World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.
Battle Strikers Review - Printable Version

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RE: Battle Strikers Review - ambassador - Jul. 30, 2009

You can also hit the top of the launcher to release the strikers, or if you're battling, you can have the two launchers collide with each other and that will release them simultaneously Smile

Thanks for all your in-depth product reviews- they are much appreciated by our brand and development teams!


RE: Battle Strikers Review - Spinster - Jul. 30, 2009

I found that hitting the top of the launcher didn't work very well for mine. I really had to wail on the thing, and was a little worried I'd break it...

RE: Battle Strikers Review - Crimson - Jul. 30, 2009

I found that as well.
I didn't want to hit the launcher too hard, because I'm of course paranoid of breaking the thing. but I just wasn't hitting it hard enough to really release the tops.

I just found that thrusting it forward/down/to the side was a much easier solution.

RE: Battle Strikers Review - Minion - Jul. 31, 2009

(Jul. 30, 2009  10:31 PM)Crimson Wrote: I found that as well.
I didn't want to hit the launcher too hard, because I'm of course paranoid of breaking the thing. but I just wasn't hitting it hard enough to really release the tops.

I just found that thrusting it forward/down/to the side was a much easier solution.

lol I just pound away on the thing, it's made by Mega Brands after all, they're sort of meant to be durable. I mean one of the suggested launch techniques seems to be to bash your launcher into your opponent's launcher.

The thrusting/flicking method is a lot easier on the hand though Tongue_out

I've been having fun trying out random objects as tips, or flipping the tips upside down. None of my marbles are the right size, sadly. I was really hoping to achieve a lighter ball tip.

RE: Battle Strikers Review - Jsc - Aug. 01, 2009

I just went to K-mart and found a Tsunami. I cant control it for anythingbecause it has the semi flat one. I Trust that Skullor will work with the Metal ball... But I cant control this one for anything

RE: Battle Strikers Review - Pich - Aug. 02, 2009

Mehh, I just punch the launcher and it works fine for me. I haven't had much of a problem with getting them to go where I went them too, though... Dunno why. I think that Spinsters idea for the reverse polarity magnets in the "cuff" is a very good idea. I've accidentaly picked up my battle striker way too much while trying to control it. XD The launcher idea was great as well.

RE: Battle Strikers Review - Aikemi - Aug. 02, 2009

I tried using calcite as opposed to the finger magnet. I found that "pushing" the striker was much harder to do than pulling. I had just about no control and it came to be annoying.

When pulling it, I had 110% control of dragonblaze (flat tip) without having to get close enough to pick it up, but the spin time suffered just as much.

I also found that making it spin longes with the launcher didn`t work too well, either. Other than that, these are a pretty good toy that I can see many children buying Grin.

RE: Battle Strikers Review - kaiserEXE - Aug. 02, 2009

so....when will it come to asian countries like Singapore?

RE: Battle Strikers Review - Dirge - Aug. 02, 2009

I had a look at videos of these they seem kinda intresting
they look abit on the slow side tho Uncertain

RE: Battle Strikers Review - Neku2 - Aug. 02, 2009

My thoughts---
We stocked them at target this week and I picked up an arena and several tops. From what i have seen with these are pretty good. The customization is pretty good, the attack rings differ in weight, height, and shape and another attack ring sits inside of that adding more customization to the overall attack ring. The base on most of the tops are very similiar with the tips being what is most interchangable. Ex. Ball tip, bearing tip, and on...
The top itself attaches to the launcher via magnets and is launched electronically (takes double A's) I was thinking that the tops would have poor launch speeds but they cant be much slower then the plastics. The battles are not as long becouse the attack rings are made of a rubbery plastic. The magnet finger control thing is okay i use it more to balance the tops when it starts to wobble then i would for attacking, you dont have to use it at all though. Overall I give these things a 4/5 they need a manual launch system but that is my only complaint. These things are wayyy better then i thought they would be. If you prefer the plastic beyblades to MFB or HMS then these might be a better alternative at 4.99 a piece. Smile

RE: Battle Strikers Review - To - Aug. 03, 2009

It would be cool if series 2 had a left spin launcher. As well as reveresed polarity. Or is series 2 too soon for that big of a change?

Also, I tried to get more, but my local Wal*Mart didn't have any. They're going through renovations so they may just have them in the back or something.

RE: Battle Strikers Review - Johnny9000 - Dec. 23, 2009

I agree with what most of the reviews say. Ive recently came across the two starters Tsunami and Dragonblaze so that is all that I can base my opinions on. I break it down into different sections to hellp make it easier for you to read and me to write.
The top- for first off the design had me stumped as I didnt find the instructions till I completed the first top so like somebody else reccomended a card with just the instructions would be nice. as for the design, it is clearly pushed towards younger kids so for my 4year old nephew it is perfect but the detail is also very nice to look at and the fact that everything is more or less interchangable makes it pretty cool to try and customize which bring me to the first real fault that I have found; what determines what? Im still confused at what determines how much control you have to what parts give you attack and what prts give you defence.. so if something could come across and say what does what I would be pretty happy.. when I saw the speed of the rotation of the tops I like many others was pretty surprised by how fast they were consdering it uses a machine to spin I was thinking half the speed. after using a BeyBlade however the battles dont seem to be as action packed and are very short in comparison.. now of course this could be a false memory because I havent used a BeyBlade or even saw one in person in atleast 5 years and sadly most of the people on this site are very helpful but hey this is the internet.
the launcher- I really have nothing bad to say about the launcher except that it doesnt make me feel like Im doing alot.. again I am comparing to BeyBlades but the fact that your strength and technique influenced so much of your outcome in BeyBlade just leave me wanting more with this launcher, however for people who havent played BeyBlades or who are younger this shouldnt be a problem and actually balances the battles alot more. as far as the launching goes, it is hard for my nephew and I personally to get our tops to launch at the same time but this could just be us. the different ways you can launch your top is pretty fun. we both started off slapping the top of the launchers and then crashing them into each other but I feel you get a better go at it if you do a quick jerk with your wrist.
the magnet- this actually bothers me, I could not and still cant controll the tops the most I can do is TRY to keep the top in one place but still most of the time I leave the magnet out of the battle.

so overall it is a pretty fun toy but does need some improvements and I would say this is a must have for children upto 10 years old. Also I realize the last post is from Augest but I am just now finding this so sorry if this is against some kind of rule

RE: Battle Strikers Review - Bey Brad - Dec. 23, 2009

Wait for Metal XS. Smile

RE: Battle Strikers Review - yusei fudo - Dec. 25, 2009

(Dec. 23, 2009  12:49 AM)Bey Brad Wrote: Wait for Metal XS. Smile


RE: Battle Strikers Review - Bey Brad - Dec. 25, 2009

(Dec. 25, 2009  5:27 AM)yusei fudo Wrote: WE HAVE BEEN WAITING LONG ENOUGH!!!!!!!!!!

You found out about it like three weeks ago Speechless

RE: Battle Strikers Review - yusei fudo - Dec. 25, 2009

(Dec. 25, 2009  5:32 AM)Bey Brad Wrote: You found out about it like three weeks ago Speechless

I am very impatient, sorry.