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The Conduit (xbox graphics on wii) - Printable Version

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RE: xbox graphics on wii - Bey Brad - Sep. 26, 2008

I don't own a Wii. I almost bought one a while ago but I'm glad I didn't. There's just nothing on it I want to play.

RE: xbox graphics on wii - Doompenguin - Sep. 26, 2008

The Wii isn't living up to its potential. For every cool, innovative Wii game out there, there are a crapload of lame minigame collections. Unfortunately, that's what's selling, and since game developers are in the business of selling games, there's little incentive to make much else.

Wii: Great in theory, but poorly executed.

RE: xbox graphics on wii - To - Sep. 26, 2008

It also doesn't help that Nintendo's "Voice to the Indie and smaller developers" in WiiWare is drenched in more shovelware gems like "My Pokemon Ranch", and "Beer Pong", as well as being filled with major publishers with very few titles being from the little guys. Face it, the Wii was made on shovelware and will die with shovelware.

I know this because I own one, and before NHL 2K9, SBCG4AP, and Megaman 9 I used it's Opera Browser more then playing games on it. Hell, instead of playing one of those games, I'm using the browser right now.

RE: xbox graphics on wii - MuchWow - Sep. 27, 2008

this thread is about the new game the conduit and its engine,so stop making it the (Wii sucks) thread lol ...stick to the subject

RE: xbox graphics on wii - Bey Brad - Sep. 27, 2008

You're the one who started the Wii fanboy argument. We were just commenting that the Conduit's graphics are nothing spectacular.

RE: xbox graphics on wii - MuchWow - Sep. 27, 2008

am not a fanboy , i told u am mad cuz every1 here hates wii and thinks its very bad n useless while it isnt,and am getting a ps3 soon

RE: xbox graphics on wii - Kei - Sep. 27, 2008

I don't think the graphics will be anywhere near 360 quality. However, I am happy that High Voltage is putting the effort into this game, that many other developers would not.

edit: Pegasis, I don't hate the Wii.

RE: xbox graphics on wii - MuchWow - Sep. 27, 2008

yaaaay some1 that doesnt hate wii

RE: xbox graphics on wii - Bey Brad - Sep. 27, 2008

Pegasis, if people want to dislike the Wii, they're allowed to. You don't get to tell people they can't express their opinion on this system and this game.

RE: xbox graphics on wii - MuchWow - Sep. 27, 2008

i didnt say they cant express their opinions, am just trying to convince them that the wii isbt that bad,ok now forgrt everything we said and lets stick to the game and the engine,i have the feeling am like brandonk129 lol

RE: xbox graphics on wii - Pikachao - Sep. 28, 2008

If people really care about graphics they buy a high quality graphics card for their PC and go play some massively graphics heavy game. The Wii is about fun, not seriousness and graphics imo.

Then again, this is my opinion. I personally don't think the wii needs a graphics update. It's not about how good the graphics are it's the way they're used. Take crash bandicoot for example. The original game on the PSone had AMAZING graphics for back then, and they're still good today.

And Zelda: Windwaker? It was cel shaded, yet it was EPIC! =]

RE: xbox graphics on wii - Bey Brad - Sep. 28, 2008

(Sep. 28, 2008  10:53 AM)Surfingpikachao Wrote: If people really care about graphics they buy a high quality graphics card for their PC and go play some massively graphics heavy game. The Wii is about fun, not seriousness and graphics imo.

Then again, this is my opinion. I personally don't think the wii needs a graphics update. It's not about how good the graphics are it's the way they're used. Take crash bandicoot for example. The original game on the PSone had AMAZING graphics for back then, and they're still good today.

And Zelda: Windwaker? It was cel shaded, yet it was EPIC! =]

ugh this post fails in so many ways

there is a difference between graphics that are the way they are because of technology limits, and then there are graphics that suck because the devs aren't willing to exert the effort to make them look good

the wii is mostly the latter

also wind waker's graphics were amazing, the cel shading is an artistic decision, not a graphical one

RE: xbox graphics on wii - Pikachao - Sep. 28, 2008

Quote:ugh this post fails in so many ways

there is a difference between graphics that are the way they are because of technology limits, and then there are graphics that suck because the devs aren't willing to exert the effort to make them look good

the wii is mostly the latter

also wind waker's graphics were amazing, the cel shading is an artistic decision, not a graphical one

Good points, and I have to agree with what you said about the cel shading although I do think that windwaker could have surpassed OoT by far if it hadn't been rushed for christmas release. It would be even better than it is! =]

But you also have to consider that with high end technology comes cost. Everything has to be cost effective, that's the reason the PS3 didn't sell too well as far as I know. =/

RE: xbox graphics on wii - Bey Brad - Sep. 28, 2008

the wii doesn't cost much less than the 360

RE: xbox graphics on wii - MuchWow - Sep. 28, 2008

graphics are important for some kinds of games,its so much fun to play a fps game with hight graphics,and thats why all wii fps sucked,even thought the wiimotes pointer is great with shooting games,but with this engine and the pointer wii fps games will rock,(thats my opinion)
oh and wut do latter means??

RE: xbox graphics on wii - Pikachao - Sep. 28, 2008

(Sep. 28, 2008  1:31 PM)pegasis Wrote: but with this engine and the pointer wii fps games will rock,(thats my opinion)

oh and wut do latter means??

The wii pointer wasn't great. That's why red steel was so lame, the pointer wasn't fixed in the middle of the screen like when you play FPS games with a mouse.

