World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.
Random Thoughts 2: ok, more like misc. thoughts - Printable Version

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RE: Random Thoughts 2: ok, more like misc. thoughts - Roan - Mar. 03, 2009

Oh my god wow.

RE: Random Thoughts 2: ok, more like misc. thoughts - Khel - Mar. 03, 2009

(Mar. 03, 2009  12:05 AM)Aqua_24 Wrote: awww your really gonna spend your days off after exams writing articles...

And I've never tried those Cadbury eggs, they look really good though. I like Cadbury chocolate in general so these shouldn't disappoint Smile

You are missing one of life's greatest pleasures (go and buy some).

It is ridiculously cold here all of a sudden. The temp just dropped down to -26 with windchill. Taking the dog out for a walk is an absolute pain in this weather.

Also that video was pretty disturbing...

RE: Random Thoughts 2: ok, more like misc. thoughts - Crimson - Mar. 03, 2009

I just did a ':3' face while watching heroes.
[Image: MrMugglesSammich.png]


RE: Random Thoughts 2: ok, more like misc. thoughts - To - Mar. 03, 2009

Coincedentally, another movie featuring dogs doing things dogs shouldn't, Beverly Hills Chihuaha is out on DVD today. My eyes, they bleed.

RE: Random Thoughts 2: ok, more like misc. thoughts - MuchWow - Mar. 03, 2009

welcome back To. Smile
i came back yesterday 11 at night to my house so i went to sleep immediatly so i can wake up for school. today was my first day in school. i got my report and it was so carpen caarp Unhappy i am used to get 94 but this year wich is the most imp year cuz this years marks is what makes me inter the collage. i got 89 Unhappy
and another bad thing is that my best friend left the school Unhappy he is in a new one now.
and also i missed 3 days from school cuz it started 3 days ago and i cant understand any carpen thing from my mmath lesson.

anyway hope my days get better.

RE: Random Thoughts 2: ok, more like misc. thoughts - Aqua - Mar. 03, 2009

This is pretty cool:
......a pink dolphin XD

RE: Random Thoughts 2: ok, more like misc. thoughts - Pich - Mar. 03, 2009

School has been really stressing/wearing me out lately despite me barely having any homework and having a class where all we do is watch movies (literally).

RE: Random Thoughts 2: ok, more like misc. thoughts - Ash - Mar. 03, 2009

Lucky Carp, we keep doing mock SATS Angry

RE: Random Thoughts 2: ok, more like misc. thoughts - To - Mar. 03, 2009 (Starts at 4:25)

RE: Random Thoughts 2: ok, more like misc. thoughts - Pich - Mar. 04, 2009

We don't have to do those right now.....or they wil just announce that we are doing them the day we are doing them XD. I can never remember if we only takem once a year or what.

RE: Random Thoughts 2: ok, more like misc. thoughts - Roan - Mar. 04, 2009

Omg I had SO MUCH FUN last night.

My friends randomly called me around 9 PM and asked if I had to work tomorrow. When I told them I didn't they asked me to come over to our friend Susy's house because they were having a party/sleep over. I didn't have anything else going on, so I drove over there not really knowing what to expect.

When I walked inside the three of them were sitting around this table with no lights on. There were candles and incense burning on the table, and two of them had their hands on an Ouija board. When I saw what they were doing I was like "Oh hell, carp's about to get REAL in this house". They all busted up laughing so I came in and sat down with them. Before we started with the Ouija fun, my friend Nicole busted out her deck of Tarot cards and insisted on giving us all a reading. I've seen Nicole maybe once or twice since we graduated together nearly 2 years ago, so she really doesn't know anything that's been going on in my personal life, which made her reading all the more astounding to me.

Her deck wasn't really a Tarot deck, it was some kind of cards that I'd never seen before. She told me the name of them but I can't remember for the life of me what they were. Anyway, she had me shuffle the deck and then she laid out all of the cards face up and told me to pick the one that most appealed to me. I picked one called "Romantic Partner", so she took all of the cards that came before that one and put them in my hand, told me to shuffle them again and then with my left hand make four stacks. The first stack was supposed to represent my past experiences. When she turned the cards over the first thing she said to me was "Wow... You've been under a lot of stress lately haven't you?" I laughed really hard and I was like "Yeah that's putting it lightly." She also asked me if I had been having trouble sleeping. Of course I have, and she told me that was because I was having trouble accepting the outcome of a pivotal moment in my childhood (Obviously she was referring to me coming out), and that outcome still haunts me to this day.

