Hey there, I am starting out with a new series, please don't take any of my previous series in this account, this is a completely fresh start. This is set an year post the Beyblade Burst Sparking. The characters of the series are
· Asashi Minjiro – Hyper Atlas Groove Fist XA and Mighty Atlas Fist’ XZ
· Hiro Shingari – War Hawk Flight Spear XB
· Ayumi Minjiro – Royal Athena Fleur Tiara XA
· Izumi Takeshi – Ninja Ifritor Pin Shift XD
· Lee Kozuna – Fang Leonis Hunt Bearing’ XC
· Valt Aoi – Saviour Valkyrie Boost Power’ X1
· Dr. Sinatra – Lethal Sin Current
· Free De La Hoya – Crux Fafnir Harbour Rise’ XF
· Lui Shirosagi – Thunder Longinus Plasma Zodiac XL
· Shu Kurenai – Fiery Spriggan Demolish Axe XS
· Xander Shakadera – Sensei Xcalibur Kick Pierce XM
· Zac The Sunrise – Cosmos Zeus Oak Celestial
· Paburo Shinata – Riptide Poseidon Aqua Trident XO
· Diran Kurayami – End Doomsday Shatter XX
· Kimura Chang – Wave Kraken Gill XT
· Kabuki Chang – Tide Kraken Gill XT
· Aiga Akaba – Shield Achilles Compact Xpo XD
· Drum Koryu – Flash Dragon Sting Charge’ XD
· Delta Akane – Speed Diabolos Prince Horn XE
· Gwyn Reynolds – Asterisk Genesis Outer Hybrid Metal
Note: The Hybrid Metal is not an electric driver
Let me tell you about the RAPID System. It contains the following parts
The Chip : You all know what a chip is, I don't need to elaborate on that I guess
The Base : Again, you know what this is.
The Stabilizer : You must have noticed the capital initials in front of every bey. A stabilizer is basically like a chassis and a fusion wheel of the metal saga, it's made of heavier plastic or metal and add on weight to the bey. It also contains the CORE. The core is attached to the stabilizer and attaches in the centre of the chip
And then come the disk and driver
PLOT : Follow the journey of the 13 year olds Asashi, Hiro and Ayumi as they travel around the world to be the best with the brandly new discovered RAPID beys. Unknown to them, in the other part of the world, the location of a destructive bey has been found, which is considered to be one of the strongest. The journey is not only personal now, but to stop a madman,the head of the company BeyTech from using that bey's energy to takeover WBBA.
Episode 1 coming out tomorrow on Good Friday, stay updated, promo will come out soon.
Oh no. Bearing’. This’ll be fun.
Some beys like Sin, Zeus and Genesis don't have a stabilizer
(Apr. 09, 2020 2:40 PM)CheetoBlader Wrote: [ -> ]Oh no. Bearing’. This’ll be fun.
Sure it will.
(Apr. 09, 2020 2:40 PM)CheetoBlader Wrote: [ -> ]Oh no. Bearing’. This’ll be fun.
To be true, I was kinda inspired when you started writing your stories.
(Apr. 09, 2020 2:47 PM)Aadi Lui Wrote: [ -> ]Some beys like Sin, Zeus and Genesis don't have a stabilizer
(Apr. 09, 2020 2:40 PM)CheetoBlader Wrote: [ -> ]Oh no. Bearing’. This’ll be fun.
Sure it will.
(Apr. 09, 2020 2:40 PM)CheetoBlader Wrote: [ -> ]Oh no. Bearing’. This’ll be fun.
To be true, I was kinda inspired when you started writing your stories.
Why though?
(Apr. 09, 2020 2:56 PM)CheetoBlader Wrote: [ -> ] (Apr. 09, 2020 2:47 PM)Aadi Lui Wrote: [ -> ]Some beys like Sin, Zeus and Genesis don't have a stabilizer
Sure it will.
To be true, I was kinda inspired when you started writing your stories.
Why though?
I never knew this website could sustain fan fics. Your story was the first one I went through.
Asashi: What in the name of Burst is that?
