World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.
Missing Plastic & HMS Beywiki Articles - Printable Version

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RE: Missing Plastic & HMS Beywiki Articles III - LeonTempest - Apr. 30, 2012

my point is SG Semi Flat is the original tip, but Takara lists it as Metal Ball Base, which means both bases deserve mention

Later today, I will post a Galux section for the Galeon article either here, or in the Galeon draft. It wont be much of anything, just to get it out of the way. I myself cannot really write about many plastics articles anyway; those I can have already been made into articles

RE: Missing Plastic & HMS Beywiki Articles III - Ultra - Apr. 30, 2012

They only list it like that in the trading card game. If they'd made it they wouldn't have used it. I don't think it deserves mention at all since the trading card game isn't worth anything in terms of knowledge.

RE: Missing Plastic & HMS Beywiki Articles III - LeonTempest - May. 01, 2012

you misnderstand how canon works. There is no way we can assume anything here. What we do know is that SGSF is the "real" part, and MBB is what the card game says, for the sole reason of not being identical to the Galeon card. The reason is lame but ttue.

Regardless, this is kind of a useless discussion now, haha. Its Galux after all

RE: Missing Plastic & HMS Beywiki Articles III - Ultra - May. 01, 2012

Look at the anime closely and the posts brad made on Galux and it's obvious that SG Semi Flat is the real base.

RE: Missing Plastic & HMS Beywiki Articles III - LeonTempest - May. 01, 2012

Yes, it is obvious, I already aknowlage that, but you dont seem to fully understand why we cannot accept it as canon. There is no existing OFFICIAL parts list that lists SGSF as the BB for Galux, and the only one that does exist incorrectly lists SGMBB. Incorrect or not, that is the "official" BB for Galux. Now considering the card game is not a great source of validity, and even though SGSF is only suggested through illustration, and never confirmed with words, both BBs could be considered equally canon and deserve mention, should a Galux section ever appear on the Galeon article.

To give you an idea, a brief summury of Galux would be given, stating that all of its parts are identical to Galeon. Then below that, a brief statement would say something along the lines of "In the Beyblade TCG, Galux was listed to have Metal Ball Base as its BB, rather than SG Semi Flat."

RE: Missing Plastic & HMS Beywiki Articles III - Ultra - May. 01, 2012

The summary seems is fine then.

RE: Missing Plastic & HMS Beywiki Articles III - LeonTempest - Jun. 26, 2012

1st update in a while. Added Dranzer V draft link

RE: Missing Plastic & HMS Beywiki Articles III - LeonTempest - Jul. 22, 2012

Seaborg is up:

Nice article, very solid

RE: Missing Plastic & HMS Beywiki Articles III - th!nk - Jul. 22, 2012


By the way, what did I do to make this thread possible? Totes don't remember helping out with it other than perhaps yelling at someone? But hey, I'll help out some now:

Bakutenryuu Etanzel Dragon is done, it needs to be made into a redirect to Griffolyon as it's just a recolour but yeah Tongue_out

Donitrus is a Salamalyon, and I'd make ZEO read ZEO/Avairon. ZEO seems to be capitalised officially.

By the way, I'll throw together a list of stuff that needs to be rewritten (most of the wiki's plastic articles) once I'm done a few things, and finished going through all of them and finished a couple of other things (I've been through all the beyblade articles so now it's types/accessories/parts and stuff).

Also, remove the Bonus beys as we won't get articles on those because they don't exist. I'm still not sure why we have them on the parts list. I think I said this in another thread but yeah, they didn't exist so there aren't going to be articles on them and they should be removed from the parts list, unless someone wants to find names of parts for all of the unreleased beys from the anime (which were never given anywhere as far as I know).

There are also some type/part pages that need to be done: MG WD, Wide Survivor and OHKO are the ones that come to mind.

Oh and the hasbro versions where they added engine gears will need to be discussed, as well as an article addressing how customize eg's compare to normal ones to cover the recolours of the four main beys hasbro made with Customize EG's instead without doing individiual articles for such minor (but still notable) changes.

RE: Missing Plastic & HMS Beywiki Articles III - LeonTempest - Jul. 22, 2012

It's no problem Smile Great articles deserve great praise

Don't worry, your yelling is appreciated most of the time =P

Well, we will mention Galux on the Galeon page when it is time to make it. As for bonus beys like Falborg, so long as the parts exist, I believe it is worth mentioning somewhere. TOMY recognized it as a real bey, even if it was never sold as a product by itself. The question is how we go about doing that.

I do hope one day we get to the point where we get bored out of our minds with a completed beywiki, and start to do anime pages, because a resource for that doesn't really exist on the web right now (not a good one anyway). Plus, there are beys that exist only within the anime. But that is a tale for another day...