The second stack was supposed to represent my mental and emotional feelings. When she turned these cards over the first thing she asked me, before explaining what any of them meant, was if I was very deeply in love with someone right now. I was like "HAHHAHAHAHAHA WHAT THE HELL THIS IS CREEPY. YES I AM" Then she was like "He's a very strong person isn't he? Very hardworking?" I was like "Ok I don't know how much more of this I can handle" lmao Then she moved down to these other cards and was like "Oh... What does your family think of him?" "Well... My mom knows him and about us and she doesn't really approve at all, but she told me to do whatever makes me happy." Then she pulled up this card called "Familial Acceptance" and was like "Yeah, I could tell there was some friction there. What about your Dad? He doesn't know does he?" "hahahaha no definitely not. He'd castrate me." Then she went on to talk about my guy some more. She asked me if he was a very giving, caring person (omg yes, so weird), and she told me to do whatever I could to hold on to him because he's a keeper. I was like "yeeessssss" lmao

The third stack represented my present surroundings. As soon as she turned the cards over she asked me if I had considered a big move lately to another state or even another country. I was like "WTFFFFF how do you know this, yes I have". She said based on the other cards that came up that I should really consider it because there was a big opportunity waiting for me there. I was like "Sorry, I've already decided that I'm not moving" lmao

The fourth stack represented my future. She said that I had a lot of good things coming my way, most of which would be the fruits of my artistic endeavors. She said that in the near future someone would approach me about my writing with some sort of offer. She told me to jump all over the chance because it would completely change my life for the better. She said she knew that I've been struggling to get my writing career off the ground and that this chance would be my "big break".

Like I said, I've BARELY talked to this girl since we graduated, so she was able to tell all of this from her cards. It was insane. Like I really don't believe in this kind of stuff, I just do it for fun, but I was literally blown away by how accurate her reading was.

So anyway, then we played with the Ouija board. We ended up talking to two spirits, a little girl named Jane, age 7, and her father Ben. We found out they were both murdered by their wife/mother, Susan in 1957. Apparently Susan was having an affair and was caught by Ben, so she killed them to keep the secret under wraps and to pursue a new life. Yeah. Pretty f'd up stuff. lmao

Afterwards we were all really thirsty, so Susy made us some kool-aid. Little did we all know, and I didn't find this out until today, she had spiked it with Vodka. LMAO So we were all REALLY giggly and spent a long time playing the "Who Would You Screw" game. I didn't leave until nearly 1 AM and I got home and went straight to bed. But yeah, it was totally worth it, I had such a good time.

RE: Random Thoughts 2: ok, more like misc. thoughts - Ominous - Mar. 04, 2009

Did you get your nails done as well? Libruhhh

RE: Random Thoughts 2: ok, more like misc. thoughts - Roan - Mar. 04, 2009

Duh, it was a regular girls night out. Cool

RE: Random Thoughts 2: ok, more like misc. thoughts - SexyMichael - Mar. 04, 2009

[Image: n827255202_5965718_7403722.jpg]

Totally bad carp picture of my music carp

RE: Random Thoughts 2: ok, more like misc. thoughts - Bey Brad - Mar. 04, 2009

lmao at the chimchar

RE: Random Thoughts 2: ok, more like misc. thoughts - Ash - Mar. 04, 2009

rofl that chimchar rox

RE: Random Thoughts 2: ok, more like misc. thoughts - Rocky - Mar. 04, 2009

Wow. I totally don't believe in that stuff but that's pretty damn creepy. Not like when horoscopes say stuff that can generally be applied to any situation. may have to rethink a few things. XD Guess we'll all know for sure when you bring out a book. :3

RE: Random Thoughts 2: ok, more like misc. thoughts - NAP - Mar. 04, 2009

(Mar. 04, 2009  8:39 PM)SexyMichael Wrote: [Image: n827255202_5965718_7403722.jpg]


RE: Random Thoughts 2: ok, more like misc. thoughts - MuchWow - Mar. 04, 2009

so is the Ouija board real?
i really wanna know that.
and how do it work?

RE: Random Thoughts 2: ok, more like misc. thoughts - Anu - Mar. 04, 2009

Oh cool spirits XD...
That Chimchar rules!!!

RE: Random Thoughts 2: ok, more like misc. thoughts - Pikachao - Mar. 04, 2009


I know this is random thoughts but REALLY. O.O

Anywho, thought this was interesting.

On one hand I'm happy that they're going fair trade but this means more expensive chocolate. I guess it's always a good thing though, and I try to buy fair trade anyways. Will Milka etc. follow in their footsteps you think? This is going to make a massive difference.

RE: Random Thoughts 2: ok, more like misc. thoughts - NAP - Mar. 04, 2009

Pipe leaks suck. :\
[Image: Picture004.jpg]
[Image: Picture005.jpg]
[Image: Picture006.jpg]
My duplex is soaking.
*sigh* Better call Mario and Stanly Steamer.

RE: Random Thoughts 2: ok, more like misc. thoughts - Rocky - Mar. 04, 2009

Ooo, that's awesome. Now even the people who don't care will buy fairtrade stuff too. Joyful_3

RE: Random Thoughts 2: ok, more like misc. thoughts - Bey Brad - Mar. 04, 2009

(Mar. 04, 2009  11:24 PM)Pikachao Wrote:

I know this is random thoughts but REALLY. O.O

Anywho, thought this was interesting.

On one hand I'm happy that they're going fair trade but this means more expensive chocolate. I guess it's always a good thing though, and I try to buy fair trade anyways. Will Milka etc. follow in their footsteps you think? This is going to make a massive difference.

i only buy fair trade chocolate and i don't like milk chocolate but this is awesome either way

RE: Random Thoughts 2: ok, more like misc. thoughts - Blue - Mar. 04, 2009

(Mar. 04, 2009  7:09 PM)Roan Wrote: A long story.

hahaha that a ace story man. i like those randomn occurences