Jul. 04, 2018 11:26 PM
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Jul. 04, 2018 11:27 PM
(Jul. 04, 2018 11:26 PM)Crumok Wrote: [ -> ]Isn't Bloody Longinus a good counter to WV? Some of the videos I've seen, they seem pretty even.
It is not very good in opposite spin matches
Jul. 04, 2018 11:48 PM
(Jul. 04, 2018 11:26 PM)Crumok Wrote: [ -> ]Isn't Bloody Longinus a good counter to WV? Some of the videos I've seen, they seem pretty even.
Being even isn't exactly called "counter" though. Something that beats a bey veryvconsistently (garentee) is called counter.
For example, like how eF Bearing counters left spin bearing.
It might not be great idea but only option I guess. You can try eF Xtreme against it and hope wV to burst with its own recoil
Jul. 27, 2018 2:40 AM
Hey guys maybe try this combo it beat my winning valkyrie
1.Archer hercules.G.yeilding
1.Archer hercules.G.yeilding
Jul. 27, 2018 2:48 AM
buy hasbro g3, he’ll rage trying to burst you
Jul. 27, 2018 5:04 AM
Basically, for me aH on my golden Revolve from gK seems to do the job for bursting wV and nothing can really stop it
Ive found aH.7C.R to consistantly burst my wV on Vl and Ir. aH shuts down any stationary wV combo I could make with the limited selection of TT drivers, but wV can't touch my aH on R. It seems that the spring in my R is really strong for some reason and aH on it never bursts. Is this a common thing? I know its off topic, but its a question I've had for a bit.
(Jul. 03, 2018 7:28 PM)1234beyblade Wrote: [ -> ]Winning Valkyrie is one of the toughest beys to burst, so winning against it in that method will most likely never happen.
The top tier combos with wV are wV.0B.Br wV.0B.At and wV.7M.Jl
The counters to the stationary wVs are dC.7.R, eF.7B.At, hS.0B.At (only against wV on At)/ Br (against Br and At)
Lastly the most reliable counters to Jolt are eF.7B.At and hS.0B.At (stuff like Revolve, Eternal, and Bearing have a much bigger chance of getting KOed by wV Jl)
I really can't think of anything that can reliably burst wV... but things that come to mind are like cR on Hunter (only against stationary, jolt will delete this bey) and like another wV... but obviously those are just RNG matches and cR is 90% more likely to burst than wV lol.
Lastly to comment on nL, it's definitely good against stationary wV but Jolt deletes nL, so be careful of that. nL usually wins by KO and not by burst too. Not really sure how it would do against a really weak launch wV At/Br though, could be bad for nL but I kinda doubt it would have trouble.
Ive found aH.7C.R to consistantly burst my wV on Vl and Ir. aH shuts down any stationary wV combo I could make with the limited selection of TT drivers, but wV can't touch my aH on R. It seems that the spring in my R is really strong for some reason and aH on it never bursts. Is this a common thing? I know its off topic, but its a question I've had for a bit.
Jul. 27, 2018 9:47 AM
aH hard counters attack types.
Aug. 03, 2018 7:03 PM
Doing some cleanup, bit by bit. Since this thread isn't a testing thread, it doesn't belong in Burst Customizations. I figure Q&A sounds like a better fit, so I have moved it there.
Ranch+Kerbeus, please mark the thread as "Answered" once you feel satisfied with the input.
Ranch+Kerbeus, please mark the thread as "Answered" once you feel satisfied with the input.

Aug. 06, 2018 1:32 AM
Because Volcanic has bad stamina, Weight should be a good fit for it’s relatively high stamina. Your disc should be 7, for it’s weight which increases attack due to more kinetic energy, and stamina due to more moment of inertia. Your Energy Layer should be Legend Spryzen for it being dual spin, and the only god layer system energy layer you have. Being semi-experienced with wV, I know that it is weak to left spin due to having less relative speed, and volcanic runs around the edge of the stadium, and loses stamina before it can get to the center, where your driver gravitates.
Edit: TL;DR: Spryzen, 7, Weight, Left Spin.
Edit: TL;DR: Spryzen, 7, Weight, Left Spin.
Aug. 07, 2018 3:38 PM
(Jun. 23, 2018 1:24 PM)BuilderROB Wrote: [ -> ]Hell salamander might be a good counter. Nightmare Longinus could work too. Drain Fafnir Can spin steal.
Totally. I dont have anything to add but Revive Phoenix. I mean, it's a defense type and it has very good stamina. But better dont use Friction, u need more stamina and mobility against wV. Atomic or Orbit are good parts for it
Aug. 07, 2018 9:42 PM
Drain Fafnir 7 cross survive
Replace survive with weight.
Replace survive with weight.
Aug. 07, 2018 10:31 PM
(Jun. 23, 2018 2:32 PM)ThePheonix Wrote: [ -> ]I think as mentioned by @[leosama], it’s impossible to burst it consistently but to beat it in the WBO, I think hS.4C.Ds should do you good...
It's not impossible. It never was. Even some defense types are able to burst it. Launching wV too strong May cause a Burst for example, same with bloody Longinus, and even when you are still young you won't Realize it that quickly. It's simple, just think of a ca crashing against a "not moving" Wall. So if you dont feel like taking the risk of pure attack, leave doing the mistake to your opponent, give him a reason to use more of his Power than actually necessary. And that's why I would also say, that hS is a good choice, especially because of the defensive barrage Mode. Just use a 50% powered Launch at least and leave the rest to the evil Reptile

(Jul. 04, 2018 11:27 PM)BuilderROB Wrote: [ -> ](Jul. 04, 2018 11:26 PM)Crumok Wrote: [ -> ]Isn't Bloody Longinus a good counter to WV? Some of the videos I've seen, they seem pretty even.
It is not very good in opposite spin matches
Thats right...Unfortunately cause it looks so great and it has such a good attack. But yeah, at least I cant deny it cause I'be already made this sad experience ;(
Aug. 10, 2018 3:26 AM
rP or aH.7B.Et
Aug. 10, 2018 4:40 AM
Try Xeno Xcalibur with Magnum and jaggie or try 0 glave jaggy but honestly experiment with combos but xeno or siege Xcalibur might work and all else fails just use recqieum stock
Aug. 10, 2018 4:53 AM
Hell Salamander is actually bad in stock combo. The 12 disk breaks things and Operate isn't very good. If you're only looking for a conter to Winning Valkyrie, then you can buy it. It's also fun to use the jumping mode. But if you really want a good Bey that will be good for a lot of situations, get Archer Hercules. It's driver, Eternal, is a top tier stamina part. Also, the layer is respectable. Just change the disks around so it has 7, and you're all set
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