World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.
A New Chance at Life (crossover with Beyblade G-Revolution) - Printable Version

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RE: A New Chance at Life (crossover with Beyblade G-Revolution) - T. L-Drago 9207 - May. 23, 2012

So, how would you guys feel about me giving Rago a Bey Battle Analyzer?

RE: A New Chance at Life (crossover with Beyblade G-Revolution) - Dragoon. - May. 24, 2012

i dont find any use in giving him the bey battle analyzer, for a person who is so powerfull. o.O

RE: A New Chance at Life (crossover with Beyblade G-Revolution) - T. L-Drago 9207 - May. 24, 2012

I thought it would be cool, since these things are similar to BeyPointers! Wink

RE: A New Chance at Life (crossover with Beyblade G-Revolution) - T. L-Drago 9207 - Jun. 14, 2012

Chapter 3: New Equipment for the Child of Nemesis

(Rago POV)

From what I could tell from Tyson's remark about that short one, Daichi Sumeragi, he is a self-proclaimed #1 Blader in the world, though technically, the former is #1. Kind of reminds me of that annoying little flea known as Masamune Kadoya, who thinks he's the #1 Blader. Anyhow, I could tell that the short one is amazed by the intricate details of my Nemesis. After that little moment of awestruck, Daichi decided to challenge me to a Beyblade battle. I was about to reply, when Tyson responds, "Hey, monkey-boy, leave him alone, he just came got outta the hospital. Besides, I don't think he's got any Blading gear with him either.", as he then went into an argument with him. Monkey-boy? Must be a nickname for the short one. "In case you're wondering", Chief explains to me, "Tyson calls him that, because he can be as stubborn as a monkey. Despite this heated rivalry, they're relatively good friends.", as I nodded in understanding, also watching in amusement as the two's argument degraded into a spitting match. From what I was also told, Daichi was the son of a woodcutter named Daigoro, who puts his spirit into his work, and is also a loving father. One fateful day, there was a terrible accident involving a pile of logs, and Daigoro sacrificed his life to save his fellow woodcutters from certain death. In his dying moments, he gave his son an Attack-type Beyblade, which housed the soul of Strata Dragoon, a powerful dragon Bit-Beast. Among the people who had witness Daigoro lose his life for the lives of his peers, Daichi took it the worst (He looked up to his father with much admiration). Which reminds me...I never really knew my mother, and from what I was told by my father, she died giving birth to me. He raised me, and has put me through harsh training, preparing me for my role as the wielder of Nemesis. Also, I never had any friends in my childhood, as everyone is afraid of me. I have proven to be incredibly ruthless in battle, terrifying my peers. When it was learned that I was to be the Child of Nemesis, they locked me away in a cavern, along with three other Bladers who are also loyal to the cause of the God of Destruction; the Nemesis Bladers. Ah yes, Herschel, Cycnus, and Keyser. I'm starting to miss them already. Anyways, Tyson and the short one's spitting match, has further degraded into a beat-down, complete with a dust cloud. I watched as Chief begged them to stop fighting, to no effect. I decided to step in, activating my Legend Blader aura with a fearsome roar, causing them to stop their meaningless conflict. But, they were not the only ones; for some other people nearby had felt the ferocity of my aura of dark power, and shivered fiercely. Yet, something in the back of my mind tells me that my power is going to attract plenty of attention, especially from other Bladers, who may be eager to challenge me and my Nemesis.

(Normal POV)

Tyson and Daichi stopped fighting when they felt a really fierce sensation, and hearing Rago letting out a loud, angry growl. They turned around, and gaped at the purplish-black aura surrounding the pale-skinned, red-eyed Child of Nemesis with shock and fear. The two have also noticed that a few nearby people have also felt the darkness of Rago's aura, and shaking, too. The ebony-haired Nemesis Blader starts in a cold tone, "Now that you've stopped this bothersome debate...", while dispersing his aura, as he then continued calmly, "...Let us get some equipment." The two nodded slowly, as they continued on through town. They made it to the local Beyblade shop, and thankfully, though, BEGA membership cards are no longer required for buying Beyblade parts and gear, since Boris' ambitious plan for world domination through Beyblade was quashed. On the way to the shop, Daichi remarked to Tyson, "Hey Tyson, this guy might be as powerful as Brooklyn! I mean, did you see that thing where he made that scary aura of dark energy?!", as the latter nodded, also replying, "Yeah, I saw that. We've gotta be careful 'round Rago; We wouldn't want to see him on a bad day." They entered the shop, as the clerk greets them, "Tyson, Chief, Daichi, how can I help you guys?", at which Chief replied, "We're here to get some new equipment for Rago here."

