World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.
Metal Face - Printable Version

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Metal Face - Mc Frown - Jul. 26, 2010

Thinking about a recent post by Cpt. Squirrel, I've come to a personal conclusion.
It isn't bad for stamina.

I noticed no drop in preformance, but perhaps a gain.

I'd post results, but I don't have 2 of the same bottom, or wheel, or anthing except track and face, and then it would sort of lame.

Any thoughts?

p.s.: try it.

RE: Metal Face - Pimpju - Jul. 26, 2010

I could test it in terms of stamina if you want, but it won't be in an actual stadium. Would that be ok?

RE: Metal Face - Mc Frown - Jul. 26, 2010

Yeah, that'd be fine.

RE: Metal Face - Marco - Jul. 26, 2010

Interesting, the case with the metal face, well what I thought was the case is that is has weight focused on the center of the bey meaning more friction with the stadium floor but if what you say is true, which I have no reason to believe it isn't, then I guess it's not the case at all. Which would actually be very beneficial making a stamina type a bit more viable against attack types and create a whole new meta-game for balance types.

RE: Metal Face - Mc Frown - Jul. 26, 2010

I think that since it's the exact same shape as a normal face, it'll have the same air resistance, but the weight will carry momentum, and aid precession by increasing spin velocity.

I don't think the leading cause for a decrease in stamina is tip friction, I believe it's air resistance, which is why DF145 isn't good in my opinion (as opposed to 145).

This is also why Earth 2 should be better than Earth 1.

RE: Metal Face - Diamond - Jul. 26, 2010

(Jul. 26, 2010  5:01 AM)Mc Frown Wrote: I think that since it's the exact same shape as a normal face,
A Metal Face is taller/thicker than a normal Face.

Anyway, I'm doing the tests now.
Expect the results to be up within a hour or two.

RE: Metal Face - Mc Frown - Jul. 26, 2010

Well, similar enough.
And no holes.

RE: Metal Face - mchlbant - Jul. 26, 2010

(Jul. 26, 2010  5:11 AM)Mc Frown Wrote: Well, similar enough.
And no holes.

those holes could actually cause more air resistance(i think).
Wow! really interesting, i need to buy some metal faces.

RE: Metal Face - Bahamut Fury - Jul. 26, 2010

where can u get metal faces

RE: Metal Face - mchlbant - Jul. 26, 2010

(Jul. 26, 2010  5:32 AM)Cyberbeyblades Wrote: where can u get metal faces

this isn't where you should ask that go to purchase consultation

RE: Metal Face - Pimpju - Jul. 26, 2010

Hmm, my results are odd, though they are done in a plastic dish.

I don't know how to use spoiler tags and what not, so please bare with me.

- Beylauncher used for all tests
- Full strength when launching
- No stadium, plastic dish used

MF/__ Earth Bull CH120 WB (in 145 mode):

With MF: ----------------------------------------------------------- Without MF:
1) 1:23 ----------------------------------------------------------- 1) 1:15
2) 1:22 ----------------------------------------------------------- 2) 1:28
3) 1:23 ----------------------------------------------------------- 3) 1:29
4) 1:20 ----------------------------------------------------------- 4) 1:23
5) 1:14 ----------------------------------------------------------- 5) 1:16
6) 1:23 ----------------------------------------------------------- 6) 1:18
7) 1:18 ----------------------------------------------------------- 7) 1:14
8) 1:16 ----------------------------------------------------------- 8) 1:14
9) 1:24 ----------------------------------------------------------- 9) 1:31
10) 1:21 ----------------------------------------------------------- 10) 1:21

Lowest time: 1:14 (x 1) --------------------------------------- Lowest time: 1:14 (x 2)
Highest time: 1:24 (x 1) --------------------------------------- Highest time: 1:31 (x 1)
Average time: 1:18.6 --------------------------------------- Average time: 1:18.6

Well, as you can see, the conditions were not exactly the best. In my opinion, the beyblade when launched without MF had a longer "wobbling" time, however this was erratic, exemplified by the large range of results for the combo without a metal face.

RE: Metal Face - Daegor42 - Jul. 26, 2010

momiji manju, you don't have a stadium? I always figured you did.

RE: Metal Face - spartan97 - Jul. 26, 2010

Just by comparing the weight of a metal face vs. plastic face it should be obvious which is better.

Assuming that the total time the beyblade spins for is determined by two factors:
1. friction (both air friction and the friction caused by the rotation of the base on the stadium)
2.ω_0 (initial angular velocity of the beyblade upon immediate release from launcher)

You can see easily how the metal face has an effect on the first factor, by increasing weight, you increase friction between the beyblade and the stadium, however at most the metal face is ≈ 12.5% of the total eight of the beyblade and since friction due to surface contact can be approximated roughly linear the most that you increase friction due to surface contact is 12.5%. Due to any change in size, or shape that is a slightly harder problem, but thankfully has far less of an impact.

