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Anyone plays LOL(League of Legends) - Printable Version

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RE: Anyone plays LOL(Leage of Legends) - DRAGON KING - Feb. 18, 2015

So today I bought Janna, I'm not nearly as good with her as I am with Morgana though. Her tornadoes/Q has a long wait for it to actually go, her W has a short range and her Ult isn't bad, but I'm used to offensive ultimates, but she's pretty fun to play as. She's become my new backup. Support is really fun to play as Grin

I'm now a level 16 btw

RE: Anyone plays LOL(Leage of Legends) - KosherKitten - Feb. 18, 2015

Morgana is easier than Janna, definitely. But Janna is basically the best offensive support out there ATM, Annie might be better, but for the most part I really think Janna takes the top spot. If you can learn to play her, it will be well worth your time

And yeah, Support is fun. I used to main down there, but then I kind of got tired of rushing Sightstones and decided I wanted to Jungle. Then new JG came out and I was bad, so I moved to Top since most JG champs also work really well Toplane

RE: Anyone plays LOL(Leage of Legends) - DRAGON KING - Feb. 18, 2015

Offensive support? Idk about that, her Q is basically a really weak stun (it does cc atleast though) and doesn't do much damage, her W barely even does damage and slows them, her E is a shield and her Ult is completely defensive. I always thought of Morgana as the most offensive

RE: Anyone plays LOL(Leage of Legends) - KosherKitten - Feb. 20, 2015

Yes, she is an offensive support. Leona or Thresh would be a defensive support, a support that tanks everything for their ADC and can even be the team's tank if needed. Janna doesn't tank, she pokes opponents hard, CCs a little, and buffs her ADC. She also has one of the best methods for peeling in the game, that being her ult. She has her passive for movement speed, her shield is completely boss for helping her ADC win trades, and her tornadoes are one of the best poke abilities on any support in the game, though I'd say Karma or outclasses her if you're purely picking base on poke. She isn't the most offensive, no (if we're sticking to traditional supports, that's Annie), but she is still offensive, and probably the best offensive support. And the higher your elo gets, the better a pick she is

RE: Anyone plays LOL(Leage of Legends) - DRAGON KING - Feb. 21, 2015

Ohhhhhh.... I thought you meant something else.

I only ever played offensive supports then, and I kinda wanna get some variety for my mains , without being ADC or anything that requires me being super aggressive. who would you think would be best for a defensive support? Taric or Alistar?

I know from experience against/have heard Taric is like the ultimate support tank, but idk how useful he is in actual fights (besides being a punching bag), plus I've seen a Taric go useless solo. Alistar has that heal and his headbutt. At this point I'm leaning toward getting Taric first.

I'm still kinda nooby.

RE: Anyone plays LOL(Leage of Legends) - KosherKitten - Feb. 21, 2015

Of those two, definitely Alistar. Taric is cool and all, but Alistar is much more useful in general, gotta be careful not to shoot your opponent out of your ADC's poke tho Tongue_out. Though you should probably be going for Leona/Braum/Blitz first, as they're overall better (and Thresh is best, but he's pretty tough to play) Leona is /the/ tank support in terms of sheer tankiness, and she's got some good CC. Braum is also super tanky, and is good with an ADC that has long range AAs (Cait, Jinx, etc) And Blitz is Blitz with his Q grabbing the world

Tank supports are generally harder to play than offensive supports, so no matter who you pick there'll be a learning curve. If you just want someone simple but strong I'd say go for Leona, because you literally just dash in, drop CC everywhere, and then body block skillshots. Definitely not Alistar or Taric. Alistar takes a lot of positioning to play well, and Taric needs a good team comp to perform adequately (though in the right team he can be quite the terror)

Oh, and offensive can also mean a support that goes after the enemy team instead of trying to cover and peel for their ADC, so you weren't entirely wrong. And by that definition, Janna would be a defensive support. But I'm more speaking in terms of tank vs. damage output, especially since the former is a bit of a loose definition and generally comes down to how a champion is played, rather than their kit

RE: Anyone plays LOL(Leage of Legends) - DRAGON KING - Feb. 21, 2015

I'm looking for a 1350 IP champion right now (I really regret using most of my RP on Sivir for like no reason, since Luz would now be in my price range if i still had that starter RP...)... The way I see it my choices for supports are Taric, Zilean and
Alistar. I really don't know about Zilean enough to buy him, so it's pretty much between taric and alistar.

