World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.
My Beyblade Website!! L00K!! - Printable Version

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RE: My Beyblade Website!! L00K!! - Zero328 - Jul. 21, 2009

(Jul. 21, 2009  8:24 PM)King II Wrote: And @ Zero328 I said wreck you IN Beyblade, meaning, I could beat him in it.

Thats a big breath you boast...

in anycase, you say you have 8 members, but only 3 of them are active. a good 60% of your forum is empty... the only selling point of your website so far is the roleplay which as far as i can see, hasn't started and lacks even a storyline... the other forums have names and no, otherwise vague, explanation if you want to attract people, at least show us something that would catch our interest, if not, something unique

RE: My Beyblade Website!! L00K!! - Minion - Jul. 21, 2009

(Jul. 21, 2009  8:37 PM)Rocky Wrote: King II, don't be hostile. You don't know of Minions skills and you shouldn't be so cocky.

Even if he is more skilled at spinning tops than me, his threats leave me un-phased.

(Jul. 21, 2009  8:06 PM)King II Wrote: Blader Jam as in Blader Jam the BBA tornament in the west coast that took place in 2004. As for my tornaments my only local members are on my street so that's self-explanatory. Also I think the Online Roleplay idea was good. And Roleplaying Beyblade in real life would just be having a beybattle right?

Also @ Minion, was that an attempt to make fun of me because I could probaly wreck you in Beyblade anyday.

I'm not in this game to dish out or receive threats, but yes, I was teasing you. When your claim to fame is being the top competitor out of 8 players, who all live on your street, you hold very little bragging rights on an international forum. I've never claimed to be an expert at the game, but I've got good parts, and I know what I'm doing. If you really want to battle me, I would be thrilled to take you on. Although your attitude leads me to believe that you are very young, and there is probably little chance of you traveling to my city. Further more, I'm not a "him".

Perhaps "Blader Jam" isn't a great name for anything not specifically related to Hasbro's Blader Jam tournaments. Sort of gives the wrong impression, no?

RE: My Beyblade Website!! L00K!! - Hiro Ayami - Jul. 21, 2009

So I had a look, frankly I think the biggest issue here is the site branching out too much. This conversation is also getting pretty off topic, and no one except brad has done a really comprehensive review yet. Seeing as I've been doing online Roleplay for 10+ years I may as well toss in a few suggestions.

You've mentioned the following features whether they're implemented or not:

- The name: Blader Jam Association doesn't really... I don't know just doesn't click. Name it after the roleplay. As it is the biggest reason this was ill received was because you presented it as another competing organization, posting it on another Organizations website forum.

- Points System: Don't do it unless it's for your roleplay ONLY. Unless you have something really important to offer, this isn't necessary.

- Wiki: Again, unless this deals with the roleplay this isn't needed. In the last three years forum roleplays have successfully integrated wiki's into their community. It has allowed players to post up backstory, stats, and the GM to have easy access rules and game history.

- General Content: I really like the idea of a Beyblade Online Roleplay, it's something I've seen come up in topic before amongst friends and passing observation alike. Large communities like Gaia Online would receive the idea well, and many roleplay forums I'm on actively recruit there. If you want discussion on the hobby on your website by all means do so, but don't make it the selling feature. You're bread and butter is your Roleplay, put your focus on that. Right now you're content is stretched thin, there's no focus therefore not enough draw for anyone to pick an area of interest.

If you do happen to want o run your site as a more indepth roleplay site, I can help you establish rules, a storyline, and a gameplay system. And I know I'm pushing for roleplay a lot here but really, I don't see what else you could offer that the WBO doesn't already have right from the get-go. Sure you could build up but first you'll need a user base, to get that user base you need something to draw them in.

RE: My Beyblade Website!! L00K!! - Zero328 - Jul. 22, 2009

This may sound a bit harsh, sorry in advance...

hiro: What is there to review...? The site is empty as I mentioned before, forums don't have description or local rules so no one knows what to post in them. The wiki is a far off idea for them, if you went into RP profiles, some parts haven't even been properly identified. as for the roleplay, great idea, but there are already a handful out there, this particular one has no storyline as of yet, not to mention the character sheet required far less than what most other RPs would have requires, which might i add, is actually necessary to ensure that newcomers would not ruin the quality of the RP. Its not a good idea to push for an RP forum unless you readily have a team of good mods ready for it... although you're quite right, its possibly the only selling point that this site could have for starting off, unless someone has another revolutionary idea...

