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Computers, Gadgets, Etc. - Printable Version

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RE: Computers, Gadgets, Etc. - Xyo - Feb. 08, 2012

So when i TRY to switch to a tab in Chrome sometimes it closes it how do i fix it?

RE: Computers, Gadgets, Etc. - Synesthesia - Feb. 09, 2012

I'm currently using a 1tb as an internal boot drive and a 1tb external HDD for stuff I don't want on the main drive.

Eventually I want to get a 240/256gb for my boot drive and maybe one later for movies and what not. I'd have already made this upgrade if moving the OS to a new drive wasn't such a pain. The longer I wait the more prices drop though. Currently, you can get 480gigs for $530USD.

Aside from that, I don't see myself making any serious upgrades for a couple years.. Most of the demanding PC games are all first person shooters, and I've never been big on them, which means my set-up should last a while. I do want to eventually install a new pump/res combo for my water cooling system though.. At the moment I'm using one that's a bit underpowered for the blocks and fittings I have installed.

RE: Computers, Gadgets, Etc. - Hazel - Feb. 09, 2012

There are no games I can think of that I want to play that demand a more powerful setup than I have, and I'm still just running a single ATI Radeon HD4850 on an Intel Dual Core and 4gigs of RAM.

My only problem is the horrendously slow processor, but I don't care about it enough to go through the potential trainwreck of getting a new processor/mobo. I have all of my "pertinent" stuff backed up, but not my whole HD, and doing a fresh OS install is just not even remotely enjoyable when you hoard all the garbage I do.

I use an old fashioned fan-based cooling system for this, of course, since by technological standards this thing is a relic...

RE: Computers, Gadgets, Etc. - bubble - Feb. 09, 2012

Hazel, I think you should upgrade your computer with the new i3, i5 or i7 core. It is much faster and they can do what you have demanded.

RE: Computers, Gadgets, Etc. - Hazel - Feb. 09, 2012

That would require a completely new mobo, likely a fresh install of everything, and a downright horrendous amount of money.

I do not think I would need anywhere near that much power at any point in the next half decade at least.

RE: Computers, Gadgets, Etc. - Meltex - Feb. 09, 2012

Changing the processor might not even be possibly, but if it is then it would be cheaper to get a new comp. Anything below an i7 is slow. Even then, there are many things that blow the i7 out of the water.

Having a fast computer is fun though.

RE: Computers, Gadgets, Etc. - Hazel - Feb. 09, 2012

Whether or not it is possible depends on what the Motherboard was made compatible with, iirc - and as far as I am aware, mine is not compatible with anything above Quad Core.

RE: Computers, Gadgets, Etc. - Meltex - Feb. 09, 2012

Yes that is correct hazel. LoL the only non-server processor intel makes above quad is the extreme.

Either way dont upgrade laptops.

RE: Computers, Gadgets, Etc. - Hazel - Feb. 09, 2012

This is a desktop, haha. I had it built back when Quads were fairly new technology and my Graphics Card was top of the line for its price range($100~125 iirc).

RE: Computers, Gadgets, Etc. - bubble - Feb. 09, 2012

haha but you might need laptop in future so get one with core i7

RE: Computers, Gadgets, Etc. - Arupaeo - Feb. 09, 2012

I change my mobo+processor every 2 years or so. It is always an exercise that requires a fresh install of windows, and it is always a huge pain in the rear.

As a result, I've gravitated towards a strategy where my install disk is kept as light and small as possible by changing the default folders for downloads and media to a separate set of (very large) internal drives that don't need to be changed at all. Now, when I do a fresh install of Windows, all I have to do is copy a few configuration files from the original boot disk, reinstall all of the programs on the newly formatted disk, and I'm good to go.

RE: Computers, Gadgets, Etc. - Meltex - Feb. 09, 2012

Then changing the mobo is processor generation dependant.

RE: Computers, Gadgets, Etc. - Arupaeo - Feb. 09, 2012

Motherboards and processors are related like that, yes. As successive generations of processors change their support for various instruction sets and/or physical number of pins, the motherboards need to change to accommodate and support the processors.

RE: Computers, Gadgets, Etc. - Meltex - Feb. 09, 2012

Are you talking to me Aru? Im pro lol no need to tell me Smile

RE: Computers, Gadgets, Etc. - Synesthesia - Feb. 09, 2012

I overclocked a dualcore on a really cheap msi amd motherboard which wrecked it.. Instead of waiting another month for the release of sandy bridge, I ended up getting a GA-890FXA-UD5 and an amd X6 1090t.. This was probably my only hardware regret since even overclocked at 4.0GHz, the 1090t doesn't really compare to the 2600k.

