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Beyblade X - Wishful Thinking and Speculation - Printable Version

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RE: Beyblade X - Wishful Thinking and Speculation - Guelerme - May. 20, 2023

I think the high-impact of X-Dash attacks will lead to stamina being LAD/zombie types, probably more on the offensive side of the scale and defense using very heavy parts and very grippy tips (or playing anti-attack).

RE: Beyblade X - Wishful Thinking and Speculation - ReekoBlader - May. 21, 2023

(May. 20, 2023  9:49 PM)Guelerme Wrote: I think the high-impact of X-Dash attacks will lead to stamina being LAD/zombie types, probably more on the offensive side of the scale and defense using very heavy parts and very grippy tips (or playing anti-attack).

I hope they do something cuz defense is in a worse position that they were in burst. Not enough stamina, no attack power, and low burst resistance. 
Lol and defense is supposed to have a bit of advantage against Attackntypes. Not anymore by the way things are looking now.

RE: Beyblade X - Wishful Thinking and Speculation - fabelavalon - May. 21, 2023

Please take into account that we have literally 4 beyblades so far, one of each type, so we really don't know what direction TT is taking the design of each type yet, and almost all the battles we've seen so far have been stock battles. Not customized beys.

Getting KOs it's still a bit more challenging because all the pockets are literally protected by the dash ring, there's a hard wall in front of all 3 pockets.

So, if I had to guess, Defense is going to try and take advantage of that. So like you said, Weight Defense will probably be pretty good.

Stamina is still a bit of a mystery to me. I'm in the camp that it's probably going to be a bit more movement heavy than previous gens, because dodging an x-dash attack would just be too important for lighter, easy to yeet beys.

Attack is going to be strong for sure, especially since it has the highest chance at a 3pt victory, but I don't think it will be unstoppable.

RE: Beyblade X - Wishful Thinking and Speculation - PRINCEcharming - May. 21, 2023

I'm pretty sure Zankye's source already confirmed that we're starting out with a gimmicky stadium that showcases the new system/gimmick and we'll see a more balanced stadium released later on. I don't think that this stadium will be the standard, or that it's supposed to be especially balanced.
To be fair, defence always sucked for two reasons:
Firstly there were only two types of Beyblades, because there were only two win conditions. You had Beys that knocked other Beys out of the stadium, and Beys which remained in the stadium and span for longer than the opposing Bey, so in reality Defence and Stamina are extremes on the same spectrum, and typically the best Beys of that type were whatever the optimal balance between the two happened to be. Pure Defence usually didn't have good enough balance/LAD to beat pure Stamina, and often lacked the stamina to beat a lot of Attack types. (not to mention the poor Attack Rings/Wheels. )
Secondly Attack Types were typically garbage for most of Plastic/MFB too, so consequently there really wasn't much of a place in the meta for mostly or pure Defence Beys. Early indications are that X will have an Attack heavy meta, which will naturally increase the value of Defence, making the optimal balance between Defence and Stamina closer to pure Defence, and I think that's probably the best thing you could hope for in terms of making Defence more competitively viable.

RE: Beyblade X - Wishful Thinking and Speculation - Dracieleone - May. 22, 2023

I feel like the best defense combo will be Knightshield3-80T.

RE: Beyblade X - Wishful Thinking and Speculation - ReekoBlader - May. 26, 2023

After watching TTs recent beyblade video, I can see what they can do for the next season of beyblade X.
They showed the "bit beast chip" can freely spin, which will prolly acts as a sort of Clutch for this Extreme dash system, and that got me thinking ....
They can actually separate the metal from the plastic on the blade and make it 2 different parts like metal fusion. Call the metal part the Blade still, and call the plastic part the Clutch, or some other name. That way you can choose how much give you want your bey to have on the xtreme dash ridge. Some can be medium, to allow a smooth transition onto the ridge, and one that's pretty much free spinning, so that it won't really speed up on the ridge, and some that are very tight, which allows for the fastest, and chaotic speed boosts at the cost of control.
Some can even have a bearing in it to have it pretty much free spin.
That way, if you want to have a bey that doesn't really ride that ridge, then you can. Couple that, with different gear ratios on the bits, and you now can determine the Speed, and acceleration of the beys on the Xtreme dash ridge..
Just an idea of mine.

RE: Beyblade X - Wishful Thinking and Speculation - Siⱺn - Jun. 01, 2023


You know how Dimension changed modes through a rotating part? What about a bit that changed modes once it hits the Gear ridge? There's a ton of possibilities of different mode changes that could happen!!