Hiro : That, people is the future of Beyblade, that's a rapid bey
*Asashi stares at the bey with saliva popping out of his mouth*
GO SHOOT!!! War Hawk and Judgement Valkyrie clash in the ring and Hiro calls for a move.
*Asashi is in his workshop and building something*
3...2...1... GO SHOOT!!!
Episode 1 – The New Generation
Beyblade Burst RAPID Intro Song
Hanami : Welcome ladies and gentlemen today is the battle of the best of the world, in the red corner is Valt Aoi and his bey Saviour Valkyrie and in the blue corner is the best blader ever and World Champion... Asashi Minjiro and his bey Hyper Atlas.
Valt: *rubbing his nose and giggling* It’s an honour to face the best blader ever. The one who defeated Aiga, Drum, Free, Lui and Shu
Asashi giggles.
Asashi: You ready to lose?
The crowd cheers loudly, singing Asashi’s names in a chorus.
Valt: You’ll never be a blader, you’re just a mechanic.
The scene fades away and Asashi opens his eyes to find his sister Ayumi shouting his name to wake him up. Asashi gets up.
Ayumi: You forgot, we were invited to the Shingari Mansion today.
Asashi: Right, I will get dressed up and then we’ll walk up to there.
Ayumi: Walk!! We are half an hour late.
Asashi: What!!
Asashi wears his shoes and in his night dress runs down with Ayumi to Shingari Mansion. Asashi’s friend Hiro Shingari had invited him for some reason.
When they got there, they saw a lot of news reporters there. Asashi went back to the gate and checked the house name, checking if he had entered the right house. The Shingari family was a very silent one but rich and never wanted fame. But seeing the reporters Asashi was surprised. He and Ayumi managed to penetrate through the group of reporters and saw Hiro and his bey mechanic and Asashi’s colleague Sumo. Behind Hiro was a box of glass.
In the box was a bey, a rather unusual one.
Reporter: Mr. Shingari, last night, in the Battledome we saw Valt Aoi using such a bey, did you make this after being inspired by him?
Hiro: Absolutely not. Valt and I are good mates, we talked about generating a new gimmick for beyblades and he made it around at the same time. This bey, War Hawk and Saviour Valkyrie are basically the prodigies of our minds.
Asashi remembered last night’s match, where Valt destroyed 18 opponents with Saviour Valkyrie. And it appeared in his dream as well.
Soon, the reporters left and it was just Asashi, Hiro, Ayumi and Sumo.
Asashi: So you never told me about this project, I could have helped Sumo make it.
Hiro: Thought a surprise would have been better.
Ayumi: *Showing her Judgement Valkyrie towards Hiro* You want to test it out?
Hiro: Sure!!!
Asashi looked at the glass container with his saliva popping out and he was going absolutely nuts.
Hiro and Ayumi reached the stadium with Asashi as the referee.
Asashi: Ready, set!!
Ayumi and Hiro: 3...2...1... Let It RIP!!!
War Hawk and Valkyrie collided immediately with Valkyrie being set back and Hawk taking the centre.
Ayumi: Judgement Valkyrie, now!! Absorb Trick!
Valkyrie rushed towards Hawk and Hiro smirked.
Hiro: *grinning* Deadly Spear!!!
The Spear driver of Hawk settled down, reducing its height. Spear moved full out and touched the rim of the stadium and came down to the centre, exposing the XB stabilizer with the War base and sent Valkyrie flying bursting it.
Ayumi and Asashi: *gasping* Impossible.
Asashi was stunned; Ayumi was one of the best bladers he had seen. Ayumi was shell-shocked she picked her Judgement Valkyrie and congratulated Hiro.
Hiro: This is the new generation everybody. It’s time to be RAPID.
Asashi and Ayumi leave the Shingari Mansion, bidding goodbyes to Hiro and Sumo. Scene switches to Asashi sleeping, he’s sweating while sleeping. He’s watching a dream. A figure walks up to him.
Atlas: I am Atlas, Asashi. I see your aspirations, you want to become more than just a beymechanic, you want to do more than just watching from the sidelines. I am what you desire Asashi. Together, you and I will be number 1.
Asashi wakes up, it’s 2 am. He walks to his beylab.
Asashi: *murmuring to himself* It can’t be. For the past few days I am dreaming of being a blader, even when I don’t have the skills.