The real annoyance is that flag-ship amd processors have great multi-threading performance for really useful stuff like transcoding, but their gaming performance is poop.. Crossfire/SLI is where you'll see the biggest difference.. For some reason, even an i5 2500k obliterates pretty much every modern amd processor in this department to the point where it's saddening.

The only reason I haven't swapped motherboards and processors yet is because I can't justify that expenditure simply for increasing the performance of dual graphics which I rarely push to their limits outside of Just Cause 2.

(Feb. 09, 2012  4:01 PM)Arupaeo Wrote: I change my mobo+processor every 2 years or so. It is always an exercise that requires a fresh install of windows, and it is always a huge pain in the rear.

As a result, I've gravitated towards a strategy where my install disk is kept as light and small as possible by changing the default folders for downloads and media to a separate set of (very large) internal drives that don't need to be changed at all. Now, when I do a fresh install of Windows, all I have to do is copy a few configuration files from the original boot disk, reinstall all of the programs on the newly formatted disk, and I'm good to go.

This is what I do, and it's still too much of a pain.

RE: Computers, Gadgets, Etc. - Meltex - Feb. 09, 2012

Are you speaking from experience or information synesthia?

RE: Computers, Gadgets, Etc. - Synesthesia - Feb. 09, 2012

(Feb. 09, 2012  9:22 PM)Meltex Wrote: Are you speaking from experience or information synesthia?

combo of both.. My results with the 1090t fit right into every chart I've seen both OC'd and at stock.. The crossfire scaling just isn't as good as it should be for a hexacore processor at 4GHz.. I've never personally used the 2500k/2600k, but there's enough data around to convince me of their superiority in the dual graphics department.

This only really matters in games where you want to squeeze as much performance out of your cards as possible.. In Just Cause 2@1080p with AAx4 and everything else maxed, my minimum frame rates are satisfactory, but I can still notice the difference between a constant 60fps and a dip into the low 40's.

RE: Computers, Gadgets, Etc. - Meltex - Feb. 09, 2012

Was the system liquid cooled? There are a lot of things you might have overlooked. Just dont want your information corrupted.

RE: Computers, Gadgets, Etc. - Synesthesia - Feb. 10, 2012

I have the CPU and GPU's liquid cooled with a 360 rad in the top, a 120 in the back and another 120 in the bottom. I haven't exhausted the cooling headroom, which is kinda why I wish I had went with the intel platform.

RE: Computers, Gadgets, Etc. - Meltex - Feb. 10, 2012

A 3.2 overclocked to 4 is quite a leap for the phenom series. Even under liquid cooling, I'm sure it was pretty warm. Intel costs way more due to things like it performance being more resilient to heat and AMD being more dependent on good conditions. Although intel uses more wattage per payload, which is just more heat per payload.

RE: Computers, Gadgets, Etc. - Synesthesia - Feb. 10, 2012

I have the CPU at 4.0GHz and the CPU-NB at 2800MHz, so it was quite warm before I got a hold of liquid cooling.. In fact, I couldn't even turn the north bridge up the high before I converted.

It really depends on which intels you're talking about.. sandy bridge processors both consume less power and outperform every amd offering at this point. For gaming builds in the 1k range, I wouldn't consider anything less than a 2500k right now. It's too good.

If you do zero gaming and just want a machine for transcoding and other multi-threaded stuff, I'd still consider sandy bridge for quick synch.

RE: Computers, Gadgets, Etc. - Meltex - Feb. 10, 2012

You were running these speed before liquid cooling? I think you've been hit with fanboy syndrome. Both processors are good. I had a phenom 965 and found that over clocking it from it's original 3.4 to above 3.8, would make it go catatonic. If you get a 3.2 hexacore and crank it to 4 and 28 you said? If the internals stay on the verge of overheating, do you think they can perform perfectly?

RE: Computers, Gadgets, Etc. - Sushii - Apr. 19, 2012

Anyone know good settings for a Canon G11 to take battle videos ?

RE: Computers, Gadgets, Etc. - Synth - Apr. 29, 2012

Are Graphics card related to this thread? if it is, then:
sorry if this is not related to this thread. Delete if it is.

RE: Computers, Gadgets, Etc. - TakasuMouce - Apr. 29, 2012

The graphic card is a physical object. Its not software.