Personally, the Hasbro EG topic is a big roadblock...perhaps we should create a discussion separate from this thread as to what to do with that problem? It is definitely something worth considering

You and I both know that the 1st article to get redone needs to be a certain Dragoon article...I think Zombie and Compact also need to be re-done; There isn't a lot of detail, and a lot of the stuff there seems a bit outdated.

RE: Missing Plastic & HMS Beywiki Articles III - Ultra - Jul. 22, 2012

Dude come on we already went over this. The parts for Falborg were never made. They do not exist and having it the card game is no where near the same as them recognising it as existing. They named the parts as part of the stupid card game but that still means nothing. You cannot have an article on a beyblade that doesn't exist.

RE: Missing Plastic & HMS Beywiki Articles III - th!nk - Jul. 22, 2012

As ultra said, the parts don't exist. They were never made so we can't have a page for them.

I've already posted a solution for the Hasbro EG thing right here and it's been agreed that we'll create separate beys for the majorly changed ones and the ones they just made recolours of with customize EG's, we'll list them as alternate versions and maybe have a customize version page. That can be sorted out later as those barely ever turn up and by the time we get to that all the customize vers barring draciel's (the only one without metal semi flat, having metal ball, unique to hasbro and also used on their orthros g and zeus) will have been written.

Dragoon V2 is the worst, Draciel F is bad too because it introduces ridiculously illegal stuff that I'm still working out the limits of, and wolborg 2's is horrid as well. I'll have completely finished the rewrites for those over the next couple of days.

RE: Missing Plastic & HMS Beywiki Articles III - LeonTempest - Jul. 22, 2012

Draciel F is mostly my fault. I was new at the time, and I had gotten a Draciel F. My over excitement and newbishness got the better of me all those years have my apologies.

Plus, I constantly promised pictures for Crystal Draciel F like an idiot which I never day I actually got off my lazy butt and tried taking them, but they were all low quality and terrible...If you would like th!nk, I have a newer camera (well it isn't a great camera but it is better than the one I had those years ago) and this time, I will actualy take the pictures and post them. They will be up by Tuesday if you would still like them

Derp, ah, yes, I forgot about Falborg's fake parts....I was mistaken, never mind.

Because of Dragoon V2 situation, we also need to get our facts straight and will probably have to fix a lot of the combos listed on the plastics add to our problems, there is that issue with Burning Kerberous and its conflicts with the Customize Grip Base info from the Dragoon V2 page...If it wasn't for the plastics and HMS threads you made, plus all of your re-writes and new articles th!nk, we would all be done for

RE: Missing Plastic & HMS Beywiki Articles III - th!nk - Jul. 22, 2012

Others wrote it, agreed with it, and Kei still approved it. It's not your fault, it's the fault of everyone - but primarily Kei because preventing this sort of thing is his responsibility, and his alone; it's why we have to wait months for him to check articles.

Pictures are always good whenever you can take them.

I've got all of the errors in the beyblade articles written up already - almost every article needs to at least be modified and most require a full rewrite. I want to get drafts for the big three done before I post it, and I'm still working on the non-beyblade articles.

RE: Missing Plastic & HMS Beywiki Articles III - LeonTempest - Jul. 22, 2012

Honestly, as I have said in the past, Kei is only at fault for not accepting help from others with his current position. Thats all I can say about that, otherwise I understand that he is busy. It is just that we all as a community have put a inefficiant system in place that due to the certain circumstances cannot be easily corrected.

Also, I take blame because I was the one to bring up the points about the multiple metal balls and all that illegal stuff, and at the time, plastics articles were so rare, we all just wanted to make it as good as possible, and more than anything, we just wanted it to be done. If anything, I owe Galaxy an apology; it was his draft. We were all at fault, but I would like to take responsibility as the root of it all haha

However, what's done is done. Our efforts should be about fixing the mistakes of the past, not dwelling on them, starting with a promise I never fuffiled...You will have your pictures by Tuesday Smile

RE: Missing Plastic & HMS Beywiki Articles III - Kai-V - Jul. 23, 2012

I just want to reiterate that absolutely anybody has always been allowed to make those final corrections, or bring forward questions or clearly missing information that would totally get a draft ready to be published on Beywiki. Yes, Kei would still need to come and look at it afterward, but his job would be a lot smaller and things would have gotten published more easily. In fact, I truly believe that there are no drafts right now that are completely ready.

RE: Missing Plastic & HMS Beywiki Articles III - th!nk - Jul. 23, 2012

It's still his responsibility to make sure incorrect information doesn't get onto the wiki. Basically every plastics article needs to be rewritten, and thanks to his incompetence driving off a bunch of writers and slowing the process greatly, it's taking a lot more time than it should.

