993 (in the UK).

RE: Sonic the Hedgehog - cutewolfsam - Feb. 06, 2010

When i played sonic CD i couldn't complete it i just couldn't grasp the concept i've completed it though like 3 years later, but when i was younger i didn't know what to do so my bros grabbed each of my hand and controlled them for me lol and then i get a dead arm from both of them lol.

RE: Sonic the Hedgehog - To - Feb. 07, 2010

I had Sonic CD, Racers, and a couple of other Sonic games on PC CDs. None of them work on my current computer...

RE: Sonic the Hedgehog - firelord767 - Feb. 07, 2010

(Feb. 06, 2010  1:04 PM)Giga Wrote: lol
Sonic Heroes and Unleashed are the best 3d sonics.
Heroes marked the shift of target age. Unleashed was the prime of that shift. How old are you?
Quote: Shadow the Hedgehog was the lowpoint for Sonic ever.
It's more interesting than fun.

Quote:If you seriously believe Sonic Adventure is better than the first three games, you need help man D:
Your opinion. But it is factual that i need no help.
Quote:Not nostalgia, because they are good. Anything old can't be good, it must be nostalgia
Those two senatnces seem to contradict....

Quote:Does it matter anyway about Shadow?
Quote:Who cares about the story in Sonic games?
Everyone i know.
Quote:Games don't need story - they need to be fun. Shadow is a black sonic who can use guns and drive cars.
at a glance.

Weird how only some sonic games made it to the PC. And cutsamwolf, did you ever tell them to stop after getting a deadarm? Man, i hate those....

RE: Sonic the Hedgehog - Giga - Feb. 08, 2010

(Feb. 07, 2010  10:28 PM)firelord767 Wrote: Dissection:
Heroes marked the shift of target age. Unleashed was the prime of that shift. How old are you? It's more interesting than fun.

Umm, I'm 15

Your opinion. But it is factual that i need no help.

well yeah, fair enough this one I'm just surprised.

Those two senatnces seem to contradict....

the second one was sarcasm lol

Yes Everyone i know.

And what was the story in first games (the good ones)
It usually went like this: Robotniks doin some evil thing, go an stop him.
Now it's Shadows doing some evil thing but actually he's being controlled by and evil alien who's been around for 4000 years but no one has heard of him yet. Now Robotniks magically on your side cause you need to stop a bigger threat, lol

at a glance.

umm explain

Weird how only some sonic games made it to the PC. And cutsamwolf, did you ever tell them to stop after getting a deadarm? Man, i hate those....

When was the last time Robotnik was a good villain/main villain. Unhappy

RE: Sonic the Hedgehog - Bey Brad - Feb. 08, 2010

i guess mario 3 is a bad game because of the lack of story
and tetris

RE: Sonic the Hedgehog - cutewolfsam - Feb. 08, 2010

I actually like teris because it is quite difficult to do.

RE: Sonic the Hedgehog - Giga - Feb. 08, 2010

Oh the wonders of internet sarcasm

RE: Sonic the Hedgehog - Kei - Feb. 08, 2010

Not directly related to Sonic, but Firelord, I think it would do you some good to read this article: Narratives are anti-game. It should help you understand more clearly some of the things everyone else is saying about the use of a narrative in Sonic games.

RE: Sonic the Hedgehog - Bey Brad - Feb. 09, 2010

(Feb. 08, 2010  11:56 PM)Kei Wrote: Not directly related to Sonic, but Firelord, I think it would do you some good to read this article: Narratives are anti-game. It should help you understand more clearly some of the things everyone else is saying about the use of a narrative in Sonic games.

yo this is a really bad article

RE: Sonic the Hedgehog - Khel - Feb. 09, 2010

(Feb. 08, 2010  11:56 PM)Kei Wrote: Not directly related to Sonic, but Firelord, I think it would do you some good to read this article: Narratives are anti-game. It should help you understand more clearly some of the things everyone else is saying about the use of a narrative in Sonic games.

I can't even finish reading it since it's so poorly conceived. This guy tries too hard to sound like an intellectual but merely comes across as a babbling idiot.

RE: Sonic the Hedgehog - Bey Brad - Feb. 09, 2010

(Feb. 09, 2010  2:32 AM)Khel Wrote: I can't even finish reading it since it's so poorly conceived. This guy tries too hard to sound like an intellectual but merely comes across as a babbling idiot.

my reply was more concise. yours makes you sound like a babbling idiot Cool

RE: Sonic the Hedgehog - Khel - Feb. 09, 2010

Oh I just got owned.

RE: Sonic the Hedgehog - Roan - Feb. 09, 2010

The only thing that was good or fun about Sonic Adventure 2 was the multiplayer racing parts. I hated the rest of that game.

Actually come to think of it, I hate Sonic in general. The first game was cool because it was actually fresh and innovative for its time, but since the end of the Genesis era they've done nothing to make Sonic current or even worthwhile as a franchise. The games are all just relying on old tropes from other genres trying desperately to stay relevant, and the fact that Sega is now reverting to a 2D platformer and everyone is crying hallelujah is really just more evidence towards that idea.

They've seriously sold Sonic out. You name a genre and I guarantee Sega has made a Sonic game in that genre or a game that contains elements of it. There's this thing called "market over saturation" and the Sonic games crossed that threshold years ago. I really can't fathom why people still care about this franchise, it boggles me.

Sure, you could argue that Nintendo has done the same thing with Mario, but the difference there is that most of Mario's spin-off games are actually good. IE: Mario Kart, Mario Party, Mario Tennis, etc.

RE: Sonic the Hedgehog - Bey Brad - Feb. 09, 2010

mario tennis is the greatest game ever made

in your face, ocarina of time

RE: Sonic the Hedgehog - Khel - Feb. 09, 2010

Pokemon Snap says hi

RE: Sonic the Hedgehog - firelord767 - Feb. 10, 2010

Quote:Umm, I'm 15
Nice one. You do realise that the target age is, like, 8. At least for games like Unleashed and Heroes.

Quote:well yeah, fair enough this one I'm just surprised.
...of what?

Quote:the second one was sarcasm lol
And your point of the sarcasm, then? If you think i'm blaming any chance of the old games being good is only nostalgia on the fact that they're old, you kicked the wrong tree. I'm a HUGE Beatles fan, and was certainly never around to have any nostalgia related to it.

Quote:And what was the story in first games (the good ones)
It usually went like this: Robotniks doin some evil thing, go an stop him.
Now it's Shadows doing some evil thing but actually he's being controlled by and evil alien who's been around for 4000 years but no one has heard of him yet. Now Robotniks magically on your side cause you need to stop a bigger threat, lol
That was awfully irrelevant. Could you explain?

Quote:umm explain
Shadow has, um depth? It'd take me a good thirty minuted to elaborate, so i'm not going to do so now. But you can look into it yourself. Turn an eye at SA2.

That article was anti-intellegent. In posting it, i only prove my point further. It takes 50 hollow paragraphs to attempt to make a point. I didn't even finish it. I'll try, though.

Tetris was fail.

EDIT: Thanks for pressing your point, Giga. You bring up some good facts, at least.

RE: Sonic the Hedgehog - Bey Brad - Feb. 10, 2010

(Feb. 10, 2010  1:09 AM)firelord767 Wrote: Tetris was fail.

get out

RE: Sonic the Hedgehog - firelord767 - Feb. 10, 2010

Is that really all you got from that post?