Ayumi: Having trouble sleeping?
Asashi: What are you doing here?
Ayumi: Saw you wake up and came here.
Asashi explained the whole thing to Ayumi.
Ayumi: Looks like you want to be more than just a mechanic, then. You are probably made for beyblading, brother, not from watching the sidelines. You need to create what you saw, if he says you are made for blading then probably you are.
Asashi nods and gets to work, thinking about Atlas, RAPID beys and the vision he saw.
It’s morning. Ayumi slept on the sofa.
Asashi: It’s done!!! Hyper Atlas is here.
The Spear driver settles down reducing the height, making it go full rage, it hits the stadium rim, making the War base and exposing the XB stablilizer for a maximum hit.
Beyblade Burst RAPID Episode 2 Preview: The God of Power, Hyper Atlas!!!
Asashi and Ayumi are in their beycentre.
Ayumi: Today onwards, I will be your beyblade trainer. Let's start your training.
Asashi is doing push-ups and chin-ups. Scene shifts to the beyblade stadium.
Asashi: Are you sure I am ready?
Ayumi: Yeah, let's go.
Together: 3...2..1. LET IT RIP!!!
Release Date: 14 April 2020
I am open to some character suggestions as well
Episode 1: The New Generation
Episode 2: The God of Power, Hyper Atlas
Episode 3: Epic battle, War Hawk
Episode 4: The Greek Heiress, Royal Athena
Episode 5: The Journey to the Top
Episode 6: Shadow Hunters, Fang Leonis
Episode 7: Battle Begins
Episode 8: Return of the Deathly Deathscyther
Episode 9: The Prince of Fire, Fiery Spriggan
Episode 10: The American Beyblade Championship
New Characters
Daigo Kurogami - Reaper Deathscyther Skull Wrath XD
Vevei Virena - Wing Vulture Claw Revolve' XV
Any suggestions for characters?
Update: Episode 2 will come out in about 3 hours
Episode 2 : The God of Power! Hyper Atlas!
Asashi and Ayumi are in the beylab
Ayumi: Show me, show me
Asashi: Ok, ok here you go
Ayumi looked at and was fascinated.
Ayumi: *her eyes glaring* It's beautiful, so I take it the idea was taken by Hiro's RAPID bey.
Asashi: You can say that. Well, now that I have made it, I can go to sleep.
Asashi gets up from the chair and is walking towards the door when Ayumi blocks him
Ayumi: Absolutely not! You have to train now and work together with Atlas, Atlas may be strong, but you need to be skilled to use it at it's top potential.
Asashi: *sighs* Alright.
Scene shifts to the Winners' beycenter. The club contained of Hiro, Asashi, Ayumi and Sumo. There are 3 beystadiums. Asashi and Ayumi take the center one.
Ayumi: Today onwards, I will be your beyblade trainer, let's begin your training. Go out and run 10 laps of the town.
Asashi: *surprised* 10!!! Are you crazy?
Ayumi: If you want to be good, then you can do 10. Well, as far as I know, the best bladers do about 50.
Asashi runs the laps and comes back.
Ayumi: 50 push ups
Asashi does the push ups simultaneously with the scene.
Ayumi: 25 chin ups
Asashi does the chin ups simultaneously with the scene.
Ayumi: *whistles* Asashi Minjiro, your training has progressed 5% today. It's time for launching Hyper Atlas
Asashi takes the beystadium and pulling out the launcher and Atlas, takes a different stance. His legs are wide open and his body weight tilted towards the front.
Ayumi: *thinking* That's an awkward stance. Let' see how he does, on that basis I will correct him.
Asashi: 3...2..1. LET IT RIP!!
Hyper Atlas lands perfectly in the stadium and is balanced. The Fist driver of Atlas is accelerating very fast and touches the rim of the stadium but soon due to the lack of mastery, Atlas eliminates itself from the stadium.
Ayumi: It was good for an amateur, by the time we complete the training, you will master Hyper Atlas completely.
Asashi: Let' s go then.
The training days are repeated and Asashi starts to improve on strength, stamina, focus and connection with his bey.
