World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.

Full Version: An Apple Scam webpage?
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Found it by clicking the 1st episode of Chouzetsu on and pressing play. Wasn’t hard to reinitiate and delete. What do you guys think of this? Should I not be using Is my iPad in the middle of a virus problem?[img]webkit-fake-urlUncertain/c79fb2e9-ecbd-40be-b1e7-2f95c39ca5cc/imagepng[/img]

Now wait a minute. Why is the image not working?

Going to edit mode reopens the picture.

(Oct. 29, 2018  12:25 PM)IronFace879 Wrote: [ -> ]Found it by clicking the 1st episode of Chouzetsu on and pressing play. Wasn’t hard to reinitiate and delete. What do you guys think of this? Should I not be using Is my iPad in the middle of a virus problem?[img]webkit-fake-urlUncertain/c79fb2e9-ecbd-40be-b1e7-2f95c39ca5cc/imagepng[/img]

Now wait a minute. Why is the image not working?

Going to edit mode reopens the picture.

So will this work? If not, okay then.

(Oct. 29, 2018  12:25 PM)IronFace879 Wrote: [ -> ]Found it by clicking the 1st episode of Chouzetsu on and pressing play. Wasn’t hard to reinitiate and delete. What do you guys think of this? Should I not be using Is my iPad in the middle of a virus problem?[img]webkit-fake-urlUncertain/c79fb2e9-ecbd-40be-b1e7-2f95c39ca5cc/imagepng[/img]

Now wait a minute. Why is the image not working?

Going to edit mode reopens the picture.

(Oct. 29, 2018  12:25 PM)IronFace879 Wrote: [ -> ]Found it by clicking the 1st episode of Chouzetsu on and pressing play. Wasn’t hard to reinitiate and delete. What do you guys think of this? Should I not be using Is my iPad in the middle of a virus problem?[img]webkit-fake-urlUncertain/c79fb2e9-ecbd-40be-b1e7-2f95c39ca5cc/imagepng[/img]

Now wait a minute. Why is the image not working?

Going to edit mode reopens the picture.

So will this work? If not, okay then.

Still trying to figure this out.

[img]webkit-fake-urlUncertain/10a6577d-3f0d-4571-a260-56976b7b457c/imagepng[/img]Is this good enough?
(Oct. 29, 2018  12:25 PM)IronFace879 Wrote: [ -> ]Found it by clicking the 1st episode of Chouzetsu on and pressing play. Wasn’t hard to reinitiate and delete. What do you guys think of this? Should I not be using Is my iPad in the middle of a virus problem?[img]webkit-fake-urlUncertain/c79fb2e9-ecbd-40be-b1e7-2f95c39ca5cc/imagepng[/img]

Now wait a minute. Why is the image not working?

Going to edit mode reopens the picture.

(Oct. 29, 2018  12:25 PM)IronFace879 Wrote: [ -> ]Found it by clicking the 1st episode of Chouzetsu on and pressing play. Wasn’t hard to reinitiate and delete. What do you guys think of this? Should I not be using Is my iPad in the middle of a virus problem?[img]webkit-fake-urlUncertain/c79fb2e9-ecbd-40be-b1e7-2f95c39ca5cc/imagepng[/img]

Now wait a minute. Why is the image not working?

Going to edit mode reopens the picture.

So will this work? If not, okay then.

(Oct. 29, 2018  12:25 PM)IronFace879 Wrote: [ -> ]Found it by clicking the 1st episode of Chouzetsu on and pressing play. Wasn’t hard to reinitiate and delete. What do you guys think of this? Should I not be using Is my iPad in the middle of a virus problem?[img]webkit-fake-urlUncertain/c79fb2e9-ecbd-40be-b1e7-2f95c39ca5cc/imagepng[/img]

Now wait a minute. Why is the image not working?

Going to edit mode reopens the picture.

So will this work? If not, okay then.

Still trying to figure this out.

[img]webkit-fake-urlUncertain/10a6577d-3f0d-4571-a260-56976b7b457c/imagepng[/img]Is this good enough?

I can’t see the pic, but a lot of those websites end up attempting to use phishing to steal info
If using Windows PC, use ublock origin (latest version) and all the ads will be blocked. If you have versions before that, kissanime will block you for a day.

You shouldn't use kissanime anymore to begin with because they can mine your computer for bitcoins.

Use 9anime. Avoid kiss at all costs.
(Oct. 30, 2018  4:20 AM)DranzerX13 Wrote: [ -> ]If using Windows PC, use ublock origin (latest version) and all the ads will be blocked. If you have versions before that, kissanime will block you for a day.

You shouldn't use kissanime anymore to begin with because they can mine your computer for bitcoins.

Use 9anime. Avoid kiss at all costs.

To start, I’m currently using an iPad to do all this. AND, it’s a website called (remember the “kick” there). So now what? How do I send a picture without causing it to simply be some link that doesn’t work?
take a screenshot on your ipad. I'm sure there is a way to snap the page.

Nope, didn’t work.


That didn’t work either. So I put it in a quote bubble and pasted the image, pressed post and this is what I get. It did show the image UNTIL I pressed post.
(Oct. 31, 2018  7:19 AM)IronFace879 Wrote: [ -> ][img]webkit-fake-url://80381793-c175-4912-a606-bdd8cbf87f66/imagepng[/img]

Nope, didn’t work.


That didn’t work either. So I put it in a quote bubble and pasted the image, pressed post and this is what I get. It did show the image UNTIL I pressed post.

Go on, post the image, and then hit copy for the ‘Thumbnail for Forums’ link.
[Image: 4-FD5072-C-B110-475-C-9-E1-B-85-F509-C216-A1.jpg]

This might be what you were looking for. Too bad I can’t restrict the image to 1 minute only.

Oh no.
[Image: 3531-D0-DC-3315-47-B9-A38-E-CB9-C5-B0572-D0.jpg]
Or else it’s this one.

This one?
[Image: D238-A7-E6-2-EFF-4-ED2-A44-C-2300-EBDC0-B85.jpg]

Nah never mind.

Anyway, I managed to completely break the cheat system by immediately closing the scam tab the moment I press play on the website, so it should be fine, otherwise just make sure you don’t press play until you get the hang of “speed closing”.
(Oct. 31, 2018  9:44 PM)Dt20000 Wrote: [ -> ]
(Oct. 31, 2018  9:36 PM)IronFace879 Wrote: [ -> ][Image: 4-FD5072-C-B110-475-C-9-E1-B-85-F509-C216-A1.jpg]

This might be what you were looking for. Too bad I can’t restrict the image to 1 minute only.

Oh no.
[Image: 3531-D0-DC-3315-47-B9-A38-E-CB9-C5-B0572-D0.jpg]
Or else it’s this one.

This one?
[Image: D238-A7-E6-2-EFF-4-ED2-A44-C-2300-EBDC0-B85.jpg]

Nah never mind.

Anyway, I managed to completely break the cheat system by immediately closing the scam tab the moment I press play on the website, so it should be fine, otherwise just make sure you don’t press play until you get the hang of “speed closing”.

I think this is the wrong thread
I thought you just click on the picture?
(Oct. 31, 2018  9:46 PM)IronFace879 Wrote: [ -> ]
(Oct. 31, 2018  9:44 PM)Dt20000 Wrote: [ -> ]I think this is the wrong thread
I thought you just click on the picture?

Sorry, made an oopsie
Anyway, what do you think about this?
Kickassanime links tend to randomly be ads if the webpage hasn’t fully loaded yet. And I agree about kissanime, the subs use bad language and last time I checked they were still stuck on ep 17.