World Beyblade Organization

Full Version: B-180 Booster Dynamite Belial.Nx.Vn-2
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New Booster for a new series, slated to release in April 2021.


(Mar. 14, 2021  4:02 PM)JoMario67 Wrote: [ -> ]New official Dynamite Belial Pictures:
[Image: 4904810173670_200972a1608141619f56aa37abae5e88.jpg]
[Image: 4904810173670_7f3148b583c041b0aacd5f4b55c665e4.jpg]
[Image: 4904810173670_77f1beca52984f398164d71c9b3036e0.jpg]

(Mar. 15, 2021  4:17 AM)Needforspeed Wrote: [ -> ][Image: image0.jpg]
[Image: image0.jpg]
[Image: image0.jpg]
[Image: image0.jpg]
[Image: image0.jpg]

Beilal parts
Unlocking this product thread, as confirmed information is now available for this.

Friendly reminder that scans are not to be shared for piracy/copyright reasons. Wait for official images online in a few days.
Am I allowed to speculate the contents?
(Mar. 14, 2021  1:02 AM)[[ NØBØDY ]] Wrote: [ -> ]Am I allowed to speculate the contents?

In the speculation thread? Of course you can!
VN-2 isn't entirely reliable. Whether it's Vn + or - 2 depends on whether it's in High or Low Mode respectively. How should we type this system out when just referring to the full beys stock, and not a specific combo for testing?
Just saw some images and Vn looks like a plastic Flat tip and also the driver has some red parts idk if it's a rubber or not  it so it's kinda like Unite
For reference (not the leak btw only a drawing that somewhat resembles it a bit)
evil Valkyrie go brrrrrrrrrrrrr
This bey looks great from a top view but side view is just weird. Dynamite looks a bit thin (compared to the rest of the bey at least) which worries me, and Vn looks like if you replaced the POM ball on Friction with a normal Accel tip then gave then changed the driver design. Oh and I hate how huge it is (same size as hyperion burn in limit break mode apparently).
Overall this is a damn nice looking bey (from a top view), but the parts do kinda worry me. Will pick it up.
(Mar. 14, 2021  1:24 AM)NoNotYou Wrote: [ -> ]This bey looks great from a top view but side view is just weird. Dynamite looks a bit thin (compared to the rest of the bey at least) which worries me, and Vn looks like if you replaced the POM ball on Friction with a normal Accel tip then gave then changed the driver design. Oh and I hate how huge it is (same size as hyperion burn in limit break mode apparently).
Overall this is a damn nice looking bey (from a top view), but the parts do kinda worry me. Will pick it up.

at least it’s not as thin as the contact patch of the jet ring😬

but you’re right, thin beys just look weird
Is the name Belial taken from Baal/Bael?
Hopefully this thing has good burst resistance.
(Mar. 14, 2021  8:39 AM)Shido-kun Wrote: [ -> ]Is the name Belial taken from Baal/Bael?

Yes. Sadly it signifies the Devil
This Corocoro did not appear the parts. Just the Armour

Belial, A demon of lies with a angel appearance, appear with a fire Chariot.

And of course, like Bael, he appeared in the 72 demon gods of Solomon King, and is in number 68, which is a king. Bael is the first one.
(Mar. 14, 2021  10:23 AM)[[ NØBØDY ]] Wrote: [ -> ]
(Mar. 14, 2021  8:39 AM)Shido-kun Wrote: [ -> ]Is the name Belial taken from Baal/Bael?

Yes. Sadly it signifies the Devil

It doesn't!

It's clearly a reference to the cult-classic movie, Basket Case. Duhhh

Hope it starts off in a basket before its Avatar Attack.
New official Dynamite Belial Pictures:
[Image: 4904810173670_200972a1608141619f56aa37abae5e88.jpg]
[Image: 4904810173670_7f3148b583c041b0aacd5f4b55c665e4.jpg]
[Image: 4904810173670_77f1beca52984f398164d71c9b3036e0.jpg]
Dynamite beilal looks amazing
Insanely good looking. Loved Sparking's boxes, but I like the style of these even more. Everything looks so fresh!

And with tons of stickers, too. Haha.
The new bey is looking good. Just wondering, do we know the new part system for the new season?
Honestly I like the new box. It looks a lot like those simple but effective old style Takara tomy brand boxes.
Like I said in the Rb thread
this new box design that looks like god layer boxes looks nice
and I still dont get the Vn thing
are the tips divided in 2 and the Vn is like, the part of the springs and the # is the part of the gimmick?
(like tracks and tips on metal fight)
My prediction on the Vn driver is that it's sorta like RDF as a Burst driver.
Lol Gachi 2 but actually looks like it’s good 😩, take my money Takara tomy
Anyone else getting winning Valkyrie vibes from this?
Yeah a little bit, if there were more green I would get black Dranzer vibes
looks amazing!
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