World Beyblade Organization

Full Version: (This is part of a new beyblade that should be made y or n) Performance tip: winged
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Performance tip : winged
 Description: spiral shape rubber tip with metal in center this tip has three sides called tamed, controled, and wild. Before battle center metal part is slightly farther out from rubber tip a by bushing in side allows users to lock metal center part to prevent from going in this is known as control. When luanched tup without lock when metal tip makes contact with stadium is pushed in and rubber collides with stadium gives bey boost in power and speed than metal tip come out returning to normal known as tamed. When launched with metal tip and rubber part at equal levels and side piece  is slide for teporary lock when collides with bey metal tip pops out from spring within allowing to rise up bet in jump like motion called wild
Bonus: when you push in metal tip and  it allows and launch allows u to use both metal and rubber at once
(Apr. 09, 2018  11:17 PM)Roddrice Wrote: [ -> ]Performance tip : winged
 Description: spiral shape rubber tip with metal in center this tip has three sides called tamed, controled, and wild. Before battle center metal part is slightly farther out from rubber tip a by bushing in side allows users to lock metal center part to prevent from going in this is known as control. When luanched tup without lock when metal tip makes contact with stadium is pushed in and rubber collides with stadium gives bey boost in power and speed than metal tip come out returning to normal known as tamed. When launched with metal tip and rubber part at equal levels and side piece  is slide for teporary lock when collides with bey metal tip pops out from spring within allowing to rise up bet in jump like motion called wild
Bonus: when you push in metal tip and  it allows and launch allows u to use both metal and rubber at once

Is this real, or a creation you made? I confused ?
Sounds like a creation. Bloody Longinus is rumored to have an LRF style Driver but that's all that is now right now, a rumor without even any leaks. Moved to "Your Creations"