I've seen Taric go ultra OP fed mode before, but also seen him solo a top lane and get owned... But I never solo so that shouldn't be a problem. For Alistar, I've seen him screw up multiple time with his headbutt thing and butt the enemy away from chasing allies XD. That would take some learning...

That's what I thought. I get it now Smile

RE: Anyone plays LOL(Leage of Legends) - KosherKitten - Feb. 21, 2015

Well, don't get Taric until you've got a few other options. Because, again, he needs the right team comp to work. And only get Alistar if you're willing to spend a few weeks playing nothing (well, almost nothing) but him so you can learn the positioning and timing. Overall, Alistar>Taric

Also Cho'Gath and Malphite are both 1350IP, they can support

RE: Anyone plays LOL(Leage of Legends) - DRAGON KING - Feb. 21, 2015

Oh well, I already bit Taric.

I tried one PVP game and got 1/1/11. (My only death was due to me turret diving and lag). I don't even need summoners heal anymore, he has his own personal heal. Overall I really enjoyed playing him and he'll probably become my third main.

RE: Anyone plays LOL(Leage of Legends) - KosherKitten - Feb. 21, 2015

Your ADC should be the one carrying Heal anyways. You should have Exhaust/Ignite (depending on the matchup, for Taric Exhaust is generally best) or possibly Teleport. And of course Flash

Also, don't play Taric with gap-closer ADCs (Graves, Ez, Vayne, etc) since he won't be able to keep up. You also probably shouldn't bother with him, or any tank support for that matter, if your team already has a tank. Two tanks isn't very optimal much anymore. And if the enemy team has an AP carry (Kennen isn't uncommon top) or a high damage AP tank (Cho'Gath, Vlad) toplane/JG and their mid isn't AD, you shouldn't play Taric either since he mostly needs to stack armor, so you can't afford much MR. Conversely, if they have no AP carry or high-damage AP tank, Taric is a great choice since your armor stacking can make you nigh invincible. Though being support you'll likely still need to carry a Locket most of the time (unless they literally have all AD champs)

RE: Anyone plays LOL(Leage of Legends) - DRAGON KING - Feb. 21, 2015

I always have flash, I'll probably get ignite since it always gets on my nerve when they run away with like 20 hp.

I found it quite easy to 1v1 a Jax when my ADC (Graves) left to help other lanes, which I found surprising for a support.

RE: Anyone plays LOL(Leage of Legends) - KosherKitten - Feb. 21, 2015

I'm surprised as well. One at seeing a Jax botlane and two that you 1v1'd him since Jax outputs mixed damage and should have been able to get past your armor stacking with some magic damage. Also, when your ADC roams, you should really go with him. Unless your lane is pushed up to your turret, in which case your ADC shouldn't be roaming anyways. In general only the midlaner and jungler should be roaming. Top sometimes if they're super-mobile like Pantheon or Shen. But bot should pretty much only leave lane to get dragon and when it hits midgame, because at that point you should be teamfighting anyway and it doesn't matter what lane you're in

Don't leave your ADC, like, ever (in general you should even back at the same time)

RE: Anyone plays LOL(Leage of Legends) - DRAGON KING - Feb. 21, 2015

He told me too stay bot lane, sooooo ....

We weren't up to the inhibitor or anything, we were basically in the bottom right corner of the map. It's not really hard to 1v1 in the area, since I just had to go, inflict a little damage, go back to turret, heal (Maybe pop a couple potions), repeat.

I usually just roam to where I'm needed in mid-late game. I actually witnessed a funny situation where I was supporting a Yi, but a non-communicating soraka would literally follow him everywheres (she'd even wait outside the spawning pool when he was dead or recalled... No matter what health or mana she had). That guy raged so hard. We just trolled her back and tried to get her killed lol.

RE: Anyone plays LOL(Leage of Legends) - KosherKitten - Feb. 22, 2015

...She was a bot

And okay, if he told you to it's on him. But under normal circumstances, always stick by your ADC. Early game is lane obvs. Midgame is teamfights where everyone should be grouped. Late game the rule is a bit more lax, because if you get that far you're either your team's tank or can't do much outside CC things

RE: Anyone plays LOL(Leage of Legends) - DRAGON KING - Feb. 22, 2015

She asked for honors at the end of the game....