RE: Beyblade X - Wishful Thinking and Speculation - Bey100 - Jun. 10, 2023

Maybe it’s too early too talk about this but this are 10 things I want to see in the future of Beyblade X:
1. Rubber Tips
2. Customizable Layers (Like the blade and core separate)
3. Left Spin (Most Likely will happen)
4. Beys Stay Small throughout series
5. Stadium changes eventually without remove high speed gimmick (since I’m assuming that’s the heart of X)
6. Anime too be a little more mature
7. Beyblade X only has about 4 seasons
8. Beys don’t have too crazy gimmicks (Of course I still want the beys to be creative but don’t need another Barrier like Lucifer or bare trap like Raphael lol)
9. Customizable Bits (This is something I kind of wish we saw in burst so hopefully X delivers on this)
10. Last but not least I hope everything or at least most things on this list happen!

RE: Beyblade X - Wishful Thinking and Speculation - icefang - Jun. 10, 2023

I hope there's eventually a retail version of Cobalt Drake. Even if it's not the original color, I just really want that blade.

RE: Beyblade X - Wishful Thinking and Speculation - ayggdrasilgy - Jun. 10, 2023

I don't know if this will be controversial or not beut as a Stamina type hardcore fan I wish for a few things:

1) D, SD, WD esque tips. We get that fully sharp is meant for defense like in Zero-G, but if we go to that logic, D shaped tips are bound to go for Stamina types.
2) POM. I need to have either a ball shaped or D shaped POM tip.
3) Orbit and/or Atomic. If i we go by the logic of Ball shaped tips for stamina types, then we need Orbit or Atomic.
4) and the most controversial one yet BEARINGS. Yep, per the stamina type norm at least the must include a bearing integrated bit. And people wuld say is gonna break the meta  and blah, blah, blah. But here's the catch, with the X stadium and Extreme Dash feature the game has become attack centric, a bearing bit could be used as a good counter for Dash attackers.

RE: Beyblade X - Wishful Thinking and Speculation - Siⱺn - Jun. 11, 2023

Gonna speculate the lifespan of BBX, assuming TT isn't gonna permanently stick with X to legitimize it into a full on sport.

In japan, Gen 1 ran from 1999 to 2005, Gen 2 from 2008 to 2012, and Gen 3 from 2015 to 2022. Factoring in Hasbro releases, Gen 1 stays the same, Gen 2 gets extended to 2014, and Gen 3 gets extended to 2023.

Using this info, we can assume that the average beyblade generation lasts about 5-7 years or so.

If we are gonna assume BBX is gonna follow this pattern, I estimate X will conclude some time around 2029. However, Whether or not Takara Tomy intends to keep thus generational model or not has yet to be proven. It might be in TT's interest to keep beyblade X as a permanent mainstay for the sake of continuity and preserve the lifespan of this generation through whatever means possible.

I personally hope we see more customization options without re-inventing the whole top every season. I personally hope customization in gen x will be as nuanced as gen 1 while having nomenclature as simple as MFB. Now THAT would be something special indeed.

RE: Beyblade X - Wishful Thinking and Speculation - Siⱺn - Jun. 11, 2023

(Jun. 10, 2023  7:35 PM)ayggdrasilgy Wrote: I don't know if this will be controversial or not beut as a Stamina type hardcore fan I wish for a few things:

1) D, SD, WD esque tips. We get that fully sharp is meant for defense like in Zero-G, but if we go to that logic, D shaped tips are bound to go for Stamina types.
2) POM. I need to have either a ball shaped or D shaped POM tip.
3) Orbit and/or Atomic. If i we go by the logic of Ball shaped tips for stamina types, then we need Orbit or Atomic.
4) and the most controversial one yet BEARINGS. Yep, per the stamina type norm at least the must include a bearing integrated bit. And people wuld say is gonna break the meta  and blah, blah, blah. But here's the catch, with the X stadium and Extreme Dash feature the game has become attack centric, a bearing bit could be used as a good counter for Dash attackers.

I agree with POM bits and an orbit type bit -assuming the new system permits it. For stamina purposes these bits would be pretty important.

I'm personally on the fence with WD type tips, and ESPECIALLY bearings. Ideally, a defense type should stonewall an attacker a good 3/4 to 4/5 of the time, but not have enough stamina to outcompete a stamina type.

The goal of a defense type should be to hold ground against an attack type and not get knocked out, while the goal of a stamina type is to be capable for spinning as long as possible, which is often at the cost of being knocked around much more easily. Something X needs to and absolutely should do is to make sure that each bey type can be cleanly and concisely defined.

