World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.
wizard 101 - Printable Version

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RE: wizard 101 - SoulEater57 - Jul. 06, 2012

I used to be addicted to this carp, I hate this game. All they try to do is rip you off. Most MMOs let the whole game be free, but with this crappy game, you have to get a monthly, or yearly membership. God, I hate this game.

BTW, I was Hunter Dragon Breath lvl 63

RE: wizard 101 - Fluke - Jul. 06, 2012

A lot of poorly made MMO's "let the whole game be free" (some obvious exceptions - Guild Wars 1 & 2 come to mind). The most successful one to date (WoW) operates on a monthly payment with various subcription methods. I'm not too familiar with Wizard 101, but from what I've seen in commercials, it looks pretty entertaining for the targeted demographic, and most of the time, what you mentioned (the memberships) can be cheaper than things parents would otherwise buy their kids (I know when I played WoW heavily, I was not really interested in spending money anywhere the $15/month was really my only entertainment expense. As a teenager, that's pretty good).

RE: wizard 101 - ☣ - Jul. 06, 2012

I am Oran Red Forge. Level 28

RE: wizard 101 - kyoyatategami - Aug. 06, 2012

im seth shadowflame lvl 13
if anyone has true friend codes post them and we can talk to each other without menu chat

RE: wizard 101 - Trainer Red - Aug. 07, 2012

I played this game for 5 minutes. Hacked it in under 2 and killed my troll friend. I dont play anymore. It got boring.

RE: wizard 101 - MasterBlader-X - Aug. 07, 2012

I have one but i forgot the name i don't pay attention to it when i'm playing.

RE: wizard 101 - akio314 - Oct. 06, 2012

Thread revival! I'm dusting off my old account and playing, I always play this game around Halloween time. I will see my ram again! YAY!