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Chuck Norris - Printable Version

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RE: Chuck Norris - Roan - Dec. 23, 2010

Actually, I don't want to continue this conversation, namely because you're being incredibly belligerent and really not making any sense whatsoever.

But I will say that I find it rather offensive that you seem to think if an openly gay racist were out spitting out blatantly hateful remarks about ethnic groups or minorities or something to that effect that I wouldn't say anything about it, simply because he was gay. That's really a small-minded and rather bigoted thing to say itself.

Being gay isn't the only thing that defines me as a person, just as being white, latino or african american doesn't define anyone else as a person, so I'm really pretty shocked that you would even say such a thing. I don't stand for discrimination, period, and I sure as hell won't stand for bigoted people who are held up and glorified for it, like Chuck Norris.

RE: Chuck Norris - Thresher - Dec. 23, 2010

(Dec. 23, 2010  9:41 PM)Roan Wrote: Actually, I don't want to continue this conversation, namely because you're being incredibly belligerent and really not making any sense whatsoever.

But I will say that I find it rather offensive that you seem to think if an openly gay racist were out spitting out blatantly hateful remarks that I wouldn't say anything about it, simply because he was gay. That's really a small-minded and rather bigoted thing to say itself.

No I'm referring to an openly gam man bigoted in his homosexuality. Racism has nothing to do with it.

Chuck Norris happens to be a Christian, in America he is aloud to speak freely about his beliefs. He isn't afraid of gay people, he is just voicing his disagreement with their choice based on his own religious beliefs.

RE: Chuck Norris - Roan - Dec. 23, 2010

(Dec. 23, 2010  9:45 PM)Thresher Wrote: No I'm referring to an openly gam man bigoted in his homosexuality. Racism has nothing to do with it.

Which still makes absolutely no sense.

Care to clarify exactly what you mean?

RE: Chuck Norris - .:J:. - Dec. 23, 2010

you are also forgetting that this is a fun thread, i know alot of people don't even know the word exists, but dont ruin it for the people who spent time typing and posting jokes which some people dont understand... also momiji can be the only person to do so as he really doesn't find them funny... also some words used on this page are not allowed...

RE: Chuck Norris - Thresher - Dec. 23, 2010

(Dec. 23, 2010  9:47 PM)Roan Wrote:
(Dec. 23, 2010  9:45 PM)Thresher Wrote: No I'm referring to an openly gam man bigoted in his homosexuality. Racism has nothing to do with it.

Which still makes absolutely no sense.

Care to clarify exactly what you mean?

A gay person who is "a prejudiced person who is intolerant of any opinions differing from his own".

RE: Chuck Norris - Roan - Dec. 23, 2010

(Dec. 23, 2010  9:48 PM)Nwolf Wrote: also some words used on this page are not allowed...

There were no words in any of my or Thresher's posts that aren't allowed to be used on this board.

We aren't using the word "gay" in a derogatory or negative sense, which IS against the rules here (trust me, I should know, I was the one who wrote them!).

nwolf Wrote:you are also forgetting that this is a fun thread, i know alot of people don't even know the word exists, but dont ruin it for the people who spent time typing and posting jokes which some people dont understand

Forgive me for not relishing in the absolute hilarity of these "jokes".

Thresher Wrote:A carp who is "a prejudiced person who is intolerant of any opinions differing from his own".

I'm not sure what the "carp" is supposed to be (hooray word filter), but I see more what you mean now. I don't agree at all, but I'll leave it at that.

RE: Chuck Norris - .:J:. - Dec. 23, 2010

really what about:

'openly gay racist were out spitting out blatantly hateful remarks that I wouldn't say anything about it, simply because he was gay.'

'No I'm referring to an openly gam man bigoted in his homosexuality.'

'and I sure as hell won't stand for bigoted people who are held up and glorified for it, like Chuck Norris.'

it may not be against the rules, but it's spamming the thread and should not continue, so we should move on and i will report either of you if you carry on the discussion on a thread not related to it, and insulting people...

RE: Chuck Norris - Roan - Dec. 23, 2010

(Dec. 23, 2010  10:06 PM)Nwolf Wrote: really what about:

'openly gay racist were out spitting out blatantly hateful remarks that I wouldn't say anything about it, simply because he was gay.'