Ayumi: Final day of training, today all you have to do is connect with your bey and try to understand it and let the energy flow through.
Asashi: *takes a deep breath* Ok.
Fog takes up the scene, background is all black. A figure is approaching, it is Atlas. Asashi is also present there.
Asashi: We meet again, you said we will succeed together.
Atlas: Asashi Minjiro, I didn't choose you because you were greatly skilled and strong and a great beyblader. But because you're a great human, you know when to stand up and fight but more importantly you know to never give up. Asashi, we will succeed.
Scene shifts, Asashi is back and opens his eyes. He is gleaming with a light blue aura. His eyes turn blue and is hands glow up.
Asashi: I saw him.
Ayumi: *gasping* That aura, it was awesome. Well, I knew Atlas was right. Gods never lie, y'know. Atlas is the greek god of strength, some superstitions also say that if he tells something to you in a dream, it's true.
Door opens, Hiro and Sumo come in.
Hiro: What are you guys doing here?
Ayumi: Asashi made a new bey, I was just...
Hiro: New bey? You are taking up blading.
Asashi: Yes, it might sound crazy but Atlas came in my dreams and said that I was destined to be a blader, the strongest one.
Hiro: You had that dream as well? Hawk appeared in my dream and said that I was destined to be the strongest blader as well.
Asashi: How can it be? You sure about it?
Hiro: Yeah. You know what, I have an idea. Let's battle, the winner will be the destined strongest blader and chosen one.
Ayumi: Let's go
Hiro walks up to the blue corner while Asashi takes the red.
Asashi: You sure, I am ready?
Ayumi: Yeah, come on let's go.
Asashi and Hiro take the stadium and take the stances.
Sumo: Ready, set!
Asashi and Hiro: 3...2..1. LET IT RIP!!!
Episode 3 PREVIEW: Atlas and Hawk land in the stadium, with Hawk taking the centre while Atlas keeps running around it.
Hiro: HAWK!! Deadly Spear!
Sumo: And the winner is-
A dream is being shown, it's Ayumi this time. Athena approaches her in the dream.
3...2..1 LET IT RIP!
Any suggestions for characters?
Episode 3 release date - 15 April 2020
Any character suggestions
Character: Rachel Opiac
Character Description: Doesn't like closed places, tries to keep to herself and talks to herself a lot. Actually very nice when you get to know her, usually carries a book around.
Beyblade: Generation Rhea Convert Cell
Cell Description: A driver that has rubber on the bottom that is slants to the side in battle, forcing it to make contact with the ring of metal above the rubber part of the tip.
(Apr. 14, 2020 2:13 PM)FreeFafnir64 Wrote: [ -> ]Character: Rachel Opiac
Character Description: Doesn't like closed places, tries to keep to herself and talks to herself a lot. Actually very nice when you get to know her, usually carries a book around.
Beyblade: Generation Rhea Convert Cell
Cell Description: A driver that has rubber on the bottom that is slants to the side in battle, forcing it to make contact with the ring of metal above the rubber part of the tip.
Noted, thanks a lot for reading, hope you've liked it so far.
Oh yeah, I definitely have. It's awesome!
Beyblade Burst RAPID
Episode 3: Epic Battle! War Hawk!
Asashi and Hiro: 3...2..1. LET IT RIP!!!
Atlas and Hawk land in the stadium, completely balanced and at the same time. Hawk, a stamina type takes the center while Atlas, an attack type revolves around the rim of the stadium.
Asashi: ATLAS! Hit him with your full force.
Atlas obeyed his blader and rushed in to Hawk, landing blows to him in a flower like pattern. 1,2,3,5,10.. Blows go on but Hawk refuses to budge.
Asashi: Atlas, now! Ultimate Barrage Blow!
Atlas, after landing a blow on Hawk, continues with the flower pattern but this time moves faster. As it rushes forward, it hits the stadium edge and then rebounds at full force and approaches Hawk.
Hiro: *smiles and whispers to himself* I will let you get you away with it.
Atlas strikes Hawk with full force and Hawk is eliminated from the stadium and flies past Hiro.
Asashi: *excited* YES!
Sumo: Asashi and Hyper Atlas, Ring Out Finish 1 pt.