At least in my eyes, Stamina types should spin the longest but pose a higher risk of getting knocked out as a result. Likewise, stamina types should naturally have enough stamina to outspan defense types, which I think X does well; The attack meta will encourage more people to use defense, but then the opponent can pull out a stamina type and, well, the rest is history. If you end up having a situation where stamina types have more defense than defense types or defense types having more stamina than stamina types, then we end up to where the previous two generations ended with low risk combos that are only resolved by the quality of the bearings and the strength of the user.

tl;dr: I'm fine with what you said as long as it stamina types can still be defeated by an attack type.

RE: Beyblade X - Wishful Thinking and Speculation - Bey100 - Jun. 11, 2023

(Jun. 11, 2023  9:20 AM)Siⱺn Wrote: Gonna speculate the lifespan of BBX, assuming TT isn't gonna permanently stick with X to legitimize it into a full on sport.

In japan, Gen 1 ran from 1999 to 2005, Gen 2 from 2008 to 2012, and Gen 3 from 2015 to 2022. Factoring in Hasbro releases, Gen 1 stays the same, Gen 2 gets extended to 2014, and Gen 3 gets extended to 2023.

Using this info, we can assume that the average beyblade generation lasts about 5-7 years or so.

If we are gonna assume BBX is gonna follow this pattern, I estimate X will conclude some time around 2029. However, Whether or not Takara Tomy intends to keep thus generational model or not has yet to be proven. It might be in TT's interest to keep beyblade X as a permanent mainstay for the sake of continuity and preserve the lifespan of this generation through whatever means possible.

I personally hope we see more customization options without re-inventing the whole top every season. I personally hope customization in gen x will be as nuanced as gen 1 while having nomenclature as simple as MFB. Now THAT would be something special indeed.
It’s lifespan depends on how successful it is, if it’s very popular in Japan then It’ll go on for a while but if it’s not a hit then it could end sooner rather than later. Let’s say things go well: 
Beyblade Gen 1 (1999 - 2005)
Beyblade Gen 2 (2008 - 2014)
Beyblade Gen 3 (2015 - 2023)
Beyblade Gen 4 (2023 - 2030?)

RE: Beyblade X - Wishful Thinking and Speculation - ayggdrasilgy - Jun. 11, 2023

(Jun. 11, 2023  9:49 AM)Siⱺn Wrote:
(Jun. 10, 2023  7:35 PM)ayggdrasilgy Wrote: I don't know if this will be controversial or not beut as a Stamina type hardcore fan I wish for a few things:

1) D, SD, WD esque tips. We get that fully sharp is meant for defense like in Zero-G, but if we go to that logic, D shaped tips are bound to go for Stamina types.
2) POM. I need to have either a ball shaped or D shaped POM tip.
3) Orbit and/or Atomic. If i we go by the logic of Ball shaped tips for stamina types, then we need Orbit or Atomic.
4) and the most controversial one yet BEARINGS. Yep, per the stamina type norm at least the must include a bearing integrated bit. And people wuld say is gonna break the meta  and blah, blah, blah. But here's the catch, with the X stadium and Extreme Dash feature the game has become attack centric, a bearing bit could be used as a good counter for Dash attackers.

I agree with POM bits and an orbit type bit -assuming the new system permits it. For stamina purposes these bits would be pretty important.

I'm personally on the fence with WD type tips, and ESPECIALLY bearings. Ideally, a defense type should stonewall an attacker a good 3/4 to 4/5 of the time, but not have enough stamina to outcompete a stamina type.  

The goal of a defense type should be to hold ground against an attack type and not get knocked out, while the goal of a stamina type is to be capable for spinning as long as possible, which is often at the cost of being knocked around much more easily. Something X needs to and absolutely should do is to make sure that each bey type can be cleanly and concisely defined.

At least in my eyes, Stamina types should spin the longest but pose a higher risk of getting knocked out as a result. Likewise, stamina types should naturally have enough stamina to outspan defense types, which I think X does well; The attack meta will encourage more people to use defense, but then the opponent can pull out a stamina type and, well, the rest is history. If you end up having a situation where stamina types have more defense than defense types or defense types having more stamina than stamina types, then we end up to where the previous two generations ended with low risk combos that are only resolved by the quality of the bearings and the strength of the user.

tl;dr: I'm fine with what you said as long as it stamina types can still be defeated by an attack type.