'No I'm referring to an openly gam man bigoted in his homosexuality.'

'and I sure as hell won't stand for bigoted people who are held up and glorified for it, like Chuck Norris.'

Literally every one of these examples are perfectly acceptable uses of the word -- they weren't used in any negative context or in any offensive way.

If you want to report me for spamming your thread, go right ahead, you have every right to, but don't report me for allegedly using words that are against the rules when they very clearly aren't.

RE: Chuck Norris - Dude - Dec. 23, 2010

Funny, I thought we were talking about Chuck Norris, but we've somehow derived into gay talk? How boring.

My favourite Chuck Norris movie is 'Invasion U.S.A' because it's just awesomely stupid.

RE: Chuck Norris - Dan - Dec. 23, 2010

Chuck Norris' tears cure Cancer, too bad he never cries.

RE: Chuck Norris - .:J:. - Dec. 23, 2010

it's not my thread, i just don't think that it should carry on. it's not fair on the other people who read this thread. also the discussion is not really a nice one. if you wish to carry on, do not do such here please, find another way.

RE: Chuck Norris - Amaterasu - Dec. 23, 2010

ANyone who says chuck norris beats blader dj and can beat anyone is wrong.BLADER DJ FOREVER.
but chuck norris isnt that awesome

chuck norris once made a deal with the devil. it was that he wouldnt send the devil to hell

RE: Chuck Norris - Roan - Dec. 23, 2010

(Dec. 23, 2010  10:14 PM)Nwolf Wrote: it's not my thread, i just don't think that it should carry on. it's not fair on the other people who read this thread. also the discussion is not really a nice one. if you wish to carry on, do not do such here please, find another way.

Don't worry, it's done. I'll leave you all alone.

RE: Chuck Norris - Thresher - Dec. 23, 2010

(Dec. 23, 2010  10:14 PM)Nwolf Wrote: it's not my thread, i just don't think that it should carry on. it's not fair on the other people who read this thread. also the discussion is not really a nice one. if you wish to carry on, do not do such here please, find another way.

Pay attention, that conversation is over, all you are doing is reviving it. You are the only reason it is carrying on so if you want to report somebody, report yourself.[/discussion]
Edit: I'm using an IPhone, so I started typing before Roan but finished after he did. It is also the reason behind my atrocious spelling and grammar.

I love how so many of the Chuck Norris jokes would actually offend him if he actually read them. There are a large number of jokes not safe for this site that would make him cringe.

RE: Chuck Norris - .:J:. - Dec. 23, 2010


If a tree falls in the forest, does anybody hear? Yes. Chuck Norris hears it. Chuck Norris can hear everything. Chuck Norris can hear the shrieking terror in your soul.

Chuck Norris finds it impossible to understand the concept of impossibility.

Chuck Norris uses Molten Lava as Mouthwash

King Kong climbed the Empire State Building because Chuck Norris was waiting at the bottom

The song "What if God was one of us" was Chuck's way of trying to tell us something

Chuck Norris faced the Elite Four with nothing but a level 18 Magicarp; its Splash KO'd all 26 Pokemon at once

When Chuck Norris jumps into the water he doesnt get wet the water gets Chuck Norrised

The first time Chuck Norris won a game of poker was when his apponant reaveled his full house; then Chuck Norris reaveled his roundhouse.

Chuck Norris has a heart of a lion. In a bottle. In his shed.

Chuck Norris made all the colours of the rainbow, except pink: Tom Cruise made pink.

Godzilla was Chuck Norris' pet fish

Chuck Norris once needed a blood transfusion but they were all out of Kevlar

Chuck Norris doesn't have to sleep with one eye open; he can see through his eyelids

Planet Earth doesn't spin on its own, it spins as Chuck walks.

Chuck Norris sold his soul to the Devil. The Devil couldn't deal with it's power and gave it back along with a lifetime pass to heaven.

Chuck Norris doesn't need a GPS. Chuck Norris decides where he is.

Chuck Norris drew a triangle with four sides.

