World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.

Full Version: March Metal Madness(BST)
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No Bey? No Prob!
Don't have any Beyblades from this series? No problem! We would be happy to lend a Beyblade and launcher to you to use for the duration of the event!

Side Notes
Please be aware of your belongings: We'd advise users to please, please look after your stuff. While yes this is a Beyblade tournament and we're not suggesting that any of us would attempt to take each other's stuff it is still happening at a public venue where other people (who may not be so friendly) are going to be present as well. Of course, if you see a personal belonging lying around bring it up any of the judges so we can return it to the right person. Your co-operation is appreciated!

All players must arrive on-time: If you do not arrive at the scheduled start time, you risk being excluded from the tournament. The software we use to run our events–Challonge–does not allow us to add in extra participants once the tournament has started.

If you know in advance that you will be late, please post in this thread or contact someone at the event and depending on the circumstances we can perhaps still include you if we know you will arrive soon.

All questions for this tournament may be asked in this thread!
Is this for metal fusion or metal masters

(Mar. 03, 2018  4:52 PM)Roborex455 Wrote: [ -> ]
Is this for metal masters or metal fusion
(Mar. 03, 2018  4:52 PM)Roborex455 Wrote: [ -> ]Is this for metal fusion or metal masters

(Mar. 03, 2018  4:52 PM)Roborex455 Wrote: [ -> ]
Is this for metal masters or metal fusion
This burst
It's for burst look at the top of this page
he put metal because chouzetsu comes out in march
(Mar. 04, 2018  10:14 PM)Dark Eye Wrote: [ -> ]It's for burst look at the top of this page

I put metal on because of the new season
(Mar. 05, 2018  4:53 PM)beyblader 5372 Wrote: [ -> ]
(Mar. 04, 2018  10:14 PM)Dark Eye Wrote: [ -> ]It's for burst look at the top of this page

I put metal on because of the new season

ChoZ is unrelated to metal fight. So it’s only Burst. Not to mention during the date of this event, ChoZ would still not be released.
You are holding it outside again? wow.
(Mar. 07, 2018  3:36 PM)AmishRaven Wrote: [ -> ]You are holding it outside again?  wow.

The hotel might be reserved this month? Idk, but the park has always been a nice venue, and the weather's been great lately! Tongue_out

(Mar. 06, 2018  9:18 PM)BladerGx Wrote: [ -> ]
(Mar. 05, 2018  4:53 PM)beyblader 5372 Wrote: [ -> ]I put metal on because of the new season

ChoZ is unrelated to metal fight. So it’s only Burst. Not to mention during the date of this event, ChoZ would still not be released.

Way to be a stick in the mud, lol.
Fingers crossed for good weather... Seems a bit too risky to host outside during the months of Winter. This weekend Virginia is going to have snow in some parts of the state? Not exactly reliable conditions for hosting a tourney is all I'm saying.
Can you do a metal fight tournament sometime soon.
I might move the tournament to be next weekend because of snow
I am going move the tournament to next weekend it's going to snow this weekend
this sounds interesting but sadly no transportation but i do hope to go to one in the near future
Can you use Takaratomy burst beyblades
(Mar. 26, 2018  4:18 PM)Jay90 Wrote: [ -> ]Can you use Takaratomy burst beyblades

Yes you can
Format is burst
(Mar. 27, 2018  5:54 AM)Legend shu Wrote: [ -> ]Format is burst

Yes it's burst
(Mar. 27, 2018  5:54 AM)Legend shu Wrote: [ -> ]Format is burst

We went to snake pit not really tho
Hopefully I can make this one. It’s been a year since my last tournament!

Need me to bring a stadium?

I’ll bring a stadium just in case.
When is the Tournament

March 31 or next week please say March 31

If it is next week I cannot go

Sorry did not read date
(Mar. 28, 2018  10:12 PM)DragoonBlader45 Wrote: [ -> ]When is the Tournament

March 31 or next week please say March 31

If it is next week I cannot go

Sorry did not read date

It March 31
I’m there, which shelter is it at?
I am on my way

Please call me can’t find the Tournament


Where is the brick shelter


On my way please don’t start without me

Please call me someone it is 5713308437

Please call me

I drove really far someone meet me somewhere

Which Brick Shelter

Is the tournament even hay

Is the tournament even happening
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