"Sure, you name it, I've got it!", smiled the clerk, "Beyblade parts, shooters, grips, everything! Even the new Bey Battle Analyzer!", as the four looked around the store for the gear Rago would need to be able to launch Nemesis. They found him a Dual Shooter, an HMS Neo Customize Grip, and an HMS assembly tool. The three chipped in, and bought the three pieces of Blading gear for Rago. Just as the four was about to leave the shop, the clerk cried out, "Wait! Hold on a minute! Wouldn't your new friend be interested in a free gift?!", at which Rago asks, "What, pray tell, would this gift be? I already have what I needed to be able to launch my Beyblade.", as the clerk replies, "The free gift is a Bey Battle Analyzer. These things came out in the light of a new BeyPoints system established by the BBA. I hope this one can be of use to you!", as he hands the tenth Legendary Blader a black Analyzer with purple buttons, as well as a small instruction manual. "Thank you, I guess", replies Rago with a slight shrug, as he turns on the device for the first time. It chirps in a computerized voice, "Congratulations on acquiring the new Bey Battle Analyzer. Please enter your name.", as the black-haired Nemesis Blader used the buttons to enter his name. When he finished, the Bey Battle Analyzer chirped again, "This Bey Battle Analyzer is now registered to Rago. You currently have 1000 BeyPoints. As you win battles with other Bladers with Analyzers, you gain more points. You also lose points when you lose battles. In addition, there is also an assortment of mini-games for when you get bored, even a Bey Battle Simulator game that you can play against other Analyzer Bladers with. You can also win BeyPoints from this mini-game. The more BeyPoints you earn, the higher your Blader level will go. If you gain enough BeyPoints, you will level up. You can also acquire prizes from the BBA using your BeyPoints (Don't worry, your Blader level will not go down)."

"So whaddya think, Rago?", asks Daichi, at which he replies, "I like it", before asking, "Now, do you know of any other Bladers in this town who also has a Bey Battle Analyzer?"

Meanwhile, in Hell...

We see a certain purple-haired Blader running from a horde of demons, through the fiery atmosphere of Hell, seeking to escape from it, so that he would wreak his vengeance. Pluto thinks to himself, "Arrgh! When I get out of this damned place, I'll find Rago (if I can), gather new accomplices, and make another attempt at world domination! No one, not even Gingka Hagane and those Legendary Bladers, especially those traitors, Chris, Dunamis, and Aguma will stop me!", as one of the pursuing demons yell out, "Don't let that worm get away!". Pluto ran as fast as he could, with his beloved Fusion Hades in his right hand, and his launcher assembly in the left. Eventually, he made it to a chamber with a swirling, purple portal in it. "Yes...", he smiles wickedly, "This could be my ticket out of Hell!", as he drew towards the portal. "Hold it right there, Pluto!", snarled a large demon guard, drawing a wicked-looking spear that brims with demonic energy, "You will not leave this place, descent of Hades!" "Or can I?", Pluto smiles smugly, before launching his Balance-type at the demon, smashing its way through his head, leaving a bloody hole. The demon guard died instantly, as the Beyblade dutifully returned to Pluto's hand. Not wasting any more time, the purple-haired villain jumped into the portal, finally escaping from his would-be punishment.

However, this event did not go unnoticed, as it was witnessed by the Moirai through a smooth crystal ball. "This is not good, my sisters", started Clotho, "Pluto has escaped from the bowels of Hell. I know he's stubborn, but never like this!", to which Lachesis replies, "That portal might lead to the reality we've placed Rago in. That coward might try to convince Rago to go back on his word.", but Atropo reassures, "Never worry, sisters, I have sent a letter to our bloody red-eyed Blader to warn him."

Back with Tyson, Daichi, Kenny, and Rago, we see them going around the city, looking for other Bey Battle Analyzer owners to battle, when they noticed a smaller, yet similar dimensional portal open up. Out came a parchment, which Rago caught with his right hand. He opens the parchment, and reads the message inside of it. After reading it, Rago growled contemptibly, at which Daichi asks curiously, "Rago, what's the matter?" The ebony-haired Blader said nothing as he handed the red-haired woodcutter's son the message. Tyson asks him, "So what does it say, monkey-boy?", to which he replied sharply, "Lemme read it first, will ya?!", as he then looks over every word in the message, "Alright then, the message reads;

Dear Child of Nemesis,

URGENT: Your 'old friend', Pluto, has escaped from Hell, and may potentially be on his way to this reality. If you encounter him, do not listen to a word he says, he may try to convince you to go back on our deal, and you would once again make an attempt at world domination. Don't let that scoundrel try to take over this world, who knows what may happen if he did! We are also debating on whether or not to send the Nemesis Bladers to aid you against Pluto.

Until Then,

Clotho, Lachesis, and Atropo
The Fates of Ancient Greece

PS: The Nemesis Bladers, along with Johannes, had gone into hiding since your defeat, knowing that they are being hunted down for their involvement in the Nemesis Incident."

After Daichi read the letter, Tyson demands to Rago, "Alright, buddy, you've got a lot of explaining to do!", as the red-haired lumberjack's son nodded with agreement, along with Kenny.

Chapter End

A/N: Sheesh! It's about time I've put this up!

RE: A New Chance at Life (crossover with Beyblade G-Revolution) - Flash! - Jun. 14, 2012

Well it's good that you finally posted something on this story, i like it and i hope you post more frequently.

RE: A New Chance at Life (crossover with Beyblade G-Revolution) - T. L-Drago 9207 - Jun. 14, 2012

@ Das Lynx: I'll see what I can do!