World Beyblade Organization

Full Version: Flameleone2300 YouTube Channel.
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Hey everyone hope all is well. I am a blader and trying to get my YouTube channel back together. So far not alot of people aren't watching my videos but my Instagram is starting to blow up. With your help (the ones who read this) we can make my channel big. It will be awesome if you guys can subscribe to my channel and follow me on Instagram. I do beyblade reviews/unboxings, beyblade battles, battle request/customization battles,  and more. I have passion for beyblade and will continue to make my collection bigger and bigger. Please help me to achieve this goal and if you want to see my collection, you can find it on my Instagram post or is there a way to put pictures here. Thank you for those who read this whole thing and let bladers unite. 


Do not advertise your channels out of the Your Creations subforum.
(Apr. 19, 2020  6:49 PM)DeceasedCrab Wrote: [ -> ]Do not advertise your channels out of the Your Creations subforum.
There is a form for that? Sorry i haven't used this in a long time so don't know better