Hiro: *smirks* That was good for a new comer.
Ayumi: Go, Asashi. You can do this.
Both Bladers take stance.
Sumo: Ready,set!
Both Bladers: 3...2..1. LET IT RIP!!!
It is like a situation from the previous match. Hawk takes the center while Atlas is on the attack, though a bit closer to Hawk this time.
Asashi: Alright, Atlas, c'mon. Now, rush on him. The Barrage now.
Atlas performs the flower pattern and hits Hawk with the blows. Atlas keeps hitting him several times. Atlas, moves in for another time and hits Hawk with a mighty force, giving him a click.
Asashi: Now, Ultimate Barrage Blow!
Hiro: *seeing Hawk click* Not so soon, my friend. HAWK! Laxo Rotation!
Atlas hits Hawk with maximum power but Hawk reverses it with Laxo Rotation. Hawk has no effect of the attack as the layer of Hawk is now free spinning and has no harm at all and moreover, Atlas's flower pattern has stopped.
Hiro: Dude, you have no idea what is possible.
Ayumi: Asashi, you need to recover from that.
Asashi closes his eye and thinks of Atlas and all the things he has been doing these past days. His and Atlas's aura eventually gleams up and his eyes and hands flame up with his aura.
Asashi: We are not yet done! ATLAS!!! Power Blast!
Hiro: Power Blast?
The tip on the Fist driver is pushed in and the sword blades on the Atlas layer appear. Atlas, now is going full rogue. And heads towards Hawk.
Hiro: NO! Hawk, now, Deadly Spear.
Saying so, Hiro's and Hawk's aura lights up, it's orange in color. The Spear driver pushes in and it goes on the wild as well. Both are about to clash.
Both bladers: GO!!!
The clash is epic, creating sparks. Both the beys fly up in the air past their bladers, but one bursts in midair.
Sumo: *eyes popping out* And the winner of this battle is... Hiro Shingari and War Hawk.
Asashi: Atlas bursted?!?!
He kneels and shakes his head. He looks up and sees Hiro shaking his hand.
Hiro: You have a big way to Asashi, but your bey is absolutely powerful. Well played.
Saying so, he and Sumo walk away. Ayumi approaches him and congratulate him.
*another dream*
Athena: Ayumi, I am Athena, the heiress of Greece. Ayumi, you are terrific in everything you do. You are made for success. Together, we will win the championship and become the best blader ever.
Ayumi wakes up and wakes Asashi up.
Ayumi: Asashi, I need your help.
EPISODE 4 PREVIEW: Ayumi is in the beylab creating Royal Athena. We see a glimpse of Royal Athena.
Ayumi: Come on, let's find some competition.
Asashi: Where?
Ayumi: Beigoma, obviously.
Asashi and Ayumi are in the stadium and ready to battle each other.
3...2..1. LET IT RIP!!!
Note: In the preview for Ep 4 where Asashi and Ayumi are battling, it's before they go looking for Beigoma.
Episode 4 COMING OUT TODAY!!! 11:30 AM GMT
Episode 4: The Greek Heiress, Royal Athena!
*it's midnight, Ayumi wakes up and heads over to Asashi*
Ayumi: Asashi, I need your help
Asashi: *with dim eyes and yawning* W-h-a-t?
Ayumi: I saw the dream
Asashi: Dream, what dream?
Ayumi: The dream you and Hiro saw.
Asashi: What!?!? It might just be a coincidence.
Ayumi: It seemed very real.
Asashi: *sigh* So you want me to make you an Atlas, but Atlas is mine.
Ayumi: Not Atlas. ATHENA!
Asashi: Where do you come with this name?
Ayumi: Duh, you're so foolish, Athena is a greek goddess.
Asashi: Oh! So you want me to make that?
Ayumi: YES!
Asashi: Ok!
*several hours pass by, Asashi and Ayumi are working on the Layer, disc and driver and stabilizer.
Ayumi: Well, it's done.
Asashi: You wanna test it out.
Ayumi: Sure!
*both take it to the stadium*
Asashi: Master vs student! Let'see who wins. First to two points.
Ayumi: Let's go!
*both pull out their launchers and Atlas and Athena*
Together: 3...2..1 LET IT RIP!