Even if there aren't articles to be approved there's still work to be done in keeping older articles up to date and organising and promoting beywiki work.

If drafts aren't ready to go then the issues need to be highlighted, or any particular concerns need to be discussed. I'm still waiting for a reply from him on the discussion of upper attack in the Wolborg 2 thread.

If Kei were remotely competent you wouldn't have had to step in.

Those final corrections are no different to the edits we all make during the article writing process, it's less work than writing/majorly contributing to an article. The only difference is that he gets the final say on everything, which make it seem a little more arcane. It's also with buying that like every individual, his view is often not representative of everyone - so having one person dominating that position with veto power and the ability to majorly edit any article on a whim is only going to lead to biases.

Kei's small edits are not worth the incredible damage he has done to this project through his ridiculously poor work ethic, complete lack of ambition and stubborn refusal to accept help or even acknowledge the problem - and you know very well I'm definitely not the only person who holds this opinion.

Sorry for being so blunt but I'm tired of pretending Kei's "leadership" is even remotely good for this wiki.

RE: Missing Plastic & HMS Beywiki Articles III - Dan - Jul. 23, 2012

Good show.

Yeah my BB rewrite, iirc, is still "in the works".

As Dave Chappelle once said "Chocolate? This is doodoo, baby!"

RE: Missing Plastic & HMS Beywiki Articles III - th!nk - Jul. 23, 2012

Yeah the BB and Overall sections of your rewrite are ready to go and have been for a few months now, but it's taken so damn long that I'm going to do an AR section and maybe MG WD as well in the next 2-3 days so there'll be a full article ready to go up and replace that horrible turd that is currently up.

RE: Missing Plastic & HMS Beywiki Articles III - LeonTempest - Jul. 23, 2012

The fact of the matter is Kei is doing a job meant for a group of people, not a sole individual. The current system is outdated; it is time to upgrade my friends. I give Kei the benefit of the doubt because I am not quick to judge, and I recognize that unnecessary conflict is...well, rather unnecessary, especially if avoiding such conflicts benefits us later on in life...blaming Kei will defer him from helping really, not getting him to help more


To put what th!nk stated simply, there needs to be a change, for the benefit of this community.

Switching gears back to Draciel F, we need to make sure that the newer version of the article contains stuff about the drawbacks of the balance issues it has, in addition to it having poor stamina. (My Tiger Defenser BB Semi Flat combo demolishes my uncustomized Draciel F)

RE: Missing Plastic & HMS Beywiki Articles III - th!nk - Jul. 23, 2012

I already mentioned most of that in the rewrite I currently have up, and my final draft, which will be ready shortly after a ruling is made about the legal ball capacity, will cover all of that :3

That said, Tiger Defenser and BB Semi Flat both have good stamina, in fact the whole BB Semi Flat combo thing is all about outspinning balance/non bearing defense, so in the end they act a lot more like stamina than balance (they have no defense and won't KO anything of note), but they still have a place with zombies because they don't care about spin direction and are a bit less vulnerable to everything than sharp tips and so on.

RE: Missing Plastic & HMS Beywiki Articles III - LeonTempest - Jul. 23, 2012

Sadly, the combo I mentioned consists of of a missing clip for the BB as well as a loose fitting AR, in addition to fighting in a crappy, beat up Hasbro Metal Fusion stadium, haha. The only other plastics I have is that combo, a few bit chips, a complete Dranzer F with a broken AR, a Wolborg with parts missing from the SG (it is just a metal point now), and 2 random weight disks to go along with Wolborg and the Tiger Defenser combo...basicly, I am useless with my collections current condition, haha.

That right there is all the viable information I can give haha Tired

I cannot wait to see Draciel F re-written. I will make a note of the pages that are being re-written here in the OP tomorrow

RE: Missing Plastic & HMS Beywiki Articles III - th!nk - Jul. 24, 2012

Do you want to note down which of those drafts are by phoenix inferno?
His drafts in general were appalling, full of factual errors, and all of his threads should just be closed if no one has contributed a better draft within. I can do it myself if no one else wants to, of course Tongue_out

RE: Missing Plastic & HMS Beywiki Articles III - Ultra - Jul. 24, 2012

His Wing Attacker one is actually done which he did with help from others.

RE: Missing Plastic & HMS Beywiki Articles III - th!nk - Jul. 24, 2012

Yeah, I noticed it was above his usual standard. I'll take a look at it later. I've only ever owned a fake of it though, but then I doubt there's any hidden use for that... thing.