EDIT: Oh, forgot to mention, points systembased on posts is often bad no matter how good it is, reason being it leads to spam

PS - If you really turn it heavily RP based, you best start thinking whether it will follow cannon or it will be completely original (ie - parallel but different) but for the purpose of a RP, a small database of the different available parts and their general use will be useful, an in depth wiki is thinking too big

RE: My Beyblade Website!! L00K!! - Pepe le Penguin - Jul. 22, 2009

Well, I made an account for the heck of it. If for some reason when I get on WBO and there's nothing I'm really interested in, I can go to BJA if I'm bored.

RE: My Beyblade Website!! L00K!! - - Jul. 22, 2009

(Jul. 21, 2009  9:05 PM)Minion Wrote: Even if he is more skilled at spinning tops than me, his threats leave me un-phased.

From what i've seen, you're pretty good. Accept carp from no one.

Also, Bey RP....
Interesting. I suppose it depends heavily on what you are first, an animegoer or a hobbyist. Left to personal decision i guess.

RE: My Beyblade Website!! L00K!! - firelord767 - Jul. 22, 2009

Insane kid under 13 is also an option. They take there role playing very serously. I should know.

RE: My Beyblade Website!! L00K!! - fragbait - Jul. 22, 2009

I don't see how having another Beyblade site on the net could hurt. More power to ya, kid. Although I agree with the sentiment that you should focus on the RP overall.

RE: My Beyblade Website!! L00K!! - Ronald - Jul. 22, 2009

I think we should just see how the thing plays out

RE: My Beyblade Website!! L00K!! - ReallyRandomTJ - Jul. 22, 2009

Theres a forum i know on the internet that you have to register the character(s) your going to roleplay as and it has to be accepted 1st and its just for the fun of Beyblade roleplays. which i love. i would have made a roleplay thread on Wbo... but i didnt know if it would be popular or it would become a closed thread. Uncertain

Plus i dunno how many members on Wbo do Online Beyblade Roleplays.

RE: My Beyblade Website!! L00K!! - Pepe le Penguin - Jul. 22, 2009

The only thing I would drop would be trying to do another wiki. Other then that, I think it is ok.

RE: My Beyblade Website!! L00K!! - KING - Jul. 22, 2009

i registered

RE: My Beyblade Website!! L00K!! - Giga - Jul. 22, 2009

KING registered on King IIs site? Shocker. Anyway, I agree with Pepe doing another wiki without pretty much plagiarising (sp) anyone who has written on our wiki will lead to false information.

RE: My Beyblade Website!! L00K!! - Kiiing - Jul. 22, 2009

(Jul. 21, 2009  11:32 PM)Hiro Ayami Wrote: So I had a look, frankly I think the biggest issue here is the site branching out too much. This conversation is also getting pretty off topic, and no one except brad has done a really comprehensive review yet. Seeing as I've been doing online Roleplay for 10+ years I may as well toss in a few suggestions.

You've mentioned the following features whether they're implemented or not:

- The name: Blader Jam Association doesn't really... I don't know just doesn't click. Name it after the roleplay. As it is the biggest reason this was ill received was because you presented it as another competing organization, posting it on another Organizations website forum.

- Points System: Don't do it unless it's for your roleplay ONLY. Unless you have something really important to offer, this isn't necessary.

- Wiki: Again, unless this deals with the roleplay this isn't needed. In the last three years forum roleplays have successfully integrated wiki's into their community. It has allowed players to post up backstory, stats, and the GM to have easy access rules and game history.

