World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.
UGH PARENTS. AND FAMILIES. - Printable Version

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RE: UGH PARENTS. AND FAMILIES. - Fang - Jul. 21, 2011

My mom completely hates beyblades she tries everything to get them banned for a day even a week or an hour I got a D and she said no beyblades for 2 weeks. And i have a computer and she said only an hour a day and i was like wdf? But my Dad on the other hand loves them he always plays with me in beyblades (I usually beat him he has alot to learn lol) and my grand father. today was a semi birthday party (july 24th is my really birthday) and they bought me Cyber Pegasus he only likes them because its how you design them into a fierce combo. (eningneering stuff he was a egineer lol)

RE: UGH PARENTS. AND FAMILIES. - RustyXD - Jul. 21, 2011

My parents are cool with me blading there only problem is me always wanting new beys. My dad plays with me sometimes but most of the time they just leave me alone as i am like in the zone. My mum will take me to like any tourney , and although the first time she didn't like it she is starting to get used to it.

RE: UGH PARENTS. AND FAMILIES. - Fang - Jul. 21, 2011

I am that way sorta I always want new beys after i discover more secrets and hidden powers of my newest one but your lucky because i have never been to a tournament yet D=

RE: UGH PARENTS. AND FAMILIES. - Annoying-Fork - Jul. 21, 2011

I sure hope people in the future don't get into Sh**-fits over Beyblade like they do with Lego's.

RE: UGH PARENTS. AND FAMILIES. - Fang - Jul. 21, 2011

Hey the way i would think about it is beyblades can smash through a lego wall anyday

RE: UGH PARENTS. AND FAMILIES. - JCx06 - Aug. 13, 2011

lol then check this out.

RE: UGH PARENTS. AND FAMILIES. - Sparta - Aug. 13, 2011

My only problem is my brother. Honestly, he thinks I'm an idiot for this hobby and makes fun of me (Though it's ironic because he has a bunch of beys, too). Anyone remember that thread made a few days ago asking if Kai was a girl (Username was LT21j)? That was my brother, trying to make fun of me Unhappy.

It doesn't matter, because my parents are totally cool with it. They said I'm allowed to host tournaments and listen willingly when I talk about new customs.

RE: UGH PARENTS. AND FAMILIES. - Hitsugiya - Aug. 13, 2011

I guess it was her idea of space management. My parents don't care at all about my beyblade hobby/addiction; Or rather they just don't even notice them. I'm 13 and I buy all my own beys and parts and anything I need. I don't go to toys-r-us that often because I just order online with my d-d-d-d-d-debit card!, but when i do buy I buy Takara Tomy. I honestly don't think my parents care about anything I do as long as I study everyday (exaggerating) and make straight A's (not exaggerating). I make under minimum wage though (180$ a month).

RE: UGH PARENTS. AND FAMILIES. - Minho - Aug. 16, 2011

My mum thinks i'll outgrow beyblades...

boy, she is gonna freak when she comes to my mansion when im 25 and sees i've dedicated a whole room to making a huge stadium!!!

*sighs happily and fantasizes a bit more*

RE: UGH PARENTS. AND FAMILIES. - Kai_hiwitari - Aug. 16, 2011

I used to have parent problems (i no longer live with them). They absolutely hate anime to begin with and at 13/14 when i first got into it i was watching the cartoon like a drug. I had them watch an episode to "approve" and of all the episodes that could have possibly aired that saturday it was the episode in season 1 where kai is dealing with his grandfather and boris in relation to black to dranzer. Seriously that was the darkest segment in all of season 1. Anyway they decided it was promoting satanism or something like that and threw away every top i had. (i had so many T_T) over the last few years i have slowly been reacquiring all the tops i lost.

RE: UGH PARENTS. AND FAMILIES. - Tyler Le - Aug. 16, 2011

My parents at first seem to be interested in. Then "ThuD", they hate it?! My parents totally said : You always focus on playing. STUDY Nowwwwwwwwww!! Do you want to go to Harvard or not.
Ugh! Sometimes I think they are just.. too insane. Those Bladers in America are kinda lucky. You can buy Beyblade pretty cheap. not like in Vietnam. Oh, I Hate My Country So Much!

