World Beyblade Organization

Full Version: Beyblade Burst Super Z Episode #8 (May 21, 2018 JPN / Nov 17, 2018 CAN)
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08) Transformation! Hell Salamander!!
Hengen! Hell Salamander!!
May 21, 2018 (JPN)
November 17, 2018 (Canada)


It's the Longinus Cup preliminaries! The flame dragon from hell swoops in on Aiga!! What is Suoh Goshuin's secret?

Suoh Goshuin is a famous partner of Fubuki's, and is known as the "genius boy" that masterminded Beigoma School Bey Club winning the Nationals. The heir of the famous Ikebana family, he decides to make a Super Z Bey out of a "Dragon Fang", a family heirloom. But as it starts to take shape, the look on Suoh 's face also changes...?!
Yippee! Finally, something about Hell Salamander! But transformation? It's already on the Cho-Z form, what other transformation can you give it?
(May. 09, 2018  2:13 PM)Suhasini Wrote: [ -> ]Yippee! Finally, something about Hell Salamander! But transformation? It's already on the Cho-Z form, what other transformation can you give it?

This is likely refering to hS' mode change, which is advertised in the teaser that's on the phamplate bL comes with.
And the pieces on Hell Salamander is 12. Op.
Watch it live here
The quiet ones are always the scariest...
Link please
(May. 21, 2018  10:37 AM)Alain Ash Wrote: [ -> ]Link please

Don't beg for the link cuz that's kinda spam and is giving no info apart from you asking for the link...
Hey @[ThePheonix], sorry for disturbing you but can I start counting till 600 seconds? Tongue_out_wink
(May. 21, 2018  11:44 AM)Suhasini Wrote: [ -> ]Hey @[ThePheonix], sorry for disturbing you but can I start counting till 600 seconds? Tongue_out_wink

Yup. You can start now. (15% uploaded)
Sorry for the late upload. I had some Wifi Problems that are now resolved...
(May. 21, 2018  1:01 PM)ThePheonix Wrote: [ -> ]Sorry for the late upload. I had some Wifi Problems that are now resolved...

I know the feeling of wifi problems.. I had it yesterday ;-;

Anyways- thank you for the link! <3
Believe or not there is alot of potential in Souu to be up there as blader in the top leagues he seems the best blader in this gen(as in the main leads in this season).I see shades of both Shu and Lui in him who knows he may have fate like them both, one of the best characters in this series

P.S. Aiga and Fubuki fans don't take it very hard on urselves
(May. 21, 2018  1:55 PM)NPN Wrote: [ -> ]Take a look at salalmander
Thanks for the picture NPN! Salamander somehow reminds me of Longinus and Spriggan mixed up together..
(May. 21, 2018  1:57 PM)Suhasini Wrote: [ -> ]
(May. 21, 2018  1:55 PM)NPN Wrote: [ -> ]Take a look at salalmander
Thanks for the picture NPN! Salamander somehow reminds me of Longinus and Spriggan mixed up together..
I felt like it was a mix of wyvron and Longinus Smile
(May. 21, 2018  1:59 PM)NPN Wrote: [ -> ]
(May. 21, 2018  1:57 PM)Suhasini Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks for the picture NPN! Salamander somehow reminds me of Longinus and Spriggan mixed up together..
I felt like it was a mix of wyvron and Longinus :)
Hmm, I mean Longinus is common right? ;). And yeah I can see, wyvron' s colour is also there..  So yes! You are right too!

That was one episode which will give me nightmares for a week, thanks to you Souu!
omg I hope they hype Tokonatsu up only to make him lose in a crushing way haha
also loved that Kerbeus-like music when Suou battled
I won't spoil the episode for anyone who haven't watched it yet,  but lol beyblade sure has a weird fetishism with left rotating bladers once again their always showcase to be supernatural,  first we had lui with that weird flaming hair of his, than free with his super saiyan transformation, than boa bursting out of boulders with bahamut , we had shu being a total badass demon and now Suou who can switch personality by will like his bey it's so funny how the depicted them aside from that I found a blader I like and that's Suou I'm liking his fighting style and personality I wasn't really fan of the others like Fubuki and aiga or ranjiro caudal their basically a copy of valt,  shu and Rantaro but Suou seems different good episode
(May. 21, 2018  2:13 PM)Suhasini Wrote: [ -> ]

Souu's iris reminds me of free just more yellow.
Alright, now that I've motivated myself to watch this episode, here's what I thought of it:

Any1 here got a Suou png of his character? Sorry if im asking a stupid questio
(May. 22, 2018  2:14 AM)NemesisEdits Wrote: [ -> ]Any1 here got a Suou png of his character? Sorry if im asking a stupid questio
Not a stupid question

[Souh on BEAST MODE]
[Image: Suoh_Goshuin.png]
He kinda looks like a scary version of Wakiya.
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