- General Content: I really like the idea of a Beyblade Online Roleplay, it's something I've seen come up in topic before amongst friends and passing observation alike. Large communities like Gaia Online would receive the idea well, and many roleplay forums I'm on actively recruit there. If you want discussion on the hobby on your website by all means do so, but don't make it the selling feature. You're bread and butter is your Roleplay, put your focus on that. Right now you're content is stretched thin, there's no focus therefore not enough draw for anyone to pick an area of interest.

If you do happen to want o run your site as a more indepth roleplay site, I can help you establish rules, a storyline, and a gameplay system. And I know I'm pushing for roleplay a lot here but really, I don't see what else you could offer that the WBO doesn't already have right from the get-go. Sure you could build up but first you'll need a user base, to get that user base you need something to draw them in.

Thanks for the review! I'll take you up on your offer for you to help me out with the RP. Just sign up and I'll Mod you so you can start helping.

RE: My Beyblade Website!! L00K!! - BeyUK-Espio - Jul. 22, 2009

As well as competing with WBO, you will also be going against myself ( and Kai-V (Beyblade Spirit). All three of these sites are very large and have had extensive work made on them. Not telling you to just drop it, but you will need to put a lot into to make it successful.

RE: My Beyblade Website!! L00K!! - MuchWow - Jul. 22, 2009

this site was made in a time when we all needed a site to gather the bladers and form this awesome community. so why do you want to make one to devide the community??? there is really no point imo

RE: My Beyblade Website!! L00K!! - MIXY Blader - Jul. 22, 2009

hey dude, i joined up to your website with the same user name as on here Smile

RE: My Beyblade Website!! L00K!! - The_General - Jul. 22, 2009

(Jul. 22, 2009  10:52 PM)pegasis Wrote: this site was made in a time when we all needed a site to gather the bladers and form this awesome community. so why do you want to make one to devide the community??? there is really no point imo

Although I won't be joining the site, I don't see how a site that is specializing in Role Playing would divide this community. Theres a few bells and whistles for the site that I would personally drop, but I don't see why King II is catching so much heat. How about people just give him an opinion instead of tossing around these would be conspiracy theories of "dividing" the beyblade community.

The more the merrier when it comes to websites dedicated to Beyblade, because each site has something that will appeal to various groups and individuals. Sorry for being so long winded, but I think it's immature for everyone to just presume he won't be just as dedicated as all the other's who run their own websites. That kind of attitude is going to divide the community, how about we worry about that instead?

RE: My Beyblade Website!! L00K!! - Bey Brad - Jul. 22, 2009

I think people's feelings that he's not that dedicated have more to do with the fact that the site literally has nothing on it. When I launched this website I'd made a bunch of topics of discussion and written articles on Beywiki so there'd actually be some content worth discussing.

RE: My Beyblade Website!! L00K!! - BladeBee - Jul. 23, 2009

He is just trying to help the Bey Community but you guys just go saying "u will fail because our sites are better have offer more" (well they Do and are XD,Im not gonna disagree with that) But with a bit of work he can make it better,not as good was WBO Or BeyUK or Beybladespirit,But it could be decent

Most posts I see in this topic is Stuff about stealing members,taking members.but did he ever say he wanted to take away members,or outdo any site?

RE: My Beyblade Website!! L00K!! - Bey Brad - Jul. 23, 2009

I think the problem is there is just literally nothing on his site right now, so what are we supposed to talk about?

RE: My Beyblade Website!! L00K!! - Kiiing - Jul. 23, 2009

If people join mabey there will be something to talk about.

RE: My Beyblade Website!! L00K!! - Giga - Jul. 23, 2009

You see thats the cycle

People join > Something to talk about > People join

People won't join unless YOU make a worthy discussion in the first place.

RE: My Beyblade Website!! L00K!! - Minion - Jul. 23, 2009

I just don't have the time to check multiple forums about the same topics. The WBO is one of two forums I use with any frequency.

RE: My Beyblade Website!! L00K!! - Dude - Jul. 23, 2009

I don't see why people are opposing his website so much. I already have like twenty forums I have to check and be active on, so I won't register, but what's all this talk about "dividing the beyblade community"?

Just let him do his thing, it probably won't work out anyway, if everyone acts like that. Let the topic die away within the older pages of this forum.