World Beyblade Organization

Full Version: Hasbro Beylogger CONFIRMED (Not really)
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I turned my Hasbro Supergrip Launcher into a Beylogger!  Grin Show me some of your creations!
Can you post a pic?
Brainofcthulu I'll see what I can do! ?

Err... how do you upload a pic again?
(Apr. 06, 2018  9:49 PM)iNsaNeN3rd Wrote: [ -> ]Brainofcthulu I'll see what I can do! ?

Err... how do you upload a pic again?

Use something like tinypic and post the link here.
Imgur is one I like to use, as Tinypic likes to delete stuff eventually. I've not seen Imgur do the same...yet.

Pic aside, can you tell us more about what you did? Give a bit of detail? Smile
We blader of badshanagar lucknow, UP don't get much better beyblades .
And there is no tournament for us and other tournament are to far
Alright. Ummm... [img]IMG_20180304_164945[/img]
(Apr. 20, 2018  5:58 PM)iNsaNeN3rd Wrote: [ -> ]Alright. Ummm... [img]IMG_20180304_164945[/img]

Carp, it didn't show up. For me. Anyone else?