People say the universe was created by the Big Bang...but it was actually just Chuck Norris buying a house from God.

Chuck Norris can eat one pringle.

Chuck Norris is the reason why the three mice are blind.

RE: Chuck Norris - Thresher - Dec. 23, 2010

Chuck Norris owns the greatest Poker Face of all-time. It helped him win the 1983 World Series of Poker despite him holding just a Joker, a Get out of Jail Free Monopoly card, a 2 of clubs, 7 of spades and a green #4 card from the game Uno.

Chuck Norris was originally cast as the main character in 24, but was replaced by the producers when he managed to kill every terrorist and save the day in 12 minutes and 37 seconds.

In 1991, Chuck Norris shot a 14 on an 18 hole golf course, falling short of his personal best by 2 strokes.

The best part of waking up is not Folgers in your cup, but knowing that Chuck Norris didn't kill you in your sleep.

When Chuck Norris gives you the finger, he's telling you how many seconds you have left to live

Chuck Norris does not hunt because the word hunting implies the possibility of failure. Chuck Norris goes killing.

Bill Gates lives in constant fear that Chuck Norris' PC will crash.

Chuck Norris was once on Celebrity Wheel of Fortune and was the first to spin. The next 29 minutes of the show consisted of everyone standing around awkwardly, waiting for the wheel to stop.

Chuck Norris was once charged with three attempted murdered in Boulder County, but the Judge quickly dropped the charges because Chuck Norris does not "attempt" murder.

Chuck Norris sold his soul to the devil for his rugged good looks and unparalleled martial arts ability. Shortly after the transaction was finalized, Chuck roundhouse kicked the devil in the face and took his soul back. The devil, who appreciates irony, couldn't stay mad and admitted he should have seen it coming. They now play poker every second Wednesday of the month.

RE: Chuck Norris - Delta Bladerâ„¢ - Jan. 01, 2011

Chuck Norris won the Game.

The reason Hasbro released String Launchers is because Chuck Norris will get mad if they didn't.

I bumped this thread because Chuck Norris will roundhouse kick me if I don't bask in his glory.

The last time someone used Chuck Norris in a sentence with Justin Bieber in it, they died.

In the year 2016, the goverment will unleash a new supersoilder program called the "NORRIS" All soliders are given a droplet of Chuck Norris blood
Cancel rating

Chuck Norris attached a moderator notice to this post. (Today 12:32 AM)

User was roundhouse kicked for this post.

RE: Chuck Norris - .:J:. - Jan. 02, 2011

ha i love how chuck norris can round house kick someone on the internet! anyway:

[Image: chuck_norris.jpg]

the person who did this was later roundhouse kicked continually in the face by Chuck Norris smashing a hole in the space-time continu-um and making sure that his mother never met his father and made them hate eacth other by roundhouse kicking them off the empire state building morphed and disquised to look like the other...

never impersonate chuck norris or you may not ever realize you don't exist...

RE: Chuck Norris - Thresher - Jan. 03, 2011

Ghosts are actually caused by Chuck Norris killing people faster than Death can process them.

Chuck Norris can build a snowman out of rain.

Chuck Norris is the only person on the planet that can kick you in the back of the face.

When Chuck Norris looks in a mirror the mirror shatters, because not even glass is stupid enough to get in between Chuck Norris and Chuck Norris.

RE: Chuck Norris - AxBlader - Feb. 27, 2011

Some kids write with their urine in the snow,
well Chuck Norris does the same in concrete.

RE: Chuck Norris - ƛnubis - Mar. 06, 2011

Children check their closet for the boogyman but the boogy man checks his closet for chuck norris

RE: Chuck Norris - Annoying-Fork - Mar. 06, 2011

Chuck Norris turns bacon into lettuce. That's how superior he is.

RE: Chuck Norris - Epic Blader - Mar. 06, 2011,r:12,s:0

LOL Smile

RE: Chuck Norris - omegazero - Mar. 06, 2011

before chuck norris was born he kicked his moms kidney for practice.

chuck norris built the log cabin he was born in.

RE: Chuck Norris - Boxy ID - Mar. 06, 2011

jesus can walk on water; chuck norris can swim through land.