World Beyblade Organization

Full Version: Aqua Poseidous Update!
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Ok, so back in March I think, I made a post about some concept art for a Burst Beyblade that I created called Aqua Poseidous. Well, surprise! I recently sent it to Hasbro! I haven't heard back from them yet, but I'm hoping to get something back soon! I also managed to get a better picture of the concept art(as shown below), so now its at least understandable! I really hope that Hasbro makes this bey! 
[Image: P9fUfBGXLyyYfaA9gbVth_BV6MyQMmicfuncVkN8...Y_Fp3PAvzg]
Edit: Here's link to original post! Aqua Poseidous
try sending this to Takara Tomy to see if they will make it and if they do i would buy it and quick question haw whould the ancor dirver work
You should 3d print this it would be great
(May. 07, 2018  11:04 PM)Teamflare101 Wrote: [ -> ]You should 3d print this it would be great

Dont have 3d printer Uncertain
You should then send it to Takara-Tomy and it could become a super zetsu bey
That is so cool!
(May. 10, 2018  9:09 PM)Teamflare101 Wrote: [ -> ]You should then send it to Takara-Tomy and it could become a super zetsu bey

I'm giving that some thought!

(May. 07, 2018  10:58 PM)beymaster35 Wrote: [ -> ]try sending this to Takara Tomy to see if they will make it and if they do i would buy it and quick question haw whould the ancor dirver work

Kinda like Orbit with a free spinning ball but with metal orb like weight with four prongs pointing diagonally upward, like an anchor, hence the name.
That is cool
Guys, on Thursday last week, I got an email back. Unfortunately, Aqua Poseidous didn't make it through. Unhappy But hey, there's always Takara Tomy!
Nice drawing, man.