World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.
General Writing Thread - Printable Version

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RE: General Writing Thread - Temporal - Aug. 29, 2011

Pick a catchy name that identifies the story/character. If Sepuujin works best, use it. If not, then keep Drahelix.

RE: General Writing Thread - NoodooSoup - Sep. 01, 2011

Okay, so after a long period of thinking, I decided that I'm going to scrap one of my stories. Not because of the criticism, but because the plot and concept seem stupid now that I look back. But, I do have another story to replace it. That's why I'm posting here; the plot's in heavy development, along with most the characters.

So here's the plot (as of now):

In the world of [WORLD], there is a hero, usually called the [NAME]. The way the hero is selected is through the Ceremony of [NAME]. A person from the [NAME OF RICHER VILLAGE/TOWN] is randomly selected (still haven't decided if it will be random or through some special way) to be the next hero after the current one dies. This village is also very spiritual, and believe in destiny and whatnot. The [COUNCIL/GROUP WHATEVER THING], selects the hero through their means, and the [NAME OF POSITION] is the one there to present the name of the hero to the people. This position is very sacred to the [COMMUNITY] and only the hard working, respected people can hold it. Because the village has high beliefs in destiny, whoever the [NAME OF POSITION] announces, will be the hero, regardless of who was chosen originally. That is why the [NAME OF POSITION] is sacred; the person must be trustworthy and respectable. But, as the hero is a respected position as well, people make bribes so that they can become the hero. Sometimes, it is accepted, sometimes it is not. But, if the [NAME OF POSITION] does in fact say the incorrect name, they will be stripped of their position and either banished or executed.

Here's where [PROTAGONIST] comes in. At the ceremony, her name is (accidentally or intentionally) said, much to the surprise of the [COUNCIL/GROUP WHATEVER THING] and the people who paid/bribed the [NAME OF POSITION] to be hero. And so, as the story continues, she is, essentially, one of the worst heroes the [WORLD] has ever selected.

Now here are some minor details about the story:
-The protagonist is a reckless, lazy, selfish, klepto, and overall majorly flawed character.
-The hero is given a sword with three modes (although there are better weapons such as guns, the sword is sacred and passed down from each hero)
-The hero is given a tattoo (place and marking under works), where the ink used is the previous hero's blood. (The process to make it not dangerous has yet to be thought of)
-The world is a very digital-based and technology based world.
-The hero's duty is to maintain peace and save people's lives.

Possible Conflicts:
Man vs. Man (Antagonist is the supposed-to-be hero)
Man vs. Self (Protagonist's selfishness leads to many deaths, causing inner turmoil)
Man vs. Society (Although the protagonist is the hero, many people disagree with her actions and generally dislike her. They want her hero position to be revoked)
Man vs. Destiny (I want to include this, but haven't thought of how)

The things in the brackets are subjects without specific names.

All of these things can be changed, and will be changed if something better appears.

Now, on another note; what's you guys' opinions on writing about older characters? I mean older as in, older than your current age. Do you guys not care about the age, or stray away from ages you haven't experienced yet?

I tend to write on characters older than me, which seem like a problem, as I haven't even been that age yet. I don't know if it's a problem or if it can be worked around. Confused

RE: General Writing Thread - .:J:. - Sep. 01, 2011

i wirte older than me, it's generally what stories you read, so if you read stories with characters older than you, you can figure out how older characters normally act and vice versa.

RE: General Writing Thread - T. L-Drago 9207 - Sep. 01, 2011

I was working on Chapter 6 of Beyblade VS Battle Strikers when I got an idea for a backstory fic of Alister.

The previous form of his Hades Annihilate F:C is Grand Hades UW145FRS (FRS=Firm Rubber Sharp)

RE: General Writing Thread - .:J:. - Sep. 01, 2011

so should i make a new style of beyblade? like with a new gimmick that's possible? anyway does anyone actually read my story?

RE: General Writing Thread - T. L-Drago 9207 - Sep. 01, 2011

Why don't you check the number of views on it?

RE: General Writing Thread - NoodooSoup - Sep. 02, 2011

Okay, so which of these names sounds best for a male character living in a world that's not Earth?

-Prato (pray-TOH)
-Reto (re-TOH)/(ray-TOH)
-Praio (pray-OH)
-Trane (train)

And any suggestions for female names? Again, made up. Preferably not too feminine. I've got one, but I'm not really liking it Confused

RE: General Writing Thread - Temporal - Sep. 02, 2011

Viola? I was actually planning on using a variation of that name, it just sounds cool to me.

