World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.
Reasons we should sing praises to Hasbro. - Printable Version

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RE: Reasons we should sing praises to Hasbro. - Kai-V - Aug. 20, 2010

I just cleaned things, but while reading some posts again, I think everything has been stated already, seriously, hah.

RE: Reasons we should sing praises to Hasbro. - GeneralHawx - Aug. 20, 2010

Whoa Kai-V haha you deleted a whole page worth of content

RE: Reasons we should sing praises to Hasbro. - Kai Hiwatari - Aug. 20, 2010

It is very rare that i dislike anything about Hasbro.
Maybe they change a name here and there or maybe they switch something on a Beyblade to something not as good, but for the most part I am alright with Hasbro.

The one thing I dislike about Hasbro is their Stadium Designs.

RE: Reasons we should sing praises to Hasbro. - Cye Kinomiya - Aug. 20, 2010

Hasbro stickers are way more long lasting!
I think my main problem with Hasbro is the way they marketed beyblade. The general consensus in the States is that beyblade is a game of pure luck. When Takara released beyblade they made it a point to market it in a way that the kids new there was a strategy.

RE: Reasons we should sing praises to Hasbro. - 桃太郎 - Aug. 22, 2010

The restrengthening of the Beyblade materials and fixing flaws of Bey products have always been the things I loved about Hasbro Beyblades. Unfortunately, the Beys are the only things that I want from them.

RE: Reasons we should sing praises to Hasbro. - xCiegex - Aug. 22, 2010

Hasbro got me back into beyblades when they released them about a month ago. I discovered this site then discovered TT 's metal fight beyblades. Sure TT's beyblades look cooler, however hasbro didn't ruin beyblades they made better quality blades in my opinion. Yes there stadiums suck so order one from japan instead of complaining about it.

RE: Reasons we should sing praises to Hasbro. - TraceKaiser - Aug. 22, 2010

How can Takara's blades look cooler? Unless you're talking about any exclusive recolours, that have only been released in Japan, they're exactly the same...

RE: Reasons we should sing praises to Hasbro. - Jaems1 - Aug. 22, 2010

(Aug. 20, 2010  3:13 AM)♥ Wrote: without hasbro, none of us would ever have discovered bey and be enjoying it right now

true / false


never in my life have i bought a hasbro beyblade, simply because of the late releases they did. and while hasbro was still in regular plastic gen, i was playing with magnets; and so on.
i've never owned any hasbro beyblade product what so ever because i always go back to my own country on holiday just to buy the beyblades and accessories.

and the only thing that got me into beyblade was the anime, which is licensed by Nelvana.

RE: Reasons we should sing praises to Hasbro. - Daegor42 - Aug. 22, 2010

(Aug. 22, 2010  7:14 PM)Jaems Wrote: and the only thing that got me into beyblade was the anime, which is licensed by Nelvana.

Which only licensed it because Hasbro picked up the toyline...

RE: Reasons we should sing praises to Hasbro. - Jaems1 - Aug. 22, 2010

(Aug. 22, 2010  7:42 PM)Daegor42 Wrote: Which only licensed it because Hasbro picked up the toyline...

so your saying that the toy came before the anime (in the west)? makes me hate it even more then..

RE: Reasons we should sing praises to Hasbro. - Mc Frown - Aug. 22, 2010


Totally thought his post suggested the anime brought the toy here :V

RE: Reasons we should sing praises to Hasbro. - Daegor42 - Aug. 22, 2010

(Aug. 22, 2010  7:46 PM)Jaems Wrote: so your saying that the toy came before the anime (in the west)? makes me hate it even more then..

That was my understanding.

And if you hate Hasbro, fine. That's your opinion. I'm just saying without Hasbro, you probably wouldn't have even heard of Beyblade.

(Aug. 22, 2010  7:49 PM)Mc Frown Wrote: Other way around : V

Ah, my bad then.

RE: Reasons we should sing praises to Hasbro. - Jaems1 - Aug. 22, 2010

i would have still known BB lol.. just few months later than expected.

and it made sense that the anime would come before the toy, that was (still is) their biggest advertisement.

RE: Reasons we should sing praises to Hasbro. - Mc Frown - Aug. 22, 2010

It has the worst time slot ever. There are no commercials for it.
The anime is in no way their biggest advertiser.

