World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.

Full Version: Beytuber promoting bootlegs (random rant)
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For the past couple of weeks a certain beytuber pops up once again in my recommendation tab on YouTube.
I don't mind checking out channels I don't know but this was already a channel I disliked.
The personalities behind the camera are just awful, not to mention the disgusting nails one of em is sporting always makes me feel rather nauseous.
And as I was cleaning out the recommendation tab - this is something I do out of boredom sometimes. I click on the 3 dots next to a vid, click uninterested, etc. 
This doesn't do anything at all because the same stuff pops up constantly even if you've watched and disliked it anyway.
It's just a minor feeling of hope that I get, that someday it'll actually do something and improve my recommendation feed.
Hopefully bringing me more interested channels that have been under the radar - I accidentally clicked on a video instead.
This guy has been quite actively promoting bootleg beys.
Saying they're not that bad, getting better, if you don't have a lot of money buy these instead and so on and so forth.
I'm not even gonna lie here but I would totally understand this if it was for something that is way overpriced but not for something that is on its own fairly cheap.
If you can't buy a 20 dollar top, you should probably rethink your lifestyle because something, somewhere isn't right XD

I know that a big company like TT (and even Hasbro) probably won't feel this at all. There are still plenty people out there buying the legit items as well as obviously other product lines that they have under their name(s) but it does get a bit more dangerous when a decent sized channel starts promoting bootlegs, especially in the way that they do it.

I don't want to call these people out or anything but I feel like it might be rather obvious.
Please do NOT harass them for their choices. I just want people to understand that supporting bootleg (companies) can be quite hurtful towards the official producers and can cause item lines to be put on hold or cease their production entirely.
Then again, as an open minded person, if these products were excessively overpriced with bootlegs being made that are equal or better in quality than the officials, it might be a (kind of shady) way to show that you're not "okay" with the products. 
But given the item in question, beyblade, this is far from it. 

I just really need to get this off my chest.
If it's not okay for posts like this to be made on here, feel free to completely remove this.
And who are these YouTubers?
While I understand that it's frustrating to see fakes being promoted, especially given that it could hurt the official ones sales and potential safety issues with them, I feel like this thread might potentially start something so I'll close this for that reason. Thank you.