World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.

Full Version: Virgo clear wheel
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Hi! So, i bought a metal fusion 2-pack with earth Virgo gb145 bs and evil pisces ed145 wd. Now, i have to focus on Virgo. I weighted it and i was surprised by the result: 3,16 grams. Do you think it's ok to leave Virgo on MF earth mw/GB145/cs for a LTD format defense combo?
Well if you don't have bull it could work.
Anybody knows where i can find some infos bout Virgo? Wikia/pedia only say how it looks, nothing else...

Edit: Forgot about it, i already found everything on Wikia a few weeks ago. Atk 1, def 2, sta 4, wgt 2,80 grms (mine stands way above it, at 3,16 grms. Which means -i think- the cw enjoys an increase in defense). Not bad :)