World Beyblade Organization

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what if pokemon adventures was beyblade? idk but I'll try to do it here. so each bey has a avatar and in certain special zones (in various locations ex:beystadium or forest) beys spin freely. if you battle and beat the bey you have a chance to bond with the avatar. if you are succesful you can use that bey and work with it to beat other bladers. each bey has different types, and have special powers relating to that type.

episodes will release on Monday Wednesday and Friday starting today!

the episode thread:
beyblade rivals but with traveling???
(Mar. 27, 2020  3:56 PM)N12N12 Wrote: [ -> ]beyblade rivals but with traveling??
not really, just wait and see

episode thread
the thread for my story. talk about it in the link above.

Chapter 1: Start of a Journey
*a bey is spinning* kid 1: come back here! I'm gonna take you and keep you as my bey! ????:*laughs*That's not how you get your own bey. ????: First you have to launch your own bey then beat the other one! then you can bond with the bey and use it! ????: see! GO SHOOT! get em Valkyrie! *Valkyrie hits it around a few times* ????: now get burst it! *Valkyrie slams into it making you burst it* *???? picks up the bey* ????: Now I can use it and bond with it! kid 2: Awesome! kid 3: how are you so good at beyblade Valt? *what's beyblade? they're spinning tops that inhabit their zones on this world! each one has their own spirit connected to it. pretty cool right? I don't know how many beys or bladers there are, but I'm gonna beat em all and get as many beys as possible!* kid 2: hey Valt! you know about Professor Hagane? Valt: you mean the guy at the towns edge? kid 4: people say he's a bey expert? Valt: I don't really know who he is, but I can teach you everything you need to now about beys! bye now! kids: see ya Valt! *Valt bumps into a black clothed man* man: Watch it you little worm! Valt: who is he? there are more people there, and they all have beys! *Valt follows them around a bit* man: Split up! we have to get the phantom bey! Valt: phantom bey? *the men run off* Valt: I don't really know what it is, lets beat it Valkyrie! *in the forest* Valt: good, I don't see the people. now to find the phantom bey! *Valt finds a clearing* Valt: what is- oh no! another blader beat me to it! ???: GO SHOOT! Spriggan, attack! *the phantom bey counter attacks with a mysterious force* Valt: woah, what a amazing battle! and that bey, its not losing stamina at all! I've never seen anything like it before! ???: That's enough Spriggan. stop fighting. *Spriggan goes next to the bladers foot and stops spinning* *the blader picks is up* Valt: hey why'd you stop fighting? you could've beat it! *the blader ignores him* Valt: alright, then we'll have to beat it! GO SHOOT! give em your rush launch Valkyrie! *Valkyrie goes in for the attack but the bey counter attacks and knocks him out in one shot, then spins away* Valt: Valkyrie!!! *Valt rushes over to his bey* Shu: didn't you see while I was battling? I could tell it was way stronger then me so I stopped. Don't try to go beyond your power. you're only beating yourself at that point. Don't forget that. *the blader walks away* Valt: how....did we lose that easily............ *the men come to the clearing as well* man: hey! its that worm again! man: don't worry about him. find that bey! *they run off* *later during the day* Valt: so this is that Hagane guys place. I've always stayed away from here, cause I thought I was already strong. but I guess if I wanna get good, I have to see this guy. *rings doorbell*
Sounds nice, looking forward to it
Same here šŸ˜Š
Chapter 1 has released
Nice man! Keep up the effort!
You don't need 2 threads for this. If you want your "episode thread" to remain untouched by anyone but you, then host it off the site. You get One thread for this, pick one. I'm merging the other one into this one.

I see we need to have a sort of fanfiction cull or reorganization around here.
there was only a couple ppl here and I just started, but my time just seems to keep slipping away. I love the concept alot but I sadly dont have enough time to manga all my fanfictions so this one has to go Unhappy there might be a chance I comeback to it, prob not. so consider this a semi permanent hiatus
(Mar. 29, 2020  6:31 PM)snoc Wrote: [ -> ]there was only a couple ppl here and I just started, but my time just seems to keep slipping away. I love the concept alot but I sadly dont have enough time to manga all my fanfictions so this one has to go Unhappy there might be a chance I comeback to it, prob not. so consider this a semi permanent hiatus

ok Unhappy
(Mar. 29, 2020  6:46 PM)BeyZoidĀ Corrupt Wrote: [ -> ]
(Mar. 29, 2020  6:31 PM)snoc Wrote: [ -> ]there was only a couple ppl here and I just started, but my time just seems to keep slipping away. I love the concept alot but I sadly dont have enough time to manga all my fanfictions so this one has to go Unhappy there might be a chance I comeback to it, prob not. so consider this a semi permanent hiatus

ok Unhappy

sad days. Legends Arise is still going tho. I updated its chapter schedule, so check that out if u haven't already I guess.