World Beyblade Organization

Full Version: Randomly Selected Beyblade Tournament
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Hey everyone! This will be a 16 person tournament where each competitor will pick a number from 1-16 and will be randomly given one of my main combos that correspond with the given number. This tournament is obviously inspired by the tournament hosted by Mr Pallazzo which I thought was really cool and creative. This tournament will begin as soon as we have 16 entries, and will be single elimination, with the competitors randomly organized into a Challonge Bracket. Good Luck and have fun!

Numbers Available:


snoc: Prime Apocalypse 00C Xtend Plus
BuilderRob: Cosmo Valkrie Hybrid Gen
BeyZoid Corrupt: Lord Spriggan 0W Bearing
BloodyPhoenix: Judgment Diabolos Blitz Quick Dash
GreenK9148: Perfect Phoenix 00C Xtend Plus

Good Luck and Have Fun!
3 pls. my lucky number
I will take 9 please.
1 Lets do this.
(Mar. 27, 2020  11:37 PM)snoc Wrote: [ -> ]3 pls. my lucky number

(Mar. 27, 2020  11:37 PM)BuilderROB Wrote: [ -> ]I will take 9 please.

You two are both added!

(Mar. 27, 2020  11:41 PM)BeyZoid Corrupt Wrote: [ -> ]1 Lets do this.

You have been added as well!
I'll do 7 please. My lucky number
(Mar. 27, 2020  11:50 PM)BloodyPhoenix Wrote: [ -> ]I'll do 7 please. My lucky number

Just added you!
Can I please have 8?
(Mar. 28, 2020  12:00 AM)GreenK9148 Wrote: [ -> ]Can I please have 8?

Sure thing!