RE: General Writing Thread - NoodooSoup - Sep. 02, 2011

Eh, I'm not a fan of the letter 'V' in names. I know, that's stupid. Although I am a fan of the letters 'S', 'P', 'K', 'N' and 'M'.

RE: General Writing Thread - Temporal - Sep. 02, 2011

Milla, then?

RE: General Writing Thread - Vintage - Sep. 02, 2011

(Sep. 02, 2011  12:32 AM)NoodooSoup Wrote: Eh, I'm not a fan of the letter 'V' in names. I know, that's stupid. Although I am a fan of the letters 'S', 'P', 'K', 'N' and 'M'.

Sairyn, Phryne, Kurai, Nirin, Misali? I don't know, just random names I thought of now. Tongue_out

RE: General Writing Thread - NoodooSoup - Sep. 02, 2011

I like Nirin; original and not too feminine. Unless I think of a name that suits her more, that'll be it Tongue_out

Thanks Temporal, too, for helping.

Also, what of the plot I wrote before? Sound bad, cliche, or anything else? Plotholes? I don't want to write a story with a bad plot Unhappy

RE: General Writing Thread - Temporal - Sep. 02, 2011

Does anyone remember that prologue I posted for a story called "Corporeal"? Well, I'm still working on the name, but I do have three chapters done. I'll have to cancel Crisis if I post it, so I'm kinda hesitant. But I really like the story, and I want to get some feedback on it somehow.

RE: General Writing Thread - Mickey - Sep. 02, 2011

Does a story have to have a problem/conflict in it?

RE: General Writing Thread - NoodooSoup - Sep. 02, 2011

Pretty much. I think it'd be hard to write a story without a conflict, though Uncertain

RE: General Writing Thread - Temporal - Sep. 02, 2011

I don't even think it's possible.

RE: General Writing Thread - NoodooSoup - Sep. 02, 2011

Well, if you're writing a short story about someone going to school with no problems. But that probably still would have a conflict.

RE: General Writing Thread - Temporal - Sep. 02, 2011

Yeah. There has to be some type of problem, which in itself is part of a plot.

RE: General Writing Thread - Temporal - Sep. 03, 2011

You know what makes writing so awesome? You can do what you want while writing. Normally, I don't eat while working. But here I am, drinking tea and eating biscuits. Yeah, I'm drinking tea in Chicago. And it's 90 degrees outside. Yup, I'm veritably insane. But it's nice, y'know? Just you, your thoughts, and a keyboard. Until you have to wash the dishes, at least.

RE: General Writing Thread - Sparta - Sep. 03, 2011

(Sep. 03, 2011  12:56 AM)Temporal Wrote: You know what makes writing so awesome? You can do what you want while writing. Normally, I don't eat while working. But here I am, drinking tea and eating biscuits. Yeah, I'm drinking tea in Chicago. And it's 90 degrees outside. Yup, I'm veritably insane. But it's nice, y'know? Just you, your thoughts, and a keyboard. Until you have to wash the dishes, at least.

Haha, I second that! I sometimes watch TV, listen to music, even worked on homework (Although that was slightly tougher...).

OK, something I have to say: CHARACTER REQUESTS. NEED. TO. DIE. IN. A. HOLE. I have seen so many SPAMMED characters and people not being creative and making their own. It just PO's me to no end.

RE: General Writing Thread - NoodooSoup - Sep. 03, 2011

I can't write without music Unhappy Music is the only inspiration I have sometimes.

RE: General Writing Thread - Temporal - Sep. 03, 2011

So true. I once tried double-tasking. On one hand, I wrote an important essay for school. I was also working on Broken. Both ended up 10+ pages, but it took three days before I made any progress, hah.

I don't like character requests. I just don't. I don't see the point. Writers need to stand on their own and come up with their own characters, or ask one person in particular for tidying up on a pre-made character. (Speaking of which, I'll be hitting you on that soon, Sparta. Expect a PM from me in the next week or so.)

Also. I like writing while listening to Natsuko Aso. Movement of Magic or Perfect Area Complete works very well.
Oh! I bet nobody guesses who wrote this:

"The world is but a stage; the men and women merely players" One of my favorite quotes.

RE: General Writing Thread - .:J:. - Sep. 03, 2011

hhhhm, I normally listen to TV programs while writing, aka digimon, beyblade and some other stuff. It helps me visualise action

RE: General Writing Thread - Vintage - Sep. 03, 2011

I usually write in the middle of the night, after I've woken up from a dream. That, or I listen to music. ._.

RE: General Writing Thread - .:J:. - Sep. 03, 2011

i think i've done something original... make a bey to go with the story I wrote!