World Beyblade Organization

Full Version: BEYBLADE BURST: Drive (CHAPTER 1)
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This is my Beyblade Burst story set in an alternate universe where there are new Beyblades, called Drive Beys. Drive Beyblades can go into Drive Mode, where their main attributes go into extreme. An attack Beyblade will be powered up to max. A defense Beyblade would almost be indestructible. A stamina Beyblade would spin for what would seem like forever. A balance Beyblade would be powered up in every attribute, except it wouldn't be powered up as much as the others. This Drive Mode is activated by the Attack/Defense/Stamina/Balance Drive (a part attached to the Layer and attached to the Disk) unlocking the Drive Base (a part of the new Drive Beys' Layer that is locked in place by the Attack/Defense/Stamina/Balance Drive and can be unlocked by detaching the Drive from the Drive Base). The Drives can have gimmicks, and also should have names, because they count as parts. I will post a new chapter every Thursday at least 5:30 p.m. or later EDT (Eastern Daylight Time), and if I don't, on Friday, I'll post an explanation why. Also, on every chapter (and this thread), you can give me custom characters, including their name, personality, gender, and appearance (you can also attach pictures). Out of the five first replies with custom characters, I'll choose a character to put in my story. You can also put your own custom Drive Beyblade, along with its type, Special Moves (max. 3), gimmicks/abilities (max. 4), name, and parts. I will post your description on the thread. This is the main character's description:

Chikara Riōne
Chikara is 12 years old, and rarely talks to anybody outside of battle. During a battle, Chikara is very confident, but when he is losing, he is silent. He started Beyblading when he saw the World Champion Light Hikari and his Bey Black Lotus go into Drive Mode on TV. When he activates an ability or uses a Special Move, his eyes glow red. He has red hair, pale skin, dark green eyes, and wears a black coat on top of a white t-shirt, black jeans, and red sneakers with back highlights. 

hC.L.GL.Sp (LAYER: Hybrid Chimera, BALANCE DRIVE: Lion, DISK: Goat, FRAME: Leap, DRIVER: Serpent)
Hybrid Chimera is a left spin balance type Beyblade, and has one gimmick in each of its parts except the Disk, Goat. 
"Round Chimera:The Layer has wings similar to the wings of the Valkyrie/Valtryek line that can retract if hit hard enough, which makes it much rounder, and more defensive. 
"Lion Drive:" The Balance Drive is partly made of metal, and when it releases the Drive Base its metal pieces align with the wings on the Layer, making Chimera hit harder.
"Drain Counter:" Goat is already quite a wide Disk, but with the rubber spring loaded Leap Frame, it's as wide as the layer! Chimera can steal spin with Leap, and also bounces back attacking Beyblades.
"Snake Metamorphosis:" The Serpent Driver is a thin green rubber flat but there is a wheel above the tip that can be pushed down during or before a battle that can make it more round, and more defensive.
"Round Drive:" This move is used when "Lion Drive" is activated after "Round Chimera" has been activated.
"Serpent Counter:" This move is used when "Snake Metamorphosis" has been activated and "Drain Counter" has also been activated.
"Fire Fang Shoot:" While the Serpent Driver is in Attack Mode and Hybrid Chimera activates "Drain Counter" and "Lion Drive." 

- ChikaraRiōne 

CHAPTER 1 - "Blader's Drive"

Everyday was a perfectly normal day for Chikara. He'd wake up, he'd go to school, he'd go home. But today wasn't a normal day. Chikara was walking home, when he heard a voice from nearby.
"You. You're... Chikara. Chikara Rione, no?" It said. He stopped for a moment, but Chikara didn't give an answer. He continued on his way, because he was used to people talking to him, but he didn't answer.
"I asked you a question. Now answer!" The voice shouted. Chikara spoke up.
"Listen pal, I don't care who you are. Leave me alone!" He shouted.
"So you don't wanna become stronger? I've seen you Blade! I know you have a Drive Bey!" The voice yelled. Then, Chikara stopped again.
"What's it to you? Are you trying to challenge me?" Chikara said, turning around. Chikara saw who the voice was. It was the World Champion, Light Hikari.
"Maybe. But I'm telling you now, I won't go easy on you." Light said. Chikara held his Bey. Could they win? They had to try. An opponent this good was what they were hoping for.
"Fine. Follow me." Chikara said. Light chuckled. They went off to a nearby park and found a Beystadium, and they got ready to battle. It was time to go all in.
"3! 2! 1! Go... Shoot!" They both shouted, launching their Beyblades. Light's Bey, Black Lotus, is a very heavy flower-shaped defense type.
"Let's go! Hit it! Chimera!" Chikara shouted. Hybrid Chimera, Chikara's Bey, sped up and hit Black Lotus. This attack barely fazed Lotus, and released Lotus's Drive Base!
"Oh no! This won't do me any good! Snake Metamorphosis!" Chikara said. Chimera moved towards the center and knocked Lotus out of the way! 
"Black Lotus, into Drive Mode! Black Petal Dance!" Light shouted. From the middle of the stadium, Black Lotus began moving in a flower pattern, bashing Hybrid Chimera over and over again! After 3 hits, Chimera was slowing down. After the fourth hit, BOOM! Black Lotus had won the match with a Burst Finish. Chikara was silent. Light chuckled.
"I love crushing Beys like yours." Chikara was furious. He'd never lost this quickly, this bad before. Light. I'll get you one day. Count your days! 
You should make two beyblades that resemble Longinus and fafnir and than switch there spin two right instead of left

also a beyblade in a flower shape named deadly lotus with the ability to have spring load on each petal and the ability to switch spin during battle special moves could me remix it hits the opponent hard enough that it switches their spin and makes them slow
the disc cold be like polish but edgier and called jigsaw and the driver called the lying driver the character could wear a hood have black hair and be emo he would be a bad gay that breaks the protagonists friends beys driving the protagonist to use all his energy to win
Thanks LeftKerbius, I'll definitely do it!
(Apr. 15, 2020  11:25 PM)ChikaraRiōne Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks LeftKerbius, I'll definitely do it!

thank you a lot that makes me feel awesome