RE: UGH PARENTS. AND FAMILIES. - Polyow - Aug. 16, 2011

My parents think I'm way to old for it. :p
But they don't make any problem of it, as long as they don't have to drive me somewhere. xd

RE: UGH PARENTS. AND FAMILIES. - Shadow Knight - Aug. 17, 2011

My parents are the type that couldn't care less about my hobbies.

RE: UGH PARENTS. AND FAMILIES. - KidTala - Aug. 17, 2011

My parents hate me playing with them. They say that I'm way too old for them and whenever I ask them to buy some for me they say no, but eventually I get it out of them.

RE: UGH PARENTS. AND FAMILIES. - BigBangSoda145 - Aug. 17, 2011

(Dec. 27, 2008  8:01 PM)H2O Wrote:
(Dec. 27, 2008  3:34 AM)Mankster Wrote: God. This angers me SOOO MUCH. I'm allowed to do what I want and no one should have to criticize me for it. My sister is embarrassed about liking Hannah Montana and tells me not to tell anyone, but she goes and laughs at me for liking Beyblades. >____>

Anyone else feel this?
i like hannah montana XD

she does salvia--- a synthetic marijuana =o

RE: UGH PARENTS. AND FAMILIES. - Itachi8 - Aug. 17, 2011

My parents are forcing me to quit come September.

RE: UGH PARENTS. AND FAMILIES. - Loneblader97 - Aug. 17, 2011

my parents don't let me go to WBO tourneys. Crying at least im allowed to buy beyblades Smile

RE: UGH PARENTS. AND FAMILIES. - xshaman-kingx - Aug. 17, 2011

my dads cool about it when he sees me and my friends playing with them and i order them in the mail but hesays the games nothing more then pulling a string and hoping for the best

RE: UGH PARENTS. AND FAMILIES. - Hazel - Aug. 17, 2011

My folks are largely supportive of most of my endeavors, though some do claim I am too old for it and that it's an obvious sign of immaturity, despite the majority of the rest of my life being rather full of adult responsibility.

Regardless, they don't seem to mind as long as I've got enough money to pay the bills in addition to buying my Beyblades, so it could be worse. I'd rather have a snide comment here or there than some effort to stop what I'm doing.

RE: UGH PARENTS. AND FAMILIES. - WHiSP3R119 - Aug. 18, 2011

jeez i can relate to that.
im 13 and all of my friends and parents think i should grow out of it already, but not just beyblade. also warcraft,DnD,Magic, YU-GI-OH!,Naruto and DBZ

RE: UGH PARENTS. AND FAMILIES. - Janstarblast - Aug. 18, 2011

My parents are completely unpredictable.
Sometimes they'll make me cry saying they just tossed a few of my beys into the dustbin as they thought I didn't need them because I was not using them.. Actually I was trying to keep them as MINT as possible..
Sometimes they would thrash me if they saw me playing beyblade...
Sometimes they would suddenly buy me a bey without me asking them to do so...
I am not allowed to buy ANYTHING online, but when I asked for a bey, I got the permission.

So, I really don't know whether my parents like beys, or dislike them..

RE: UGH PARENTS. AND FAMILIES. - omega dragonis1 - Aug. 18, 2011

mine are kinda fine with it

RE: UGH PARENTS. AND FAMILIES. - Captain Caprii - Sep. 01, 2011

Ahh I'm back to the thread once again ...My real dad is like o...o What are these (when i get him to buy me one everytime he says it...)What is this i bet you don't even have any >___> (Yet he buys them everytime....and sees me play with them)My brother use to play with the plastics Smile (even though he sucks with the new ones hehe)

RE: UGH PARENTS. AND FAMILIES. - pegasusmaster - Sep. 01, 2011

im 12, so my parents incoarage my bladeingStupid

RE: UGH PARENTS. AND FAMILIES. - excalibursonic - Sep. 01, 2011

My parents were a little skeptic in the begining. They were saying '' you're 15, you're too old for that '' and that kind of stuff but now they are more neutral and they even bought me a stadium and a string launcher
oh and btw I sometimes play with my sister and now I will convince my parent to go with me at the National beyblade championship in France (Yeah I'm french and I speak and write english pretty good, I guess)