Asashi: Go Atlas! Let's finish this fast.
Atlas hits the stadium with the disk touching ground. It takes up the flower pattern.
Asashi: Barrage Time!
Atlas takes the flower pattern and hits Athena on and on again. Atlas goes for another blow.
Ayumi: *smiles* Not this time. Athena, Wisdom Counter!
The stabilizer shifts it weight from the center to the right side. Atlas approaches Athena, only for Athena to tilt down and block the attack. The blow is absolutely lethal. Atlas flies past Asashi and hits the ground while Athena is spinning in the center like nothing happened.
Ayumi: Why to finish it so fast?
Asashi: Because I wanted to go and sleep.
*both chuckle and take the positions*
Together: 3...2..1. LET IT RIP!
Athena takes the center again and surprisingly Atlas is not on a full attack.
Ayumi: *thinking* Why go for a weak launch? Anyways, this is the time I need to show off my full potential.
Asashi: *murmuring to himself* She's forgetting the fact that I am a master strategist. Slow launch because I want to see her best out, which she will probably do.
Ayumi: ATHENA!! Finish things up now, The Last Weapon!!
Athena, briskly moves from the center and the layer moves down, the core also moves upwards, exposing the head of the tiara driver from the middle of the stabilizer.
Asashi: *grins and his aura flames up* ATLAS! Power Blast!
Ayumi: Power Blast, are you crazy, Atlas is so wobbly, it might stop spinnng.
The point on Fist driver gets pushed and the swords pop out. The wobbly nature, tilts it to one side. Atlas heads towards Athena with one side tilted. Atlas using the swords, bursts Athena.
Ayumi: *gasps* NO!
Asashi: I won! You forgot that I was a master tactician.
Ayumi: Why didn't you use some strategy against Hiro?
Asashi: Because I didn't know Hawk as much as I knew Athena and also because I forgot myself that I am a master tactician.
*both chuckle*
Ayumi: C'mon let's find some competition.
Asashi: Where?
Ayumi: Beigoma Academy, obviously.
*both siblings head out to Beigoma Academy. Scene changes and they are standing in front of Beigoma, they kick open the door. There are hundreds of bladers there, but one catches the eye of Asashi.*
Ayumi: You know her?
Asashi: Yeah, she's Rachel Opiac from my class. She's very weird. Always reading wherever she goes. She reads in Physical Education and doesn't talk to anyone. Look now, still reading.
*Rachel is reading a book, sitting on a bench*
Announcer: Rachel and Kinshiro. Please step up.
Asashi: Looks like she's about to battle.
*Rachel walks up the stage, her hair was red. She was beautiful in her own way*
Referee: Ready, set!
AyumI: Wait, why has she not taken her bey out?
Referee and Kinshiro: 3...2..1. LET IT RIP!
*Rachel pulls out her bey and throws it into the stadium. Ayumi pulls out her tab and analyzes the bey*
Ayumi: It's Generation Rhea Convert Cell XR. It's a RAPID bey, but how? And it's right spin. From the layer to driver to stabilizer everything is rubber! Now i get it she didn't use the launcher because it can steal spin.
Rhea lands in the stadium with almost zero spin but as Kinshiro's bey hits it, Kinshiro's bey bursts.
Asashi and Ayumi: *surprised* Whoa!
The scene changes to Rachel seeing Asashi and walks out the door, without talking to anyone and she wasn't even celebrating. Everyone stares on.
EPISODE 5 Preview:
Ayumi: She is super strong, I wanna challenge her.
*scene changes*
Rachel: Well, You are different than the others, Asashi. You understand me well.
Asashi: I challenge you!
Ayumi: No, me first!
Asashi: Me!
*scene changes to a stadium*
Asashi and Rachel : 3...2..1. LET IT RIP!
EPISODE 5 Release Date: 21 April 2020, 11:30 AM GMT
Any more character suggestions?
New Character: Pander Xeroy
Bey: Kill Punisher Strum Murder
Traits: Pander was brought up by the assassins.
Any suggestions for characters?
Sorry guys no ep today. A bit busy with assignments, will try to drop the episode on Thursday or Friday, will give an update soon