(Apr. 16, 2019 11:19 PM)Dt20000 Wrote: [ -> ]I thought you would keep us updated
So so so sorry, I had just left WBO for a couple of months.
Beyblade Burst Masters
It was a pretty quiet winter, all you could see was empty roads and calmness in the nature of snow, but at one place the enthusiasm was at top level. Far off, in a Beypark, two bladers are seen battling each other. The one with the longer hair knocks the opponent's bey out.
"No improvement in you yet. You know what, I feel you are a disgrace to me as a friend. All you expect me to do is to cover your back. I have had enough of you. I will say it on your face, you are probably the worst blader, I have ever met. It's been 12 months since we are training but nothing from you." says the one with the longer hair, Lee Kozuna.
Lee is the state champion and has headlined the national finals for two years in a row. He was the first one in Japan to create a Hatsu (new gen) beyblade. He owns Fang Leonis 16 Bearing'. Ever since he created a hatsu bey for himself, Drake, his friend and his rival, wants to create one too. Lee leaves the beypark and smirks at Drake.
"Am I really a loser ? Do I have no place in this bey world ?" Drake questioned himself. He glanced at his Hazard Amaterios and found it to broken. "Damn, I will go to Hutoshi. He will fix it." He said to himself.
Drake Takeshi ran back to his brother, Hutoshi Takeshi. Hutoshi owned a beystore. "Bro, I need a repair. Right now." Drake told Hutoshi about Lee and asked him to repair his bey.
"Nope, not happening."
"What for?"
"You are not battling with that piece of carp. I made you something." Hutoshi showed him something. It was a new bey. A freakin' Hatsu bey. Drake could recall some parts, it was of Ace Dragon.
Drake went back to recall his memories. He could see Drum standing in front of him. Drum slowly extends his hands and lends Drake, his Dragon bey. He says," I have got enough, it is your turn to shine."
"Earth to Drake." Drake comes out of the past. "This is Flash Dragonix 15Groove Fist. "
"WHOAAA ! Such beautiful." Drake responded.
Someone came through the door. (Spoiler Alert :NOT VALT) It was Drake's friend, Romaro Kiyama. Yes, another Kiyama. He walked in and bragged about the jacket he is wearing which is pretty similar to Rantaro's. He owned Demon Ragnaruk 13Vortex Lamp.
"Seriously, rumour says you got a Hatsu bey. Because mine has a lot of giranium in it than yours. How 'bout we test your garbage and probably once again, I will beat you." Romaro said.
"Looks like I will have to bring you back to the real world. Challenge accepted."
Both Drake and Romaro took their positions, it was a two point match.
"3,2,1 Let It Rip." They both yelled in chorus. Dragonix went round in circles while Ragnaruk was performing the rush launch. Every hit was missing out by a centimeter. It seemed as if it was all upon the stamina right now. Dragonix had the advantage here as it had both attack and stamina while Ragnaruk was already running low on stamina.
"Huh, so you did get better, but don't worry. RAGNARUK !! Demon Rush." Romaro yelled. Ragnaruk paced towards Dragonix and sent it flying out of the stadium.
"O, is little Drake gonna cry now ? Don't worry I will stuff pizza in your mouth."
Drake grinned.
The second battle began. This time both were going for the inner circle. Dragonix gave the first hit, right into the corner. Ragnaruk came rushing towards the corner towards Dragonix but missed. Drake was trying his best. Drake started to bond with Dragonix and went to another world.
Drake could see Dragonix in front of him. "Come on, buddy. I know we can win this. He is just exaggerating his powers." He said and came back to the battle. And after giving some brutal hits,
"Go Dragonix, Special Move, 'Born Lethal'." Dragonix moved in a linear pattern and all of a sudden, Dragonix spun to the left and gave Ragnaruk a brutal hit which sent it out of the stadium
"NOOOO WAY !! How did you do that ?" Romaro was awestruck. Hutoshi came over to praise Drake and all of a sudden, a 16 year old boy emerged from the main gate.
"Ha ya. This a world level player, Valt Aoi. I needed some repair." Valt entered the beystore fancying his orange jacket. " My King Valkyrie 17Bump Evolution' just got a bit chipped."
Drake's eyes were about to pop out, he was seeing his idol, he ran over and fell right into his feet. He stood up and said, " You'll get it repaired only if you battle me."
"And me." Romaro added.
Valt looked at them in surprise and nodded his head while Drake and Romaro celebrated in joy.
PREVIEW FOR EPISODE 2 - Romaro battles Valt and after that battle Drake battles Valt. Drake goes to his school and finds someone at his beyclub looking for an opponent with a Hatsu bey and Drake agrees to battle him.
Edit - Drake's special move is not Born Lethal, it is Double Spin Destruction.
Episode 2 - Release date - 14/08/19 Tomorrow.