World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.

Full Version: Which should i buy? Brave or World?
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i would say world mainly cuz infinite Achilles broke my brave
I think that this one really just matters in what your going to use it for brave is a just having fun and world is more competitive
(May. 18, 2021  12:24 PM)jsw71719 Wrote: [ -> ]I think that this one really just matters in what your going to use it for  brave is a just having fun and world is more competitive

Brave has 2A though.
(May. 18, 2021  1:16 PM)g2_ Wrote: [ -> ]
(May. 18, 2021  12:24 PM)jsw71719 Wrote: [ -> ]I think that this one really just matters in what your going to use it for  brave is a just having fun and world is more competitive

Brave has 2A though.

Lol good point I didnt even think of that although if we are talking about the whole thing world but yes 2A itself is very competitive with temptest and some other combos
When brave is awakened, it will also clap master.
(May. 18, 2021  3:51 PM)JCE_13 Wrote: [ -> ]When brave is awakened, it will also clap master.
Are you talking about Brave or Evolution'?
(May. 18, 2021  5:09 PM)g2_ Wrote: [ -> ]
(May. 18, 2021  3:51 PM)JCE_13 Wrote: [ -> ]When brave is awakened, it will also clap master.
Are you talking about Brave or Evolution'?

(May. 18, 2021  5:14 PM)JCE_13 Wrote: [ -> ]
(May. 18, 2021  5:09 PM)g2_ Wrote: [ -> ]Are you talking about Brave or Evolution'?


Some Master combos can beat it easily, Brave is bad opposite spin. The rubber decreases the recoil.
(May. 18, 2021  5:21 PM)g2_ Wrote: [ -> ]
(May. 18, 2021  5:14 PM)JCE_13 Wrote: [ -> ]Evolution'.

Some Master combos can beat it easily, Brave is bad opposite spin. The rubber decreases the recoil.

Agreed, but also likewise.
brave imo. world is about to get outclassed anyways, and brave is just fun to play with. world is all competitive except for unite (2B is the second heaviest chassis and it doesn't scrape, spriggan is good, and world is good for spin equalization) but DB's coming in full swing, so you're probably going to want it for tourneys in the next two months, and that's it. brave is slightly worse, but ev' is better than unite'(the only part you can switch out with db) and its sooooo fun to battle with against literally any beyblade, especially powerhouses like rage. world is good, but its boring, and both are gonna get outclassed anyways, so you might as well go with the one that will bring the most excitement, cuz beyblade is a game, and games are about fun.

quik edittttt: again, world is better, brave is worse in almost all aspects but the driver, and 2A and 2B are good at different things so its sorta hard to compare
i think you should buy world 2b is good and world is good and spigin chip is good
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