RE: Reasons we should sing praises to Hasbro. - Jaems1 - Aug. 22, 2010

(Aug. 22, 2010  7:55 PM)Mc Frown Wrote: It has the worst time slot ever. There are no commercials for it.
The anime is in no way their biggest advertiser.

not sure about nowadays (because i don't have a television; who needs it when you have the internetz) but plastic generation (in the west) i would say yes it was because you get all the news of the most popular releases from the anime (if you didn't browse the net at that time). the only time when they'd advertise more beyblade on western tv was when new gimmicks came out, via magnet and gear spin thingy.

being said this is/was like pokemon (not sure if you were too young to have the old pokemon fad). when everyone was just buying the cards/game because of the TV anime.

RE: Reasons we should sing praises to Hasbro. - Ultra - Aug. 22, 2010

Can you just stop? If you really want to hate hasbro why don't you comment in the thread for that by Shadowpegasis? It's unecessary and depressing.

RE: Reasons we should sing praises to Hasbro. - Jaems1 - Aug. 22, 2010

there was no hate in my previous message, just stating what i saw in the old days Smile

and aye i'll stop now.

EDIT: btw don't misjudge me too much; just because i don't like Hasbro, it doesn't mean i don't appreciate how they've made the beyblade with stronger materials (even though i dont' own any hasbro blades).

RE: Reasons we should sing praises to Hasbro. - xCiegex - Aug. 23, 2010

(Aug. 22, 2010  6:55 PM)TraceKaiser Wrote: How can Takara's blades look cooler? Unless you're talking about any exclusive recolours, that have only been released in Japan, they're exactly the same...

the pre hybrid wheel system japanese blades obviously not the same ones.

RE: Reasons we should sing praises to Hasbro. - Mc Frown - Aug. 23, 2010

Um, their blades don't look cooler, Hasbro just didn't release them.
Besides plastic Phantom Force series > anything Takara Tomy made.

RE: Reasons we should sing praises to Hasbro. - Inkubinu - Aug. 23, 2010

I love the hasbro blades but hate the statiums that they made but I am happy I actuilly have a statium!

RE: Reasons we should sing praises to Hasbro. - Munkerz - Aug. 23, 2010

Well my brother found my stash of blades the other day, and we got into it again. So I figured I'd try some Hasbro blades... and get a stadium (I reeeeaaaaally needed one).
The blades are good, and I like the grips on the launchers; and the stadium is better than a lot of their old ones, but still not great.

I probably wouldn't have know about Beyblade without Hasbro, and for that both praise and curse them. As a 12-or-so year old, I got really into the hobby, and looked up communities. Through them I discovered the full extent of the hobby, and it became a massive money sink. I'm now 20 and still playing on occasion.

RE: Reasons we should sing praises to Hasbro. - Bey Brad - Aug. 23, 2010

Great post. And I didn't know about Takara-Tomy until a few months after I got into Beyblade. For sure, keep complaining, send your suggestions along to Hasbro, but keep it in perspective. Takara-Tomy screws up sometimes, too.

RE: Reasons we should sing praises to Hasbro. - adiennika24 - Aug. 29, 2010

hasbro is great when it comes to beys,
and are amazing when it comes to making sure there is no rare bey(unless they do a jew one of a kinda painted tourn bey like they did in canada way back in the day,they released that beys parts after just not that paint)
then the stadium, they get abused and mistreated and still suck, but we are americans we use the kitchen sink if we have to

edit: i may have necromanced the thread but its worth it

RE: Reasons we should sing praises to Hasbro. - LeonTempest - Aug. 30, 2010

compared to TT, Hasbro has always made crappy stadiums, made other crappy misc products, changed bey names, replaced certain parts with crappier ones, and has not released certain color variants or certain beys (4 layer MFB for example) or bey parts

On the positive side, Hasbro has always improved plastic molds for the better, made Jumping Base an actual bey, made thier own special color variants of beys, and in terms of MFB Hasbro created more variants without the need for customization (beys like Rock Aquario for example)

its a 50/50. hasbro has many pros and cons that in the end, equal out

RE: Reasons we should sing praises to Hasbro. - FlameDragon25 - Aug. 30, 2010

Well the only thing I like about Hasbro is that they are releasing hard to get beys that were originally in random boosters like Earth Virgo or Thermal Pisces, that and the molds they give are heavier than TT or Sonokongs.