Well, yeah. Don't wanna do a Bearing Drift situation. In my mind I imagine a Bearing bit to look like Wolborg's SG Bearing Base so that the gear bit are stationary, that way the bearing bit would be a double edge sword if it gets knocked away and triggers the extreme dash, if it manages to prevent the over finish the amount of loss in stamina can prevent many out spins. Plus, the smaller surface area reduces LAD so the meta would be more balanced.

Onto the D type series. I think the only one not allowed would be WD and their variants, not only because of the stamina and LAD but because it wouldn't be able to use extreme dash.

RE: Beyblade X - Wishful Thinking and Speculation - Bey100 - Jun. 13, 2023

5 Things I would do if I were in charge of Beyblade X:
1 - Make Beyblade X Only 4 Season
2 - Anime will be for everyone not just kids
3 - Anime be a little more closer to manga
4 - Market new beys a lot bigger
5 - Do more collaborations with other companies (Special Beys, anime cameos and etc)

RE: Beyblade X - Wishful Thinking and Speculation - Take it easy! - Jun. 15, 2023

From the first chapter of Beyblade X manga we know that Chrome Ryugu doesn't own Dran Sword. Instead, he borrowed it from X Kurosu.
So I'm assuming Ryugu will own a left rotating bey and of course, a dragon.
Cause why not? His name is Ryugu after all.

RE: Beyblade X - Wishful Thinking and Speculation - Bey100 - Jun. 15, 2023

(Jun. 15, 2023  2:51 PM)Take it easy! Wrote: From the first chapter of Beyblade X manga we know that Chrome Ryugu doesn't own Dran Sword. Instead, he borrowed it from X Kurosu.
So I'm assuming Ryugu will own a left rotating bey and of course, a dragon.
Cause why not? His name is Ryugu after all.
Yeah very obvious Chrome will be sort of a main antagonist considering how strong he is. He basically gonna be he Ryuga or Lui of this Gen lol

RE: Beyblade X - Wishful Thinking and Speculation - Bey100 - Jun. 26, 2023

To revive this thread here’s my hopes for the upcoming years of Beyblade:
Then for 2029 I would actually want a hiatus.

RE: Beyblade X - Wishful Thinking and Speculation - End bringer - Jul. 01, 2023

When is the anime for beyblade x coming out

And is it just me or dose anyone else think that the designs for beyblade x are kinda bad???!???

RE: Beyblade X - Wishful Thinking and Speculation - Achilles25 - Jul. 01, 2023

(Jul. 01, 2023  3:53 AM)End bringer Wrote: When is the anime for beyblade x coming out

And is it just me or dose anyone else think that the designs for beyblade x are kinda bad???!???

Fall 2023 is when the anime will release.

Most likely some time in October.

RE: Beyblade X - Wishful Thinking and Speculation - RalfBalf - Jul. 01, 2023

(Jul. 01, 2023  3:53 AM)End bringer Wrote:
And is it just me or dose anyone else think that the designs for beyblade x are kinda bad???!???

They look fine, explain.(if you compare them to anything other than the very first of gens I'm voiding everything)

RE: Beyblade X - Wishful Thinking and Speculation - End bringer - Jul. 01, 2023

That true it is only the first fen but I just feel like there’s a bit to much metal and it kinda feels colorless

*gen my bad

RE: Beyblade X - Wishful Thinking and Speculation - RalfBalf - Jul. 01, 2023

(Jul. 01, 2023  4:29 PM)End bringer Wrote: That true it is only the first fen but I just feel like there’s a bit to much metal and it kinda feels colorless

*gen my bad

There’s not that much metal so I don’t know where you’re coming from, plus the beys have color everywhere else  and the choices are vibrant so I’m still not understanding. You could say they don’t have enough color, but ugly is an overstatement.

RE: Beyblade X - Wishful Thinking and Speculation - Bey100 - Jul. 01, 2023

(Jul. 01, 2023  4:29 PM)End bringer Wrote: That true it is only the first fen but I just feel like there’s a bit to much metal and it kinda feels colorless

*gen my bad
I think you’ll eventually get used to the beys as as time goes on the designs will be even better

RE: Beyblade X - Wishful Thinking and Speculation - Nerdcore - Jul. 05, 2023

Personally I love the simplistic, high color designs. Getting a better look at the 3 on 3 set with the colored ratchets makes me very excited too.

Something I haven't seen talked about that I think is a neat customization option is that the ratchet looks like you could put custom or official stickers on it and it'd give the bey some neat character. I'm hoping this is the case. Smile