RE: Anyone plays LOL(Leage of Legends) - KosherKitten - Feb. 22, 2015

She was still a bot. Bots can be programmed to ask for honors

RE: Anyone plays LOL(Leage of Legends) - Kujikato - Feb. 22, 2015

Won a 1:04 hour game with my brothers on my NA account, a late game Lux is beautiful.

RE: Anyone plays LOL(Leage of Legends) - DRAGON KING - Feb. 22, 2015

I guess so.

So my score with taric today was 3 games won, 1 lost. First day using taric was a success.

Next I'll probably get Veigar.

RE: Anyone plays LOL(Leage of Legends) - LeonTempest - Feb. 22, 2015

Been experimenting with Nidalee....her play style is incredibly engaging to me, one of the more interesting and fun champs to play.

You can argue all you want that she is "broken" but if you dont know how to kite spears that's your problem. Plus, now that hunt targets neutral monsters, she can technically play any role now; top, jungle, mid, adc, or support.

On another note, hate the new Ahri nerfs. Completely contradictory to riot's "goal" with her after the DFG removal

RE: Anyone plays LOL(Leage of Legends) - Kujikato - Feb. 22, 2015

Ahri is so strong now.

But yeah the new Nid is pretty cool, has a nice, universal skill set that works well.

I prefer Zed to her though. Shadows OP.

RE: Anyone plays LOL(Leage of Legends) - KosherKitten - Feb. 22, 2015

'Scuse me? Ahri >nerfs?

Ahri got buffed to high heaven. She no longer relies on landing charm to kill things (before a missed charm basically meant no kill) The speed on her Q is unreal. It boosts her roaming capacity, makes her a lot harder to escape, helps her dodge skillshots, etc. And according to a friend of mine who's been playing LoL for a much longer time than I have, her W got better for CSing. In fact, lemme quote that post *Goes and finds it*

Quote:wait people are really upset with the ahri changes???

no longer having to depend on charm to burst a target is actually a huge benefit because she has a strength beside her now and jesus christ does she go fast with that Q, plus the foxfire changes actually make csing quite a bit easier not to mention speeds up her dps a bit even aside from the numbers increase

i mean NOW she's going to get nerfed and i will cry
but in the mean time i'll be over here spamming ahri
what do you mean permaban status again :c

Ahri is so good right now it's insane, so IDK what nerfs you're talking about (Outside the ones that came up in 5.3 because 5.2 made her so absurdly powerful, thank Rito for those)

RE: Anyone plays LOL(Leage of Legends) - LeonTempest - Feb. 23, 2015

Im talking about 5.3's nerfs. I agree on what needed to be nerfed, but not the amount that was so. Ahri has mana problems at mid game even with one of the Codex Mana items now.

RE: Anyone plays LOL(Leage of Legends) - KosherKitten - Feb. 23, 2015

I haven't played her, so I wouldn't know. But I haven't seen anyone else complain

RE: Anyone plays LOL(Leage of Legends) - DRAGON KING - Feb. 24, 2015

Was Zed nerfed in that update? He seems above average still, but IDK if he's OP.

Anyways which other 1350 champions would you guys recommend? I usually Support but I don't really want Alistar , since i'm pretty content with my 3 mains which are all support....

I was looking at Tryndamere or Veigar, but I don't know. I'd prefer ones that are pretty easy to play. Don't mention Jax (no matter what I play it always seems to easy to 1v1 him....) or Teemo (he's just an overused jerk. I'm not that guy.) plz.

RE: Anyone plays LOL(Leage of Legends) - KosherKitten - Feb. 24, 2015

Well, personally I'm good at tanky APs, so Cho'Gath is my favorite 1350

But my recommendation is not to buy anyone until you've tried them on free. And further, that you should buy the most expensive of the champions you want first unless there's one you prove really good at (I.E. I'm buying Nautilus before Quinn or Zyra because Naut is my best champion so far) It means you'll have to wait longer between buys, but it also helps you keep from just blowing all your IP on super-cheap champs that you'll never play again. If you focus on the more expensive buys, you'll think more about whether or not you'll really play a champion