The second factor is also fairly straightforward, each beyblade, due to the torque transferred to it by the beylauncher has a certain amount of rotational momentum L, and due to conservation of rotational momentum after the beyblade leaves the launcher, you can't get any more, and eventually you'll lose it all due to friction. From this perspective it easy to immediately see that since L = ωI (I, is the moment of inertia tensor for the beyblade) if we can decrease I, we can increase ω. Since I = MR^2 (where M is the total mass, and R is the distance to the axis of rotation, only for a point mass), now imagine all other things being equal two beyblades spinning one with the plastic face and the other with the metal face, the effective difference between the two blades is that in one I have moved 12.5% of the total mass closer to the axis of rotation by about half of the the total radius, simply put with the metal face I is much much smaller (more than 12.5% decrease in I).

[note: some one may want to double check my math since I did it in my head while writing this post]

The end result is that you increase ω_0 by more than 12.5% overcoming the increase in friction, and therefore increasing spin time. (easy way to visualize this: the faster you drive a car, the greater the distance you need to slow down assuming constant acceleration due to brakes in both situations high and low speeds).

Sorry for wall of text, I attempted to formalize the general consensus and provide a a theory that accurately explains the data.

Oh, since I'm new I was wondering if the forum will process latek, as it would allow me to significantly improve the legibility of the math.

edit: Lol I started writing this before the results were posted by momiji manju, however I stand by my analysis. Also I'm pretty sure that if you do the full moment of inertia tensor or even the integral which I left out due lack of latek the result of my math should still be the same as I did the integral quickly in my head.

One last thing: i realize that the added weight will make I bigger, and by decrease in I, I am not actually talking about a hard decrease, I with the metal face should be larger, I am talking about relative decreases and increases since when you increase I due to the additional weight you also increase L. And by the way when I type weight read mass.

RE: Metal Face - Pimpju - Jul. 26, 2010

(Jul. 26, 2010  6:33 AM)Daegor42 Wrote: momiji manju, you don't have a stadium? I always figured you did.

Hah, nope. Never have. Saving up by yourself is a carp.

Having said that though, the first time using a stadium I came first in the Australian Beyblade comeback competition. =P I then did not use a stadium until the next tournament, and won that as well. I guess my beyspirit conquers everything.

RE: Metal Face - souless1234 - Jul. 26, 2010

Um, spartan..i didn't understand all of that. Can you edit in a tl;dr or something. Anyways it doesn't seem like the MF had a huge influence..therefore when in battle the stamina beys, with MF, won't be getting pushed around as easily; thus standing a better chance... amirite?

RE: Metal Face - Pimpju - Jul. 26, 2010

This still hasn't been tested enough.

I observed that, despite the inaccuracies in my results, that when the beyblade without MF began to wobble it retained it's balance much better as opposed to the beyblade with MF which tipped over and floor scraped until it lost all spin quite soon after it began to wobble.

This leads me to believe that, even if the rate at which the RPM depletes, the beyblade without the MF will spin longer.

RE: Metal Face - Cpt. Squirrel - Jul. 26, 2010

Argh stamina testing is looooooooooong.

I'll do it on later today.

MF Flame Bull (DF)145B vs. Flame Bull (DF)145B (track depends on on which one I can be bothered to use).

I might do Earth (mold 1) Bull (DF)145B vs. Earth (mold 2) Bull (DF)145B too. Mc Frown, you want me to post the earth results here?

RE: Metal Face - Diamond - Jul. 26, 2010

Some test results:

-MFB Attack Type BeyStadium
-Beylauncher with Suspension on LauncherGrip
-Full power launch, horizontal to the center of the Stadium.

MF Burn Bull DF145D
1. 3'43
2. 3'52
3. 4'10
4. 3'47
5. 4'07

Burn Bull DF145D
1. 4'51
2. 4'36
3. 4'29
4. 4'44
5. 4'54

Hopefully, these tests will bring up some discussion.

EDIT: Mixed some numbers around. It's fixed now.

RE: Metal Face - Cpt. Squirrel - Jul. 26, 2010

MF Flame Bull DF145B - Flame Bull DF145B
9 - 10
1 Draw

RE: Metal Face - Mc Frown - Jul. 26, 2010

So it's similar to DF145 VS. 145.
I'd take the added benefits of a MF personally.

Except Diamond's results, they're quite close.

RE: Metal Face - Cpt. Squirrel - Jul. 26, 2010

Yeah, I don't really understand how Diamond's solo spin times were so different yet they perform similarly in a battle... it genuinely was a carp-for-tat type affair in my testing.
If it's a pure stamina battle, I'd still personally use one without a metal face.

RE: Metal Face - Kai-V - Jul. 27, 2010

For me, it does not make sense that a Metal Face would help stamina ...

RE: Metal Face - Mc Frown - Jul. 27, 2010

It doesn't seem to hinder it though.

RE: Metal Face - TheLVJ - Jul. 27, 2010

Guys, it's apparent that the Metal Faces affect B and D bottoms differently. The MF hinders D bottoms and has little effect on B bottoms.

RE: Metal Face - Cpt. Squirrel - Jul. 27, 2010

If mint SDs were used, from the tests I've done, why would it seem that it would act differently? The conditions would be exactly the same, except for the fact that SD is used...