World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.
Your Utopia - Printable Version

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RE: Your Utopia - drakio - Jun. 29, 2011

(Jun. 23, 2011  1:28 AM)Coasters "R" Us Wrote: -For Beyblade to be real because who wouldn't want giant animals/monsters popping out of a spinning top?!And so no one has the same bey.

I wold like it to be like the beyblade world because I don't always want a perfect world, I wold want to kick some evil butt some times Smile

RE: Your Utopia - RowDog - Jul. 02, 2011

How about a whole country with every climate and type of setting in it were you went into rampage and kill people... with the fact that you respawn when you die. In this fact it would kinda be like paintball, kinda. Shooting and maybe like ninja Naruto stuff maybe. It is like a real life videogame and you train and become better. Of course it is only one country in the world so if you didn't want to be a part of all the killing and all you could just leave and everyone would be back to normal (or the other side of my utopia).

RE: Your Utopia - Temporal - Jul. 02, 2011

I, for one, want a world where people would QUIT LOOKING DOWN ON ARENA FOOTBALL! Sure, the game is different, and there's a LOT of scoring, but saying the game is "fake" isn't fair. At least Expansion teams win in the AFL, can you say that, NFL? Nope. Otherwise, everyone would understand exactly what others say without explanations, and misunderstandings didn't happen.

RE: Your Utopia - RowDog - Jul. 04, 2011

(Jul. 02, 2011  8:47 PM)Megablader9 Wrote: I, for one, want a world where people would QUIT LOOKING DOWN ON ARENA FOOTBALL! Sure, the game is different, and there's a LOT of scoring, but saying the game is "fake" isn't fair. At least Expansion teams win in the AFL, can you say that, NFL? Nope. Otherwise, everyone would understand exactly what others say without explanations, and misunderstandings didn't happen.
That is your perfect world?

RE: Your Utopia - Temporal - Jul. 04, 2011

No, just an extension. Mine is on the first page. I just got tired of people saying "It's fake!" whwnever I brought it up. Pretty much, the EXACT opposite of the world in George Orwell's "1984" would be the perfect utopia. Maybe the opposite of Huxley's "Brave New World".

RE: Your Utopia - RowDog - Jul. 05, 2011

Sorry, I didn't see that on the first page (yeah I pretty much didn't look at all).
Some of these worlds are too perfect reversing the whole point of it. If you have said no violence, no fights (including verbal or mental) or anything like that, go back and think of all of your favourite movies, games and books. Pretty much all of them contain these things. You can't create a plot without a problem. This world is 101% problem free. There would be no thrills from rides. Even chess wouldn't exist. A world like this, even though the right morals are there, is the most boring world. Kinda more of a distopia. But it may still be your utopia.

RE: Your Utopia - Temporal - Jul. 05, 2011

The problem with "Brave New World" was that it was TOO peaceful, as the inhabitants of that world had been totally brainwashed by the media. (And sex. And the absence of family. And drugs. You get the picture.) That's why I threw that idea in there. I am fully aware that there is a such thing as "Too much peace" in a sense of thrill and fun. While a conflict-free world would be nice, we all know it is impossible, because humans as a whole are usually fickle, short-minded, forgetful creatures who often say "We can never let this happen again!", and let it happen again, or worse, be a cause of it twenty years later.

RE: Your Utopia - Shadowhaunter - Jul. 05, 2011

Teaching the world a life lesson about how powerful humanity really is (a form of sarcasm), so we can all learn that we are animals who follow instincts just like our chimp relatives. Or just change the world and make it into my view of peace.

RE: Your Utopia - Temporal - Jul. 05, 2011

Or humans could quit being stuck-up superiority freaks in the first place... But, as we all know, this is again impossible because of the insanely large ego of humans as a species. (Not all people have huge egos, it just seems to be the ones in a position to make important decisions.)

RE: Your Utopia - RowDog - Jul. 06, 2011

But that is why it is a utopia. Utopias usually are unreachable. And who is to say humans are in your utopia? Maybe there are no humans and you are something else.

RE: Your Utopia - Temporal - Jul. 06, 2011

True, true. Okay, I see your point.

RE: Your Utopia - Transflux - Jul. 06, 2011

(Jun. 17, 2011  11:14 AM)Bakers Dozen Wrote: Mine does not exist but.
It would be a world where everyone is happy and friendly with each other.
Rude words would not exist
Racism would not exist
There will be no fights or harming others.
No one will be judged about what they like

This way everyone will be happy and you wouldn't have to worry about war and all that violence.

Mine is this + some other things:
Pokemon are real
Beyblading is exactly like in the show but with the real life aspects of customization and such
Bakugan never stopped being awesome and is just like in the show
Virtual reality video games (Also, if the above things aren't true, they are in the virtual reality world)
You can buy a bracelet that lets you change into ANYTHING

RE: Your Utopia - Vamasco_ - Jul. 10, 2011

Well , I thing my Utopia stands within my dreams .
Every dream that I have , every night , nightmare or just an exciting dream represents my Utopia .
My dreams can't be real ... Utopia is alive in my mind , and when I fall asleep , I wake up in another world , another place , but the same mind ...
Dreaming is my Utopia , where anything can happen ...

RE: Your Utopia - Nick3000 - Jul. 10, 2011

My Utopia would be Justin Bieber LOL JOKES (even google spell check doesn't know what bieber is)
Anyway my utopia would have:
Everyone was just happy peace loving humans
No random diseases that somehow kill you
No wars
No Criminals
No racism
No world hunger
Bubble Tea from Utopia would be free!!!!