Do you happen to own a dictionary?

RE: xbox graphics on wii - To - Sep. 28, 2008

(Sep. 28, 2008  12:05 PM)Surfingpikachao Wrote:
Quote:ugh this post fails in so many ways

there is a difference between graphics that are the way they are because of technology limits, and then there are graphics that suck because the devs aren't willing to exert the effort to make them look good

the wii is mostly the latter

also wind waker's graphics were amazing, the cel shading is an artistic decision, not a graphical one

Good points, and I have to agree with what you said about the cel shading although I do think that windwaker could have surpassed OoT by far if it hadn't been rushed for christmas release. It would be even better than it is! =]

But you also have to consider that with high end technology comes cost. Everything has to be cost effective, that's the reason the PS3 didn't sell too well as far as I know. =/

It's price had nothing to do with the graphics processors, it was all due to Sony pushing propiertary technology aka Blu-Ray into the PS3 so that the format could get a foothold in the general public. It's high price had little to do with the Cell processor.

(Sep. 28, 2008  12:06 PM)Bey Brad Wrote: the wii doesn't cost much less than the 360

With the Arcade at $199 regular price now, the 360 is actually cheaper. Heck at Walmart you can get it and Lego Indiana Jones for $177.

RE: xbox graphics on wii - Pikachao - Sep. 28, 2008

Quote:It's price had nothing to do with the graphics processors, it was all due to Sony pushing propiertary technology aka Blu-Ray into the PS3 so that the format could get a foothold in the general public. It's high price had little to do with the Cell processor.

When talking about the PS3 I didn't mention the graphics processors, I was just stating that high end technology generally costs a lot.

RE: xbox graphics on wii - To - Sep. 28, 2008

(Sep. 28, 2008  1:56 PM)Surfingpikachao Wrote:
Quote:It's price had nothing to do with the graphics processors, it was all due to Sony pushing propiertary technology aka Blu-Ray into the PS3 so that the format could get a foothold in the general public. It's high price had little to do with the Cell processor.

When talking about the PS3 I didn't mention the graphics processors, I was just stating that high end technology generally costs a lot.

Yes, but this topic is about the Wii's graphics, and how you would have to pay a lot more to get PS3 quality graphics. I argued that it wasn't the PS3's Cell processor that pushed it's price. So cost wouldn't have been an issue with the Wii's graphics. It was Nintendo being too lazy to work with other companies to develop a proper processor that isn't a GameCube on sugar.

RE: xbox graphics on wii - SK - Sep. 28, 2008

(Sep. 28, 2008  1:31 PM)pegasis Wrote: graphics are important for some kinds of games,its so much fun to play a fps game with hight graphics,and thats why all wii fps sucked,even thought the wiimotes pointer is great with shooting games,but with this engine and the pointer wii fps games will rock,(thats my opinion)
oh and wut do latter means??
lol, this engine's graphics look just like, if not worse, than red steel

RE: xbox graphics on wii - djspida5 - Sep. 28, 2008

I agree in certain games graphics DO play a vital role in the outcome. if you're playing an fps and you're a sniper wouldn't you like to be able to see your target instead of just jagged lines?

RE: xbox graphics on wii - Pikachao - Sep. 28, 2008

(Sep. 28, 2008  4:31 PM)djspida5 Wrote: I agree in certain games graphics DO play a vital role in the outcome. if you're playing an fps and you're a sniper wouldn't you like to be able to see your target instead of just jagged lines?

I never had a problem hitting people in N64 goldeneye even with those graphics.

RE: xbox graphics on wii - Kei - Sep. 28, 2008

(Sep. 28, 2008  1:52 PM)Surfingpikachao Wrote: The wii pointer wasn't great. That's why red steel was so lame, the pointer wasn't fixed in the middle of the screen like when you play FPS games with a mouse.

Go play Medal of Honour: Heroes 2, Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition, or Metroid Prime 3: Corruption, and tell me what you think of the pointer.

RE: xbox graphics on wii - MuchWow - Sep. 28, 2008

(Sep. 28, 2008  3:47 PM)SK Wrote:
(Sep. 28, 2008  1:31 PM)pegasis Wrote: graphics are important for some kinds of games,its so much fun to play a fps game with hight graphics,and thats why all wii fps sucked,even thought the wiimotes pointer is great with shooting games,but with this engine and the pointer wii fps games will rock,(thats my opinion)
oh and wut do latter means??
lol, this engine's graphics look just like, if not worse, than red steel
ok lets say if this engine works good and made wii graphics like the xbox360 graphics the fps games will rock on wii with the pointer function,do u agree?

RE: xbox graphics on wii - Pikachao - Sep. 28, 2008

(Sep. 28, 2008  6:31 PM)pegasis Wrote:
(Sep. 28, 2008  3:47 PM)SK Wrote:
(Sep. 28, 2008  1:31 PM)pegasis Wrote: graphics are important for some kinds of games,its so much fun to play a fps game with hight graphics,and thats why all wii fps sucked,even thought the wiimotes pointer is great with shooting games,but with this engine and the pointer wii fps games will rock,(thats my opinion)
oh and wut do latter means??
lol, this engine's graphics look just like, if not worse, than red steel
ok lets say if this engine works good and made wii graphics like the xbox360 graphics the fps games will rock on wii with the pointer function,do u agree?

Well the Wii isn't exactly HEAVY on fps games but nonetheless the ones that are released would be good, I dunno if they'd be up to rivalling Halo and the likes though seeing as those games have such a fanbase already. =/