(Apr. 05, 2020 1:31 AM)GreenK9148 Wrote: [ -> ] (Apr. 04, 2020 10:58 PM)heroalexander05 Wrote: [ -> ]i ment for it to be blank so people can write what they think makes a good story
chapter 1 is out
Zac woke up in a foggy city. He could not see anyone but he heard voices of many people. He decided to investigate and when he got closer he started to hear a new sound, the sound of something he loved, beyblades. When he turned a corner he saw people huddled around a giant stadium with many beyblades attacking a single different beyblade. Suddenly, one of the beyblades uppercutted the lone beyblade, tossing it into the air. Then as it came down three other beyblade came toward its energy layer and smashed into it. The beyblade then hit the wall and smashed into 9 different pieces. The parts then started shining and flew in opposite directions, one going toward the beyblade that knocked the broken beyblade in the air, and one going toward Zac's beyblade. The pieces then hit the two beyblades at the same time and Zac was blinded from a bright flash and then suddenly everything went dark.
Did Zac ever launch his beyblade? Because it says “and one going toward Zac’s beyblade”. It never mentioned that he launched his beyblade.
Edit: this is an interesting story.
no Zac did not it went toward Zac's beyblade which was still in his pocket.
chapter 2 is now out
Zac woke up on the floor. He seemed to have fallen off his bed while he was sleeping. He looked at his beyblade that was next to him on his desk. It looked a little different somehow but he did not know what changed. He then looked at the clock and saw that it was already second period at school. He then proceeded to get everything done at once which ended up in him taking longer than if he had done everything the usual way.
When he finally got to school he was greeted by a bad sight, the worst bully in the school. His name was Gin and his bey was prime xcalius. But Zac had faced Gin in many battles and had only lost once. But today something was a little different, Gin seemed way more confident than normal. As soon as he saw Zac he ran over to him and asked for a battle. Zac accepted, still not knowing what was different, and instantly lost with a burst finish.
Zac was so surprised because he finally saw what was different with xcalius. Instead of just one sword, it had two swords on each side like the former champions, aiga's beyblade, cho-z achilles. And when Gin showed him xcalius, he saw it had two modes, one with swords that deflect the opponents attacks, and one where the blades were out more to slice through opponents beys bursting them with brutal strength. Zac was so into xcalius he forgot about class but Gin told him that it was still summer and he had a whole month to go before school started. Then suddenly Zac’s bey, master pegasus, started glowing and then a bright light filled the arena. When the light finally disappeared, they saw a new beyblade.
Somewhere else in the world there were 9 other occurrences like the one Zac and Gin witnessed. One of them besides Zac was Gin. One of them had an evil aura to it and every bey that faced it was instantly burst and destroyed. 6 others were scattered around the world and awakened as they battled.
chapter 3 is now out
After Zac put his bey master pegasus together he challenged Gin to another battle. Gin accepted and after one hit a shockwave sent both kids flying and all the school windows shattered. When they got up they saw both beys had burst. Zac told Gin that he should join the summer beyclub. Gin agreed but Zac had to beat him in a battle first. Zac told him that they should deal with the police before battling again because he heard police cars coming closer to the school.
When the police got there they asked what happened and Zac told them about the beyblades causing the shockwave. The police needed proof so Zac and Gin decided to battle again. This time an even more powerful shockwave cracked the school wall and resulted in another double burst. They had to make a compromise with the police to not battle near any buildings. Zac was just thankful to not have his beyblade taken away.
They then heard a giant boom right before the school came crashing down. They then saw a masked person with a beyblade spinning where the school used to be. He then picked up the beyblade from its energy layer but it did not burst. He told Zac and Gin his name and his beys name. He was damion and his beyblade was death apocalypse. He said that it was a left spinning beyblade that is superior to related beys like prime apocalypse and big bang genesis because it was a bey that cant be burst without pushing in its blade and it is a left spinning beyblade. Zac asked a really dumb question to see if damions beyblade had evolved or not and he said it had not. Suddenly a bright light came from death apocalypse and when it cleared it had the big bang armor on it. Then damion told Gin and Zac to launch there beys and that they were going to battle
chapter 4 is now out
Zac and Gin got their launchers out but before they could launch their beys the police stepped in and told the guy he was under arrest for purposely destroying property. The guy told the police to remember his name and face so if they ever saw him again to run and hide, and then Damion launched his beyblade and a huge shockwave made the police fly far away. But before they got blown away one launched their beyblade at death apocalypse, but when it hit it instantly shattered.
After the police were out of sight Damion picked up his beyblade and smiled, then told Zac and Gin to launch their beys. But before they did Damion changed something on his bey and then they all launched their beys into the arena. Both master pegasus and prime xcalius tried attacking with all their power but it just made death apocalypse spin faster. Then Damion called out his special move, death bullet, and starting moving super fast right toward master pegasus. Then right before death apocalypse hit master pegasus prime xcalius blocked death apocalypse’s attack but in the process flew against the wall and shot in the air. Then Damion used his special move again on prime xcalius and shot right toward the energy layer of xcalius, hitting it in the direct center. Prime xcalius then shot out of the arena and flew towards Gins face, but right before it hit Gin prime xcalius broke in half, just missing Gins face. But Gin felt a much bigger pain than getting hit by the beyblade.
Suddenly a huge burst of energy came from Zac and master pegasus and the tip on master pegasus moved, just like genesis regalia’s tip, and slammed into death apocalypse, sending it flying toward a sharp piece of concrete from the school. As soon as it hit the concrete it burst but still did not break. Then Zac sent master pegasus into the air and used his special move, master blade, and flew right next to death apocalypse and when the big cloud of dust cleared the was a giant hole at least 20 feet deep and 15 feet wide. Zac told Damion that if he ever heard of him in town again he would break death apocalypse.
Damion was so shocked he grabbed his beyblade and ran away. Then Zac fainted and Gin carried him back to Zac’s house and went back to his own house, asking himself if he would ever have another bey battle. Somewhere a few towns over Damion was reporting to his master. His master applauded him for becoming so strong when he was originally the lowest rank of the gang before that battle. Then Damion’s master stood up and asked damion to bring him to the town where Zac was. In the moonlight a bey could be seen in Damions master's hand, blast luinor.