World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.
My pokemon sprite forum.(FREE SIG IF YOU JOIN!) - Printable Version

+- World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc. (
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+--- Thread: My pokemon sprite forum.(FREE SIG IF YOU JOIN!) (/Thread-My-pokemon-sprite-forum-FREE-SIG-IF-YOU-JOIN)

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RE: My pokemon sprite forum.(FREE SIG IF YOU JOIN!) - Zaneago - Mar. 19, 2011

RE: My pokemon sprite forum.(FREE SIG IF YOU JOIN!) - MLdragoMaster - Mar. 19, 2011

(Mar. 19, 2011  4:00 AM)Zaneago Wrote:
This is not the place for you to put in that.That is off-topic. A moderater will see to that.

RE: My pokemon sprite forum.(FREE SIG IF YOU JOIN!) - The Fire Wyrm - Mar. 19, 2011

This is my thread. Do not put your forum in it. I am already ticked off that I missed Arise spring so please, get out of my thread.

RE: My pokemon sprite forum.(FREE SIG IF YOU JOIN!) - MLdragoMaster - Mar. 19, 2011

(Mar. 19, 2011  5:32 PM)The Fire Wyrm Wrote: This is my thread. Do not put your forum in it. I am already ticked off that I missed Arise spring so please, get out of my thread.
Are you talking about me?

RE: My pokemon sprite forum.(FREE SIG IF YOU JOIN!) - The Fire Wyrm - Mar. 19, 2011

That was derected towards Zaneago

RE: My pokemon sprite forum.(FREE SIG IF YOU JOIN!) - RowDog - Mar. 22, 2011

(Mar. 17, 2011  2:30 PM)The Fire Wyrm Wrote: Sign up for the fusion lab Capri. you are on par with Azlanslayer.
Do you mind if I put that in the site sig and such?
Sure I'm in. Running out of ideas for sprites anyway. You can use any of my sprites for the banner too.

RE: My pokemon sprite forum.(FREE SIG IF YOU JOIN!) - S.D.C - Mar. 24, 2011

I'm in due to a large amount of pressure from Cpt Capri, but I was planning on joining anyway.

RE: My pokemon sprite forum.(FREE SIG IF YOU JOIN!) - The Fire Wyrm - Mar. 24, 2011

Hah, lets see what you can do.