World Beyblade Organization

Full Version: FIREFIRE's YT Channel!
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Hey, everyone! I'm FIREFIRE CPB and I'm happy to announce new beginning of my channel!

As you can see I'm finally talking in my video. From now on I will make alot of battle, unboxing and tournament videos. But main thing I would like to tell about my channel will be reviews, competitive talk competitve testing (combo battle), my thoughts, news on Indian Beys, etc

I also going to have a brand new setup:- Oneplus 5T + stand and White Background
Much luck in the continuation of the channel, @[FIREFIRE CPB]! Can't wait to keep an eye on the content you shall be producing. I bet it will be quite informative and interesting.
Best Of Luck @[FIREFIRE CPB]! I have subbed!
Looking forward to more of your videos!
(Mar. 09, 2018  6:40 PM)FIREFIRE CPB Wrote: [ -> ]Hey, everyone! I'm FIREFIRE CPB and I'm happy to announce new beginning of my channel!

As you can see I'm finally talking in my video. From now on I will make alot of battle, unboxing and tournament videos. But main thing I would like to tell about my channel will be reviews, competitive talk competitve testing (combo battle), my thoughts, news on Indian Beys, etc

I also going to have a brand new setup:- Oneplus 5T + stand and White Background

Subbed with 3 accounts.
You are a legend and we cannot ever compete with you, because you will be growing at that instant too.
The only way is if you stop beyblading, AND THAT IS WHAT WE CANNOT LET HAPPEN.
moreover we know you will not do that, lol